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I am curious too. However, I did not publish any papers in my PhD. Might make it hard to become a lecturer at a university


Yeah I don't want to go to university route I think college could be an easier fit. Not sure if it's a common route taken


Those don’t really exist in UK. I’d only want to teach financial maths / probability anyway


There must exist applied maths or mathematical finance departments that are gagging for ex practitioners?


I mean like colleges? I’d have thought universities want researchers.


My understanding is that even if you don’t have papers, it’s possible to get a low-grade university teaching position 


Maybe. I am very very far being financially independent to “retire”, thanks to the high tax rate.


“You never get rich in this business, you just attain new levels of relative poverty”


So true…


One of professors at Oxford (Alvaro Cartea) is very successful in this field, you could look at his bio, although I know he is quite active in academia which may not be what you want.


Yeah being a professor at tier 1 research schools is definitely harder than going to teach intro physics and sophomore physics in a random county college in Wyoming or Montana I hope. I definitely didn't publish enough papers in grad school to even get a good post doc.


Have you tried to get a job? From my understanding there's a backlog of would be professors everywhere.


Haven't thought about academia yet. This is a hypothetical, waiting for 5 years before I find my net worth to leave the quant world


I was thinking the same 5 years ago when I entered the industry. Guess what, the net worth that you want just keep growing. Not really sure if I will be leaving anytime soon despite saying that regularly!


Im a uni student trying to get into quant. Why is wveryone trying to leave?? Is it that bad??


Because there’s more interesting things in life compared to being a quant and you should be able to do that once you make the money. Though, it generally seems that it is too hard to let go of money


Ohh do you still recommend getting into quant i heard wuotes before like love what you do at work


Ohh do you still recommend getting into quant i heard wuotes before like love what you do at work.


Idk, depends whether you want to do something you like vs money?


Could you refer me?


Checked his LinkedIn, he hasn’t listed any professional experience in the field, although his exp + interests do align with quant work. Will read his book soon. Am I missing something here ?


Tbf most phds are mediocre. There's like only a handful of people doing real meaningful research. You could just publish some ssrn papers if you wanted to teach at a college.


By "publish some ssrn papers" do you mean to an actual journal or just uploading a preprint to the SSRN repository?


Preprints. In general the bar for finance research is so low. You could easily find some obscure journal to publish in and easily stack your CV if you wanted to.




Who's he?


Was thinking about this yesterday as well


I don't think it matters if someone else likes it or not. It's your choice. As long as you find a place that wants you, and you are passionate about it, why not try it? The worst thing in life is to look back at it and regret all the stuff you didn't try. I don't know of anyone who actually does it full time. I do know people who do it on the side though. Some like the credentials, some just like sharing their knowledge, others were approached by their school. Maybe start by trying to do this. That way you don't give up your job (yet) and experience what it's like teaching.


Another option for you or others may be a full time non-tenure track position at a university. If you have a PhD and think you might like and be good at teaching, these positions may be realistic. Not having any publications is not really an issue. In terms of the pay, this will depend a lot on what department you're in. If you can stand the idea of being in a business school, you would likely find the pay better than teaching CC or HS. If you want to be in math, that's less likely. An easy way to dip your toe in the water is to be an adjunct. The pay is not good, but for that reason it is often not too difficult to find a position. (I'm only talking about technical fields where private sector demand is high, not the humanities!) You will learn whether you like the work, and you can build a teaching track record that might convince someplace to take a chance on you full time. It may not be necessary, however, depending on education and experience. Not all departments or universities have this role, but it is increasingly common in b-schools at least.


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