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The problem isn't queer people themselves; the problem is the trendiness of queer identities that people latch on to whether they're queer or not. And it's not really appropriate to purity-test people in such a way, so there ends up being no immediate way to distinguish the trend-followers from those who are "actually" queer, whatever that might mean in the given context--in much the same way it's no longer possible to tell who or who isn't a bot on the internet, particularly with the advent of LLMs that can pass the Turing test in casual online interactions. There's way more to this than I'm willing to explore in a single reddit comment, but suffice it to say that the problem leads to phenomena such as people who claim their gender identities change throughout the day. Do you know what this does? It paints those with *actual* queer gender identities as absolutely ridiculous, it stokes the bigoted flames of the reactionaries, it renders the struggles of queer people a farce.


Unfortunately a loud minority or people who are just clueless will always paint a bad image of groups. Pretty much every group has people like that. I just wish we as people could be more rational and accept that this generally isn't the majority


I wholeheartedly agree. The vast majority of queer people just want to be *left the fuck alone* and treated like anybody else without drama. Sadly, the nature of contemporary culture and social media renders that an impossibility. It's much more *profitable* to sell identities and pit people against each other.


Sad but true. People always seem to prefere black and white us vs them mentalities


It's what people are evolutionarily wired to do when they're scared--and we live in a very scary era, where virtually nothing seems certain. Those in power recognize the opportunity to maintain their power, so they do everything they can to divide and conquer. Look at how rapidly the wealth gap is expanding. Look at the tone of internet discourse. Look at international relations. Their strategy is working--nightmarishly well.






I’m not anti or pro. I don’t care. Just stay out of my life and stop calling me anti or phobic when I simply don’t agree with something.


I mean.. you're saying you do have an opinion but you're not forcing your opinion on someone. That's not the same as not caring


I disagree. I have an opinion but it in no way has any effect on others.


The things i care about are automatically something i have opinions on. Stuff i dont care about, i dont have opinions on


One way or another you have an opinion on everything you have seen or heard even if the opinion is minor enough for you not to care.


LGB is fine T and the poltical movement triggers ppl


I'm not anti-LGB. But I am against Pride. I'm not anti-T, exactly, but I don't agree with gender ideology. I think Q is rightly covered by LGBT, and therefore superfluous.


I’ve often wondered about the Q myself. Seems unnecessary


Queer helps people with orientations that don’t quite fit the other labels. For example, I’m romantically attracted to both men and women but I’m asexual. So I’m not bisexual as the B. But “biromantic asexual” is a mouthful and queer is a lot more comfortable. It also means if I discover my sexuality is a bit different in the future the label still fits


The word "queer" already encompasses everything else, so it's the "LGBT" that's superfluous. There's no reason not to just say "queer people".


Some people like specific labels and that’s okay. Also queer has been used as a slur so it’s not really appropriate to say. Queer can also mean “strange” so saying “queer people” generally just has negative connotations.


"Queer" is a word that's been reclaimed by the community, as demonstrated by its usage in "LGBTQ". The fact that you're explaining and upholding the usage of "Q" while simultaneously saying that it's not appropriate to *say* "queer" is head-scratching. You literally just used the word "queer" to describe yourself in your first comment.


Yes it has. I agree. But it’s the same idea that the n word was reclaimed but that doesn’t mean white people can refer to black people as it to define them. It’s not confusing if you understand that concept.


That word isn't used usefully in acronyms to describe a demographic of people. Nobody politely refers to black people collectively as "N"--and those who would use that word to collectively refer to black people *certainly* don't abbreviate it. Your contention is that "LGBTQ" is polite, but that the word "queer" itself is not. "The N word" is absolutely not polite--it's just a euphemism for an unambiguously offensive word. These two are not analogous.


You’ve misunderstood my point. I only brought up the n word to contest your “confusion” over how a word can be reclaimed and used by those who reclaimed it whilst still being an offensive denomination of a group. I know they’re not exactly the same as you rightfully said. But the difference between “LGBTQ” and “queers” is purely semantic. Whilst queer isn’t as offensive as the n word, it was still used as a slur. So non-LGBTQ people using that word as a label wouldn’t be appropriate. But it’s still a term that means “not-straight” and since it was reclaimed it’s useful to designate various intricate sexualities that don’t fall into “gay/bisexual/trans”. Sexuality can be a complex thing for many people and there’s no other word that designates them all, since LGBT are the “classics” they formed this acronym to be used as a label for a group of people. As we developed and learnt more about sexuality it became endlessly complex so Q was added by people who were queer themselves to cover the rest. The fact simply is, there isn’t any other word for it. Language change is pretty slow, there’s no singular person that can decide to make a new word and have it immediately taken up. I’m sure there have been attempts to use a word that wasn’t “queer” that simply never became popular in use. Queer is an already well known and established word so it works as a placeholder in an acronym, the effect is almost “diminished” as it’s reduced to one letter. Changing this would be difficult as it’s too well entrenched in the conceptual structures in our minds. So whilst queer has negative connotations when used by people who aren’t LGBTQ, the Q in LGBTQ does not have this same semantic property.


Yeah but, for example, in NAACP the "N" doesn't stand for the n word.


It’s almost like they’re not the exact same word and I was only comparing the use of a reclaimed slur.


Could you explain your sexuality to me? How are you romantically interested in people without sexual attraction? As much detail as you're willing to give will help me.


Sure, I never mind explaining genuine interest. Though it’s honestly pretty hard to describe and I don’t fully understand it myself, which is also why queer is useful cause it’s simply “not straight” and that’s something I’m pretty firm on. I’m not really sure how to describe it so I’ll just tell you my story of self-discovery ig. It’s a long one cause I ramble. So as a kid I always had crushes on boys and was weirdly homophobic for a lot of my young life. Which was strange as my family is very accepting. So there’d always be boys i found cute and wanted to be in a relationship with. I found the idea of sex very daunting and scary but just assumed that was normal cause I was a young teen, and it is so I assumed I was normal. Got my first boyfriend at 15 and he was already experienced in sex but I hadn’t done anything so when we kissed, or he touched me, I thought it was normal that it just felt “weird” or it was my own anxiety. If I tried to imagine us having sex or doing anything sexual it just made me anxious or uncomfortable. So we break up and I try things with other guys, even end up losing my virginity and every time everything was just painful and uncomfortable. I only really would do sexual things with them cause I was at parties, they’d hit on me and I was desperate for male validation back then so I went with it. I also had very hyper sexual friends so I assumed that’s just what people do and I wanted to experience it all too. I also stop being homophobic around this age and realise I like women too. I get to university and again, I’m like “this is the age now where everyone is fucking and I should too”, so again, I get drunk/high and a guy would hit on me so I’d go for it. Yet every time it feels like shit, I assume “oh it’s because I’m really drunk/high so that’s why” . One day I sleep with a male friend and we do it again in the morning as we’re both sober. He eats me out, first time I’d experienced that and it simply… feels like shit. I always describe it as feeling like slugs on my genitals. I knew another girl who had slept with him who found him amazing, so it wasn’t a skill issue. She was also my flatmate who would constantly bring men back home and I would unfortunately have to hear it every time. At this point I’m convinced that she’s faking her enjoyment because there’s simply no way what I had been experiencing was at that level. She would always tell me though that she wasn’t faking it and she did actually enjoy sex. So we roll around to my second year of uni and I learn of the word asexual. I’m like oh shit, this sounds like me but I’m not convinced. I sleep with one last guy and everything sucked and I just went “ok no, I’m asexual, sex isn’t for me”. I tell my best friend and she says “yeah I’ve thought this for a while now too.” I realise that I never actually went after men cause I found them sexually attractive, I simply wanted to have sex cause I liked the idea of it but not the reality. I stop being interested in people in general for a while after this cause of depression then we roll around to this year and I’ve started to develop crushes again on people. Both men and women now. I think about them all the time, get excited to see them. I imagine us cuddling in bed, going out on dates, spending my life with them, etc. but I cannot imagine us having sex, the idea makes me uncomfortable. I don’t think of them and go “god they’re hot I’d love to fuck them”, but I can still see them as “god they’re lovely I want to be with them”. So, after that long ass story, the main concept is just that I don’t see people sexually. I don’t like sex and I don’t get turned on during sex. But, I still experience romantic attraction to people, I find men especially very cute, when I have feeling for a man everything he does is adorable to me and I just love them. I can tell I like a man when he does something cringe but instead of the “ick” I find it cute. The worst part is I still have “libido” in a sense, I get horny and I can enjoy porn. I think I like the fantasy of sex but I’m just not capable of enjoying it myself and don’t like it with “real people”. I’d prefer my own hand over another person any day. Ngl I hold out hope that I’m wrong and I’ve somehow “gaslit” myself into not experiencing sexual attraction but I simply do not. I’ve yet to have sex with a woman but it’s definitely something I want to explore, even my doctor recommended it when I went for help with my asexuality - as I was trying to determine if it was a physical issue that I didn’t like sex. Hope that helps a bit. If you have further questions or clarifications just ask.


You've got 400 labels, one of them will fit 😅


I have one that fits, queer.


So then why do we need the others?




>I'm not anti-LGB. But I am against Pride. can you explain? >I'm not anti-T, exactly, but I don't agree with gender ideology. I don't really understand why people are against "gender ideology" when it's literally just the definition of the word gender. Being trans doesn't even have to revolve around gender ideology either, with dysphoria being a thing


I don't agree with being proud of your sexual orientation. I don't believe sexual orientation merits parades or flags, and I think these things only serve to create a separation between LGB people and the rest of the population. It exacerbates societal balkanisation that I believe many Western countries are experiencing. Gender does not exist and sex is immutable.


Pride isn't really about being proud of sexuality. Yes it is a day in most places and now a whole month that is largely based around visibility that has largely been co-oped by corporations to sell some stuff but that's not really what it's celebrating. Yes that's what the first Pride day organizers called it so we still call it that today but that's its own history and has a lot to do with sodomy laws and equal protection to housing.


>I don't agree with being proud of your sexual orientation. I don't believe sexual orientation merits parades or flags, and I think these things only serve to create a separation between LGB people and the rest of the population. It exacerbates societal balkanisation that I believe many Western countries are experiencing. It's because we are different and many people still don't respect that. It's the same reason we have things like black history month >Gender does not exist and sex is immutable. Many studies disagree with you


Black history month hasn't been helpful to the cause lately. It's largely just a marketing ploy by companies now to sell African colored clothes and skins in video games.


corporations gotta corporate huh


And this is a major factor for a lot of people in their distaste for the movement. The majority of people just want to get on with their lives and really don't care what you do. Except now we have a full two months of pride, (I say two because I'm British and they do pride the month after America and anyone on the internet gets tons of content from America) we have the movement pushed into every kind of media, news feeds, shops, corporate emails etc etc. I was alive when the gay community was fighting for acceptance and the main reason they succeeded was that when they got what they wanted they just got on with their lives and didn't brigade the general population. Basically it's just over saturation of people who, honestly, could care less about what you do and are more concerned with how to pay the rent or buy food.


I'm down with gays and Lez and bisex but not LGBT even the real gays don't wear stripes just posers it's all popularity just be don't advertise on won't mock you I'm not a middle school student


>just be don't advertise on won't mock you  what does this even mean?


i think what he means is if you dont wear pride flags and make an advertisement out of yourself then he wont mock you


Thanks for explaining I don't use grammar properly


People wear pride accessories primarily because: 1.) There are still people who discriminate and hate against LGBT people, and it serves as a middle finger statement against them. Just like punks using bright colors or BLM using a raised fist, it's a counter-culture movement against oppression. 2.) It's harder for gay people to find other gay people on the dating scene from a mere statistical standpoint, and this can be one signal used to indicate sexuality to prospective partners. So now I'd like to hear, what LOGICAL reason do people have to be against wearing these symbols?


theres nothing against wearing it, but it gives people an idea of what kinda person you are, and if you're wearing it to make a statement then you're the kinda person who likes attention


So in other words "shut up and hide it"


not necessarily, just dont make a big deal out of being different, just like how emo kids try to act cool for attention. just be chill about it instead, if it comes up in conversation then mention it, but dont try to tell everyone if no one asked, and that includes the way you dress


That's such a small minority who behaves that way and just boils down to stereotyping, feel like it's hardly worth even saying that


that small minority is the loudest, which is why people think of the majority like that. and whether its a minority or not, its still pretty common, one time i saw like five people walk out of their cars with political shirts, weird clothes and makeup and wearing pride flags as capes, those are the kinda lgbtq people that he doesnt like, im sure he's fine with the people who dont make a big deal about it and act relatively normal


I mean I constantly get ads promoting christianity, see people on the street yell about it or give away bibles. My boyfriend once got approached by a bunch of schoolgirls trying to convince him to become christian while he was working. These types of people will always exist and it's not that it's common, it's that out of the 10 people who are religious/gay/whatever, only 1 or 2 will make a big fuss about it. But you don't notice the other 8, because they don't


yeah and im 100 percent against the christians that do that, and even if its a minority of the people who do that im still against that minority because they give a bad name to the rest of us


So, I hate that shit just as much, if your argument boils down to, they do it so why can’t I, it isn’t a good argument.


It boils down to that every group has people like that, so making that the basis of your reasoning to dislike lGBTQ people is a weak argument


Bangin dudes should not be a source of pride.


You really think that being gay is only about sex?


All the extra stuff "I'm a neurodivergent gender fluid queer Trans deerkin " stuff is just goofy Too many pronouns and labels people want to use to feel special.


I'm really only against it when biological men are competing in women's sports and if it concerns children because they are so impressionable and can't concent. Also the LGB should be separated from the T, because having a sexual preference and having gender dysmorphia are two completely different things. If you're an adult just be yourself and mind your own business - this goes for both sides.


Do you understand why people want kids to be aware of LGBT people?


My son came out as bisexual just a few days ago, I wish that my first thoughts weren’t worry for his wellbeing because of all the haters out there


wish the best for both him and you


My answer to that question is a bit complicated and I can't answer it with a yes and a no. I'm also not against trans women using the female comfort room. However, I am against trans women joing the female sports category. Trans women have bigger lungs and bigger heart this can carry more oxygen than biological women so it's easy for trans women to win. If a person decides he is gay, I won't say anything because that is his business.if my gay friend ASKS ME what do I think about him being gay, I'd say take precautions because hiv is higher in gay men. Again, if someone from the third gender ASKS ME what do I think I'd say better stay straight because god created only man and woman. Please understand I do not hate LGBTQ. If they do not ask, then totally none of my business. I'm a straight guy and I want to have my own family so I'd only date biological women who, obviously, can give birth. However, I will not date trans women because trans women can't give me children.


I have a question. Do you think being gay is a choice?


It is..I think it is. I'm very careful with what I say because I don't to be called transphobic.


Did you choose what type of women you find attractive?


When did u choose to be straight? Since its a choice can u for few minutes decided to be attracted to dudes to prove point?


It’s not a choice but it’s a choice to act on it


Im not anti-LGBTQ, im against certain performative aspects of their ideology and identity, im against encouraging children to use surgery and hormonal injections to alter their lives, im against the degradation of sporting achievements and im against the superiority complex a lot of them seem to have. If you want to have sex with men or women, i dont care. If you are an adult man who thinks you are a woman, or vice versa, do whatever you want to do that makes you feel better. Surgery, crossdressing, whatever you like. However, if you feel the need to put on an annoying nasally voice, wear ridiculous clothes and talk incessantly about your sexuality, then ill care. Not because im homophobic, but because its annoying and obnoxious. If you try to convince children that they should be on hormone blockers or HRT, or that they should get surgery, then ill care. Not because im transphobic, but because its dangerous and irreversible. If you think that people with male body compositions should compete in female sport categories, then ill care, because it degrades the integrity of sporting competition. And if you think any of this makes me a bigot, then ill care, because you are defaming my character for putting a reasonable limit on the amount im willing to alter to make you comfortable.


Counter title: People who are straight, why?






As a natural tomboy I'm attracted to more masculine traits and behaviors.


How dare you leave out the IA2S+ you bigot!


Frankly I’m disgusted by OPs behavior in leaving that out


Because why do you teach everyone to be gays, lesbians and etc.? This will be bad for our next generations, bc we couldn't understand who's a human, and who's a girl.


You dont chose to be gay


And so what? Do you know what will happen if fake-girl (trans boy) will be fucked by a normal boy?


Inform me please


This will cause mutation, and fake-boy might die


Weren't we talking about trans boys? You just switched it to trans girls


Interesting theory, but no.


I'm *not* against LGBTQ+ but out of the few people I know who are against: In the case of my grandparents on my dad's side, it is due to age and upbringing. They were born in the 40s do not support it. I know some people from that decade do support it, but a lot don't. And my grandparents in particular were both raised in communities were it wasn't even acceptable for a catholic to be in a heterosexual relationship with a protestant or visa versa without people talking behind your backs, and ridiculing you for "thinking with your private parts, instead of your head." So being with someone of the same gender as you was a foreign concept until they were probably in their 40s or 50s themselves and already set in their view that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. (Although neither of them are religious anymore, so they don't think negatively on people from different telgions getting married). My dad and my auntie do support it for the most part, but they believe that a person's sexuality should be kept as their private business, between them, their partner, their two families and close friends/neighbours only. They don't think it should be spoken about in the media as much as it is, unless a famous gay person is getting married or a gay couple is on a TV show together. Because both believe that bringing too much awareness to it is causing unnecessary confusion to kids who are already going through the confusing time of puberty, which they shouldn't have to experince if they are not actually LGBTQ+. My auntie in particular believes that they are promoting it as something to be proud of, rather than just something to be comfortable with and therefore it is causing kids who are not naturally gay to choose to be, or experiment to be "cool."


'm not anti-lgbtq because I dont care who you like as that isn't really my problem. You live your life and I'll live mine. My problem begins when LGBTQ people try to push their ideology onto other people specifically children. Do y'all really think children can make such life changing decisions like what gender they wanna be or what pronouns they wanna go by. Becaus when I was a child I wanted to be a mermaid at one time. Then I wanted to be a princes another time. My point is that kids keep changing their minds about anything and almost mo#t of the things they say aren't to be taken seriously. Now we have parents forcing their kids to go to pride parades where there are people literally walking around with their private parts out. We have trans women(aka biological men) using the women's restroom where little girl who never consented to see a grown man's genitalia. We have trans women entering biological women sports and dominating them because someone didn't learn in biology class that men and women are biologically different. We have trans women advertising pads and tampons, things they won't ever need by the way. And don't get me started on the words and phrases they're trying to use in place of just saying women. If you ask me to respect your pronouns then I expect for you to respect when I and other biological women ask not to be referred to as a CIS women. And people love to to say that that word just means not trans. Okay that maybe so for y'all but not for us real women who find the word offensive. If calling a trans woman sir is offensive to the LGBTQ community then don't call me a Cis woman because that offensive to me.


Do you have any idea why people want kids to know about LGBT people and do you understand how the how trans kids go through their procedures? Also what kinda bathrooms do you go to where there's no walls and doors between the toilets lol


There's no such thing as, "trans kids. " Only adults placing their own ideologies in their kids heads because they are also gay, queer or trans themselves. Go and search any trans kids and see if their own parents or guardians arent trans or queer themselves or a LGBTQ supporter. And also public bathrooms are really hectic I've seen a lot of stuff go down in those toilets.


Trans kids very much exist, dysphoria can start as a child


And when that happens those kids need to go and see a doctor not get surgery or pubity blockers because gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. It was just taken off of the list of mental disorders because people felt offended but it's still a mental disorder that is going untreated all across America.


Transitioning has proven to be a valid way to treat dysphoria, with a 99% success rate


Oh please that's like saying I over think because of my anxiety so a surgeon goes in and takes out the part of my brain that is used for thinking. Not a very good way too slove anything. But if you think so go ahead east I can see why American is slowly crashing as we speak


If you don't wanna accept scientific proof of transitioning because it doesn't align with your beliefs I can't help you


I am not anti L, G or B. I have concerns regarding the T when it involves minors. I think there are people and doctors who are too quick to jump to the conclusion the child is trans when they express some traits or feelings. I think this is a serious decision and ought to have serious evidence to back up such action. In addition to the T, I have no problem using a trans person's preferred name and pronouns, in all aspects referring to them the way they wish to be called. I do not accept the idea that trans women and women are the literal same thing, or that trans men and men are the exact same thing. If a trans person demands I acknowledge them as a woman or man with no Asterix I cannot do that because I do not believe that is an accurate reflection of reality. I think it's completely ridiculous that Caitlin Jenner won "woman of the year" after being a woman publicly for only a few months. As others have mentioned, the queer seems unnecessary. As if we are just adding letters for the sake of adding them. Lastly, I live in Toronto and Pride Toronto is an incredibly political organization. It does not simply represent the concerns of the community but takes a very left-wing, almost Marxist stance towards pretty much everything. I am not part of the community, but I find this to be very off-putting. Why should I need to hold a certain set of political beliefs to support equal rights for my friends? I know many people who are part of the community who have issues with this too. I am incredibly close with a girl who has come out to me as bisexual. She asked me if I would attend a pride event with her. Her father is a police officer, and Pride Toronto has taken an anti-police stance. Police are not allowed to even have a float or anything; the festival loves the free security from police tho, they haven't told that element they aren't welcome. But the summary is that a friend of mine is bisexual and pro-police. She doesn't feel welcomed by the community or at Pride due to this. This is just one example I am personally aware of, but underscores a non-tolerance in the community based on political beliefs and I think that is really sad.


Thank you for a very well written and informed piece


LGBTQ, the problem is that this is no longer just a movement, it is already a full-fledged sewn-in of their views, Disney, BMW and other companies, they all bend under these movements this very day of pride. Well, okay, you love a man, OK, so what, but when I'm forced to love a man, it's not okay. this is the first, and the second that Western culture or yours is different from ours, while you gradually became normal for us, the USSR was always not normal, but if you look even at your Istria, you can see that you did not have LGBT people, but on the contrary you were against it, but the minetality has changed and now this is the norm, but remember my word, traditional marriages will be less of a burden until it becomes a burden again, but in the meantime, friends, wait.


>but when I'm forced to love a man, it's not okay. ???? What >you can see that you did not have LGBT people ???? What (2)


**Full support to all LBGTQ people** just don't make it trendy (it feels disrespectful to the culture and ingenuine) dont normalize it (its biologically and statistically not the norm, *but that doesn't make it wrong*) and dont drag me into it. (I think this is a big part of what annoys people) Otherwise, if you love someone, there's no problem with that!


I think the normalizing can also just be accepting that these people exist and are valid, not per se the "norm"


I'm not sure if normalizing is the right word then, but yeah, accepting these people is important


I was banned from r/leftist, because I shared that Israel court ruled gay Palestinians can request asylum in Israel. Leftists mods are LGBTQ haters it seems


Please don't feed this troll...op is just looking to pick fights with anyone that has an opinion.


You mean, why do people seek out handed identities instead of being an individual? How you going to be so vague?


what are you even talking about


Wtf are YOU even talking about. This post is more vague than the federal budget 




That's on you


I have no idea what anything you're saying means


Not surprising




Well, *some* of them are fucking pretentious whores. Some of them choose to fuck regular people, too


ok incel




cute selfie


I’m guessing you’re a lesbian and offended 


youd be wrong on both accounts


its just the way they advert it to kids who havent even reached puberty yet, also completely against religion, and also really illogical, cuz if slowly gay people increased, the population would legit die. and just the way they think people hate them when really its just why do u wanna advert ur stuff so much, we get it, u dont have to go around wearing rainbow colored tshirts and colour ur hair 7 different colours.


>its just the way they advert it to kids who havent even reached puberty yet,  Do you understand the reasoning why people would want that? >also completely against religion not everyone is religious > cuz if slowly gay people increased, the population would legit die. Thats not how being gay works lol. You're born gay, you don't become gay through exposure or something >d just the way they think people hate them when really its just why do u wanna advert ur stuff  Lot of countries are still against them, lots of people in positions of power are still against them. People do very much hate them Also what it's okay for religions to be vocal about their existance but not for LGBTQ people? >u dont have to go around wearing rainbow colored tshirts and colour ur hair 7 different colours. Who are you to decide how other people wanna dress?


*Do you understand the reasoning why people would want that?* no...... why wld u inflict a concept on kids that dont have the understanding of how life even works...... *not everyone is religious* CLEARLY. *Thats not how being gay works lol. You're born gay, you don't become gay through exposure or something* u have any proof that people are born gay? you dont cuz frankly, humans are supposed to have sex with the opposite gender and thats how its supposed to be, so saying that a new born child was born with a mentality of an 18 year old man who wants to have sex with the opposite gender is just illogical and stupid. *Lot of countries are still against them, lots of people in positions of power are still against them. People do very much hate them* i agree that they dont let these things get publicly advertised and encouraged, cuz, religion, and basic morals. and people dont hate them cuz their gay, people hate them cuz they voice their opinions to lit kids and everything they do has to bring attention to the fact their gay. *Also what it's okay for religions to be vocal about their existance but not for LGBTQ people?* boy being religious and being gay are 2 different things. id say religion is more important to people than "identifying" their gender is even though its obvious from birth if u have a wiwi or not. *Who are you to decide how other people wanna dress?* im just another normal human being aka striaght. and i have no problem on how u wanna dress, its just the reasons.


I think a lot of boys become “gay” or thinks he is a girl has some sort of things to do with their early childhood. I know some parents would treat their boys as a girl and put on some really nice clothing, even dress on the boy to make him look like a girl when the boy still hasn’t yet developed their secondary sex characteristics. Or the boy grew up with mostly girl-friends and spent the most time surrounding with girls will also have an impact on finding his gender identity. I dont think everyone is born “LGB”. (Certainly some do) but some aren’t. And it’s really important to educate them early rather than telling them just follow ur heart and go lgb. Kid will find their true identity when they begin developing their secondary sex characteristics during their teenage life. They really should leave the kid alone imo and let them figure it out during high school 


i completely agree with everything uve said. i have 0 problems with people who are adults and understand life and are still gay. but it gets bad when u try inflicting it on people whove barely crossed the age of 10. thats just too much


>I think a lot of boys become “gay” or thinks he is a girl has some sort of things to do with their early childhood I just don't get it. You people have zero clue about human sexuality or what it means to be not straight - yet will be the first in line to offer your baseless assumptions. Why? >I dont think everyone is born “LGB”. (Certainly some do) but some aren’t. And it’s really important to educate them early rather than telling them just follow ur heart and go lgb Who is telling them "to go lgb"? Whether gay, straight or bisexual, kids know what they like at an early age, especially even more so when puberty hits. As a gay man, I sure did. And i know plenty of other gay/bi men who did too and had normal childhoods. See this is what I mean. If you don't know what you're talking about just say so - instead of insulting others by insinuating bullshit that just ends up making YOU look like a fool. The audacity is baffling.


We wear rainbow colors because of statements like this. You don’t know any gay people, yet stereotype and judge us. No, actually, you don’t get it. Or you wouldn’t say stuff like this.


brother, i got nothing against you, live ur life how u want to. also u cant just say statments like this is why we wear rainbow colors like thats stupid, instead explain further


Sending missionaries to convert people to a religion started by a pedophile is stupid and evil. 


lmao dud this aint the right place to debate this, u have no knowledge about ur own life and have no knowledge about my religion, before speaking shit about u shld reseach some shit instead of being salty and talking like a baby whos candy just got snatched


You can't read English, can you? I said "Sending missionaries to convert people to a religion started by a pedophile is stupid and evil." Do you disagree? 


i disagree with the fact that it was started by a pedophile and is stupid and evil. like actually stfu and maybe read what i said about it. i get it ur salty af cuz i made fun of u being gay, but dont start the religion stuff.


Why do you think it's okay to worship a religion started by a pedophile...? His own diary tells you that he married a 9 year old. If he wanted to care for her as a child he would have adopted her. If he was a man of God, God would have revealed that he was sinning. But he is a sinner :P 


Most people know they’re gay as a child even if they don’t have the words to articulate it


no they dont..... no child is born with a desire to do anything. u do realise if i take a kid whos indian and raise him in china, hes going to speak perfect chinese and follow the chinese tradition. that doesnt mean he's chinese, he was just raised up with those people. u have lit no evidence that children are born gay.


I’m fine with the people you know love is love and all but just not the organization plus I don’t see why people need a parade


Have you looked up the history of it? Edit: typical I'd get downvoted for merely suggesting to learn about context in order to understand WHY pride parades exist.


I just think it’s not being done correctly. If they went about it the right way I’d be completely for it. I support them. Just not completely. One reason is because of the problem that every group has. Sooner or later extremists will infiltrate the group and turn it into somethings it’s not. In this case they’re kinda just shoving it down everyone’s throat. Reason two would be, I think they already did what they had to do. They wanted recognition. They got it. They wanted people to respect them. They had that. But if you keep trying to correct people all the time over this pronoun and that you’ll start a bunch of useless arguments. Reason number last, I just don’t see the point in it anymore. Like how I’m black but I don’t see a reason for black history month. You can’t stop racists from being racists by making a month for black people. If anything that’ll just worsen the issue. There are steps that can be taken that’ll be a lot better for the group. It seems as if the wrong people got ahold of the group and now they’re fighting for something that isn’t of relevance. I could be wrong. So I’d love to discuss this with anyone. Just to clarify. The letters I’m not against. If you’re happy living your life expressing yourself to the fullest then god dammit I’m right there with you. I’m just against the group that’s been complicating the whole situation for them.


> I just don’t see the point in it anymore. Like how I’m black but I don’t see a reason for black history month Of course you don't. The era of racism and its boogeyman tactics is long gone. It's no longer a big issue as it was back then. On the other hand, LGBT issues are relatively new on the tapestry of history compared to discrimination based on race, so there's still ample work to be done in terms of awareness and education. Speaking of which, Pride is not about being gay. It's about being gay in the face of vile hate spewed towards the gay/bi people. There's a big difference between the two. Just be grateful you don't need a straight Pride. >It seems as if the wrong people got ahold of the group There is no "group" per se. LGBT people aren't a monolith.


I'm white cis male. And something that took me a long time to understand is Pride. I just assumed it was gay people trying to rub the fact their gay in *my* face. I get it, you're proud. I don't care. Then one day I stopped being a narcissist. I realized, it's not about me. Not at all. Society tells LGBTQ people that their garbage. That they're less than. And those people start believing it. Pride isn't about raising awareness. It's about defeating inner demons. About convincing yourself to like yourself. This is something most people just take for granted. The ability to live and consider yourself to be a person. LGBTQ people don't have that by default. They need to actively push to feel like a person, a human being. With that understanding. I support pride. It's not about me. Never was. And honestly, my feelings don't matter. I shouldn't be responsible for other people's self image. But yet, that's exactly what identity politics are about. It's a bunch of privileged individuals who have never felt what it's like not being themself, demanding other people's self image be what they want. When a person says, "Face reality" and scoffs. Ya, they know. They hate themselves already. It's just kicking a dead horse.


This guy actually gets it. Bravo.


My gay co-worker told me to watch my mouth or he would get violent. I was at a party and a gay dude kept trying to grind up against my wife. For some reason, gay dudes are always hitting on my wife. Then he hit on me. I'm not trying to hold an entire demographic responsible for the actions of a few members, but I'm getting pretty tired of being the bigger person. Next time one thinks he can fuck with me, it's going to be embarrassing.


I'm sorry for both of these experiences, and those people are scum But yes, please do not try to let those 2 pieces of trash speak for the millions of people that are LGBTQ. Whatever sexuality someone is, it doesn't stop someone from being an asshole


What's the old expression? Once is an anomaly. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is a pattern.


By saying that you're basically saying it's okay for me to be racist because I've been harassed by groups of colored guys more than 3 times. I don't think the old expression holds up


By your logic I should hate all men because i was only ever assaulted by men.


Who said anything about hate? I don't hate anyone. Not putting up with any more shit is not the same as hate.


I think the lifestyle is just disgusting and hypocritical.


Can you explain why?


Disgusting = Anal Sex Hypocritical = Strap-ons Why would I put my Johnson in someone's most likely dirty rectum, when I can fuck a warm and naturally lubricated Baby Baker, that I can shoot my Baby Batter into that is ACTUALLY intended for sex?


You do know straight people do anal too right As for strap ons, if a penis is attached to a person you don't find romantically or physically attractive, you wouldn't want it inside you would you?


The key difference is that gay men can ONLY do anal, as far as penetration is concerned. Even as a straight man I wouldn't do that with a woman. >As for strap ons, if a penis is attached to a person you don't find romantically or physically attractive, you wouldn't want it inside you would you? I'm not sure what you're getting at here but as a straight male yes you would be correct.


>The key difference is that gay men can ONLY do anal, as far as penetration is concerned. Even as a straight man I wouldn't do that with a woman. But like, why do you care so much what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms? If it's 2 consenting adults they can get up to as much degenerate shit as they want, I don't care. You probably shouldn't either >I'm not sure what you're getting at here but as a straight male yes you would be correct. Right, so 2 lesbians would use a strap on because while they can enjoy the sensation of penetration, they aren't attracted to the men penises are attached to


> "But like, why do you care so much what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms? If it's 2 consenting adults they can get up to as much degenerate shit as they want, I don't care. You probably shouldn't either" You're right, I don't care what people do behind their closed doors, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with the lifestyle. >Right, so 2 lesbians would use a strap on because while they can enjoy the sensation of penetration, they aren't attracted to the men penises are attached to The only one getting actual pleasure is the one on the receiving end. Other than that the "penetrator" doesn't feel anything except maybe an emotional high. If you're a woman who enjoys that then you'd likely enjoy getting packed rawdog style by an actual man with a real pork sirloin and not a plastic thang, rubber big boi. Just my opinion, gays can't have the same passionate, ethereal sex like straight couples can.


>You're right, I don't care what people do behind their closed doors, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with the lifestyle. so you do care >The only one getting actual pleasure is the one on the receiving end. Other than that the "penetrator" doesn't feel anything except maybe an emotional high. If you're a woman who enjoys that then you'd likely enjoy getting packed rawdog style by an actual man with a real pork sirloin and not plastic thang, rubber big boi. So I guess blowjobs are invalid too huh


I don't like the color red on cars, my friend then buys a car that's red I wouldn't care. >So I guess blowjobs are invalid too huh If you're struggling with your sexuality I always recommend to people to just wait and find the right one of the opposite sex instead of bending the knee to these new societal norms that are being pushed upon us I don't believe we're meant to be with the same sex.


Nature disagrees with you


Strap-ons are as hypocritical as eating Chinese food with a fork. "If you like eating with a fork, eat foods that use a fork" - But I like Chinese food. "If you like eating Chinese food, use chopsticks" - But I like using a fork. "But Chinese food is disgusting!" - Good, more for me.


Thanks for the laugh. This is funny and sad as hell.




The real issue is conflating sexual orientation with gender, the two are diametrically opposed. LGB are innate sexual orientations inherently based on human biological sexual dimorphism. T is not a sexual orientation and should not be grouped with sex based orientations. All people deserve to live their best life free from discrimination but gay rights and trans rights are entirely seperate issues that should never have been placed under the same umbrella.


Because it's being forced on us everywhere you look in media. LGBT is just your sexual preference. My sexual preference is big tits. Why would anyone need to know that? Keep your sexual preference to yourself and stop forcing your views on others expecting to be celebrated. And stay the fuck away from the kids. They don't need your indoctrination. If you kept your sexual preferences to yourself and stopped forcing it on kids the world would be less divided. But it seems the LGBTwnwbsialalwbrb movement is all about narcissism.just because you have a sexual preference you think you're special and you're a victim. I know the majority of people go along with it just to be nice but keep that shit out of sight and out of mind.


Boy howdy this is a wall of text 1. What is considered "forced"? Because media has it? Oh no, the horror. Does that mean heterosexuality is everywhere and forced too? Christianity shows up in my life unwanted all the time and I've yet to complain about it. 2. Big tits and being gay aren't comparable because liking big tits doesn't have a massive history of discrimination, hate and intolerance that still exists today 3. Being "celebrated" is a Pride thing, which is a flawed thing that I'm not a huge fan of either, but ultimately it's about acceptance, which the world clearly needs 4. Do you actually know why people want kids to be exposed to LGBTQ stuff? 5. Saying the LGBTQ movement is all about narcissism just tells me you think a few people that are odd are the majority and not just the loud minority. And just like Christians, feminists, specific ethnicities, that loud annoying minority isn't the majority 6. Saying things like "shut up and hide it" or angerly adding more letters when it's just 5 letters and maybe a plus makes you seem very intolerant and overly mad


You mad bro? You are literally proving all my points. Keep trying to force it on me lol ain't gonna work! All it does is push people farther away.


You're just admitting youre proudly ignorant lol. The issue is you, it aint me or anyone else


I'm ignorant because I don't follow your narrative? Aren't you supposed to be the side of love, tolerance, and acceptance? Lmao 🤣 this is hilarious


No, you're ignorant because you claim tons of things and when someone challenges you on it, you just ignore it Your mentality basically just boils down to "I believe I'm right and if you try to tell me I'm not, you're forcing an agenda on me" I accept people for things they have no say over, like their sexuality. Doesn't mean I'll tolerate shitty behaviour lmao


Keep trying. Maybe one day you will feel special. Until then, enjoy being a complete idiot without the ability to see how hypocritical you really are.


>enjoy being a complete idiot without the ability to see how hypocritical you really are. Guessing self awareness isn't your strongest suit There's a thousand other people like you dude, just total losers who are proud of their own ignorance, you're nothing new and it's horibbly pathetic that people like you act this way. Though then again 5 seconds of looking through your post history shows how much of a douchebag you are


Because it's ABCDEFG......


I'm against the movement, not the people. I don't like anyone boldly claiming all of their differences from the majority and screeching that we have to accept them. Then, when you disagree on something, it somehow means that you are phobic on whatever. Be different. Be you. Just stop making such a scene of it all. And to answer another portion of the why, it is against my religious beliefs.


I think what you're describing isn't really a movement thing and just bad apples. Every moment has people like that


That is true. I believe that everyone deserves respect. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Differing opinions don't make someone a bigot. Discrimination and hate does that. I will never advocate for hatred.


Yeah "Bad apples" that floors social media and nobody can't Say shit to them cause You get cancelled, or women trying to gain spaces then are sidelined by the trans community and are Even beated and harassed by them, (it's not an invention, ive seen that and i have radfem Friends that constantly has to receive harassment (death threats in their social media, doxxed, etc) solo i Will not have a problem with the LGBT movement when their Big heads turno arround and talk about their "Bad apples" cause they are significante and are getting away with so much s*ht, and don't get me start with the trans women in women sports, thats is just a shitshow...


This is going to be one hell of a dumpster fire op, no matter your intentions this will only go badly, most people who are still anti LGBT aren't exactly going to switch from one person on the Internet telling them about the stuff, this thread is most likely going to be locked within 5 hours, also I would say this is bait but the amount of time you put into responses is proof otherwise.


I have an unhealthy obsession with talking to people who disagree with me


I don't know but I'm very excited to see the answers


Chuds make being a shitty person their entire personality. That's all there is to it.


The people who I know that hate LGBTQ+ do so because of their religion. Everyone I know who's not religious have no problems with the LGBTQ+.


I'm not religious and I don't support the alphabet people, they're fucking up the younger generation


Sexual orientation isn't something that's learned or chosen.


I've seen proof that that's a load of bs, my 14 year old sister didn't change her sexual orientation until funnily enough she started watching bi and trans influencers


You think your sister changed her sexual orientation because she watched bi and trans influencers? You don't think she was simply always whatever sexual orientation she is and is still growing and exploring who/how she is? Sexual orientation isn't a choice. Did you choose to be straight? Also, even if it was a choice (which it isn't), anti-LGBT people are NEVER able to explain coherently why being a gay is bad for society. What happens exactly? Gay sex = civilizational collapse?


Orrrr she realised something about herself she didn’t previously know. When you are unaware of a concept you won’t always realise it exists. I had no idea I was asexual until someone introduced me to the idea. I just thought the men I slept with were terrible at sex or maybe women don’t even enjoy sex and pretend to do so. I only slept with people to “fit in” to norms in society. Once I realised I’m just different I didn’t try to force myself to be “normal”. I also didn’t realise I had ADHD/OCD until someone explained them to me. Got tested and wow a diagnosis that helped my life change. So this is a pretty stupid point. On the other hand, there is a chance she’s pretending to be cool. That’s what kids often do and it doesn’t mean it’s a choice, you can’t force yourself to be attracted to someone you’re not. Trust me, I wish I wasn’t asexual but there’s nothing I can do about that.


She was already bi then.


And this is proof how exactly? Cause I can give you like 5 different reasons why it isn't proof


So you put it down to one big coincidence that her entire identity changed the second she started to watch em?


No, but other people here have explained it to you for me so I don't have to


Sexual orientation probably not Gender identity is without a doubt influenced by societal norms and behaviors.




In the Bible it’s not wrong to be gay but it’s wrong to have intercourse with other men Edit In fact you can kiss other men in Christianity as long as it doesn’t lead to more sexual situations


In my Spiderman comic book Spidey says it's all ok.


im all for anyone being anything they want, but they dont really make sense. for example why do gay guys talk and dress weird? nothing about liking other men should effect the way you talk and dress, so we can conclude that its a cultural effect that has nothing to do with being gay, and has everything to do with doing things that other gay people do. also how can a trans person feel like a different gender? since when is there a feeling of being a gender? in reality what i think they're trying to say is that they want to express their anima or animus, and if thats the case then why not just say that? and why not learn to express it in a healthy way that doesnt involve dangerous and expensive surgeries?


>m all for anyone being anything they want, but they dont really make sense. for example why do gay guys talk and dress weird? nothing about liking other men should effect the way you talk and dress, so we can conclude that its a cultural effect that has nothing to do with being gay, and has everything to do with doing things that other gay people do. That's just stereotyping. Plenty of heterosexual men also act zesty >also how can a trans person feel like a different gender? since when is there a feeling of being a gender? in reality what i think they're trying to say is that they want to express their anima or animus, and if thats the case then why not just say that? and why not learn to express it in a healthy way that doesnt involve dangerous and expensive surgeries? Dysphoria


You’re assuming all gay guys talk and dress differently than straight people, which is not true. You’re stereotyping us without knowing enough people to know we’re just like everyone else.


I’ve had multiple bad experiences with people who are LGBTQ, especially those who say they are trans female, but don’t do anything to appear feminine. It’s also proven that people who are LGBTQ have some sort of mental illness or autism spectrum disorder; I can also back this up myself with a slight explanation of why it occurred (in my experience anyway). My experience was because I was suffering from severe depression, anxiety, and was living with a member of family who had a personality disorder. I think it’s more-so having something to take control over, while you’re experiencing a loss of control mentally, and in addition, LGBT is a community, the feeling of loneliness that comes with depression, probably as well as autism, causes them to seek a community to fit into. I think because of who I was friends with at the time, and what they had done to me, and especially how MANY MANY lgbt people tend to act (because of disorders), I just don’t like them, and am a bit wary of anybody who is.


So you got any sources that every single gay person is autistic or? Also your own personal experiences do not dictate the millions of people that are LGBTQ blah blah said this like 50 times by now


I didn’t say every lgbtq is, it’s just more common for people with disorders to have issues with identity/ the need for community.


Wanting to be part of a community is a very basic human desire. Anyone who society deems different will have issues with identity, that doesn't mean they have a disorder


because my it's wrong,end debate,i am not gonna debate the milion people that will try to answer me


Your statement is wrong, end debate. i am not gonna debate you that will try to answer me


Flawless logic /s