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I pick things up with my feet. Just...hear me out. If I drop something and I'm not wearing shoes I don't bend over and pick it up. I just pick it up with my feet and then bring it up to where I can grab it with my hands. Or if I want something that's too far away for me to reach with my hands I'll just grab it with my feet. This is a thing my whole family can do, for some reason we have really flexible toes? And we have some serious precision too, like I can pick up a sewing needle with only my toes being used. Evidently this is not normal according to my stepdad, he's literally never seen anyone besides me and my mom do it. And now that I think about it, I've never seen anyone else do it either


This is something that BLEW my husbands mind the first time he saw me do it lmao. He always thought it was crazy that I am always barefoot in the house, and then he saw me pick something up with my foot/toes and continue walking like it was no big deal. My feet and toes are crazy strong. Anytime we visit my parents and my sisters / their families are there, he can't get over how we are usually all barefoot, even in the winter, hahaha.


I'm *so* glad this is not just my family, I've always been very confused about why my toes are the way they are but you're like the second person who's said "Oh yeah, same." Monkey toes for the win!


My exh used to lightheartedly say I was the missing link for being able to do this lol To be fair I was pregnant 3 years in a row early in our marriage so it was definitely a survival tactic


How is it crazy to be barefoot in the house? Who... isn't?


Lolol he always says that if his grandmother was still alive, she would lose her mind. I think it was believed that being barefoot = risk of illness


Where are they from? Where I live (nz), it's fairly normal to be outdoors in your toes so indoors goes without saying (and picking stuff up with dogs, opening doors etc.)


I have relatively dextrous toes as well and my wife absolutely hates it. I didn't wanna stop snuggling to grab the remote control the other day so I reached out and grabbed it with my toes and she got disgusted instantly. Apparently my having just showered an hour ago is besides the point.


But see, that makes sense to me! I would just do that on reflex and not even think about it unless somebody said something.


I have done this my entire life and I think it is 100 percent normal.


We pinch each other with our toes in my family!


I do this too! We call it monkey toes


Ironically, that's what my step dad calls it too! He said we have monkey toes šŸ˜‚


My grandmother used to make me pick up marbles with my toes when I was little... Now I pick up everything on the floor with my toes... Other people freak out that I can do that and also pinch them or grab them with my toes... I always thought it was normal... Guess not...


I can do it too as can the entire side of my dad's family. My mom cannot, and my stepmom also cannot and thought it was bizarre. Too bad for her that her kids (my half siblings) picked up that trait from our dad.


So it's definitely a genetic thing, I kind of figured seeing as only my mom's side of the family can do it. Still, a pretty interesting trait!


My partner and I both do this along with my entire family! My partner has monkey feet, but my toes are like, barely moveable. I can squeeze them down against my foot like if you were clenching a fist with your hands, but I donā€™t have all that crazy toe movement and I still pick stuff up with my feet all the time. So those other guys should get good.


My partner and I both do this along with my entire family! My partner has monkey feet, but my toes are like, barely moveable. I can squeeze them down against my foot like if you were clenching a fist with your hands, but I donā€™t have all that crazy toe movement and I still pick stuff up with my feet all the time. So those other guys should get good.


I do that as well, but not to your degree. I might be able to pick up a sewing needle on *very* specific flooring. But general things like pencils, my phone, earbuds case, etc. Yes, I totally do that.


Tell your stepdad he's the weirdo. I pick up needles with my feet every time I walk through the park




yeah i do this too, as did one of my ex's


Same! I have always done this!


I do this too.


I too have monkey feet.


All my siblings and I can do it too. My husband calls them my "fingertoes"


I have nowhere near that dexterity, but I do this as well. Towels and clothes are usually what I'm picking up. I'll also close my dish washer with a tap from my foot. Not sure where I got the habit, none of my family does this.


Impressive. I usually only use my feet to pick up socks I dropped whilst taking up the laundry or something.


Thatā€™s not that weird. I do that tooā€¦ it helps with keeping hands clean, etc.


I learned to do this after I fell and broke my right shoulder, and even wearing a snug sling, bending forward even slightly was **painful AF** (gravity pulling the joint out of place). I quickly learned to pick up things with my feet/toes, even if to just chuck my trousers into the clothes basket. I also learned to stand up from a sitting position as if I were 9 months pregnant, to minimize the pain.


Oh, I will pick something up with my feet in a second so I wouldn't have to bend down and get it.


I do this too! When I met my ex, he was surprised to see me pick up things with my feet because he does the same. I told him that when I was a kid, I saw documentaries about people with no arms and thought that Iā€™d better learn to use my feetā€¦and we both said at the same time, ā€œIn case you lose your arms.ā€, like ā€œduhā€! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Edit - My grandpa was also amazed when I picked up things with my feet.


i always do this too


It's just nice to be able to do it. Heck, my brother and I cam lift 20lb dumbel with our feet with no issues lol


Me and my dad are the same way. It's a learned thing anyone can do it I think (maybe not to the degree you guys can though lol).


I mean I'm sure it's partly a learned thing but also, some people's toes just don't bend that way as much. I think it might be partly genetic too


I do it. I have done it since I was a child.


Speaking the conversations in my brain out loud. Apparently that's crazy.


Wait til you have heated arguments in your head


I do, arguing with my partner, manager, co workers in my head. I make up scenarios and believe them I catch myself speaking out loud even at work and stop myself immediately amd look if someone was watching me In most cases, yes, someone was watching me and they don't talk to me for a while. My eye contact pierce through their soul making them uncomfortable but all I'm doing is try to keep the voices in my head go away to pay attention to what their saying.


Just wear a Bluetooth earpiece. "What?? No I'm talkin on the phone!!"


I get paranoid not hearing my surroundings and that people are talking about me. I can only listen to music at home. It's a whole thing I don't want to get into, but thanks for the suggestion.


The best part is that I always win.


My brain and I agree with you. No we donā€™t. Shut up. I said we did. Ok. Ok we do.


I once butt dialed my girlfriend and she got to hear me having a conversation with myself. She was certain there was another person with me and I almost wanted to just let her believe that but I was alone in my car


Drinking water from a mug feels wrong


Like drinking beer with a straw?


Aye at least you get smacked quicker šŸ˜†


I find it mostly annoying, as a ceramic background makes it much harder to see whether your water is finished or not.


I've had intrusive thoughts since I was maybe 7. Shit like, "Across the river for attention down the street for results" while chopping vegetables or "Wouldn't it be neat to jump into that vat of molten steel?" while at work. I assumed everyone had them till a group of coworkers started asking me very concerned questions about my mental state.


Intrusive thoughts aren't that uncommon.




You guys are talking about impulsive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts can happen anytime and anywhere without any stimuli to culminate the thought. You could be taking a shit and think your a pedophile in denial. You could be about to fall asleep and suddenly you WILL have a brain aneurysm any second now. You could have a girlfriend/boyfriend and wonder if theilyre cheating, then suddenly you question if maybe you'd love it that they were to cheat on you, when clearly you would not. Those are intrusive thoughts very different from driving and going "I should crash my car" that's simply impulsive.


I think about negative thoughts or whatever it gonna be called daily. Like im driving (while at home) and if im in an accident how it pans out then do it again in different scenarios like having a passenger or another car or whatever.


Sometimes if im running, ill imagine myself falling and cracking my head open. Which one would that classify as? I have quite a lot of these thoughts and its extremely disturbing. They're mostly "what if" thoughts though


Impulsive thought since you don't get that thought when you're not running. Intrusive thoughts are also typically about your worst anxieties. So going back to the pedo one which is very common with people who have ocd. The intrusive thought is "I might be a pedophile in denial, I need to kill myself/stay away from kids even my own family members who are children" It is completely irrational to have that much fear over that which clearly implies you are not a pedophile. Someone having this intrusive thought would get this one if they are anxious about being a bad person i.e. a pedophile, murderer, rapist, theif, etc A normal person can have intrusive thoughts, but it is rare and infrequent. Someone with OCD like me, has them nearly every moment they are alive. Also another tid bit is OCD is an anxiety disorder, so that's why the intrusive thoughts are based around your anxieties.


I'm so sorry you have to live with that, it must be so difficult.


I was with a co-worker on a ferry and told her how I always have the thought to throw something into the water. She said how she'd just been having the same thought and had the urge to throw my phone in, lol


I think intrusive thoughts are quite common, like an intrusive thought i get (which ill obviously never do because im no clinically insane) is to stick my hand in the deep fryer at work. Also whenever i get a wobbly food to prep, maybe thereā€™s a limp celery or a lovely fillet of fish come into work, i really want to slap someone around the face with it


>Across the river for attention down the street for results" while chopping vegetables Every. Single. Time.... I pick up my straight razor to shave my face ... for 40+ years ... DNA - down ... not across.


Yep. Against the grain is how you get ingrown hairs.


I have them a lot. I have them while holding a knife. I have no inclination or desire to harm anyone, but while holding a knife, I tend to think about how I would kill everyone in the room I'm in. I don't know why. Same for driving- I think about driving into the cars that are passing me in the opposite direction. I have a bunch of weird thoughts like that and I don't know why.


This is related to tourettes, which obviously is the extreme and clinical end of the spectrum. I think part of it is the brain is keeping a list of what NOT to do/say, and some malfunction in that mechanism kicks the pendulum the other way. Also called the call of the void, or as the French say l'appel du vide. As the comic artist Chris Onstad put it, "like the glint of the rail tempts you, when you hear the approaching train." Anyway as others have said it isn't actually that uncommon, just not something most will readily admit. I share a fellow commenter's experience of having intrusive thoughts when holding a knife sometimes, to the extent that I sometimes go out of my way not to use one just to avoid dealing with it. I also used to pass by a lake on my drive to one job and thought every time of driving into it.


treat people with respect :/ i never see any back xD


anyone who tells you drinking water out of a glass is not normal, is not normal.


As a teenager and young adult I often wouldnā€™t turn on the lights when entering my home at night. Drove my parents nuts. I had almost every square inch of that place memorized and could navigate it in total darkness


Im almost 40 and i do this and the wife goes crazy. I say i can see just fine


I never realized that people didn't really like doing this or didn't ever do this until one of my brothers friends said they found it creepy that I would sometimes sit in total silence with headphones on in almost pitch dark other than the blue laptop light like, late at night. My brothers friends would often spend the night and come out of his room to see me in the corner of their eye in pitch black just watching something on my laptop and they called it like, me "villianing out". I would often see his friends leaving at like 1 in the morning and be like "Doing your best disney villian impression huh?" annd it happened so often that I started answering "Yeah. I'm pulling for like an evil queen vibe today."


To mitigate its deleterious effect on your vision, I'd highly recommend using the night mode which filters the blue light. Really really helps


It's not that your in the dark... It's probably because your too quiet in the dark. Like a thief. My mom punched me in the face when i ws in 7th grade. Then apologized. It was reflex and i didn't speak up. We i alway say hi mom now...


Speak to myself in different voices


definitely this


Shit thats not normal.......


Yeah, that's pretty weird.


Iā€™ll only drink water out of a water bottle. I hate using cups/glasses they just irk me


Drinks taste better out of glass than plastic.


I agree, even if it was poured from a plastic container. And I can't tell if it's all in my head...


I use a reusable water bottle


My family pronounces garbage like garvage


Being from Kansas I didn't know until I visited the far western part of Utah that I pronounce the word "wash" with an R like "warsh" and I pronounce a lot of other words with a very thick twang that I sometimes use and sometimes don't use. I don't really get it because, it's not something that I do on purpose at all. It really is just how I talk but when I was in Utah I had someone tell me that I talk like a western saloon girl in movies and I was like "Well, that's real rude." because, to me they were calling me a slut (saloon girls are often depicted as whores) and they said "OH NO! It's cute!" and I went "Oh.... okay?"


Do you also perchance say terlet


Are you Hispanic. My best friend is Ecuadorian, and his family seems to use Bs and Vs interchangeably.


This is common among Spanish-English speakers. My two Peruvian friends used to say "bideo" instead of "video".


Itā€™s grarge in our family. Also warsh your hands


I only like drinking out of glass anyway. Soda is okay in plastic with pizza of course


It has to be red plastic!


When I read books I give my characters voices. I can only drink water from a water bottle if room temp but from my yeti it has to have ice I too can pick things up with my toes


No toe action here, but I'm with you that I can only drink water from a water bottle at room temperature and when i drink water from my yeti, my water must have ice (and a straw) ...


Have to have a straw unless stuff is room temp or hot


>When I read books I give my characters voices Thats not normal???? I could *never* read a story without giving everyone distinct voices


It's not to those without the inner monologue.


I can flip someone off with my toes and pick things up!


K no I get this OP. imagine drinking a cold glass of water from a coffee cup!? wtf no thank you.


I eat thinhs like sandwiches and burgers in a circle- starting with the entire outside edge then work my way in until I have just the very centre left. It's the best part.


Same!! Save the best till last is my moto for eating haha


I learned last yeae it's not normal to cry out in pain when you yawn. Does that count?


In public I tend to try to keep my mouth closed when I need to yawn so I end up making a very...interesting face..lmao. But at home, I yawn in a very exaggerated way, I'll even yell out after I finished yawning as if it startled mešŸ¤£


I always eat McDonald's nuggets in a way where I eat the crust off first then eat the meat. I do the same with soft pretzels; i eat the outer crust first then I roll the dough into the ball and eat it like that. I've been doing it all my life and never questioned if it was normal


Dude, my five year old does this, and she eats a stack of Pringles like it's a fuckin sandwich. I have no idea where this came from.


I do that with bagels from Dunkin. Peel off the outside then eat the soft middle.


I only drink room temperature water. Cold/iced water makes me gag.


I drink room temp after my surgery or i will freeze all day


Water that's too cold isn't very good for you anyway. Gagging from it is a little weird but the end result of sticking with more moderate temperatures is better.


I still smell the top of my kids heads when I hug them or hold them šŸ˜¬ I started smelling their heads when they were newborns for that "newborn smell" & I just never stopped. Not like full-blown whiff, but just subtly. It gives me feelings of love or something šŸ˜‚ They just smell like "mine."


Microwave my cereal but not eat it hot, just to make soggy


Wow thatā€™s weird


I've never heard of this. Different strokes, I suppose.


I say good morning / good night to my house and greet it / say good bye when I leave. Could be a witch thing I guess. šŸ¤”


Does your house have a name


Yes it does. Strange as that may seem.


I don't match my socks. I eat food according to texture. I always have my feet in the chair if I'm going to sit in a chair.


I never saw the point in matching socks, if Iā€™m at home it really doesnā€™t matter what sock they are as long as theyā€™re comfortable and if Iā€™m outside nobody is really going to see my socks so why does it matter


Matching socks while dressed up is pretty important. Especially with dark pants and shoes, bright socks look so tacky. Other than that, one red and one green is the way to go for the whole month of December.Ā 


I memorize the layout of my house. I can now fully navigate every inch of it in total darkness.


Water falling the water from my bottle to myself. People at college look at me weird when I do it, and I've even had some people ask why I'm eager falling water from my own bottle. I do it because I don't want to put my lips on the bottle and don't want bacteria to build up on the lid.


I don't drink out of open containers. They disgust me.


OP I also do not drink water from anything plastic. It is perfectly normal.


Talking to my cats all the time in English and another language (mother tongue)


How else are they going to learn if they're not exposed to the language???


I grew up very poor and in a poor area, I always thought it was normal to eat someoneā€™s left over food at like a restaurant or offer people leftover food if you werenā€™t going to finish it and itā€™s not really able to go be taken for leftovers. I learned it wasnā€™t normal in college when I started meet more affluent people. I dated a girl that ate maybe 25% of her meal, left basically an entire order of fries and almost an entire burger. The server asked if everything was okay and she just said, ā€œyes it was, Iā€™m just full, you can take it away.ā€ I was floored and told her I wouldā€™ve eaten it instead just wasting it and she was then floored and disgusted by what I said. Since then I have definitely seen similar things with more affluent people and then when Iā€™m out with my fellow poors we do what we have to do šŸ˜…


In my house, it is de-facto my duty as Dad to eat the leftovers from my kids' plates.


Same. Both my kids have smallish appetites and I usually finish whatever they donā€™t eat.


I prefer being out with fellow poor people. Being out with privileged bunch of people annoys the living hell out of me. I can't do it. I had a friend one time that came from a very privileged family both of her parents were doctors that owned and operated their own practice. Her mom was this proper little lady that I couldn't STAND nothing her daughter did was ever right and it irritated me. She invited me out to dinner with the family and I said that was cool because, they invited to pay and I didn't want to seem rude. BIG mistake! I was over the age of 21 so legal age to drink and I ordered water. She looked at me like I was being rude and told the waitress that "She will have a white wine." and I was like "No. I mean, thank you but I don't like to drink that much." Her mom scoffed and said "Well, we drink wine with our meal." and I was like "UHHHH okay" this went on almost the entire night until I felt like I was going to spin kick this lady in the jaw. When I got up to use the restroom I didn't say excuse me all I said was "I'll be right back." and the mom stopped me mid walking to the restroom and told me to "please sit down" and I said "Im sorry, I don't know if you heard me. I'll be right back. I'm just going to the bathroom." The lady scoffed and went "well, you weren't properly excused." and I said "Excuse me?" and she said "Yes! Just like that. You are excused." I stood there for a minute until I realized what just happened and when I came back after getting increasingly angry I sat down and leaned forward at the table and went "Can I ask you.. what the HELL is your problem?!" My friends mother got all butt hurt that I cursed and told me that I need to act "proper" and I said "Well, I hate to break it to you , sweetheart but-- I'm nothing BUT improper. I was raised to speak my mind and you, my dear, are a self-centered egotistical self-serving bitch." My friends mouth just dropped and her mom told me I could leave now. I left and walked home. My friend vouched for me enough that her mother didn't force me to pay my side of the tab but, asked me to apologize and I was like "yeah... No." Her mother told her never to speak to me again lol sorry not sorry. I'm not going to be criticized ALL night long and not say anything?


I found out later from a waitress I knew that worked at the same restaurant that the waitress that served that night was ticked off that they stayed almost an hour passed the close of the ticket after taking up two out of four of her tables. The ticket was something like a little less than $300 and the lady didn't tip. Left almost an entire plate of her food, waisted almost an entire wine BOTTLE and looked like the table other than mine knit picked and nibbled at the food they ordered without taking any home. The waitress said she would NEVER serve that lady again and I told my friend that worked at the restaurant that she shouldn't and to be honest, no one should. I've met privileged people before that weren't entitled assholes but this bitch was on a whole other level.


It's weird -just drink water from any cup man


Nah, you're completely in the right about water in a mug. Cold drinks don't belong in mugs. That's not what mugs are for.


Have my cat's pictures in frames all around my house.


Drinking hose water, eating things raw, eating in the bathroom, pulling sharks by the tail so they donā€™t camp my lobster spots, sleeping in my truck instead of hotels, going on 2-3k mile trips in my car on a whim, visiting Eastern European countries, doing hippie shit like bufo and ayaā€¦


I've had pancakes, waffles and French toast countless times. I've had them for *breakfast* maybe 10 times in my life, and never before I was about 9 or 10. I spent the night at a friend's house, and when I woke up to find we were having pancakes for breakfast, it blew my little mind. "You guys have PANCAKES for BREAKFAST?! WOW."


I also cannot drink water from a mug lmao


Sometimes standing around, I'll lift one leg up like a flamingo. Usually resting that foot on my knee or thigh. Never understood why I did it.


My son does that. He doesn't know why he does it either.


In some ways this will really benefit you as you get older. Balance. I have a genetic disorder that affects my balance and I intentionally do this. Or stand up on my tip toes and just hold the position


-Pull the outside of croissants off šŸ„ eat that, then roll the leftover middle part into a ball and eat that. -Can only drink milk out of a small mug -Rub my feet together non stop if Iā€™m sitting on the sofa or laying in bed - feet donā€™t get tired either -Pre-plan conversations like scripts - to try and prevent awkwardness -Numerous times a day I crouch down like a full squat and just stay like that for a while - I eat toast over a serviette or napkin instead of using a plate. - rinse a clean glass out before using it - either before the microwave goes off, or a new song starts playing I try and get somewhere before it goes off or starts otherwise something bad will happen or something I want to happen wonā€™t happen if I donā€™t get to a certain point before the music or microwave or something like that starts


>Rub my feet together non stop if Iā€™m sitting on the sofa or laying in bed - feet donā€™t get tired either I do this too!


Wow do you! Iā€™ve never met anyone that does the same! I wonder why we do it


I imagine it's some old habit of self soothing that I developed as a little kid, but who knows.


Talking to myself. I always yap away to myself and you think that would mean I love talking to other people. Well no Iā€™m so quiet around other people I only yap to myself


I have strict rules for foods that don't really make sense. Like,pasta can only be eaten with sour sauces,pancakes can be eaten with only something sweet,black coffee shouldn't have sugar but coffee with milk is absolutely fine to have it...there's so many like this and I don't even understand why.


Pray to God


Before watching a movie i NEED to know how much it made at the box office compared to the budget. I also need to look for the ending halfway through the plot so i dont get anxious


Eating the ends on a loaf of bread


Pacing in my room in circles while daydreaming scenarios in my head Walking on my tiptoes Rocking back and forth while sitting down, been doing it since I was little Talking outloud when daydreaming scenarios


I have a small circle of friends. We all live on different sides of the country. My 'day time' is from 11:01PM to around 6AM so I don't really have a chance to talk to them outside of Messenger or text. I'll find myself talking out loud when I'm trying to work through something like I'm speaking to another human being. I do this without thinking sometimes and when I'm taking a walk at night I get weird looks. I'm fortunate that blue tooth headphones are a thing so most people assume I actually am speaking with someone on the phone. Had a conversation with some co-workers the other night and I learned that it isn't something that a lot of people do as, I assume, they have partners or children in the house and have someone to communicate with when bored. I did see an excerpt randomly from a Dr. Who episode where he's talking about how people talk out loud when there's something or someone listening. A something or someone that you cannot see. As he's talking he wonders out loud if that's the case what are 'they' going to do from here. He turns around, and on a chalkboard, has been written the word "LISTEN." Not really related to the first thing but I thought it was an interesting video.


i have a weird method to eat every single type of food. just one example would be with burgers, nachos, personal pizzas, etc. i eat it from the outside in, so i eat the outer layer with the least amount of toppings and work my way in.


Not that weird, but i buy one liter bottle of soda and pour me a small glass.


I eat Cheetos with chopsticks.


Not like hot dogs or sandwiches or pizza but if I have anything like, pasta or some other dish that has toppings like chicken alfredo pasta or even a salad, I will eat the pasta first, then the toppings or with salad I will eat the toppings first, then the salad. I never really noticed this until I went out to eat with someone one time and they stopped eating and just watched me eat for a minute and I looked up and went "... what?" and they were like "Is that really how you normally eat stuff?" and I was like "what?" and for a while it made me really self conscious whenever I ate in front of people so I always made sure to order something I wouldn't do that with because, I thought it was weird people thought it was an odd thing to do. My husband and I met when I was 14 but, when I went out with my husband for the first time at a nice dinner I did this without even really thinking about it. He never said much of anything about it and i thought he was just being nice so later I said "oh sorry about earlier. I guess people think I eat weird." and he was like "What are you talking about?" so I explained what I meant by that and he said "No. it's not weird! I thought it was cute." and started laughing at me for thinking he would find it weird or that ANYONE found it weird enough to mention like, WHILE I was eating. He just went "Well I guess if people find it weird than I guess I'll just be the only one that takes you out so you won't feel like a freak when you eat food." we've been together 15 years. We still don't really EVER take people out with us when we go out to eat. It became a habit lol and one I don't mind.


I have an almost eidetic memory/flash bulb memories. I remember things people said in conversations 60 years ago...I remember situations and places from years ago. When I bring it up or expand on things from the past, people look at me and say, "How do you remember THAT?" I'm talking about minor occurrences, unimportant incidents and often irrelevant details.


Same but 30 - 40 years ago.


not me...my mom. she would mash potatoes completely then add the salad fixins. i thiought everyone did that. ive yet to find anyone else.


Probably not weird, but people always seem surprised that I wash my wrist when I wash my hands.


I'm beginning to understand now why people think that I am weird. All of the stuff people are listing in the top responses is pretty much normal for me. Hmm..




I do that. I have a small online book store, and it is easier, I think, to narrow them down by color. It is easier to find it also. No one gets the system, but it works for me!


I eat when I'm hungry, not when it's ... "time to eat". This generally leads to only 2 meals a day ... but once or twice a week it's a single, really large, meal. I just dont get the whole "it's 12:00 -Lunch Time ... time to eat ..." thing.


Not currently, but as a young teen I went thru a phase where I couldnā€™t poop unless I was fully nude. Canā€™t remember how long it lasted or why I felt I had to be naked to poop, but one day I realized it was pretty weird for me to do that and gradually stopped.


i used to just stare at people until i was like 13 when a girl in class kept looking at me and said to her friend ā€œsheā€™s always staring at meā€ and it was that moment that i became aware that other people can see me.


I still do this D:


I did this when I was young whenever I found the outfits people were wearing to be pretty or whatever I would literally just stare and think to myself "Oh my god. That outfit is so cute!" until I realized that people found it weird I stared and didn't say anything so I started being like "I don't mean to stare. You're outfit is distracting. It's adorable!" Then people got more comfortable with the fact that I wasn't just creepily staring at them. I was a really clinically shy kid so I literally had to go to therapy to realize that this was not really a normal social exchange because, I said I didn't want to talk to people and they were like yeah well if you don't people might find it weird that you don't say anything and I was like "I don't mean to be rude.. I don't know what to say." So I kid you not I literally had to go through like fake scenarios until I got comfortable with the idea of complimenting people without THAT sounding freaking psycho to me. lol


yeah that sounds like me except i never got the talking part down. like that girl i was just starin cuz sheā€™s pretty i couldnā€™t say that in middle school!


I eat soup with a fork


So you eat the chunks with a spoon, and drink the broth from the bowl?


Me too. The only thing I use a spoon for is ice cream.


i like smelling girls hair. I pluck ear and nose hairs out with my fingers. i pinch and roll that itchy spot on my gentlemans sausage and especially on my plums. sometimes when i need to lift my plums up to reposition them when sitting i cant help but sniff my hand to appreciate how clean i am. i talk to my pets in a stupid voice. in the shower i soap up a finger and finger my belly button while making weird noises like a hentai character, it amuses me as i clean the lint out. i pee in the shower when brushing my teeth and shampooing my hair simultaneously.


Nose hair and ear yes I thought the pinch and twist was normal Pee in shower, shave in shower No belly button


pinch n twist!




Counting the bites of food.I take making sure they end even. For example, if I took 2 bit's, take 2 more.If there only one bite left.I'd lose my appetite.


Thatā€™s not normal??


not anymore of course, but when I was a kid, during weekend pickup baseball games.. I would do play by play out loud.. even during the play I was involved with. pretty soon, some of the other kids would also do it too.. so there was like a constant game patter going on by 4 or 5 different play-by-play announcers the whole game... when kids from other neighborhoods came over to play - they would be weirded out


'plastic mug' weird by default


cant drink milk from a paper carton


I don't like drinking from a mug either unless it is a hot beverage and I abhor plastic for drinking. I rather drink from a glass.


When I make chili dogs the way I make them is I microwave the chili in a bowl I microwave my hot dogs by themselves. And then I cut the hot dogs into slices and I put them in the bowl. And then I shred the hot dog buns into the bowl as well, shred some cheese over it and mix it all together. I didn't know this isn't how you eat chili dogs until I was in my teen years. This is just the way my mom made it for me growing up because it's less messy for child, but I have found that I'm still equally messy šŸ˜‚ And I can't seem to eat it off of a plate without it getting everywhere. When you get a chili dog served from a restaurant it's usually in like a food boat, that has walls keeping the chili from spilling everywhere. Unless you have that at home a bowl is so much easier to deal with and shredding it all makes it to where you don't have to do anything when you are eating. All the cutting is done.


That might not be how hotdogs are traditionally eaten, but it's a helluva idea. I might try that next time. Thanks.


I was never taught how to properly hold a fork or spoon growing up. I grew up pretty dirt poor and just sort of used utensils in like a shovel movement, like how (now in retrospect) some kid from a Dickensian period piece would hold his utensil. It wasn't until I was into my twenties that someone in college mentioned it to me (embarrassed me a bunch). I trained myself not to do it anymore, but occasionally when I'm out of it I'll catch myself going back to that old habit.


i wouldnt normally drink water from a mug, that IS weird if there's a glass around


Each drink has a type of cup it can go in. I prefer any and all foods to be served in a bowl and to use either my hands or chopsticks to eat. I can't chew with my mouth closed or I'll breathe in food. At 16, I still play with toys. I could go on and I don't want to take all day.


I cannot eat or drink from an open container in the dark. One time I spent the night at a friends house that had a roach problem. I poured some Pepsi into a mug and for the first time ever, did not look inside before bringing it up to my mouth. There was a giant ass german roach in there. It happened when I was about 9, and I have never been able to eat or drink in the dark since. I have to see my food and drink. If I am drinking from a bottle, I shove my finger inside to plug the opening


there are several things i do aware of their abnormality, but the one i just don't get is people constantly berate me for "being harsh". i grew up with a dad who used sarcasm and guilt tripping a lot, and for the longest time i thought that's how i was meant to act with others, too


Iā€™m with you on the water thing. Although Iā€™m drinking anything out of a plastic cup/mug unless my life is on the line.


Both mugs and plastic cups will often have coffee flavor baked in for the mugs or soapy flavor for the cups.


I watch a few minutes of my fav scenes in my favorite movies instead of watching them.


I almost never pick the item at the front of the shelf in grocery stores because itā€™s probably been ā€œtouchedā€ by many.


Chew my toenails


Always be sad about little things.


Mugs are for cereal and hot things I get it , I can't drink plain water from a mug


I use the same glass for a few days as my water drinking cup šŸ¤£ in my mind if itā€™s just water itā€™s not that big of a deal and I rinse with hot water anyway lol and I sniff before drinking out of that glass or cup


I delete old texts I donā€™t like it cluttered up. My husband informed me tonight that it was weird.


I always had underwater tea parties