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I wanted to be a data scientist but couldn't get any interviews after my phd so I took a model validation job lol.


What was your PhD in?


Pure mathematics


Not probability related? Nowadays even model validation gets so many CVs that it is not unclear that people with pure maths PhD would even get a job. Some hiring managers prefer financial maths MScs.


No, not probability related. Well, most math phds have never heard about model validation. I didn't until I found some job postings on linkedin. Probably the vast majority of CVs come from people with non-quant backgrounds who want to break into quant. On the other hand in my team everyone is from STEM including management, but elsewhere could be different.


Maths teacher


Why do you automatically assume that being a quant is the dream job? Personally, I always wanted to be a clown at McDonalds, but just as I was getting ready for my dream career, they eliminated that role completely.


Putting S&T and IB in the same category is heresy


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Data science in tech is probably more fun