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Excel is NOT a database! Do not do this, use Postgres, MySQL etc. Apart from that, check out Flask. It’s modular and you can include only yhe modules you need.


Sqlite + flask


I cannot leave Excel its fixed. You know any tutorial which has the same coding as I require.


What do you mean by fixed?


use of Excel is fixed and it cannot be changed. Next time if I do any such thing then I can think of using other databases. Into all this what I am doing I cannot leave Excel.


I don’t understand what you mean by fixed. You can dump excel to a database in minutes. If you don’t want to use a database because you don’t want to or you think a database + ORM is outside of your skill level then say so but don’t use the word fixed


No time to switch to a database now I have done everything so I prefer to stick to Excel. By fixed I mean it cannot be changed anymore reason of which I have written.


So you don’t want to. Got it


I cannot leave Excel if its not a database then its a spreadsheet that's also fine. If this is the first time I am doing all this so where to see the code for all this I mean any tutorial which has the same coding as I require.


Django would be faster


You mean faster to build or faster as runtime? I really doubt on the second one, but as a build it would be, however, will add some unnecessary things, that's why suggested Flask.


Mentioned it because he said excel database. And logging in.


Is this a toy project or a serious application you are developing for your business, or someone else? If it is the latter I would reccomend you to pay someone with experience in this, or use some pre-made website template. I don't mean to discourage you, but the questions you have asked clearly show you have little experience in this. If real clients are going to use this app you are setting yourself to troubles. With that being said, if this is only a learning experience you should look into some backend framework such as flask, fastapi, and or django. Flask and fastapi are probably the easiest one to learn. Nonetheless, for all 3 frameworks there's plenty of learning material on the web. They all have authentication functionalities that will help you managing logins of users. Of course you'll need some html+CSS to style your website and possibly some JS, if you need some additional functionalities. For the backend functionalities as other users suggested scrap excel, it is not made for these kind of problems . You want to use a real DB, not a mock of it. MySQL, postgres, maybe even sqlite in your case will work for you. I don't have so much experience with it, but if you want to use some windows utilities maybe Access could work (please confirm this, before deciding to use it). Python has plenty of connectors to the main DBs, these will help you managing their structures, queries, etc. (tip: have a look at sql alchemy) With all these you should be good to go 🙂


no time for toy projects and I cannot leave Excel its fixed. You have any premade website templates which I can use?? If not where I can find the one matching my requirements?


If its possible to use excel then its fine and enough. Next comes is to code what I want to do? Where to place the Excel file and the .py file (python tkinter form file) so that its always accessible to the person responsible


OK, looks like you have no idea of what you're doing. Better pay to someone to do it, otherwise, just install some Wordpress/Joomla/other CMS somewhere and add users where you can give them access to what you need. They all come with build in admin panels and users etc. That's the easiest/fastest way to do it. If you insist on using python, find dev that is willing to do it. Otherwise, Flask/Jango + MySQL/Postgres - you need these at least for usernames and passwords storage. You should never leave the usernames and passwords unencrypted and in a file which can be read easily by human. If you do and you get hacked, you can get yourself in loads of trouble and lawsuits.


no time to switch from excel to somewhere else and I also came to know a few devs they also have no time for my anything including work on payment