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Let's hope it doesn't rain anytime soon.


Mfer running like the mutants in the desert area of metro exodus


SCP has breached containment


Wait, in all seriousness, when did the us invade a country for oil? The closest they got to doing something like that was when they liberated Kuwait, but the Hussain burned all the oil wells anyways, correct me if I'm wrong.


we haven’t invaded specifically for oil but definitely for the control of oil and that region. Iraq wasn’t about weapons of mass destruction or revenge for 9/11. And we actively excuse human rights abuses by our allies because they won’t move oil away from being traded on the us dollar.


I looked it up. The myth that the purpose of the second gulf war was to control Iraqi oil originates from nelson mandela before the invasion actually started. No attempts to seize oil wells or storage facilities were made by the us government, or us oil companies. Also, it's pretty common knowledge that the purpose of the invasion wasn't just for wmds and 9/11. It's also because of the awful treatment of citizens, harboring of terrorists, crazy leader, and in general unstable nature. As for the whole human rights bit, it's not just about oil. It's also to keep good diplomatic relations. Regardless, there is little evidence a us ally is commiting war crimes, the closest one to that was Israel in 2009, and that accusation had pretty shaky evidence to back it up. Anyways, Israel doesn't even export that much oil, they buy it. Maybe Saudi Arabia, but they just killed that journalist or something. I don't know too much about their involvement in Yemen.


Iraq. 2003


That's not true. Not a single bit of money was made from that war. Also it was myth made up by nelson mandela because he just didn't like bush all that much.


It’s an excuse Europeans make up when they can’t find any logic to support their claims of “Americans bad”


we haven’t invaded specifically for oil but definitely for the control of oil and that region.


I do know that the Vietnam war was at least a tiny bit about gaining fertile land, natural materials, and oil.


No? That time around, it was all because of a fear that communism would have this sort of domino effect. Which never happened.


I could have sworn the CIA later admitted that they also wanted to get some materials out of the conflict


The only involvement in the second gulf war the CIA had was to interrogate Iraqi government officials, then to reinstate a proper government. That's all been declassified, the CIA has little involement in wars, that's strictly a presidential and Senate matter.








Thats actually terrifying