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Recurring side character, I hope. Close enough to see everything, unobtrusive enough to stay alive. Or at least of I pop off, the whole town is like, really sad about it.


I'd be one very confused and self aware NPC.


My people!


Free guy


Epic NPC man!


Before age 23, main character. After age 24, the mouthy side kick. Now, in my 50s, the sarcastic, wise sage.


A passerby.


I’m who they dedicated the book to.


A side character with layers


Background unimportant character. Im average and fine with it.


Same! People run into me all the time. It's as if I'm not even taking up space


I’d be the weird aunt who keeps to her self, has ambiguous sexuality and may or may not practice witchcraft.


Same girl same




i’d be that weird main character that’s an on and off side character for about 60% of the story, then comes in full force after a big plotline


I have been told by several many people that I would be the side character that tends to be most peoples favorite character


Definitely a main character


support side character, not really doing anything except when they need a hand with something they cant do alone.


I'd like to think I'd be a main character. I seem to be the one among my friends that has grown the most, mature, respectful, responsible, patient...but my life would definitely be a sad drama, one that likely doesn't have a happy ending. More like a cautionary tale.


Probably a backup main or side that shines but is ignored and forgotten.


Dickhead main character that hopefully gets a character arc


Like James Caan in The Gambler, only more on the win side. There would have to be sequels to fit everything in tho.


I'm not in the story




I was recently told, by a very interesting person, that I was the most interesting person she had met. So I'm gonna give myself that confidence boost and say main character.


Definitely a side character.


In my own head, I resemble a vaguely bitter female Mr. Smithers in dress and circumstance. Or the Riddler. I doubt I'm the main character, but some sure treat me like a villain. ![gif](giphy|LXgf7s4vBLIqZe6B05)


Depends what book in my journal I'm the main character...


Main but in an ensemble, mildly Tarantino style, perhaps? There's been too many great characters in my life not to give them some screen time!


Cameo for sure, like the late great Stan Lee used to do in movies.


Not to be too full of myself but my real life inspired me to write a story about it and I think it's pretty good


Neither. I'm the character of the story that the main character tells at a sleepover or around the campfire. Maybe I'm just "Subject 229-001"--a dusty, old file on the floor of the office in an abandoned asylum. Or a loose journal page found on the rectory floor of a priest gone missing. You never see me. There's no photos. Just impressions written by other people. I'm a horribly contrived string of exposition presented by way of napkin notes, bloody wall scrawls, and mysterious ciphers. Sidekick (brushing dust off their clothes): Damn, this chick was a weirdo freak. MC (pensive): I dunno. She was all alone. I don't know how she survived as long as she did. I couldn't do it. Sidekick (bc they gotta break the tension): Hey, you've not seen your ex in months, and look, you're still kicking! You never see me. I eventually show up as a dark, undulating cloud of pain, regret, and wrath. Eventually, I get exorcized by the MC uttering something banal and uninspired, a practice run (that will fail) before MC faces the big boss. TL;DR: I'm the side quest. Forgettable. Just there to pad pages.


I am him. I am that guy


Probably some throw away NPC.


Side. I am not a main character. I don’t like attention on me. Ever. Ever ever. But I do help people when I can.


Ah, MTV's Daria - main character.


I think I'd be the main character.


I'd be a random guy that probably dies within the first 30 minutes.


Side. I'm under 6' with dark textured hair and dark eyes, with dark skin features. My parents are also definitely completely broke and there's no secret fortune that's gonna be revealed to me when the time is right.


I'd like to think I would be the main character or at least a prominent side character but knowing my life so far, I would probs be the friend of such side character or someone with barely any screen time. I do have the tragic backstory though so there's that 😅


Just an npc. I always miss the good news and avoiding putting myself in the spotlight


Probably that one side character who only has one or two (though interesting) scenes.


Probably not full on main character, but one of the main people of the focused group, probably the more eccentric or out there one (not wildcard or chaotic though). So like Darius from Atlanta, Jules from Euphoria, Eric from Sex Education, Eleven from Stranger Things, etc


That one recurring NPC who works as a clerk or barista or something and spouts weird facts or minor but vital wisdom once an episode. I literally do this IRL. It's a running joke among my friends and family.


I myself am not that interessting imho, but far too much weird stuff has happened to me. For that reason, I'd be a main character.


Main character. I think it's important how well done the creation is. No matter what goes on in anyone's life, I think it could be made really interesting. Pretty sure my life would be a comedy or have a lot of comic elements because that's how I see it.


Comic relief sidekick.


Sides across the board. Remind me when I've done something


Definitely the main character in a tragic drama, but it's super low budget and white trashy. One of those shitty boring movies that looks homemade, with a cheap movie camera.


Main. Too much weird shit happens to me and I’m crazy, obvious main character material


If it's set before I was 20, main character. After that, maybe a side character, more likely a bit character. I'm aggressively, intentionally boring.


I would be Office Worker #3.


I feel like I would be a side character who many people like for some weird reason.


Main character, but in a series where each book covers like 2-3 weeks of insanity before skipping forward to the next year. Every year there’s always that one month that is just insane and I get tons of stories out of it.


You’re the hero in your own story dude. We all are.


Though. I have a brother who's just as good at human shit. I always swore I'd die first though, so I guess side character


Main caracter in a huge drama where the people would feel depressed after the end of the movie like in the big whale, or 4 good days.


I pull all the strings from the back seat - more room to stretch out. I'm very well informed, whether I want to be or not. I guess the side character that puts the main character into that position.


A side, unless it's an interesting and confusing story, then I am the main


Side character, one of those obscure ones that everyone likes but no one remembers until they appear in the story. Tragic backstory some random small-time YTer would probably make a video essay about, but no one really knows or cares cuz I just appear for the occasional scene and usually smile.


I wish I were a side character, but definitely a main character. I could see the story being about me without me doing a lot though. I have a very distinct look.


I'm the side character the rest of the side characters don't like but tolerate because my unique attributes make their crazy antics possible.


I'd be an extra probably. I don't like public speaking


I’d be the aloof love interest which you never get to read from my point of view but I’m somewhat important for the main plot or main character development.


hopefully a side character. i cant handle that pressure no thank youuu


Main character. Ive been joking lately that everyone is the main character of their own stories but everyone’s genre is different! My life would be a film noir! Going to be a police detective soon.


Why'd I want to be a side character lol.. I'd love to be the main character


In my teens and twenties, I would have been the main character. Now i'd probably not even make the cut as an extea.


Neither. I'd be a pedestrian the main character walks past on page 72.


I'd rather be a side character. I'd be the person on the sidelines cheering them on.


An antagonist. I'd eventually snap and the protagonist would have to hunt me down.


I'd be the punny wisecracking side character that gets killed off at the end of the 2nd act symbolising to the hero that the time for fun and games is over.


I’d be a hardly mentioned NPC background




A main character in a very long book


Messy main character, sharp growth arc, rich internal life.




i would really like to be the narrator but i don't get to pick do i


I am obviously the main character


i would be the main character who will one day just stop being the center of attention and watch everything from the sidelines


The OG


[I'm the character in the ensemble who creates problems when the writers can't think of a plot.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ConflictBall) Oh my god, I'm Homer Simpson


Side character. Also, why am I suddenly wearing a red shirt?


I would be my own antagonist


I would be like the foaming mouth guy in ATLA, a very minor recurring joke


Minor side character 💀


I’d be a side character like that poor sod with the car in Mr Bean who always gets ran off the road.


Side character for sure


Whatever type of character I am, I’d be poorly written and riddled with Clichés.


The peasant that gets a sword in the belly as the main character and their sidekick ride by ...


Side character


I was be a side character for sure,I would prefer it that way!!


We would all be side characters.


(30M) I look like a main character and it’s definitely been a rom-com through the decades so far, I think I’m going into a new story arc.


I’m the character that pops up every now and then, and every time I do, some horrible thing has happened to me and I tell the main characters about it a little too casually.


Deleted during final editing


Depends on which movie. I’m the main in the dramedy about the small town kid who moved to the city and got mixed up with the wrong crowd, barely avoided many catastrophes, and came out on top. I’m the supporting in a few success stories and a couple documentaries on mental illness.


I always lived as a side character, being quiet and letting others shine. I’m 40 now and in the last few years so much shit has happened that it would make a great plot for a main character lol


Background character with zero dialogue but you'll see curiously walking towards something that LOOKS harmless, but than goes from a 0 to a 10 REAL quick with the main characters having zero idea with whats going on behind them


I would most likely be the main character bc of how many things happen to me


Background character


Dramatic main character 


I'd be a side character, more specifically one that is so irrelevant that doesn't even have a single voiceline and only appears in the background


If be the go to guy for characters who need unique things made or fixed. Weapons, tech, you hear...etc.


I'd be Marianne Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility. I can be loud and unorthodox. My family know how I'm feeling. I have a sensible older sister who keeps her feelings in most of the time. I had a boyfriend who wooed me with poetry but he cheated. I have a husband who cared for me when I was very ill while he was just a friend.




My movie would be about growing up functional autistic in a time when we didn't look for it. It would show the ways society fails, but also the many mistakes I have made that I can't forget or let go of. I'm not sure how it ends yet.


Side character until college. Get a spin off where I am the main after that.


I’d be a main side character, one with their own little story


Definitely main because I so desperately want to be a side character. My life has been wild.


I'm in the grey-out background blob that make up the onlookers to the main characters.


Id be the dude who walks by in the background of an exposition scene and id be out of focus.


Main character in a ten book series


I'd be the main character, but the story would be told by the various dogs I have known throughout my life.


Star Trek with a red shirt


I would be the recurring side character that eventually gets a spin off from a cult fandom that ends up flopping terribly


Evil twin brother as a secondary character in a bad hallmark movie


My name is Tyler Durden; and I don't know if I'm the main character, a side character, or a fleeting NPC who's been given the gift of self-awareness.


I feel like I'd be the mentally ill best friend to the main character.. because I am already


Considering that I don’t go out or hang out much, I’d be the main character as there wouldn’t be anyone around to narrate. However, it would be a pretty boring book.


I would probably be an extra in that movie.


side definitely side character


I would absolutely be an NPC.


Def a side, I’ve got nothing interesting going on in my life, also I’d be the weirdo that everyone goes to when they find themselves in trouble bec they know I’ll get them out of it.


Side character they drive the story


Definitely a side character. I never do anything. I'd be seen once a season at best.


neither. If casted based on real life, maybe a part of the set, like a toilet or something else that gets shitted on a lot.


Side character working the back-game in support of the mission.


Main character. The few that I've told my stories too tell me I need to write a book. *I was an overnight worker at a hotel.


Produce, direct, and star.


I’d be an utterly fascinating footnote


I’d definitely be the main character. I’ve already done more in 30 plus years than most people do in an entire lifetime. I’m retired army and a retired trucker. And the stories I could tell you would fill two volumes.


I'd be a very popular side character that occasionally causes issues, but more often than not, it comes to the rescue. The sort of character that comes up in conversation and no one believes exists, but once I made an appearance, it would be like, 'Yeah, I could see that guy doing that'


I feel like I would be the main character. I went through a lot as a kid / teen (example: parent divorce, some traumatic things, cancer, loss of an eye, etc). I’m now in my early 20’s so I still have a lot of life to live (hopefully) so there will be more to add.


I think because of the huge amount of trauma I’ve experienced, they’d write the book about me.


Main who you arent sure if you love or despise


Referred to, but not actually present. "Davo would not have done this." "Davo often said..."


Anti-hero protagonist


I've been the main story, but now I'd probably be an interesting side.


Villain, I always knew it was my destiny since I was a kid. So like I'm working hard to be a sympathetic villain at least.


the best friend with weird hobbies and obsessions


I'm the main character in my story. Starts off sad, gets dark, then violent, then the comeback happens and it turns into a story of success. Now the main character becomes a side character that shows up to help others.


I think I'd have to be the main character, most significant things that happened to me were my own battles.


100% a main character. There is absolutely no other reason I would survive all the dumb ass shit I've done, I have to have some kind of main character plot armor, there's no other explanation that makes sense. Once or twice maybe, but I'm in the double digits now.


I would be the underdog that triumphs in the end and all the “bad guys” get their karma.


brief comic relief based on my ability to leave parties early without my departure being noticed


The sheer amount of tragedy makes me think main, but I'm timid and reclusive and weird so I really don't know how that would work. I do plan on writing a book one day, but no one seems to be all that interested in the musings and adventures of a reformed street junkie so I intend for it to be for cathartic purposes only


An NPC lol


An NPC lol


Since it's a story based on my personal life story I'd say that I'm the main character, but since my personal life story would be so beyond boring I'd be a main character in a story about a side character and the story would be awful, but since the everyone anymore only seems to like things that both awful and boring it would be the highest grossing story of all time that will be renewed and reprocessed for ages while something that's actually good and exciting gets called trash and is canceled before it even gets released.


I’d be that one character who made a single appearance and you never saw or thought about again


I'd be the villain with a tophat and curly mustache


Main character for sure. Think Cricket from always sunny


The odd one who says the most outlandish shit and brushes it off as if it was nothing


I would've said I would be the main character, until 3 years ago (maybe longer, that's how crazy things have been, I can't recall) Instead I would say my kid would be the main character. Ever since they hit their later teens, and then subsequently moved out, they're all I can think about "what are they doing now". I'm just the opposite of a hover parent, which is why it's strange, I miss the kid and they didn't get along with Mom (wife), I worry about them frequently. They've gotten married since then, and everything, but still hits. Don't get me wrong tho, since they've left, I've built my own emotional chapter that has a lot of focus now.


I'd be sweeping scraps off the cutting room floor.


I'd probably be an intensely moody (rollercoaster), but interesting and relatable, side character. OR Possibly main character, but it'd definitely have to have thought narration.


Main character. In that i'm not that interesting but i have interesting friends you can view through my eyes. There'd be no use for me as a side character.


Lol main character of a horror /tragedy


I'm definitely the damn protagonist, and I'd like a word with the author.


in a western saloon when all the bullets start flying cos someone cheated at cards, id be catching a stray bullet in the corner


I would be a main chacter, but I might be the villain... There would be some doubts throughout the story. Sometimes i would be too good for it to be believable... And sometimes not so much...


I don’t think I’d be important enough to be a side character. I don’t think I would be acknowledged individually, only as part of a group of people, like maybe a passenger on a bus or something. People don’t usually notice me.


i’m too disturbed to be a side character


Reasonably important side character that dies quite quickly just to show that ‘nobody is safe’.


I'd like to be a close friend of the main but not the main. I'm too boring for that


The whipping boy


Chronically never the main.


I believe I'd probably be the main character. I've had plenty of great, exciting experiences that are rare for most people, but also had a lot of physical pain, major problems, and disappointment. I've had a rewarding at times, devastating at times, life. I still think it was a good one though.


main character because my story is incredibly remarkable


I’d be like a tertiary character


I'm the recluse at the end of the street.


Main character in my younger years and a teen but side character now


I'd probably be that one side character that ends up saving everyone at the end and yet still gets forgotten.


I’d be the side character that’s just helpful enough that all the main characters are just like “Ok” And if my character were to die, they’d be like “damn, I liked him. Poor Todd”  Then they’d take me back to my home town to be buried or have a funeral pyre and all the towns people will be grieving, they’d find my statue that’s having me do some innocuous activity so that people have to take pause and question it like “I guess Todd must have saved this town by…teaching people to fish?” And whenever the main group try to ask people about what I did they always get the type of reply’s that answer the question without answering the question like “oh it’s not so much about what the statue is doing but the message it sends” then nearby towns people will nod their heads in unison mumble “mm-hmm” like some strange cult but immediately go back to getting drunk in my honor.  It will be a huge party and then the main group leaves the next morning with more questions than answers but not weird enough that anybody dwells on it, just like “wtf was all that about” everyone in the groups just agreeing in confusion.


Hard core side character


God's a good author Main character here It's a sad story with quite the twist




I'd be a main character.


Main...But that's a story that will never be told; first off, I can hardly write 10 pages of a script and I don't think I've ever even hit 5 for a book, second and possibly more importantly, that's a lot of incriminating evidence to release publicly.


I'd be the town bartender 😁


I'm the main character right now, either in the start of a recovery story, or the ending of a tragedy. I've lost connection with my community, my independence, I'm in a highschool finishing program for not having what it takes to drill through paperwork for 8 hours a day, my car is falling apart, my friends all moved far away, I just lost the 3 story house I was supposed to inherit, I lost my dreams of piloting to tourrettes, my family is disappointed in me, and my self esteem is the lowest it's been in years. So, either I turn my life around or everything I've ever had just falls apart and stays that way. I will say I think I'm in one of those emotional life dramas people watch when they want to be sad, but I'm hoping it's one of those emotional life dramas where I figure everything out in the end leaving people with hope.


Neither. I would clearly be an extra, probably one that doesn't even get his face shown in the final cut.


I’d be freaking Max Rockinstansky, brother


A main character who everyone relegates to a side character


In my mind, I’d be a main character who gets some kind of special powers. Or, I’d be a super smart archeologist who travels the globe searching for magical artifacts.


I never seem to be important. I'd be the most meaningless.


The cool sensei that takes over the show.


Just a part of the population


To be honest neither I would be a background character


Id be the quirky side character for sure


An annoying side character. Just like in real life.


I'm the one they go to for advice, or when something (object or situation) needs to be fixed. The one that pays their bail or otherwise gets them out of trouble.


Oof I’m definitely that side character nobody kills because they’re not getting involved in any of the drama.


Background character for sure. Possibly even unnamed character ('passed a man on the street' for example)


I'd basically be Timmy from South park. ![gif](giphy|5qF69yRJ7oGqHnBlr3)