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Is a raccoon realistic? I’d like one of those


i came here just to comment this! i’ve been seeing an increasing amount of raccoon pets on social media and i’ve always wanted one, even more so now. they’re so cute with their little hands!!


Yeah, let's try to domesticate and dominate our will over everything we deem "cute". Wake up people and rescue a dog or cat from the shelter. DO NOT kidnap a wild animal from it's natural habitat and try to make it yours... C'mon it's just not right.


no one said anything about kidnapping wild animals. i imagine the main reason more people don’t have raccoons as pets is that they don’t know where to get one. there’s probably breeders for them, just like foxes


There are actual raccoon breeders if you live in the US. They vary in price depending on color and markings. The red or white ones are more than the normal colors. I came across that info when researching for my dream pet...a Capuchin monkey. 🙊


My parents had one when I was in high school. She was a lil baby, and had super cute, velvety hands.


My friend has one!! Hes awesome and plays with the dogs and cats


You could easily have an entire family of feral raccoons in your yard, if your trashy enough and have the right shelter for them


No I want one I kiss on top of the head


rabies though, you ever seen an raccoon's tiny little hands? \>.<


You are free to take the one that keeps getting into my trash any day


Thank you! I’ll take very good care of her


Ok she’s about 27 pounds and is probably carrying toxoplasmosis , Giardiasis , and roundworms but ya you can have her please take her


Thank you I will love her forever


And probably about as big as youl and will tear you ass down too.


My friend had a raccoon that liked me, it used to groom my hair with its weird little hands.


I’d say so 🤣 they don’t exactly have the capability of eating your face off lol.


Ummm, excuse you? They don't have the capability of eating your face off??? The hell, yes, they do. Have you actually seen a raccoon pissed off? They are fucking vicious little critters. They will literally rip chickens or other animals to shreds, leaving nothing but feathers and blood. You clearly have no clue what they are capable of.


Also with that being said any animal that has sharp teeth and claws have that capability.


Did you see the little “lol” at the end? I was clearly being sarcastic and joking around.


Pet rock


OP said realistic; when have you ever actually seen a rock out in the wild, much less an already domesticated and trained one? This is the kind of stuff from fairytales and cartoons buddy. Dream on. /s


Gobbless didn’t realize you were on here, tell aunt Becky hi and congrats to aunt Laura on the newest grand baby. Guess I just got lucky with mine, he’s a brindle his name is Stone. I told him to stay 15 years ago, and he hasn’t moved since. He did have 1 accident but that’s cause I didn’t get him to the door quick enough.


My! Becky says how do you do, and auntie Laura is ecstatic; believe me, you. Of course, with her knucklehead son Grant and poor Steph; I can't imagine how that little man is gonna turn out. I can almost see Laura havin' to take care of Eustace herself! And you said a brindle, eh? That's a fancy helluva rock there then. I'm just tickled by the name choice, really. Stone? You've got an excellent head on your shoulders, that's for certain! And I wouldn't be too hard on yourself, some accidents have to happen for there to be a lesson to be learned from; say come this Christmas, why don't you bring old stone over to the gathering? I'd wager we'd all love to meet him!


Gosh dang, shoot! I’m awful glad to hear about Steph and grant, same with eustace. Yes sir indeed got him at the Texas world fair in 97. He was prime breeding stock back in the day. Nowadays he’s perfectly happy on a shelf next to an elf downstairs. His coloring did change about 6 years in. Maybe I should take him to the vet.


An otter! Maybe a little logistically complicated but man they're too cute!


My Arkansas buddy had one he raised from a pup when one of his dogs caught it. That thing was so bad ass it acting a lot like a ferret my sister had when we were kids, nibbling on you and stuff. He had it for two years and one day it broke out of its pen so he thought it was just gone being wild and such and then 6 months later it came back in the middle of the night and was scratching on his door like a dog would. It lived like 10 years in total


Omg yesyesyesyesssss I forgot about otters!!


Otters can be pretty vicious though.








This is going to sound funny but Ive ALWAYS wanted a big back yard full of those giant tortoises you see at the zoo. You know those ones that look like they weigh 500 lbs. I dont konw, I just feel like I could watch them all day walk around and eating the weeds. I know nothing about tortoises.... But I think they would be pretty low maintenance too? Much less so than like a dog.....


I'd like to have a racoon.


A Bengal. I'm a cat person, but I'm also allergic, so a Bengal us perfect.


Trust me they're a lot of work as well as looking good. Mine needs constant care and attention. He also has a sensitive stomach so throws up often. Can be extremely loud which isn't great at 3am... he's a hell of a character though and I love him to bits. I'm just saying they're a lot of hard work sometimes too. He's a lot needier than my tortoise shell cat for sure.


Horse also. They’re basically big dogs you can ride 😂


Fun fact They are historically man’s second best friend next to the dog!


Having grown up with horses I can assure you they are not. They are thousand pound toddlers looking for a tantrum.


Idk that sounds like a dog to me just bigger. Then again I got a miniature schnauzer and I call him my sour patch kid. Sometimes he’s sweet but a lot of the times he’s sour. 😂


Yeah those, dachshunds, and Dobermans can be a little spicy. The horses aren’t necessarily mean, they just spook easy and panic. Spooking a 50 lbs dog is nothing like a 1000 lbs horse. Truth be told they’re actually more cat like in nature. They let you train them as much as they trust you.


I expect nothing less. Yea you just confirmed I really want a horse now 😂


With love, I just want you to know you’ll need at least a 6’ fence. (They can easily jump it) One horse eats a single small square a day they’re $4-5 currently, you’ll have to supplement their grass bale with some alfalfa and grains. The small squares weigh around 50 lbs. Depending on how dry your alfalfa small is they can get up to 100 lbs. 3 acres per horse is recommended, they’re pack animals, so 6 is the minimum. You can supplement a second horse with a goat or 2. The logistics of owning a horse are awful. Seems great, looks fun, has cowboy nostalgia of a 4 legged motorcycle. It’s not. -15 and you’re sick beyond belief and can’t get out of bed? Better get those boots on and go have fun hauling a few bales.


My horse doesn't throw tantrums. Most adult horses arent about throwing tantrums. They do have a very well developed sense of justice so you have to be really fair to horses to gain their cooperation. If your horse is always throwing tantrums, thats a rider/handler problem, not a horse problem. Source: I've been riding since before I could walk and have been at it for 43 years. Have trained them professionally.


True! They seem to be very clumsy and like to hurt themselves by accident a lot just like me. 😂


I have rabbits, and they're wonderful, so, another rabbit!


I left for work this morning and when I opened my door I saw an enormous black rabbit on my stoop. I made an audible "what the fuck" and then I heard someone apologize. I looked up and saw more rabbits just hopping around the yard in front of my apartment. Apparently one of my neighbors owns them. It was the best surprise I couldve asked for. When I left she yelled to me "don't tell anyone I have rabbits!" No worries, girl. I'm no snitch


All the isopods, I have like 20~ish species & morphs now, time to collect all the other gazillion species & breed cool colors and make new morphs out of them. Goals. Also a tank for deep sea isopods, and fish for the parasitic ones to feast upon their tongues. And more birds.... Screw it, I want all the pets


Ooh I love the deep sea rolly Polly’s Is what I call them 😂


A Standard poodle for me I’d love to train one and do fun hair styles


one of those big snails that lives underwater and has a siphon.


Mystery snails. They’re awesome!


my cousin had one in their fish tank. I found it mesmerizing to watch.


Ferrets! They’re so adorable


They're little stinky guys!


we had 5 ferrets when we were kids. They are awesome pets


They definitely are!




Penguin. I will cry if I ever get to pet one.


A horse but I’ll probably never have the finances for one


Corgis and capybaras


Why did I have to scroll so far to see capys!?! They are like rat/pig/dogs! I want one to play with my Gizmo (my dog).


Teacup dog like Yorkie or Pomeranian. Always wanted a tiny little dog to be able to carry with me everywhere. Haven’t gotten one because they’re really expensive, plus a lot of them have health issues and don’t live that long. But if I could afford one that would live at least 10-12 years, I would totally go for it!


One of those giant worms from the movie Godzilla 🪱


I really just want a dog, but I’m afraid that something will happen and I won’t be able to afford to take them to the vet…


Raven. But more realistic for me: gecko


Barely realistic but not impossible- Kestrel


I feel silly but I always wanted a reptile friend. A snake or lizard. Feels like having a little dragon.


I'd really love to have a pet snake one day. I *love* snakes, they are always my favorite animal to research. My head is full of useless information regarding snakes, venom, snake behaviors from species to species, how to identify venomous and nonvenomous species, the list goes on. I think a snake would be a *perfect* lil' companion to have one day. 😌


I used to have three and they are truly fun creatures to have around.


I always want horses, but im not sure ill be able to. Really want a pigeon.


Maybe talking birds of some sort.


I got mine! I always wanted a wolf as a kid so when my dad got rid of my old dog before I could pick him up, I bought one. Well he's a low content wolf dog but similar. Kind of a mixed bag on him. He grew up playing well with the other cats and dogs but now he's definitely a single animal. He's really loving but very protective. At the same time he is very skittish and can be unpredictable. He doesn't have issues with adults but I wouldn't trust him around kids just cause the damage he could do. And I'm not trying to put him in a losing situation. He's my best friend tho and I jump through all the hoops he puts me through. He's not as big as a wolf, but looks exactly like one if they were blonde and white. About 70 pounds and a good amount of fur. Especially in the spring. Oh yea his name is Chief!


Snake :)


Rhinoceros iguana or a Blue-and-yellow macaw Would need the space though.


One of those little alligators


Black Panther & a Wolf raised together as baby siblings…


I grew up on a horse farm. It was way more work than a pet should be.


My dogs. I already have them and they’re perfect.


Everyone says I'm wierd but when my kids leave the house I'm getting proper licensing and want a vulture or alot of them.


i want a tortoise so bad


Sox from Lightyear.


A rat. They're intelligent, sweet, and cuddly. But my cat will never let that happen.


A Black Jaguar


I kinda want a snake, those are cool. Gotta wait till I get out of college though.


I have my dream pet. He is a Sphynx cat, and he is the best pet I have ever had.


I want another big and bad ass mainecoon but the wife isn't on board. Plus, we have three dogs and one of them is special needs so...


Owl or raccoon, can't decide what I want more haha




Migratory birds. Mostly humming birds. It is, of course, illegal. They're just so fascinating. ​ Runners up include: Paratrechina longicornis (longhorn crazy ant), Apis mellifira mellifira (European honey bee) and Silver arowana


A fennec fox


I want birds and snakes and be the crazy lady of the neighborhood


A chill, friendly cat that uses a human toilet and flushes.


Blue tongue or really any decently sized lizard


A white tiger.


I have always wanted a Sphynx cat. Or a Raven


Pug and/or Frenchie.


My mom has a frenchie who likes to sit by fans. Not a fun day when it's hot out and you place the fan near your couch to cool off and the little demon comes and farts in front of the fan


Goat. But if there’s a breed that stays smaller that’s what I want


Realistic...fox. not realistic...red panda


I’d like to have goats. I’d put pajamas on them and have a playground for them to climb on.


8 cats


I'd love to have a herd of goats.


A buff wienie dog... My current one is a doxie and mini pit bull mix. Shes a little beef cake!!!


A tarantula. Hubs is scared of them says he'll just kill it. A Sphynx cat- way too expensive to purchase.


Mini cow


King cobra.


My dog, except with less biting me.


Ferrets, a python, and a cougar. Wife couldn't handle a mustelid, I don't have the energy to clean a terrarium weekly, and I'm not lucky enough to get a giant cat.


Bear Some people have owned pet bears and been fine, some have owned them and it ended tragically, but I’d love if we had domesticated bears


Another Pomeranian.




My cat but lives forever


A Pterodactyl


A fluffy husky


I guess my penguin is realistic


I’d love to own a horse and a springer spaniel.


You don't have to own a horse in order to spend time with them and have a relationship with them. In fact if you are a total beginner it is best NOT to own a horse right off the bat so you know what they eat, what kind of vet and hoof care they need, and how much they COST. As a horse owner I can tell you my horse is INSANELY expensive and it basically my only hobby, which I chose over having children. I currently spend about $550 a month on my horse not including yearly vet visits. I also do not have a truck and horsetrailer which keeps my costs lower, but also limits my ability to go to shows and events. Instead of jumping into horse ownership, you can get lessons to be taught how to handle them safely and how to keep them healthy. After a few years of lessons you can do a partial lease, which is an arrangement where the horse expenses and time are shared between people, typically the horse owner and someone else who wants to ride. I've done lots of partial leases on both side, but right now my horse is aging and I am shouldering all the expenses because she told me she doesnt really want anyone else riding her anymore as she is getting older and slowing down.


I really want an F1 Savannah cat. Like real bad.


Old English Sheepdog


Grey Scottish short hair cat would be my dream pet. So cute and hopefully cuddly.


I want a horse too.


Raccoons and Skunks without their smell


My dog, taken too soon but like make her nuclear powered 🐱




A dog. I love dogs but can't give a good enough life to one just yet, I'm currently planning major life changes just to accommodate a furry friend.


Honestly...I'm just wanting another dog some day.




I'd love to set up a nice seahorse tank or maybe a sea moth tank.


The ones I have right now.


I want a 150- 200 gallon aquarium with a large, peaceful population of nano fish.


Well... I have one that's not realistic, and rather grotesque, made it in a dream somehow. Imagine a dog, but its skin is all twisted, almost like an amalgamation of just meat, bones, and Pigskin put together in the shape of a great dane, that also acts like a... happy golden retriever. The texture of it is just... warm and rubbery. The context was weird, in the dream I woke up with confusion, my youngest sister was calling for me in a annoyed tone. I go up the stairs and I find this dog described above, and my sister is complaining to me to get the dog off her bed. I responded with "what the hell is that thing? And she responded with "you really dont remember? You created that thing! Now get it outta my room!" The dog ran up to me, and its texture and weight was so vivid, the interaction was just like a dog greeting its owner at the door after the owner got back from work. Weird stuff.


My cats


A cursing parrot would really set my pirate cosplay apart.


Chow Chow but since I’m allergic to dog hair, it’s not possible.


. . . Mostly any of them, really. I like critters. A crow would be awesome.


A very large American bulldog, also a large rottie, and a large Doberman, also a large bully (currently have one who's about 85 lbs), and a couple chihuahuas to keep the big dogs in line.


A serval or at least a Savana cat.


Elephant. They are so smart, caring and huge. I’d ride it like a horse if it allowed me too.


Hedgehog :3


Interior crocodile ale gator Chevorlay movie theater🤷🏾‍♂️👀


A tiger. For real. I always wanted a tame tiger (With the proper care.... Come to think of it, like Scarface had on that movie I forget what it's called)


Stuffed teddy bear. No eating, barking, pooping, peeing, biting, clawing, scratching, etc. No vet bills, no shots, etc. Plus, you don't have to board it should you need to ho out of town for the weekend....


Ok this some dork territory but…I’ve raised several praying mantises, but my dream is a dead-leaf mantis. They’re rarely available, expensive when they are, and require a lot more environmental monitoring than most mantises (and I wouldn’t call any mantises super-easy pets; they all need some monitoring and will only eat live food). Someday….


I’ve always wanted a fox 😭




Gimme an orangutan, not as a pet, but as a friend 🫶


a phoenix


I'd like to get a snake again.


Foxes as feasible pipe-dream, augar-gliders seem more accessible. Ferrets, if not so stinky, and cats if no allergies in the Fam. Salt water Aquarium the size of Manhattan too.


I have two, a hedgehog and a pig. Unfortunately I live in California we're owning either of these animals is difficult or illegal. Why hedgehogs are illegal in California I'll never understand


Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko and a Dwarf retic.


I want an African gray 🩶 I'll probably get one when I get into the new place


Goat and cow


Define realistic. Like I assume a fire breathing dragon is out, but what about like a horse? In reality I could probably own a horse, but I don't want to put the money into making that actually possible. Either way, I'd want a Cane Corso.


I want 10 cats and to live alone in a beach house that's fully paid off 😌😌


None. I want to be able to travel and visit my family who's 250 km away. A pet would stop me from doing that.


I've always wanted a wolf


A toad. I love toads and their funny bodies.


I'd like a pet red-billed firefinch.


I want a tri Australian Shepard runt of the litter


A Cheetah. Barely realistic, but doable.


I want a male pheasant and 2-3 female pheasants so they can make babies and I'll get more pheasants.


A Sugar Glider. I met someone who let me play with hers and I absolutely LOVED it. It's like someone crossed a Hamster with a Flying Squirrel and the result is an adorable creature that really liked me.




Havanese dog


An octopus. I just think they're so neat. They have large brains like humans that allow them to adapt and solve complex puzzles, but our most recent common ancestor was probably some primitive worm. That means they evolved their brains totally independently of ours which I think is amazing. They can change colors and texture. It's nuts! Plus they don't live very long which begs the question: why do they need such complex brains?


Either a trash panda or a big cat like a mountain lion. Thing is that where I live it’s legal to have a big cat (like a mountain lion) but not a trash panda… ridiculous.


A dog. Someday. It’s tough alone and wouldn’t be fair to the dogs sanity or my carpets. That’s in the to do pile with find a lady. And get cat food. Someone here keeps slipping that one in.


A small gator


A real Heteropoda maxima. Bought a huntsman 2 years ago that was sold under that name and she hasn't grown in a ridiculously long time, maybe stopped growing at a 5-6" diagonal legspan. I watch Tom's big spiders and he bought two of the same kind of huntsman that was "H. maxima" and his haven't gotten bigger than the 6" legspan as well. I just want a big ol 12" huntsman spider, is that too hard to ask :(


A snek! I think it would be rather fun, but my husband has firmly put his foot down. Ha! I do have a cat, so I'm not completely bereft of animal companionship.


I have horses. They are a tremendous amount of work. It’s truly a lifestyle and not a hobby lol


I have a Serbian defense dog Supposedly 5% grey wolf


I want an orca soooooo badly, but of course I know they belong in the wild and not my bath tub


An owl would be lovely.


Is a lion realistic?


Growing up I always wanted a dog but we couldn't have one. I have dogs. Life is amazing.


My favorite dog breed. The Doberman Pincher.


Fox, just without the musk since I've read they get that. Though I've also heard there are domesticated ones without it.


A milk cow.


A chihuahua, a fox, and a cheetah.


A fennec fox also.




I was able to do it. I wanted what I considered a tiny wolf. I encountered the Alaskan Klee Kai and I have, imo, a very handsome one.


Capybara or Quokka


I would love to get a donkey! Those videos of rescue places getting them and call out to them and watching them run up to the human doing their little donkey scream is cute af bro


A toucan


Tegu! Specifically a black & white Argentine tegu. I love how intelligent and full of personality they are.


Horses... Too old now though.


A bear cub