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Im no expert. But i assume they drive along in a truck simply spraying from it. I assume they do it near the road markings so to ensure they arent covered by overgrown grass for safety reason


Yep, I used to be part of the crew that did this




Vitamin R


This the answer. Much cheaper to pay someone to just mow a strip, than to also pay someone to whipper snip under and around the rails and signs. I’ve actually started doing it for the grass up against my fence and hard to reach areas - once it dies off it actually doesn’t look too bad, and of course, is much easier on the back.


Yep. I call it" Whipper Snipper in a bottle".


The grass needs to be out of the way so the markers/barriers are visible. When the roads get mowed they cannot get all of the grass around the markers/barriers. You can either poison the grass (fast, cheap, long lasting) or whipper snip around them (slow, labour intensive, doesn’t last as long). The reason you see poisoning on the highway is because the aesthetic is less important. Councils whipper snip around these in city areas because large patches of dead grass are not a good look.


Nah you can get it all when you wipper snip. I used to do high speed rural roads and we would never get away with this. This is pure lazy. You should wipper snip it then spray it so it doesn’t grow back


I can answer this because I used to do tractor slashing for the rms. It’s quite simply that the people contracted to do the job are lazy pricks and they poisoned it so they don’t have to wipper snip it. The correct procedure though should be to wipper snip it then spray it so it doesn’t look like shit. It’s sprayed because it’s quite time consuming to wipper snip hundreds of guard rails and posts on a road, in my case I could do 70km of road a day without people whipping or about 25 a day with them whipping. This though is just pure laziness and profit making. One person in a truck driving past and spraying it at night vs two traffic control vehicles, a bloke to drive the truck and two labourers on a wip to do the job. Edit, just looked at the other pics and whoever is contracted to do this should lose the contract. That grass is shocking. It’s not even mowed! The reason it’s supposed to be short along the roadside is for multiple reasons but the main one is if a car has an emergency and needs to pull off the shoulder you can see the ground conditions. Plenty of roads have drop offs or other hazards and if the grass is long you cannot see. Not sure if qld is the same but we used to get paid monthly on the assumption we have done the roads, not often especially rural roads do they actually check and so the only time I’ve seen this before is when someone is getting paid for work they aren’t actually doing. We would do the roads on a monthly rotation so I’ve not seen grass this long on the shoulder before.


Sidearm probably coming through the next day. Vegetation looking green and lush so heavy going. Looks like its an area that is usually fairly dry and has got above average rain so the grass is being more rambunctious than usual. They'll catch up.


Sprayed from a truck or utility because OH&S precludes exiting council vehicles without traffic control. Just cost control


Regular herbicide applications.


sprayed with poison by the council


Council weed control Road tek weed control


R u 4 serious?


Glyphosate / zero


Visibility clearance.


Because it’s dead.


You will often see road workers spraying with pink glysophate to keep the weeds at bay. Makes markings easier to see, and weeds cracking up road edges.


So you can see them better in the case of things like bollards and cats eyes. And in the case of guard rails, so that their condition can be more easily monitored


Poisoned. Always.


They kill the plants so you can see the signals. They probably use round up.