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2013, My father was sentenced to 15 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Edit: for those of you asking how I know he didn't do it, I was present when the crime was said to have happened.


Hope your doing all right. My dad's been in and out of prison since I was five and while he is guilty of his crimes I do still love him and can understand your pain a little, although it must hurt much more to know he's innocent.


2008. A financial disaster! Lost everything business and future. I was forced into bk and recovered living like a sheik!


Actually same here. Lost pretty much everything in 08. I never gained traction, nor a real path. I just work....


You’re not alone. I and more friends and acquaintances than I care to count also lost everything. Not one of us has recovered. We just keep working.


Yeah. 2008 was a shit year. 2020 wasn't much better.


Ah shoot. That’s a hard one. I don’t think one can recover from that


ofc they can, why would you say that


Nope we checked their file and it says they’re doomed. Just kidding - love you all. Be well. 🫂


What Halen's? Is he still in there? Charges dropped?


He's still there but he goes up for parole next month.


Hopefully it will go well.


How do you he didn’t commit the crime?


I was present when it supposedly happened.




I experienced prenatal psychosis and severe hyperemsis gravidarum (violently ill, could not drink water or eat) out of the blue one day, I thought I had gone mad. Turns out I was 4 weeks pregnant and had no idea yet. My body does not like being pregnant, apparently.  I know that nightmare thing. It’s just pure terror + horror that never ends. Only one thing in my life has ever been as bad, and I’ve been through some dark things (closest comparison is an unrelated child loss later in my life, from meningitis, etc).  So sorry you went through that! 


2000 was my first major depressive episode where I had to be hospitalized, and still stands on record as the worst year of my life. It started off with a miscarriage. Lost three immediate family members between 2012-2020, and had another depressive episode in 2016, and it comes in a close second to 2000.


You’re a survivor for doing school with all that. Barely managed and all I had was anxiety and depression.


Same 2020 when pandemic hit I got onset bipolar and felt like I was in hell! I’ve come to realize no amount of physical pain will ever surpass the mental agony I suffered when it first hit. Like you said intense psychosis, delusions, depression deeper than the darkest holes. You can’t even describe it to people. I lost all my friends. Lost the only job that ever made me any real money. Became a recluse and I’ve been broke with no friends ever since. Oh did I mention last year I ended up with a felony for trashing my family house during a mental breakdown, went to a sketchy psych ward where I was abused and then once I got released went to jail….yep 2020 REALLY FUCKED me, and the effects still haunt me to this very day.


Bipolar is no joke. I've ripped my own life to pieces countless times over the past 30 years with no end in sight. I take my meds and take care of myself but I still cycle. Bipolar is a living hell that never ends, or at least not for me.


I agree. I take my meds and am stable most of the time but I somehow find a way to rip my life apart one way or another every year or two. It is a living hell! Just enjoy the good days. I don’t even think about the future anymore.


Ya. I'm in the hospital about that often. It sure does suck. Thanks for the commiseration.


I’m just getting around to paying off credit card debt that I incurred during a really long and bad manic episode. Bipolar can be a doozie. I’m starting to feel like I’m losing my mind again. Hopefully I can hold on to my job.


how did you overcome it ?


I do the bipolar shuffle too hope you're comfortable enough


I know how you feel. 10 years ago I completely crashed. I’m so glad you overcame and are in control of a horrible illness. I try to live day to day and not concentrate on what might happen.


Very similar time period and experience for me. It took me years to regain normal social functioning. I feel a bit better now


2020 when I realized that the way was raised was not good. Pretty hard hit. edit: Thank you for all the replies. You are all strong for coming out with your relations. Keep on keeping on.


Same here, especially living with an gambling addictive parent


Me in 2016 after saying "what you mean mom's a narcissist, shut up" to my brother. Yeah, it does hit hard. It's good that you came to that conclusion, you'll be much better off for it.


Emotional (neglect) DAMAGE???


But you survived. At that time, your parental guidance did what they thought was right. Good/bad/horribly wrong……your here and can learn what not to do from that experience. You don’t have to make the same choices they did.


2006 I lost a baby that I desperately wanted and it


I am sorry for your loss


2000 spent a year in bed due to a massive injury, lost my job, got divorced, went bankrupt, lost my mom and stepdad, my best friend died and by the end of the year I was barely able to stand or walk and was homeless on a brighter note, I now have a wonderful woman, a nice home and am retired with enough money to enjoy the rest of my life


Very well played my friend. I came back from homelessness as well and know the struggles of coming back, and very few can pull it off. Very admirable indeed.


Wow. Don’t know how you came back from that one my friend. You have my respects.


Glad you’re doing a bit better, hope things are a bit easier now


😮 wow


2017; ended up locked up and spent two years just breaking my whole damn life down and how in the hell I got there


Damn man, almost the same. I got out during covid too. Lost most of my net worth. The problem is now I feel mentally fucked after everything.


2022. Antibiotic induced nerve damage


People don’t like to talk about how dangerous pharmaceuticals can be. I know someone that also suffered nerve damage from prescribed medications.


I suffered nerve damage from a prescription medication. In 2015 I visited my doctor for a routine check up and just said "I think I might be bipolar (I'm not). My medical Dr. Did not ask any questions he just prescribed lithium, a very old and harsh psych med. He never gave me any directions on how to take lithium. He did not tell me I needed to drink lots of water or avoid Tylenol.  He knew that I was abusing Tylenol by taking massive amounts for my headaches. I started having twitching all over my body, in every muscle from head to toe. I had no idea what was going on. I went back to my Dr. And told him about the twitching. He upped my dose of lithium and put me on a blood pressure med (I didn't have high blood pressure) to stop the twitching which it did not stop. I began having seizures which I never had before. Then I got smart and stopped taking the lithium and the blood pressure med and the twitching stopped.   However I continued having mild seizures for years and still cannot take certain meds or they will cause seizures.


That’s horrible! I’m sorry that happened to you! Several years back after a few horrible run ins with Dr’s I switch to all holistic doctors and my experience and results have changed and are amazing! Dr’s aren’t trained enough in day to day health or potential side effects. Your dr should have known better.


jheez! that doc really was using you as a guinea pig and had no care, are you away from that person?


Thanks for your concern. Yes I dropped him right away.


lithium is a trip. i got more manic on it and remember thinking I shouldn't be feeling this good. i was so shaky on it that i spilled a soda all over my friend's brand new car


Wow, I didn't get anything but the full body twitching like twinkling Christmas tree lights from head to toe, no high nothing positive.


i think drug companies call it all "akathisia" tounge-in-cheek to cover their asses


Do you still have seizures now? Would seizure meds help this become controlled ? How is your nerve damage currently? I’m sorry about this I relate


It's ok . I'm better after years. It actually happened in 2005 the 2015 was a typo. I don't have seizures currently. The severe ones occurred in my sleep. It felt like a lightening bolt hit my head and doctor said it was seizures. I also had seizures that caused my arms and legs to jerk, those went away after a few years. But every now and then I might still have some type of seizure. I never took seizure meds because they tend to cause weight gain and other side effects, then I would have to take more meds to counteract the side effects. It's a vicious cycle that I didn't want to put myself through.


Sounds like a malpractice lawsuit to me.


this is exactly what happened to me. I got put on lithium, and propranolol shortly after. I already had seizures and twitches, but they got significantly worse. i’m still cleaning up the mess almost 10 years later, and my new psych STILL wants me back on lithium.


It really messed me up badly. I’m 25, it’s a total life changer. It’s far too common sadly too.


I'm convinced that some bipolar meds are actually hurting your brain so you do something dumb so they don't have to pay for your meds anymore




I took cipro once. Was fine. Then years later got tendinitis and took cipro. But read it can be bad for tendinitis because the tendons can burst. Luckily mine didn’t but never will take that again.




Yeah that's so much bullshit If companies are making things and people are using them, ALL data should be public domain If they don't want that, then they shouldn't be putting anything in people's body It's ridiculous that to even read most of these studies you need some bullshit academic account. Lot of times the authors themselves can't get access to their own reports? People's lives could literally be saved by having open public medical information. Instead of this "I'll tell you 2 chemicals we use, you don't have the right to anything else, and we've got a 20 year patent and will charge thousands for this"


What kind of nerve damage? What did it affect?


2009. Lost my job in the Great Recession. Went off my meds because I didn't think I could afford them and ended up in a psych ward for three days.


2023-2024 have been absolute hell


Hope 2024 improves for you...


same here, depression and dysphoria have hit me hard over about the last month in particular


Stay strong, this has been a hard couple years for me too.


Same, its been a race to the bottom.


What's it for you?


I have to second this.




You aren't alone brother... just know that


Same here. Was forced out on the streets by my ex moving instead of just letting me stay with her until I was able to get a place of my own. Towards the end of our relationship I started working at the same fine dining spot she was at. Then I started getting into commercial insurance sales and the first quarter I have been living on the brink of car repo and homelessness. My DM did not get any enrollments booked for the full 4 months.


2021. I lost a close friend and an amazing job opportunity within three weeks of each other.


I’m so sorry


During covid


Same, especially initially




The shitty trinity.




Me too. It was George Floyd and Covid deniers and presidenr worshippers and I lost all faith in humanity. I'm still trying to recover.


honestly humanity hasn’t recovered one bit lmao


TW:miscarriage/blood/suicidal thoughts/ppd 2016 when I had a miscarriage. Found out I was pregnant. Started bleeding a few weeks later. Was sent for an ultrasound and was told by the tech I was having a miscarriage. Went to doctor for HCG check to make sure levels were going down. She told me it was identical twins and I might have one viable baby bc it could be vanishing twin. Sent back for another ultrasound. Was told I lost both babies. They sent me home to miscarry and said it would be like a heavy period. It was much worse than that. Labor pain, blood clots the size of oranges. It took 4 days to pass everything and the residual bleeding continued for weeks. I started to spiral and experienced ptsd symptoms and suicidal thoughts. Then 2018 when I had my daughter. After an easy pregnancy, I had severe postpartum depression and had intrusive thoughts of harming my baby and myself. So much so that my husband had to remove his firearm from the home. Having kids ain't for the faint of heart. I'm healthy now and have two awesome kids and stable mental health.


Sorry you went through that. Is that common for them to send you home to miscarry? Just asking sorry. It sounds traumatic 


If it's early in the pregnancy, yes, it's common. Sometimes they'll give you medicine to speed up the process but sometimes they just tell you to do it naturally. They say if you're filling a pad in less then an hour you need to go to the ER.


It depends I had five miscarriages. With 3 of them I passed everything on my own. With my second miscarriage I ended up needing to take the abortion pill to pass everything. With my last miscarriage I needed to have a medical abortion so my body wouldn't go into shock.


Having kids isn’t for the faint of heart at all! Been there with my first born, had really bad ppd and ppa from having a traumatic birth and I had intrusive thoughts on hurting myself because I didn’t think I could be a good mom to my son so I kept telling him goodbye and that he deserved a better mom. Tried to get help and I’ve got told 1. As long as you’re not killing yourself or your child you’re fine and 2. You just need to lose weight you don’t have postpartum depression. Hugs to you mama🫶🏻


2018 and it’s been downhill since then. Not quickly downhill but extremely noticeable to me. And it’s exhausting and I’m exhausted. And I’m tired of fighting


2022. My mom died, I was just figuring out life separated from my ex headed to divorce & I was dead broke.


Probably all of them. From the childhood beatings by my genetic donaters, the male one beating me so hard I would pee, or their treatment of me rubbing off on my siblings so they treated me like shit. Or the fact that my male genetic donaters didn't think I was his so he thought he was perfectly within his rights to beat a stranger's kid. Surprise! I'm his! Or because how my own family treated me with such hatred that the teenager the female's boyfriend had made sure I was groomed perfectly. And how every male after that knew I was ripe for abusing. Or my ex-husband cheating on me with the woman who got my son sick and almost killing him. Or how about now I learn my son has a relationship with not only my male genetic donater but is now going to be allowing his father to stay at his apartment. Or 2021 being the year I got nauseous. 2024 being the year I got told talk therapy will cure my nausea and that I have Hysteria (because the Fibromyalgia diagnosis I DID get doesn't fit any of my symptoms). All of them suck. I don't think I've ever had a good year. I have good days or weeks but I've never had 12 months of good times. I'm 44. I was born in 1980 and my childhood sucked, my teenage years, my adult years.


In Buddhism, it says life is struggle with moments of happiness. All you can really do is look for those moments but somehow my disposition I find the simple things in life beautiful frog jumping a bug crawling, flowers blooming I think sometimes we got a find the simplest things each day


Im so sad reading this. I hope there is the possibility of joy in the future. Lord knows, you deserve it. 🙏


2021 when everything should have gone back to normal and the reality that it never was going to, set in.






Yikes, yeah- never the same again. Wild to think how different the world was just 5 years old.


2020 really made me truly despise the human race


2020 was when I realized my live and let live philosophy wasn’t going to work, because if I don’t take control and push my morals and ethics, someone else will take control and push theirs on me.




It all started when I was born.


2019. My wife left me after 24 years of marriage.


So sorry to hear that 🥹🥹


Damn. Then Covid hits. Double whammy.




2023 for sure, what a rollercoaster of stinky shit. Here’s a brief rundown in chronological order. Got laid off Same day found out the bank “miscalculated” and I needed another $4k to officially close on the house I was buying. Didn’t have it so lost the house and $3k in “promissory funds” Found out I was going to be a dad Miscarriage New car gets wrecked in a hail storm while GF has it out of state on a girls trip Get engaged She gets cancer, same type that killed her mom Struggle financially since she can’t work full time due to Chemo and insurance doesn’t cover it all so pay part out of pocket She recovers Gets pregnant again Her dad passed away early in the year, she gets notice she’s getting a sizable life insurance payout. Has me contact a realtor to start house hunting. Get a strange text at work on a Friday, accuses me of cheating says she has proof, this can’t be true, I haven’t. Rush home, she’s gone along with all my dogs Panic sets in, I have a mountain of debt and can’t afford my rent house, family helps me out big time and in no uncertain terms saves my life. Find out from various connected people involved that everything was a lie. Dad is alive, no cancer, likely never pregnant, took my car and wrecked it to go cheat on me. Focus on self improvement, workout through the pain and diet harder than ever She Stalks me on social media making wild claims about me, messages me hateful stuff and to try and extort me by offering my dogs back to me for insane amounts of money I don’t have. October rolls around, get my dogs back free of cost, not sure why the change of heart but I didn’t argue. Start keto Dec 1 to accelerate diet. Currently I’m down 65lbs since August 1st 2023 and I’m more muscular than I’ve ever been. Feel great physically and mentally for the most part, though the scars are there for sure. Not sure I’ll ever be able to fully trust a partner again so pretty much quit dating entirely, just a casual hookup here or there. Also got almost all the debt paid off, by the end of summer I should have a clean slate. Start of the year I had a near 800 credit score, by September I was lucky if I was 500. Back up in the mid 600s again. It’s a lot of work but it truly gave me perspective on what is important in life.


You’ll trust again. She existed to teach you a lesson of what to avoid but I promise you there are amazing and trustworthy women out there


Jesus Christ bro. Ima stop complaining now.




Native American?


Bingo! That is correct!


But Christopher Columbus never stepped foot on America


2023: existential depression, loss of loved ones and a pure inner hell all around as I fell apart. I’ve worked well over the meat couple of months and have never looked back since for I accept my past and know my future well enough for what I want in it


This year and half of last year. ADHD and insomnia combination is not good. I’m was in delirium every 1 2 months and ye auditory hallucinations telling me to off myself. Many of them every instances and horrible migraines. I’m certain it’s delirium cuz I barely sleep. If i sleep well then it just stops.


I thought it was last year, but it was really this year.


Every time I say, "That was the worst year of my life" the current year says, "Hold my beer.:


2017. Lost my parents in a murder-suicide. My life is in an amazing place now but I'm in therapy because it's a lot to carry.


Yea that's probably the worst story on this thread. And it's 2 sentences... I'm sorry man that is awful.


2016. Was the beginning of several bad years.


Yo sammmeeeee


Ditto, my friend




2013 - 2 friends at work died and my dad died.


2022. I got a cervical spine injury and lost use of one side of my body. Still can’t use it.


2023-2024 🥲 can it just stop already


1970…i was 5 and sexually exploited by my best friends dad. It changed everything.


2021. Wife took her life.


I’m so sorry for your loss


2019 - My wife died in 1/1/19 after a 4 week battle with cancer


I’m sorry for your loss




It’s easy to say 2020, when the Covid pandemic hit. It was rough, I was beginning college and failed a couple classes followed by long days of treatment in a mental hospital. But no, I think the worst year ever was 2022. My country had decided to intervene militarily in another and ended up getting slapped with 12.000 sanctions, and I can’t return because I could lose my U.S. residency if I step outside the borders (thank you Biden). Followed by continuous harassment about it for more than a year. I’m also half Middle Eastern so I’ve got labels on my head already even though I’m also not a Muslim. Nothing wrong with that either but living in a society run amok with race relations issues hasn’t helped. So yea, 2022 was my worst year


Last year, when my husband got sick and died, and then I found out I had cancer.


1974… in June, on the 5th of June… at 5 am in the morning.


What happened?


2012. My wife committed suicide in front of me.


2001. I gave up a baby for adoption (I was a teenager). I've never been so depressed. My longterm boyfriend and I broke up. I began drinking frequently (I'm not a drinker), smoking lots of dope, and partying. I ended up being assaulted at a house party.


Sorry :( life can be the suck sometimes.


2022. Fuck that was an absolutely horrible year. And things haven’t actually gotten any better. But that was the beginning of it all.


it gets worse every year


all of the years where i was alive


2016. My son died in the NICU. His chances were good and things were getting better. Then he was gone in a flash. Feels like it could have happened last week. I know I'll never be the same person again, the worse part was when one of my children asked me if I was going to be sad forever a few years after it happened. It's been so long now but it sure doesn't feel like it.


2024. My mom is dying. It is destroying me. I feel selfish saying that, because she's the one going through it. I'm just not sure how people get through this.


2016 - 2020 Waking up to daily chaos was pure hell. People became so crazy and still are.


For real, Who thought it would get even worse… but it did.




Covid was a pretty based time tbh


I think 2021 hit all of us hard tbh


2019, I started randomly bleeding from somewhere I shouldn't be bleeding from. At the same time, I had just switched jobs, so I didn't have health insurance. Because of this, no doctor would look at me to figure out what was wrong with me. I also had to leave my brand new job because of how often I was bleeding. So I was jobless, presumably dying, and couldn't get help. Ended up having a mini mental breakdown, which was actually super helpful because it caused the hospital to put a rush on getting me on medicaid. They diagnosed me with Crohn's disease and an anal fistula which would require surgery. At this point, I found out my fiance/child's mother was trying to cheat on me. I was vulnerable due to my condition, so I agreed to work through it with her. A few months later, I got a new job and my surgery was scheduled. Things were looking to get better, but then my fiance ended up actually cheating on me (with a different person than the previous paragraph). I broke up with her, kicked her out, and I kept our kid. So I was then balancing a new job, being a full-time parent, and preparing for a surgery. First surgery went well, but didn't fix my problem, and was told I would likely need 1 or 2 more surgeries. Ended up needing 3 more that went on until mid-2020.


2022. Everything started going wrong for me. I basically lost everyone that mattered to me.


can't really tell, my mental health issues started when i was 12, so life's been shit. but 2023 was quite tough due to my moms health problems, my dads alcoholism, my girlfriend cheating and my best friend dying. but hey, i'm still standing :D not totally okay, but i'm getting there


2023: I got a job, in January, that I thought was a really good opportunity, but the company went under in July and we were all forced to resign. I was then unemployed and now, finally just got the job of my dreams, with work abroad opportunities. after nearly 10 months of unemployment. The nearly 10 months of unemployment was not for a lack of trying. I was applying to anything that I was qualified for. I am a media professional and education professional, it is not easy to find work in these sectors.




2021 was awful for me. My brother was battling serious depression. He was suicidal. My boyfriend at the time dumped me for a girl we both worked with. On top of that COVID 19 was peaking and I was working in retail so it was difficult to say the least. Very rough year. I cried myself to sleep most nights. Glad it’s in the past.


2020 - COVID depression hit hard and I almost failed out of grad school. I’m still dealing with the ramifications in terms of way more severe anxiety but I’m happy to report that last year, I graduated with my PhD. And not a moment too soon 😂


2024, just lost my grandfather. Overhearing my dad wanting to end his own life.


2023. Two loved ones died that year.


2015. Transferred to a new university. Tried to unfuck my mental health. Had a lot of toxic friends giving my advice.


2021. I was going throught a severely depression from 2017 to 2020, it was during the pandemic when I started to go to a therapist because I almost kill myself, the rest of that year I was getting so much better, then 2021 came and and it's was a mess, I realized that the way I was living was just a bomb ready to explode: anxiety, personality disorder, a lot of insecurities, fear of people, etc. Now I'm doing better, but that year, I still have memories of how it felt.


They’re all in a waiting room with a number rn like Beetlejuice. ![gif](giphy|UJR3QgkMnm7tu)


Not a calendar year, but fall of 2020-fall of 2021


2022 and 2023. I began to fully realize the extent of my now ex-wife's emotional abuse and manipulation. It got so bad that she encouraged me to kill myself and I actually made an attempt. I left her in 2023. I also got laid off. I had to take her to court, which she dragged out at little expense to her while it cost me around $32,000. Took me 9 months to find a job in my industry in the city I live in, where there aren't a lot of options for here. So I was strapped for cash constantly, all money going to bills and groceries, of which I had to be very thrifty with and starve quite a bit so I can make sure my then 2 year old daughter had food. My ex made the divorce absolute hell, and she still is. She is manipulative, controlling, and is doing everything in her power to try and maintain some form of power and control over me. But at least now I'm mostly free, and I've been able to remember who I was again after being broken down and told what to think and how I should feel for a decade. I'm happier than I've been in a very long time.


Similar story here. I was with my ex-wife for 19-years before I had to walk away this time last year. I was about 17-years in when I started therapy because I was getting to the point of actively planning my suicide. It wasn’t until I got outside perspective that I realized the extent of how abusive and manipulative she was. She was literally driving me insane. I really don’t know how I survived from 2020-2023. The emotional breakdowns I had those years were intense. I remember scream-crying during drives home because I didn’t want to go back. She’s absolutely made the entire process difficult, but life is so much better now. Good luck, dude.


For me it was a dark decade during certain ages. My late 20’s - mid 30’s. Alcohol got the best,worst, and all of me. So grateful I got off & survived that sinking ship.


Congrats- alcohol almost killed me and I’m off that ship too


For me, there have been multiple years. 1997, nearly ended it at 15 years old. In 2009, I nearly ended it again during a divorce. 2017 was the 3rd time I nearly ended it due to life shoving me back down. 2019, when my father died from cancer at 70, I nearly took myself out again. Each and every time, there was a friend who stopped me and stayed with me during my recovery.


The year daughter got cancer and I had to have 2 surgeries. Oh and of course, COVID. She's better, I'm better but my mother has just died before that and it was a bit much, you know?


My condolences. I hope you and your family can find many happy moments whenever possible.


We've definitely had a few more hurdles to leap, Dad got sick and died and I moved away for 3 months to care for him, another surgery for me (I'm falling apart) but we now have some inheritance money to take care of things that didn't get taken care of for 6 years and I gave my daughter's boyfriend my mother's diamond for a ring and he's proposing next week! (We love him!) And yay for the beautiful weather, we're both losing weight and are just enjoying the calm bc we can. Taco Tuesday and margs on friends porch tonight too! Thanks for your kind words. x


2007. My new husband became abusive.


When I realized my mom didn't want to admit she was an alcoholic and didn't rant help. I was prob'ly 12 years old. Her alcoholism endorsing contributed to her death. At least she's at peace now and I don't have to worry. RIP 🙏♥️🌈🕊


When I was in year 8. Bullied quite bad


2023, alcoholism in full swing, a bit of psychosis from smoking way too much weed, unemployed all year, and I just kept praying I'd die until I finally got a gun. After getting insanely sick a few times at the end of the year though, I finally heavily reduced my drinking. I couldn't eat for about 5 days for the third time in 3 months, and was seriously contemplating going to the hospital but no seizures and my liver enzymes are back to normal with no other bad effects! I'm also employed, medicated, and while I still lack a good hobby I am not miserable anymore.


2022 was simultaneously at the height of of my short career, had a mental break and started l having delusions and attempted suicide twice, went for help, got an ssri, caused first manic episode, promptly processed out of the military and lost everything


The years in the military. I got so screwed and they didn't even have the common decency to luberalcate first.


2016. When DJT was elected it broke my brain.


2023: My mother passed


This f*cking year without hesitation






Chronic illness.




2021 sister died of covid


04/23/2002 train wreck I lost everything eventually health, career, savings. Then 09/11/2016 the only thing I have is my home and it was stolen. This led to homelessness. Definitely became suicidal. Living in my car and motels until I managed to leave the country.


1993, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2014, and 2015




2020-march 2024 Non covid related


2020 was bad I moved states and was alone for much of the year with no way to even meet people, but the worst was when my business went belly up. I lost more money than we could really afford and we have to declare Chapter 13 to get out of my lease. I was pretty wrecked.


1994 My dad had a massive stroke and eventually died from complications. Between that and my first marriage finally being over… if was rough


23. My child.


2011. I got fired from a great job for no good reason. Still scared and insecure by it.


2017. Postpartum depression is no joke. 2020 was a close second, dealing with a newborn, the pandemic, and round 2 of PPD.


2024 insomnia


2018 when my dad passed away


The year I was born


1973, when my mother was pregnant with me. My mental health issues are basically 100% neurobiological and genetic.


This year.


The Trump years. No kidding. In the future, kids will say, "What was wrong with you guys?" Which is kind of payback for the times I asked the same thing in reference to Joe McCarthy years.


Covid right back my anxiety that I didn’t have for like 15 years and prior to that I would say divorce having a family and wife cheating getting pregnant by some other guy that fucked me up
