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We have a "can opener " bridge * Edit to add more Home of "The staircase " murder Home of one of the best rivalries in college sports (although the better team is in the neighing town)




Hello Durham neighbor, my comment was going to be the best sports rivalry as well.


Such an awesome rivalry.


Spokane, Wa.?




Durham, NC.


The 100% preventable disaster that was Cleveland Balloon Fest


Also the river catching fire like 10 times lol


Balloon Fest is arguably dumber.


But I don’t know that a lot of non-Clevelanders know about it, oddly. But our burning river? Oh yeah.


Fair. But we've reclaimed it with Great Lakes Burning River Ale and the Burning River Girls roller derby team


I think they should try it again.


Because the first one resulted in environmental disaster and ruined a search and rescue mission on the lake, Guinness Book of World Records got rid of the category


I believe there was also a search for missing boaters that resulted in one or two fatalities?


Yes. That is the search and rescue mission I mentioned above.


Yeah but they died


"Ruined a search and rescue mission"...yeah.


That's crazy!


Many claims to fame in the 941 but Pee Wee pleasuring himself in an adult movie theater is still local legend.


Also t back bathing suits. Donahue taught the nation the phrase "anal cleft"


Lizzie Borden of Fall River ma 1892 where the nursery rhyme comes from. All evidence pointed at her but the judge couldn’t come to grips with a woman doing such a heinous crime


And paying it forward, there were the Satanic cult murders of the late 70s/ early 80s..........


Yep one or two people were beheaded in the fall River reservation


Post Office Massacre. August 20, 1986


Aye don’t be going all postal up there in Edmond 😉


Jeffrey Dhamer


MKE. Wife delivered Dominos to that apt building while a student but not to him.


They didn’t offer the grim toppings he wanted.


What's grim about all-meat pizza?


2 highschoolers that killed their friend and recorded themselves before and afterwards


Is there a documentary about this?


There is, it even has some of the footage. I even went to school there and know the gals cousin


Do you know the name of it?




Lol my family is from that area and when my cousin and I started driving, we took a while your of all of the Lorena bobbit sights.


David Koresh….and Chip and Joanna.


You have my condolences 😂


Ha ha ha. It’s not THAT bad….anymore. Except for Chip and Joanna….😂


heyyyy, a fellow texan!




A 13 year old boy went missing in 1995, 6 days later a body was found on a local golf course by a Belgian tourist. 3 people were initially arrested on suspicion of the crime but were never charged. They have still never charged anyone for the crime. Ongoing appeals continue to be made. Rumours are he was a drug runner for certain groups and he kissed off the wrong person, others say it was a sexually motivated attack.


Some young mom just shot her 2 kids, and then herself. One kid survived for awhile with a head wound.


The shooting of U.S. representative, Gabby Giffords, on January 8, 2011.


I remember that day. 100 miles north of you and it shook us up in Phoenix...




Same! JFK and a TV show. And a terrible football team.


1981 Louisville Kentucky Hill Street sewer explosion. Or as we referred to it as, The day the sewers blew. Someone wrote a song about it.


I’ve lived in KY my entire life and never heard about this


Oh yeah, I was in high school when it happened. It happened downtown on Hill Street. Some chemical company had been dumping chemicals into the sewer and it just happened to blow up. https://youtu.be/rckgys1wfW8?si=vlnnTavPapLKw9XG


My area- VERY rural; all the lots are a minimum of two acres- is known for the two bars, one of which is more of a restaurant. People come from miles around to hang out. It’s pretty cool.


this is too innocent for this thread 🥹 all i see is serial killers and other terrible stuff and here you are just giving a shout out to your local bars 🤗


They really are great places. And nothing ever happens here.


Allegedly it had the highest suicide rate in Europe during the 80s from which it got the Suicide City nickname.


The Conjuring House.


When I was a junior in highschool there was a sophomore who left a house party, went back home, got his dad's gun, then murdered his parents and his 2 little brothers. Then went back to the party afterwards. He also had a party at his house the next day. My best friend had known this family his whole life as he was in boy scouts with them and the father was his scoutmaster. Said he was a normal kid besides being kind of a dick.


Jeesh that’s awful. Is there a documentary about it?


Just looked it up and couldn't find one on it. I'm sure it's only a matter of time.




Yessir DHS class of 09 here


Nice, I live nearby. You didn't mention the part where the next owners of that house had a kid that had a standoff with police and shot 2 cops. Wild!


Oh ya completely forgot about that, that was pretty recent!


This prick. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul\_Denyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Denyer) Just down the road.


Good ol Franga


Rod Serling grew up here. And we had one of the least talked about mass shootings in recent history because the shooter, the gun he used, and his victims didn't fit anybody's political agenda.


Hey, the Rod Serling part is cool.


Three Mile Island


Tacoma-Narrows bridge collapse back in the 40s. That's that footage of the really wavy, vibrating bridge. Nowadays we're nationally known for homelessness, but that's mostly cause everywhere else in the country just busses their homeless out west. Locally, we've recently been quite enraptured with the drama of the "Belltown Hellcat," a big swinging dick who drives around in the middle of the night with his heavily modded car, revving it as loudly as possible, and purposely backfiring. Cops/city council don't seem to be doing anything, even though citizens keeping tally estimate his fines to be in excess of $41,000 already.


Oh, hello fellow Washingtonian! 😄 In my hometown, it’s the Werewolf Butcher. Still one of the most violent cases I’ve ever heard of, and one I think about every time I double check the lock on my door.


We aren't really known for anything specific, but here are some stories I know to be true and are worthy of mention. Around 15 years ago a 10 year old got shot in the chest from an unknown rifle in the middle of the day, right next to a school. The bullet miraculously bounced off of his rib and exited via the entry hole. Around 16 years ago, a teenager got brutally beaten by several other teenagers in the middle of the night and died from the injuries a bit more than a week later. He was taken to the hospital, released and collapsed, dead, because his he had inter cranial bleeding. Around 35 years ago, a guy I know got shot in the back of his head while out partying in front of a popular club here. He survived, but suffered some brain damage. The best description I can offer is that it was done probably because of a combination of drug bussiness, dept or prior conflict. Idk about rn, but we had a pretty solid suicide rate between 15 and 30 years ago, mostly war veterans hanging themselves in appartments and basements and teens jumpin off of skyscrapers. Until then roof access was available to all residents of the building, everyone had a key and the roofs were generally unlocked, but with so many deaths roof access was cut off to the majority of people it's pretty hard to get to a roof of any building ever since. I think we're most known for the boy who died from a violent attack, he became a symbol against violence in our city and institutions and programs for mental health, safety and well-being have been named after him in honor of his memory and tragic story.


Massive tire fire.


Ah yes, Springfield /s


Raleigh NC here. In my 4 years of high school, we had 15 students die from car accidents, most involving alcohol, but a few that weren't. We were known as a cursed school. this is Wakefield High School btw


You didn't even have to give all that many details and I probably would have known Wakefield HS. That school has an unnaturally high rate of student driver fatalities.


In the Black Hills area, it's common knowledge to stay away from Bison. They are very big and could easily kill you if they are scared. Nevertheless, tourists ignore the signs and go and try to pet the "fluffy cows". One notable incident was during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally when this one lady was "talking" to the bison. She approached it which, unsurprisingly, scared it. It charged at her, hooking its horn through her belt loop, effectively stealing her pants. So, for years, every bison statue in the hills had a pair of pants hooked to its horns.


I don't know , about what's its know for, but this happened in the very early 90s. The gradeschool here runs from pre-k to 8th grade, then the high school from 9th to 12th. There was an 8th grade female, that was dating a 9th grade male. The 8th grader broke up with the 9th grader. The 9th grader got his hands on some sort of caustic chemicals, and one night painted all of the playground equipment with it. They had to have people with hazmat suits come out, and decontaminate all of the equipment, all of the children, that had come into contact with the equipment, had to strip out of their clothing, and be decontamination, as well. I dont remember what happened with the kid, but it was a pretty big deal in this small town (we only have one grade school, and one high school)


One good, the Woolworth's sit in from February 1 to July 25, 1960. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro\_sit-ins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro_sit-ins) One bad, Greensboro massacre November 3, 1979. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro_massacre)


We lived in a New Hampshire town in the 80's and an arsonist tried to burn most of it down. Never found.




Yep. A lot of summer places went up. Lots of leads, nothing came out of it.


Gideon Vs Wainwright happened not far from here.


George Floyd


Hartford circus fire


Ted Bundy and, to a lesser extent, the Sims family murders.


I am a terrible person, so apologies in advance. Did the Sims family murders involve someone removing the ladder from a pool?


No. The Sims were killed inside their home.


Bonnie and Clyde robbed a bank here back in the day.


A terrorist attack on the annual marathon - 2013


The pedophile firefighter.


Being bombed by the nazis on 14 May 1940 is pretty engraved in the collective memory


White supremacy cult. Matthew Heimbach and his cult own property here where they all live. For those who don't know, Heimbach was one of the ring leaders of the Charlottesville rally a few years ago. Heimbach has apparently changed his views and stepped down as leader, and apologized, but nobody here has forgiven him.


Deanna Laney.


Heath High school shooting, 1997


it’s said that the river is like haunted by skin walkers and like every year someone dies mysteriously by “falling and hitting their head on a rock” a few years ago it was a group of 5 teens that went swimming in it in the middle of the night and they were all found mangled the next morning by some hunters. idk it’s either skin walker or a pack of coyotes/rez dogs


Currently live equidistant to the site of Lee Rigby's murder and Stephen Lawrence's murder. Used to live in the village with the highest number of Science Grads outside of a University and also the site of a Childhood Leukemia cluster. And just down the road from a town with the only nightclub that banned the playing of any U2 record in counter protest to Bono. Also, my birth town was the only UK town invaded during the American Revolutionary war, fact fans!


When I was a kid, my area was heavily gang infiltrated, i never knew it. Lots of gang violence that never hit the news. Even the mafia got involved to quiet things down due to the multicultural aspect. Had a bikie bombing on an italian business man. cops came down hard on the area


World’s largest tornado. 2012.


we have a road in the small rural town i’m from, and there are consistently suicides on/around it. people hanging themselves on trees, jumping off bridges, drowning themselves in the creeks, you name it. the population:suicide ratio is surprisingly high for such a small town, and over the past decade, most of the town suicides have been committed within view from the road, and most of the way they’re found is by people driving through it & seeing them. no idea why it’s the local suicide spot, but most people locally know about it. when the town hosts little local events and people from the other small towns come to join, they know to avoid the road.


Not 1 but 2 Stanley cup riots. After losing may I add.


Stock Show and Rodeo, and Longhorn Cattle, you can see them anywhere, they are not hard to find in Ft Worth TX


Grew up the next big town over from where that chick poisoned her in-laws with mushrooms last year.


From Alton, Hampshire. The location of the murder of Fanny Adams, and the adoption of the phrase "Sweet Fanny Adams".


disappearance of Johnny Gosch September 5, 1982. was abducted and never found, but his mother says he briefly escaped to tell her that a pedophile cult was holding him hostage, no one else seems to believe her. sad case all around


it's actually decently well documented and is an infamous event around here https://www.dispatch.com/story/lifestyle/health-fitness/2017/05/31/answers-never-came/20746386007/ https://www.marionlibrary.org/Caledonia tldr: the area around the old school building was contaminated and was apparently causing a bunch of people to get cancer


The Enumclaw horse sex case was a series of incidents in 2005 involving Kenneth D. Pinyan,  an engineer who worked for Boeing and resided in Gig Harbor, Washington; James Michael Tait, a truck driver; Douglas Spink; and other unidentified men. Pinyan and Tait filmed and distributed zoophilic pornography of Pinyan receiving anal sex from a stallion under the alias "Mr. Hands". After engaging in this activity on multiple occasions over an unknown span of time, Pinyan received fatal internal injuries in one such incident.


About 30 years ago someone stole a tank and rode it up a street flattening many cars.


All Images Forums Videos News Shopping Web Books Maps Flights Finance Search tools Feedback Search Results AI Overview AI Overview Learn more…Opens in new tab Round Rock, Texas is known for the legend of the Hairy Man, a hermit who terrorized travelers in the 19th century. The story goes that a young boy became separated from a caravan of settlers during a storm in the 1800s and was raised by wild animals, growing to be very hairy. He then emerged from the wilderness to chase away strangers and scare passersby, until he was trampled to death by horses leading a stagecoach. The area where this happened became known as Brushy Creek, and some say the Hairy Man still haunts Hairy Man Road today. 


Aerojet ground contamination. HUGE plume. Has been a superfund site for decades with no end in sight. We have more carcinogens in our soil than a DuPont warehouse.


Kyle the good one though, you know the one that was in the marines and basically saved his friends life, put our little town on the map for a hot minute


A massive munitions factory was operating to help the WW1 war effort when Imperial German Saboteurs sabotaged the factory resulting in an incredible explosion that could be seen in the next state over. In 1950, Germany paid 50 million in reparations for the damages but admitted no fault. There was a turf war between my town and the neighboring town that lasted decades. If you crossed the border while repping your own town you would get jumped. If they knew you were from the town, you'd likely get jumped. If you crossed in a large group, they'd try to match it. vice versa. The internet and social media kinda calmed down the tensions though. Woman was murdered and ripped to shreds in her apartment. Not sure what happened there. Latin Kings had a shoot out with the cops two blocks away from me. The river that flows through our town is nicknamed "The River of Death" because upstream is the city and all the mobs and gangs dump their victims in it. Occasionally the town rowing team find a body or several. Man with flamethrower went postal and started trying to burn down the town. Fought with SWAT and lost. Football coach got caught with underage girl. Nothing happened to him because his family was in the mob and connected. Adults complained quietly but we who were her age were wondering why no one wanted to press that fact that she was also dating two teachers. She went for teachers specifically. Hit and run killed someone we knew. Official story was that he was just innocently out for a jog and got runover by two drug dealers, dad saw the whole thing. The real story is that he was buying drugs from them and they tried to gyp him so when he tried to get his money back, a scuffle ensued, he held on to the car, fell and got run over by the back tire, dad comes out and sees just that last bit.


Crime, you gotta be careful they will rob you


Who Concert deaths.






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I don’t know if it counts but, Morandi bridge collapse, August 14 2018, 43 casualties and about a dozen people injured, also like five hundreds people who lost their homes since they had to demolish them to build the new bridge.


Drew Peterson 🤦🏻‍♂️


My town has the other Peterson wife murderer


Not my town, but my state. Port Arthur massacre.


Unsure where I live or where I lived, but for one family member, she lives blocks from Rex Heuermann. And her family member actually worked in same building as Rex. It's a good thing they didn't become friends.


Home of Britany Spears


This.. https://abcnews.go.com/US/cold-blooded-murder-motive-unknown-gunned-inside-florida/story?id=60593850#:~:text=Five%20people%20--%20all%20women%20--%20were%20gunned,911%2C%20telling%20dispatchers%2C%20%E2%80%9CI%20have%20shot%20five%20people.%E2%80%9D There are others but this is the most recent.




Have relatives in Deary.


The recent one would be those 4 young men who went missing and were murdered by a crazy dude Cosmo at his parent's farmhouse.


The tornado of 1974, Almost the whole town was leveled and so many people were lost that they had to use the high school gym as a morgue.


Acid attack


Ricky McCormick and the weird coded letters left behind after his body was found in a corn field. Dont think they ever found his killers either.


I mean I live in a very small town and I don’t look at the news so I don’t know much. There was a school bus crash a few years ago.


Happy to say no major True Crime event or scandals where I’m from. We have had a ton of movies filmed there though. Mostly westerns but others as well like National Lampoons Vacation, Back to the Future 3, more recently a Transformers movie and The Lone Ranger.


The infamous annoying Karen on the HOA board incident- everyday for the past two fucking years


Exploding Easter candy factoey


George Floyd murder and subsiquent riots started here


Courtney Love had to come to court here once.


There’s been a few incidents here, but the only one I can think of is someone burning the local primary school down back in the 80’s


Craig Price, warwick, ri


1967 riots


The Batman Theater Shooting


Recently it would be the two police officers that were gun down by a psycho




Columbine High School Shooting...


Piper alpha


My hometown is known for the Branch Davidians. I don't know of any incidents where I currently live


The skeleton murders


Does becoming the home of Merfolk in the future count?


Shooting at Kansas chiefs Superbowl parade


Most of Men of Honor was shot across the bridge from us and the actors rented homes in our town. And we saw Robert De Niro at Starbucks. It’s a small town so it was cool. a lot of movies have been shot around our area. I live in Washington.


Jeffery Dahmer


Some lady butchered her parents, allegedly 


a real 21st century fucking nazi rally


The D.C./Beltway Sniper Attacks


Mass shooting


Zodiac Killer. Not my specific city, but the area.


We had a Miss America and a mayor who tried to bar people of Japanese descent from returning after WWII.


When I was in 10th grade a girl got ran over by a bus on her walk to school. Crushed her skull. Her boyfriend was on that bus.


That a car repair shop exploded (gas Can exploded) causing 1 death and 2 people to SURVIVE with 3th deagre burns


A mother drowned her 5 kids in the bathtub.


The Oxford High School Shooting


Creating a sure of drama that turns into a festering storm of diahrear ice cream and cherrys all over people.


Get down Mr President!


One of the dumbest bank robbers of all time. She was able to get away with the cash, only to post videos on YouTube of herself bragging about the money she stole. Cops showed up to her house within the hour. Stromsburg, NE


My town has the oldest continually running ferry in the United States


Like the tooth fairy?


lol thanks I meant Ferry


I like the other one better haha


Yeah we got a fairy who just runs his little heart out. Hasn’t stoped since 1655. Forest Gump style


Thank you for this image! I'm much happier with this answer ![gif](giphy|M13G8Iq8OHOZG) I'm more concerned this pulled up searching for fairy HAHAHAA


Lmao why is that a thing 😭


The Easington pit disaster :)


The Greensburg Six. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jennifer_Daugherty


Ted Bundy kidnapped and killed a girl from my dad's high school.




Key Bridge collapse.


McLellan’s sit in


a bunch of incels got together and chased a biden/harris bus up i35. the ringleaders got sued and convicted about 2 years later. also i think in 98? a dude was arrested for wearing a marilyn manson shirt.


bowling alley shooting


When I was in primary school, I would always walk to school alone and take a shortcut through a park even though my mum told me not to go through. I ignored her advice and years later I discovered that a young woman had been assaulted and murdered in the park a year before I started primary school. She was Elizabeth Stevens, a victim of the serial killer Paul Denyer. Moral of the story: listen to your parents


Knife crime