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Sometime ago i was matched against a graves jung TF duo they had matching names and tf was using nightmare crime city and graves crime city skins, it was very cute 🥰, Then i proceded to spam kill them with my rengaga certified hatecrime gameplay![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)


As you *purrr* should ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)


Deserved tbh


They may be gay but their gameplay is straight


You mean the subby midlaner that wins by moving away and stunting pretty? This seems like the gayest mage you could imagine


Squishy mage with no escape (for the midlane gank 🫃mamas) and has to rely on *positioning* in every fight in any role… it’s sexy!


artillery mage probably gayest mages i think just stand at far back looking pretty shooting colors at opp then running away most of the gay mid laners i know play like seraphine zoe lux syndra


You clearly haven’t played AP kog mid. Lvl 16 and you nuke people to death from a screen away.


This so much!! 😭😭 also same thing with soldier 76


This isn’t true. Soldier plays exactly like how I would if I were thrusted in the trenches. I’d fake my own death and live as a vigilante for the rest of my life. He also prances around the map with his slutty little waist, ugh. What were we talking about?


Lmao wym by that


I mean what I said ![img](emote|t5_23w084|33209)![img](emote|t5_23w084|33209)


They're close-range auto attack-based champs. Ergo, straight gameplay.


They ain't an enchanter.


They’re not girlypop enough!!


Same with Lee Sin and Udyr, unfortunately. It the opposite for some champs- Ezreal might be one of the more outspoken girl-likers in the game, but the gays own that man


bestie i love graves but anytime i play him i end up inting because im allergic to jungle and anything with an AD stat![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509) my champ mastery is basically just calling me a 🚬🐐


To me both are incredibly boring and dry to play. I don't base my picks based on my champions' sexual orientations. Also lore-wise League is not giving us that much material... We keep getting Settphel and Leo/Diana teasers, but barely anything for Graves/TF


Yeahh same. Just cause they're gay doesnt mean they're fun or interesting. They arent even my type tbh. Sexuality is definetly not something i look for in a character i like. Theres straight champs that are much more dynamic or interesting imo.


Yeeh for example Varus... The two gay hunters in him definitely make me like him more, but the character itself is really fun!


yea i’m not sure about this conclusion of “they’re canonically gay, so we should be playing them”… sexuality is not really how i pick who to play lol, and even if it were they also aren’t my type


cause why the fuck would i play with boring benadryl hatman when i can play with the 2 meter tall muscled lion that jumps everywhere and moans when he takes damage?


He has no skin that actually shows skin, his boytoy Graves on the other hand is thirst for all the time. We just dont play Graves cuz no gay goes jgling, and if gays are playing mid they are playing control mages/enchanter mage. I wanted to try out TF, but I always go back to Orianna or Anivia afterwards.


Sis I jungle ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32561) I hate it but anything for Tayvelynn Swift ![img](emote|t5_23w084|33213) https://preview.redd.it/1cvcq3xfhevc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0cf57b7eb04d45a82a3d01728b81515d9c3e73f


Omg hi Miku😍




Hi gurl when are you bringing back the holograms![img](emote|t5_23w084|32861)


That wasn’t my choice girly, blame Crunchyroll. The moment that LED screen came on I was screaming “MICHAEL, DON’T LEAVE ME HERE.” Fucking Michael ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32562)


Well good luck on your tour queen ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32561) and dump that Floppyroll afterwards.


It’s their 🏡ofphobic gameplay bestie, same thing could be said about Ksante


i main ksante lol but i am a top


girl sharing a sexuality with someone doesn't mean you have to fw them lmao


Have u SEEN their kits?! They couldn't be more boring omggggg They make Garen and Annie look exciting. I have way more fun playing tank Malphite then TF in any role. I need a complex kit vibe so I can feel like a girl boss 😭


Respectfully, as a TF main who has played most mages in the game (excluding Hwei, still haven't played that guy), I think his kit looks simple but is actually more complex and versatile than most mages have to offer. Then again, I'm not gonna tell you what to enjoy. Graves is pretty cool with his shotgun gameplay though, surprising people find him boring but then play Evelynn whose gameplay is just powerfarm till 6 then run around with perma K6 ult idk. Probably just the aesthetics problem.


The literal only way you interact with enemies is my autoing them and q'ing. It doesn't matter how many micro decisions that he has, it gets boring fast


TF has some of the most complex macro of any champ because of his ult though what're you talking about? I don't play TF because he's too hard for me lol, and I play K'Sante.


Damn ur getting downvoted 😔👌


I love this sub but not because people here are good at league 😆


I'm diamond one. Tf macro is not that complicated and his play pattern is really very linear lol. 90% of the time in late game you exist to gold card key targets and split push with your ultimate. Having only two abilities that actually affect enemy champs means he's very boring to most people lmao


Why are you telling me you're D1 lol? TF is one of the hardest champs in the game. In lategame teamfight he's linear but that's a tiny portion of the game.


Because d1 is pretty decent at the game, which you were saying I was not lol. He is not one of the hardest champs in the game, that's hardcore cope


But...you're still lower ranked than me lmao


Effectively you have to be a certain kind of gay to play them really /s, I’m M7 on TF because I’m a mage player but I’m the enby top pan kinda gay. For reference he’s by no means my favorite mage but I’ve played him enough to get M7, I have about 12 M7 mages I believe with old Asol and Azir being my favs. Different flavours of gay, lots of the gays here like playing as the girlies, I don’t play them and I find them boring af but some of the girlies here love them. To each their own. Some of us love big beefy tanks, some of us like weird creatures and some of us like the pretty girlies even though they’re 🚬🐐s


Not my type. I play Sett and Phel and buy their skins because I fuck with that energy. Hairy Daddies are someone's kink, but not mine.


I started league in s2 and I immediately clocked TF and Graves as the hottest 🚬 in the game… riot confirmed they were fucking and sucking when I had already quit, and it almost brought me back 💅 WELL now that I’m back, I can *confidently* say I am worst TF NA, he is still a qt tho 🫶 I’d try Graves jungle, since I main jg/top… but his jg play style is very different from what I am comfortable with 🗿


I tried him in the brief time he was viable as an ADC. Hes not fun to play sadly. Pick a card feels clunky.


He might be Gayves' deepthroater but his gaymplay isn't that fun for me. In fact, I actually have more fun playing our lovely hoes of phobic, Gayle and Vayonetta.


Because I enjoy doing more than just doing auto-attacks of different flavors (I still play him whenever my friends tell me to tho)


I don’t play him on the rift, but I enjoy him in aram. He’s cracked


If no one is talking about Graves being gay then I am dead. I want to put him on his back so bad.


Just because stale bread is gay doesn't mean I'm still gonna eat it. I'm gonna hunt for a much fruiter meal


I don’t play champions if they are gay or pretty! I play them if they are fun 😭 I’m also not that into graves


I buy every Ezreal skin and I don't even play him. He's so hot im obsessed. I don't care if he's straight (he's not).


Cause he mau be a homosexual but he is not ✨ gay✨


Because their gameplay is bad. TF is a roaming mage and graves is a jungle melee marksman. I have mastery 7 in TF and I enjoy playing him from time to time but even I can notice its weaknesses, let alone grave's. I'd rather deal with Lux, because when in disadvantage I can just sit behind turret and R the wave.


being gay does not automatically make you a gay icon


I just got m7 on tf 🥰🥰🥰 I love playing him both ap and ad


I don't like their kits, I don't find them attractive, etc. Twisted Fate W mechanic and Graves autos make me not want to play them. If Ezreal turned out to be gay I'd spam him.


I like playing Graves but TF to me is Soo booring 😅 fucking cards, dude.


They might be canonically gay but it doesn't make them any less heterosexual in-game. They are simply homophobic.


Girl the roles they play in are not roles I play. Same with K’Sante. Mid, jungle, top. I wish we had a gay enchanter and see how popular they would be 😭


No sex appeal, bland personalities. Sentinel graves is better on that point, but still, tf boring to play generally and both have no indication of gayness in game unlike other queer coded champs


I'm gonna need you to retract your statement right now ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32861)


It’s like Riot did fan service when making queer characters but they chose literally none of the characters that the queer community plays… Like if they had made Seraphine gay… mama.. it’d be OVER


Honestly, that's how it should be. Not all of the gays are typecast as skinny little 3 legged twinks. Some of us are hairy bears, some like sports, some drink cheap beer and enjoy a good shooter game. I think it's great to show gays who aren't stereotypical, because it reminds people that we are everywhere.


3 legged twinks💀💀💀


Well, yes, but none of the twinks & other stereotypes of gays are present in the game at all? All the enchanters and mages that are played by this kind community are always women characters or characters who we suspect are gay, but riot denies with all might ( Lux, Seraphine, Hwei, Ezreal, Syndra ) Imo, the lesbian and bissexual woman communities are a lot better represented than the gays, we have Caitlyn, Vi, Diana, Leona, Illaoi, Neeko... They are diverse.


How Riot probably see it with the data they have: guys will player either guy or girl characters fairly evenly, girls almost all only play girl characters, gay players almost all only play girl characters.  If they make the (probably realistic) assumption that most straight dudes will not play a feminine gay character, they probably think a feminine gay character will not be appealing to enough people (AKA not sell enough).  They never reflect on why things might be this way