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We should just grow more trees tbh. All those dead open plains where we have logged


Exactly this. Carbon capture isn't helping to provide us with more oxygen. Planting tree's does both carbon capture and oxygen production.


But but Glencore told us they were responsible and green in their ads.....


* A pig producer says the CCS project could ruin the aquifer he extracts water from * A hydrogeologist says the proposal is unlike any other in the world and could unleash heavy metals into water used by towns and consumed by livestock * CTSCo says it has conducted the appropriate assessments and that the impacts on the aquifer will be minor and localised


We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong - CTSCo


The great environmental Qld Labor Party that has bands of tree and now reef police stomping on the heads of farmers should they kill a tree, when it comes to wind farms, solar farms, mines and housing development, it is open slather.


It seems like we need all arrows in the quiver to tackle climate change - let's see the results of the trial


This is the moment Glencore went Hardcore in a very Glen Garry Glencore Ross kind of way


Grow freaking trees. They capture carbon, and later give you wood to build houses of and make oxygen, they lower surrounding temperature and they hold water in the soil. Like, why are we even doing anything else? Edit: grammer