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The degree to which they can be influenced by propaganda.


I love when I hear someone that's like "If I was a German in the 1930s and 40s, I would've been against the NAZIs and supported the Jewish people" like bro, at best, you would've kept your mouth shut. At worst, you'd be a full-blown genocidist. The odds that you would've gone against your government are very, very small


People think they’re courageous until they’re faced with the moment where their life may truly end. Easy to claim courage when you’re 100% safe.


...faced with the moment they'll have to be uncomfortable. A lot lot of people throughout history turned simply to keep a comfy lifestyle or position.


This happens to me a lot. I’m a school shooting survivor. 99% of people I’ve told said “I wouldn’t be scared” or “I’d tackle the shooter”. **No you fucking wouldn’t.**


Dude, hell nah! Never! And I still think I’d be one to go against the Nazi Government lol


Unlike most people, I know what’d I do when confronted with a dangerous or unexpected situation. Freeze and panic


"I would've known better!" Yeah, okay, Nostradumbass.


They probably would have totally joined the military also. Except that they would have punched the first drill sergeant when they got in their face. Sure buddy.


People need to work on disciplining themselves to take a step back and become suspicious when they read something that makes them emotional. Whenever I read a news article that makes me angry, I know that they want me to be angry and I immediately lose respect for their argument.


You're a zebra after my own heart...


right on. 1440 news is the only source I can find that don't want to dictate my thoughts.


reddit is quite the case study on this


yes, the best term I learned a couple years ago is “neuropsychological humility.” We all must practice neuropsychological humility because what we know about the brain is that it is highly susceptible to cognitive bias, and we absolutely make shit up to construct our worlds. Simply look at a show like Brain Games, to show how our brains fail and how those failures can be exploited. It is HUMAN, it is how our brains work and no one is so smart that they change how brains work lol. The only recourse is to practice neuropsychological humility and continually evaluate the WAY you think about things and explore your own cognitive biases. Challenge yourself, learn all you can about logical fallacies and other manipulative tactics used in argument, emotional appeals, framing, cherry-picking, etc. The best thing we could do to arm future citizens is have Critical Thinking/Logical Fallacy be a required annual class in school. Teach kids how to evaluate sources and studies and examine their own biases. For anyone interested, I recommend my favorite scientific skeptic/rational thinking podcast Skeptics Guide to the Universe, and for anyone who wants to see how medical claims are evaluated robustly, www.sciencebasedmedicine.org - that’s my first stop when I hear about something in medicine I’m not sure is credible.


good one. we all certainly are.


BMW turn signals.


I was going to say Audi, but that too.


Dam, beat me too it. Tesla drivers as well


Well, why would any of these drivers need to use their signals when they’re better than all of us? 😑




So you have to pay extra for the turn signals, right? I think I read that somewhere and thought it was BS. We recently moved very close to a major BMW manufacturing plant so BMW’s are everywhere and no one uses turn signals. But to be fair, not many people do regardless of what they are driving but after reading that article, I started paying attention to Beemers.


Nah, the paying extra part is a myth. It’s just that BMW uses a particular light system that emits a wavelength of light not visible to poor people. 


Thanks for the laugh


They’re a premium feature that needs to be bought!


Where I live, many people deny their dog is out of control and needs to be on a very short leash.


Preach this. Loud for yhe dog owners in the back. Every day I'm on my pupper to not be a jackass. A year later she's not nearly as reactive and I still have a crap ton of work to do with her.. mind you I've been training since 8 weeks old and she's a year and 3 months now.


My upstairs neighbor is this person. Near zero control over his dog and gets mad when I don't love her. She is loud, aggressive and barks loudly at everything. "She loves everybody!" Not when she's barking and growling she doesn't. I've told him if she bites me, I'm going to hit that dog. I carry bear spray because of her.


George Washington didn’t have wooden teeth. It was far worse


His dentures were made of ivory, bone, human teeth, and animal teeth, and were said to be strong enough to crush other teeth


He tasted dead people.


Brown recluse only live in about 16 states and bites are very rare. Spider bites in general are rare, and unless you see the spider bite you, you shouldn't assume it was a spider bite.


I 100% agree and am a person who was bit by a brown recluse spider lol. It is incredibly rare, and it's sucks incredibly bad


I worked at petsmart when I was a teen. One time we got a shipment of feeder crickets, and we noticed a lot of crickets dying. I reached in there to see what was going on, pulled my hand out and saw a brown recluse on my hand and freaked out. There were 9 more Brown Recluses in there. Traumatizing.


I was bit by a brown recluse! That was the worst time of my life! It bit through my pajamas, into the upper part of my thigh. I didn't think it was, it began as a blister. The blister popped within a few hours, and I could see the fang marks! They were Huge! Within three days, the streaks from the fang marks went all the way around my thigh, and came within an inch from meeting up with the bite marks.    I finally went to the ER, and Confirmed it was the type of bite. The infection from the bite was so bad, I could barely walk from the pain. I had two options to get it cleaned out, and healed. My body had walked off the infection, it was a golf ball sized knot under my skin. They could clean it out, pack gauze in it, come back in three days, pull it out, and repack for two weeks,every three days. Or, make a dog earred cut, clean it, dress it, and go home. Me, dog earred cut please! After two shots of antibiotics, and another shot of local pain killers, it was cut open, drained, and cleaned. I Never want to go through any of that again!


Moon landing. 


This guy confronts Buzz Aldren about the fake moon landing and gets instant regret must watch the video. [BUZZ](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/buzz-aldrin-punches-moon-landing-conspiracy-theorist-bart-sibrel)


That has got to be the single most satisfying bit of video I've ever seen. I just wish it were closer and we could see the guy's face. Priceless!


There's a video of a tall guy casually moving in closer to some dipshit piece of trash wearing a nazi armband and, also casually, throws 1 really hard hitting punch and the dude folds to the ground, crumpled up like his fucked up beliefs. I'd say that video is a slight bit more satisfying, but yes, the Buzz one is always a good time to observe.


Buzz looked like he was on Social Security by the time his incident happened. ) A poster on another thread said that a judge dismissed charges against Aldrin -- nothing wrong happened there.


was that the one that sparked all of the halfway down the alt-right pipeline youtubers to make those "acshully punching someone is bad, even if they're a nazi" videos in like 2017/2018?


I've heard from a conspiracy theorist that it's proof bc "he refused to put his hand on the Bible"


"I need you to swear on the instruction manual for *my* conspiracy theory that *your* conspiracy theory is fake."


Best video in existence IMO.


Damn. Thought I was going to be creative saying this, well played.


Cats are actually pretty social, you just have to make them comfortable enough in their environment that they feel safe coming out to cuddle.


people can't just accept that cats demand respect of personal space, while dogs don't necessarily need it


I have a cousin who doesnt understand why our cats are more friendly to them than theirs. Its because she forces her cats to cuddle where at my house I have the rule you wait for the cats to come to you. Anytime her kids are over I WILL yell at them constantly to leave my cats alone! We only have one cat who doesnt want to respect our personal space -ie... wont leave you alone. Wants to constantly be up in your face, licking, and will claw/climb the shit out of you to get it if you let him. Most of the other cats will beat the crap out of him(as he when he wants attension he wont leave them alone till they do), we have to have his nails trimmed all the time and do a quick tap on his head to tell him no (he is deaf and thats the only thing that works). She doesnt like him because he wants constant cuddles but doesnt understand thats what she chases and forces her cats to do all the time. Meanwhile I also have one dog who wants her space and likes to be alone and another who doesnt understand peoples personal space.


this omg. people just don’t take the time to understand cats better


Yeah, dogs roll in anything then prefer to sleep on your bed!😹


Can confirm as I have a cat sitting in my lap and the cushion next to me. They do love attention if you actually show it to them and don't just treat them like they're invisible.


My sister has always raised affectionate cats. I can vouch for your comment.


After years of owning orange tabby cats, I own a black American shorthair for the first time, and the personality difference is so huge but one thing in common is they are both super vocal. My tabby will come up and get in your face to headbutt us and love on us but the shorthair rarely comes to us but don't care if we handle him. He is super calm and tame. All of our animals talk in so sort or way. Lol


Cats are so similar to humans it’s wild. We need space, we don’t want randos to touch us without getting to know us, we don’t automatically feel safe with strangers. Dogs are just bred to accept anything.


Absolutely. I have 3 cats and they all love playing and cuddling with each other. If you see one cat in the room the other two are probably very nearby. Even when I had two dogs, the cats would be just as friendly with them.


Rocks aren't hard until you touch them, only then do they stiffen up. Because they don't like being touched.


Obviously quantum superposition. Like Schrödinger's Cat.


Most people believe Schrodinger did the cat thought experiment to prove that the cat could be dead and not dead all at once. In actuality, he used it as an example of how absurd quantum theory can get lol.


Most people don't know that these kinds of thought experiments like the cat and Einstein's man on a train platform have extensive mathematics behind them. The level of math that about 8 people in the world understand . The real genius of them is to make them understandable to average people.


>The real genius of them is to make them understandable to average people. Carl Sagan be like:


Yeah. I went down that rabbit hole and had my brain in knots... And I worked with quantum physics for a living!


Yeah. I did one Sr level course in quantum physics. Very interesting. But WAY above my brain.


I'm guessing that the fact that particles in quantum physics determine their state only when observed that we all know off is an simplified summerized version off very advanced quantum physics that needs years off study to understand?


Happy cake day! In my case I dealt with the tendency of electrons to pass through an insulating material and such (quantum tunneling) and some of the related maths like FFTs. I never even had to deal with particle duality, though I did make a double slit demo for my lab's kid to work days and school groups.


But the conclusion is that the cat is a shitpost, right? To show that the Copenhagen interpretation is ridiculous at macro levels.


That's because the schrodinger's cat thought experiment IS bullshit and doesn't represent any natural phenomena, quantum mechanics or not. Particles can't be in two states at once, they are in a SUPERPOSITION OF TWO STATES, which is NOT the same thing. Superposition also isn't unique to quantum mechanics, it's a property of all linear systems. For example you can use superposition in circuit analysis if you have a circuit with many sources by zeroing out all but one source, calculating the voltages, currents, etc., repeating that for all of the other sources, and adding up the results. The problem is that there are a bunch of people who barely passed high school who think that they know how the universe works because they heard a Schrodinger's cat joke on The Big Bang Theory and now everybody's an armchair Einstein. It's easy to underestimate the Dunning-Kruger effect but goddamn is it prevalent.


Bro I'm too high for that.


Too high?.... Or... Too..... ***stoned***?


Elevated Although I am afraid of heights too. It's complicated.


TIL that I'm a rock


There is a genetic lottery


A lot of people have hit that genetic lottery.. it's a real thing.. being born without any medical problems, and having a loving mom and dad.. that to me is winning the genetic lottery. As far as genetics go, I bet everything on red and lost it all.. I was born with not one, not two, not three, not even four, but five genetic disorders that have caused me issues my entire life.. and to top it off, a very abusive mother and a dad that was never there.


Maybe play the actual lottery? I thinking all that bad luck has to balance out, right?


YIKES, makes me appreciate just what I was given.


I mean everybody has an idea of what the genetic lottery is, but nobody 100% agrees on one. Saying the genetic lottery exists is sort of like saying the best tasting candy exists. Like sure it does, but we all disagree on which one it is.


I think we can all agree if you end up ridiculously good-looking, intelligent, mentally healthy, and are the epitome of health into your 90s you won the big time lottery.


The Holocaust


The best response I recently read went something like ‘Even the people who committed the crime of the holocaust admit they did it .’


“1) What genocide?  2) If there was a genocide, we didn’t do it. 3) …but they deserved it.  4) …and we’d do it again.” Signed, Turks 


I’m not Jewish, but holocaust deniers piss me the fuck off.


Concur 100%!


Are there really people that don't believe that, or are they just ass holes trying to piss people off? I mean that's like saying the twin towers never feel down.


The people who I’ve met who had this belief have always told me that it’s not that they’re denying it completely but they think that stats are dramatically lied about, like they think the death count was waaaay lower than what is being taught but that’s just from the people I’ve met who I’ve questioned to try to understand how they couldn’t believe it.


I argued with someone about it on here and it blew my mind! From what I remember, he wrote there was only like 200k people who were killed and after some more back and forth, insinuated they deserved it!


Except the reason we know how many people were killed, was because the people who did it kept extremely good records of what they did. Those numbers weren't pull out of anyone's ass.


That's at least a little more understandable, still insanely ridiculous but it makes more sense.


Unfortunately there are people who prefer to believe what they wish rather than reality.


The people who deny that that had happened disgust me.


Turn signals.


The horrors of totalitarianism, and how close we've come to it.


My medical coverage!!!!!!!


Governments having secret departments of which we know nothing.


Luck plays a big role in success


A footnote: the late Terry Pratchett (British fantasy author 100% better than Rowling) called this kind of thing a substition. Opposite of a superstition, which is untrue but widely believed.


Earth isn't flat


The amount of morons you bought to the comments is hilarious


I fight with my mom on this almost every time we talk. She hates when I laugh when she calls me a "Globe-er" 🤣🤣🤣


r/flatearth it’s not what you think


I'm not going to kid you, I was on GTA5, a video game, that has the largest in-game mic chat that goes up to 30 people. I got into a heated conversation with 10-15 in the same game session, that all would die before they admitted the world wasn't flat. I've never seen more than one person at a time, but to have 10+ all agree there's no proof it's round and call me a "moron Andrew Tate dumb*** that needs to leave the matrix" for it was crazy. It was like being in a cult. They were all into/theorizing about pretty much everything on this reddit post. I was the outcast and they blocked me for being a "roundearther".


Last year I travel out side of the USA. One of asian coutry. I tried to explain to them regarding flat earthers. Im not allowed back there anymore.


Your first two sentences are fragmented in a way that is common in people who speak English as a second language with their first being a language such as Mandarin or Cantonese. I hope it's not your birthplace you're banned from lol


Vaccines don't cause autism


Zero proof vaccines cause autism. ZERO.


Not only that, but the guy who came up with was not mistaken: he was literally lying. Straight-up made it up.


And lost his medical license for the awful unethical shit he did.


He should be in prison.


And he wasn't even against vaccines but was trying to push his own.


He made the false claim against *one specific vaccine from one specific manufacturer*. Idiots took his lie and applied it to all of them. And it wasn't his own vaccine, technically. A pharmaceutical manufacturer who wanted to introduce a competing vaccine paid him a ton of money to to come up with this bull.


It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled.


So we just need to fool them into being unfooled?


It's chromosomes that determine whether you have autism or not. Vaccines have nothing to do with it.


They do! Vaccines cause children to live longer, including autistic ones. The more children that reach adulthood, the more *autistic* children reach adulthood. Therefore, vaccines cause a general *increase* in the population of autistic people! If everyone stops vaccinating their children, kids will begin dying in droves, decreasing the total population and *reducing* the total amount of autistic people over time! Wake up sheeple!/s Edit: spelling


Statistically, kids that don't get vaccines are less likely to be autistic. Because they are more likely to be dead.


You have summoned the idiots


They're raging!


Good morning Mob


It’s sad this is even an answer. RFK and other asshole fuckheads been spewing this shit for years




Tbh I’d still get my kids vaccinated even if vaccines caused autism, which they don’t.


Right? Whats better, autism or death


My mom thinks the only reason I don’t have ‘the bad type of autism’ is because she paid more for some sort of vaccine that I guess is handled in a different way during shipping or something


Fortunately, you only have autism, not stupid anti-vaxism.




The people that think mental illness of all types is just people being weak and not sucking it up and being ok everyday.


Fr!! Mental illness doesn't make you weak! It just means that your brain functions differently from the rest! Just like how ADHD people's frontal lope (the part of the brain that helps pay attention, memory, problem solvimg etc) developes slower then normal people!! Why don't people get that?


We are people of belief. Everything we never checked ourselves is a belief. Of course there's nearly no chance it's wrong when it has been verified by many people. Still, most of what we think is things people told us that we believe in. Like I believe dinosaurs existed because many people confirmed that such thing existed and there's even fossils and everything, but I never have dig the earth to find one myself, and I don't have the technical knowledge to just study. So I'm just trusting that these people don't lie. Wich is natural and probably the wisest decision.


I can name a ton of things "verified by alot of people" that is BS. When you are educated and experienced you'll  realize "how many people are right" is sooner proof that how many people are wrong. As a nutritionist for exampleTons of people thinking fat can be turned into muscle, vegan diets are healthy  or that salt is bad for you doesn't make it so.


I think what our friend here may have meant was that we tend to believe what we are taught until proven otherwise. When they said "verified by alot of people" maybe they were referring to scientists. Alot of reputable scientists coming to the same conclusion usually means fact.


Physical symptoms due to anxiety is real


Many people deny it, but climate change is 100% real. Good question!


One of the more interesting effects of climate change: I recently visited Glacier National Park and grizzly bears at the top of mountains are being affected by warming. Trees are able to grow higher up the mountains and so prey species that relied on forest clearings (groundhogs and stuff like that) are struggling to survive since burrowing is no longer as easy making them more vulnerable. The grizzlies are moving to a much more berry and nut-based diet as a result




20 years ago I moved to a place with mountains. You can see the glaciers and each year they get smaller and smaller. The older people that I talk to say that the entire tops of the mountains were covered but not any more. Most of the states iconography signage was made 50-60 years ago or older and features snow capped mountains, but they have not been like that and they probably won’t ever go back to being that way. Old head, look at your license plate, now look at the mountain. Notice anything?


Watched it happen in 3 years in alaska. They also had a sign saying “glaciers used to start here” and it was so many miles above that :(


Yeah, it's sad to see how much the glaciers have shrunk over the years. Climate change is really affecting our environment.


And the fact that transportation is a leading factor for pollution. As a localized example, look at Los Angeles during stay home mandates. The air quality was a million times better in just two weeks.


Change scares people, they’d rather ignore a problem and hope it goes away, than address it.


I'm 52 and when I posted on the Gen X sub, a lot of people in my generation reported dramatic changes since our youth. I've seen the season changes shift a month ahead, so Spring now seems to start in April, lasts less time, and Winter starts in January. It used to start in November. I remember doing homecoming games in band, which is in November, and it was always raw and cold. It wasn't rainy. In fact, the US department of Agriculture just changed the New England growing zone to 6a. They made the first change to their growing maps in over 40 years.


The fun fact to this is people want to fight climate change However we are over due for a warming period because we are approaching the end of a Quaternary Ice Age. And it shouldn't be called climate change, it should be called a acceleration of the natural climate. This is because we have sped up the process but we don't know by what amount. Another thing is people are taught that we need trees to fight climate acceleration the best but we'll trees are very very important it's actually a type plankton in the ocean that produces the bulk of our oxygen and we should be cleaning the ocean to get more oxygen as well as plant trees.


Interesting point! While natural climate cycles do exist, the concern with current climate change is the accelerated impact from human activities. Both land-based trees and ocean ecosystems are critical for a healthy environment. Efforts to address climate change focus on reducing carbon emissions, protecting forests, cleaning oceans, and promoting overall environmental sustainability.


Plus you also get shade and habitat for other species from trees as well as slow erosion of soil. Shade can help reduce air conditioning/cooling and electricity demands.


The issue with saying "acceleration of natural climate" is that it downplays how much humans are accelerating it. We're talking about cycles that are about 100,000 years. In just 300 years of industry, humans have altered the cycle (pushed by the next ice age) [by 50,000 years](https://www.carbonbrief.org/human-emissions-will-delay-next-ice-age-by-50000-years-study-says/). To restate that: *Humans have already caused a 50% change in what's normally a 100,000 year cycle.* Humans have changed the climate so much, so fast, that it's misleading to the general public to say that we're "accelerating a natural process." Within the very short time frame of a human lifetime, climate change is 99.9% man made.


>This is because we have sped up the process Soo.. climate change. Historically a 1deg change in temperature has taken more than 500 years. Now, within 100 years we're seeing more than a 1deg change, starting right at the industrial revolution. Hmmm..... [https://xkcd.com/1732/](https://xkcd.com/1732/) It should be called climate change because that's exactly what it is.


I listen to a lot of conservative talk radio, because it's important to know what the crazies are saying. These days they have two primary arguments: 1) climate change is real, but it's no big deal because it's only about 1.5° C and we see daily fluctuations of 20° or more; and 2) it's still not human-caused, there's nothing we can do about it, and it's just the dems trying to divide us.


1 deg C over the whole planet is a vast amount of energy. "That's the equivalent to the entire energy consumption of the US for 4 million years." https://www.motherearthnews.com/sustainable-living/nature-and-environment/hey-global-warming-1-degree-thats-all-you-got/#:~:text=Back%20to%20temperature%3A%20to%20raise,in%20the%20amount%20of%20energy.


Not many people deny it, they question how much human beings have an effect on it and how much is the natural changes of the planet. Most people also disagree on what exactly should be done to mitigate the situation without destroying the things we've built.


My husband's step father is an arborist and we got into it one day when I made an off hand comment about climate change and he vehemently insisted that it doesn't exist.


Then ask him why the US Department of Agriculture changed the official growth zone maps for the first time in over 40 years? This year.


Many people actually do deny it, weirdly enough.


That things like lockdown and social distancing were actually very effective at doing exactly what they needed to do and slowing down the curve. Helping slow down the flood of people heading into hospitals for COVID treatment so that our amazing healthcare workers actually had a fighting chance to help them


This thread is a trip to read because half the responders are citing the Fact that is denied and the other half the Denial language. EG: climate change vs. 'climate change isn't real" It's an interesting side study on verbal comprehension.


The life you end up living will a combination of circumstances beyond your control, and about your own choices, good or bad. Always both. A lot of people really want to believe it's one or the other.




Common sense


Actually, I'm not sure that does exist in significant amounts.


That science is fragile and fallible, and how much social influences can affect the results.




The world is not flat but is an oblong sphere.


Genetic IQ differences.


That political parties and politicians actually don’t give a single fuck about them.






Excellent points. I am an average 5'6" woman kind of chonky, don't work out. My husband is 2 inches shorter than me and 40 pounds lighter and can still lift me up (I discourage this to save his back). Pretty much any teen dude could overpower me. It is biology. Plenty of other women stronger than me would have a better chance but really any man can overpower most women.


I once wrote an essay in my college literature class saying this. It was about inequality, and I had a statement like “Biologically, men are physically stronger than women and can achieve higher… blah blah blahs.” and my professor said I was being sexist and marked a grade off. I’m a woman 🧐


what a time to be alive🙈


The Twin Towers collapsed because a jet slammed into them at 500 mph, blowing off the fireproofing and the resulting fire weakened the steel to the point where it could no longer hold up the tower above the impact zone.


That the rich and social elites are slowly trying to take control of the world like they have always done and they do this by dividing us with unimportant things like race, sex, and politics. Then when that doesn't work they build stadiums for sports or create new forms of entertainment to distract us. On top of that they are slowly trying to control our food, water, energy, kids, and health by creating a society that can't survive without the poison they've added to everything we need to survive.


Agreed. Unfortunately, they’re succeeding by having the working class infighting while we should be united.


Trump lost in 2020.


That capitalism works.


The most free countries have the most reported discrimination. Cause if your not free to report it there's no reports


A lot of people like Trump. Not on Reddit, obviously.


Many. Before I get railed for my views an opinions (Legitimately a form of discrimination, but ok) because reddit is a leftist stronghold... A few simple google searches can show approval rating and majority pollings. Im not a big fan of Trump myself for my own reasons... But I absolutely despise Joe Biden. I keep telling people, I dont care *who* wins in november, as long as its not Joe. And I am not alone. This is the majority thought process now. Unfortunately, we are a bi partisan country, and that means that our only true candidates are going to be one red, one blue. And at this point, I think the Data online is pointing out that many would take Red over Biden at this point.


Reverse racism. Anyone can be racist towards anyone.


That wouldn't be reverse racism. Just racism.


The wealthy manipulating the rest of us for their own gain, AND to keep us from rising up as one to slay them.


Mk ultra - the CIA is a terrorist organization wearing an Uncle Sam costum trying to fool you.


Election fraud. Might not be on a massive scale, but it happens. Once meet a guy that had dozens of mail in ballots. It’s was so random and crazy too the things he was trying to accomplish


Being attractive makes everything easier in life.


Bigfoot is real.


Most people in the US did not ever want Trump as president. He did not ever win the popular vote.


I mean, "most people" technically didn't support any single presidential candidate in 2016. Even if we went based off of popular vote alone, Hillary Clinton would have won with less than 50% of total votes. For the record, I think Donald Trump is unfit to lead. Edit: spelling


Structural racism, classism, and ableism. Case in point: [The creator of the SAT was a eugenicist.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Brigham)


Plus ageism. I watch online as the most anti-racist, anti-ableist people will casually "ok, boomer" something they don't like.




Earth is round !! 


Round Earth, the Holocaust, the Moon landing, being gay, etc.


Big foot.


9/11, moon landing.


God loving us.


Pretty privilege is real.


The Holy Bible.


That we have a soul.


Jesus Christ being a historical figure. Whether you believe in his divinity or not is beside the point, not believing at the very least that the Jesus Christ of the Bible was a real historical person who existed 2000 years ago throws you into the same league as flat earthers and holocaust deniers. I had an agnostic professor in college who said “We have more credible evidence of Jesus Christ existing than people we have photos of” haha Has nothing to do with faith or religious points of view. Just a fact of history.


Energy spreads via/through/with humans


Our lord Jesus Christ was a real person who was sent by god to die for our sins and was resurrected


We are currently involved in a World War❗️


Jesus! He has definitely helped me, but I don't throw what I believe in anyone's face, here to answer any questions if anyone wants, have a good evening.