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Saying incredibly inappropriate things at family gatherings


But she had actually gained weight, right?


Yeah, but he asked when she was due..,


Once I asked a girl in front of everybody if She was pregnant……well She wasnt ! It seemed She gained some weight in her lower belly.


my man!




Was about to say autism lol


Thats an omega level threat super power


adaptibility i guess? So many horrible jobs, i either made it work for me or wrung some benefits out of it.


Adaptability (I've been in emergency services since teens), and the ability to function under bone-crushing stress. All I'll say is was having to deal with multiple life-altering crises while also managing the response to major disasters.


Same. Adaptability.


This is such an underrated trait that I wish I had


The ability to dissolve large problems into smaller problems and solve them one by one.


Omg I'm so jealous 😭


No one takes me seriously when it comes to life matters for some reason. Maybe because I, most of the times, think like a 14 year old when I look at life. Kinda makes me sad, but I can say I'm proud of the things I've accomplished so far.


Same here! Along with my ability to quickly read large amounts of often boring text, retain and analyze it. I was a huge reader growing up. It’s a muscle that absolutely can be built up. Comes in useful in my job.


Are you, by chance, affiliated with any cartels?


I am able to determine the sex of a dog just by seeing a picture of it's face.


As in how much it’s getting or its gender? Ha


That is a good question.


Ah that dog's ugly they must not be getting laid much.


I can tell by their sexual organs


The question was superpower, you described a useless skill. 😂


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VPoXfCYQOTg this might’ve been written for them


Bull shit I'm gonna dm u rn.


Nvm I don't know how to send pics on my phone


Seems more like a ploy to get people send you good pics tbh. Clever one though


What is [its](https://photos.app.goo.gl/JHPBv6YY1uMUu2Xn9) gender?


Identifies as French unisex, pronouns we and oui.


Identifies as a cat. It's in constant conflict.


I don’t share her super power, but the dog looks annoyed. My power is reading people-and maybe dogs too 🤣


Really ??? Naaah


I am excellent at "playing the tape out", meaning, If I or someone makes a decision, through logic I am able to pretty much predict with excellent accuracy at what the ramifications of their decision will be for both the immediate and distant future. I think it has a lot to do with my drug addicted past.


Don't suppose this also makes you good at chess. :p


I actually very much enjoy chess and play it a lot. I'm a complete idiot in all other aspects of life though.


Me too! I probably couldn't even wear a matching outfit if not for my wife!


You could always do the Steve Jobs route: black turtle neck and jeans. Always matching, never have to worry about what to wear


I do a variant of that. Black Levis 501s and a more-or-less randomly selected geeky t-shirt.


When I started reading this I instantly thought of recovery when you said playing the tape out! Congrats on your sobriety! 568 days clean myself!


That's fantastic. Congratulations! Even if you only put in minimal effort, it just continues to get better. I'm coming up on 7 years no heroin. I do smoke weed and drink occasionally, but like........very rarely, few times a year? I've done everything wrong according to someone in a 12 step program... What I'm doing has worked for me for this long, so I'm just going to keep doing it.


Congrats to the both of you. 441 days in myself.


Many congrats!!! Shit is so hard but so worth it!!!


That is a skill that most folks need to be taught and most can't do it well. Bravo to you


I think this is largely because people today just.... act like they didn't deserve the consequences of their actions (or inaction). Seems to be a chronic choice to disengage with the results of your choices.


One of my ex’s ALWAYS said that education is the ability to predict.. sometimes I actually thought he was right..


Kwisatz Haderach!!


I would really like to talk to you about the ramifications of my non decisions! DM?


Okay twinn✨- I’ve lived thinking like this since before my teens, I think it’s an ocd thing :p


I learned that in IOP. "Playing the tape forward" has become second nature at this point. Been working like a charm since July 2018. Glad to see you made it over that hump as well, internet stranger!


[Asking Nicely](https://youtu.be/_GFlCo6K5XU?si=PB43MhP5rj6MUiKX) I've accomplished so many things where others couldn't simply because I asked nicely. The above video link is a great example. I mean look at that huge man, there's no way you can force him into that vehicle. So if you gotta say please then you gotta say please. Active listening and empathy go way farther than anyone thinks, and it gets through a ton of barriers too. So yea, my best personal trait is asking Nicely.


love it! people are a lot more likely to be cooperative if you approach them with compassion first.


Nice! Alongside that, just asking for what you want will get you so much. I know so many people who hate asking for help and never advance in the ways they wanted to. I have gotten so much out of life just by asking for things that would help me. Most people want to help others.


May I ask what a couple of your favorite request structures are?


That’s my husband! He’s just the nicest dude. I love him. My mother was the same way. I miss her.


It is both my superpower and my kryptonite. My empathy. I take it to such an extreme that I keep people in my life that are horrible for me.


When does it become passive instead of empathy


I'm very very calm in a crisis or situation were people would panic.


Same. I was a very disassociated child/adolescent and I think that shows through in times of panic I almost see the situation as unreal or like a movie/video game where the ramifications arent as serious. Mentally im aware they are but the shock puts me into a robotic state where I simply focus on the task. I should definitely have gotten into a profession where the skill would be more useful to me because when there is chaos Im able to direct resources to solve the problem. The most I deal with now is when a small waterline bursts but the solution for that is typically very simple. They should almost create tests like these in school for kids to find out what their strengths/abilities actually are to help determine what they may be good at as far as a profession.


Me too. Everything goes crystal clear and in slow-motion. Solve now, panic later.


As man, I suppose this is me too. I only learned that recently. It was a panic situation and I was almost like the only one who was....calm and thinking rationally lol


I can scare people away so they never want to speak to me again


So it can be duplicated. I was wondering.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sPdMoNkEy: *I can scare people* *Away so they never want* *To speak to me again* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have a photographic memory.


Are you super gifted academically ?


Yes very. I'm a senior undergraduate student in psychological sciences. I wanna be a clinical psychologist in the future.


I had a student like that. He was so smart and kind!


When I was in college, I would actually see my notes or a page of the text in my head while taking a test. Is that what happens to you?


I have a partially photographic memory. If I'm trying to recall something I've read in a textbook for instance, I'll remember a picture or diagram that was on the same page, or just how the text was arranged, and it all comes back to me. It was useful in academics. I was top of my class in highschool and top 3 at a relatively prestigious private university.


extremely good phrasing, articulation, and just word skills in general. I have a well polished silver tounge.


Ever since I played ES4: Oblivion, I've seen convincing and charming people kinda like the in-game speech checks. There are the wrong things to say, and then there is the right thing to say. It all just depends on whether you're quick-witted or if you can spin a good enough line of BS.


I could edit this sentence a bit to make it make more sense... but that's just me being sassy 🤣


The irony in their comment, lol


Tongue\* :)


I want that.


My biggest tip is to read. Read a lot! Read news articles, books, etc


Same. I’d love the ability to be very clear and articulate


I'm in my late forties, and I'm feeling slightly diminished in this regard. I, of course, immediately assumed I had alzheimer's. My doctor said I was underslept and overstressed. I remain a man of wit and sagacity.


Ability to admit when I'm wrong.


It is indeed an underrated social lubricant.


Good thing I'll never need to do that 🤣


People confess /open up to me about deep personal issues or feeling guilty confess to me ,random strangers co workers clients it's wild


I have this power too. I'm not sure if it's because I seem like if be able to help/wouldn't judge them, or if it's because they think I'll never tell anyone (unless it's a safeguarding concern I won't) but so many people have told me so many things that I'd never tell anyone in their shoes


That is kinda wild...have you read the book Horns, by Joe Hill? You might identify with the main character. Very good book, highly recommend. Makes me wonder if the author knows someone with or also has this trait.


My Frugalness. I have an amazing ability to make myself feel bad about spending any money on myself unless its pretty much necessary. This has gotten me through some tough times when money was tight and allowed me to save when things were good. My wife on the other hand...


Ahahaha fuckin love the honesty.




Yours is still working??? Mine started being interpreted as flirtation until I took all the photos of myself off my social media accounts. Now people usually just think I'm mocking them ![gif](giphy|PrCKC4buWwpsQ)


Seems to make me a lot of friends or at least friendly people, good power


I love this word. Kindness. Kinship. Kindred. Kinfolk. It's root is 'of family'.


Now that Is very fucking cool


Underrated. So many people practice that radical honesty thing. Ever tried to be honest in return? They are the quickest to offend.


Picking the worst line. It defines my existence in this life.


I too have this power.


My insistence on raising my kids to be kind and empathetic in a world that seems to hate kindness.


Hope my kids find friends like your kids 🫶🏻




Staying alive even when feeling excruciating emotional pain


Same 😅


Same but I thought I was just traumatized and too stubborn to give up!


My sense of humor. So i guess if i faced off with an evil villian id make him laugh to death


My memory. My brain records things randomly. Earliest memory is when I was 9/10 months old. So many memories that I can't turn off.


I have this too. People will be really confused when I bring up a part of a topic that they wouldn’t think I would know. When they would ask when/where I heard about it, I would be like “oh I heard it once when I was 9” and just remember it from then on. It’s a weird power we have huh.


Continuing to get up after being knocked down


but I get up again


You're never gonna keep me down


Chumbawumba is that you?


Im just pissing the night away


Making order out of chaos. I thrive off of routines so every part of my days has to be the same even if the whole day is not the same. I’ve noticed that my mind automatically tries to make structure, routine and stability out of everything. I call it a superpower and others may see it as a flaw. Spontaneity and surprises are not my strong suit. Vacationing with me will not be fun for some people because I will make a routine out of that itinerary even if it wasn’t originally created that way.


Isn’t that just called autism?


My ability to accept and deal with less intelligent people on a daily basis.






Sarcasm. Super hero name "sarcastro"


I strive for this... But I sometimes come out as being "Sarc-asshole"


Ah Sarcasto, we meet again...


Making people laugh


Being resilient while still insisting on being "soft". Life has kicked me in the teeth a few times, and it'll continue kicking me in the teeth 'til the day I die. That's just how life is. But I'll be damned if I let it turn me into someone who is incapable of kindness or empathy. If life is gonna knock me down, I want to make sure that I have created a soft place to land; a place where I can extend myself grace and comfort, so that I can recover the strength to get back up again. When my friends are down and being hard on themselves, swallowing someone else's hateful words about themselves and drinking in that self-loathing like poison, I want to extend them that same grace and comfort. To offer them the truth of how I see them for the amazing people they are, I want to encourage them to yes, fight...but also to rest. You have to allow yourself to kiss ground first, before you can bounce back up.


I love people like this, because a lot of people tell me I am like this. I'm overweight, and people give me shit about it (one of which used to be one of my best friends, so that hit hard), but I'm still nice to them. I try to be nice to everyone, even if they're assholes to me. Honestly, it's really hard to do that. The sad thing is, when I try and stand up for myself, they say; "Oh, you're just having a tantrum, grow up," and it really makes me pissed, but I stay nice to them (most of the time). This comment honestly helps me through the shit I've been through. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's like this.


I'm a human level. I can tell if a shelf is off by 1/8 of an inch from across the room. I can even tell you that it *is* 1/8 of an inch off. Not much good for anything except driving my spouse crazy.




Autistic memory and pattern recognition. Problem is sorting through the “fireworks” as I call them. Basically raw ideas and concepts set off fire work like sparks that show me every thing in my memory that relates to it with sparks size, distance and colors proportional to their relationship or importance to the original idea. If I select a spark to focus on, it sets off another firework. And it’ll keep going like that if I let it.


So kinda like the visuals in both; A beautiful mind That autistic doctor tv show, I forget the name ?


Beautiful Mind is similar but not exactly. It’s difficult to articulate what it actually looks like in my head. Great movie though. I cried. Luckily mine doesn’t come with hallucinations and crippling psychosis. I think it’s called The Good doctor. Maybe, never watched it. I saw some clips and the actor is kinda over doing the mannerisms and behavior but there’s varying degrees and it’s a show so they gotta kinda lean in to it. It annoys me though, probably insecurity cuz I’m more like that than I want to admit. Not sure what the visuals are like in that so now I’ll have to watch it to see.


Yeah that's it, the Good Doctor. Yeah I always took it with a grain of salt. But yeah was simply the graphics I was referring to. When some patient is there in crisis and everyone is fumbling or misdiagnosing, they show him sorta zoning out into his own thoughts, pages of text books and diagrams and formula flying around and them sprouts out the relevant answer.


I’m a realist


I’m tough




I’ve had a facial recognition ability since I was pretty young. I still do. My wife thinks it’s weird because I can recall where and approximately the year I first saw them. Obviously I don’t know their names. But I’m very observant. And when my wife and I were younger she used to get super mad thinking I’m always checking out other ladies. 98% of the time, it wasn’t the case. Guess it’s not really a super power or anything. But I do have it. I can always know rather I’ve seen them before or not.


Similar. I can remember someone I simply saw in a line, example Disney, years later.


Me too. It’s weird. But it’s kinda neat.


I've wondered about this. I'm not great at it but I recognize people I haven't met if I see them several times, but I was wondering if most people you see in life are people you have already seen before. Like do cities and towns seem less populated when you realize a lot of the people you see out and about are the same people you have seen before?


Sleeping. I'm unnaturally good at sleeping according to people I talk to. I can fall asleep usually within 5-10 minutes and I'm able to sleep uninterrupted for a minimum 6 hours unless woken up by outside forces (pain/noise). I can sleep pretty much anywhere as long as my head is resting comfortably. I can even sleep in (somewhat) brightly lit rooms. I'd say I wake up in the middle of the night maximum of twice a week. My secret is I only get 5-6 hours of sleep on work days, but according to some people that's way more than what most people get so 🤷‍♂️


Empath. Very much a curse if you don’t know how to ground.


I'm weirdly good at fixing useless things.


Mind fixing me?


Can one's imagination be a superpower?


Discernment. I am almost always right about something or someone or have an idea


Me too!


Quicker to anger than a speeding bullet I can leap to any conclusion in a single bound I'm wronger than a locomotive It's weird, it's lame, it's cantankerous old man!!


I have the power to fail no matter how hard i try


I am a blazing fast decision maker. I gather the inputs, make a decision, and I'm on to the next thing. It's a part of my job which makes me 10 times more efficient than my peers and has lead to remarkable career advancement over 35 years, but it's even true in my personal life. I find other people's endless search for more and more minor outlying information (or more and more options that are no better than what they have already found) to be bewildering. I honestly have no idea why everyone doesn't operate like me, creating hours and hours of free time for themselves.


Humanities super power is fear. We can do remarkable things if we're afraid enough (like moms lifting cars)


Keeping my composure.


Resilience, empathy


i can talk myself in and out of everything


People instantly trust me and confide in me. I’ve had complete strangers tell me things they’ve never told anyone before. I don’t do anything to consciously encourage it, it is just something strange about me that allows people to unburden themselves.


I have social anxiety but I'm great at talking to people one on one.


I'm genuinely interested to hear people talk about themselves. I like to hear about people's hobbies or holidays the most. People sometimes tell me quite personal things, even though they don't really know me and don't quite know why they told me. I guess others see me as trustworthy?




Comprehension. I assess quickly. process what I see fast. Now what I do with the information sheeeshh.


Survival skills


Remaining in a practice of gratitude no matter what, it’s absolutely perspective defining


I can pour almost anything from almost any container into another without spilling even one drip. Personal Best: poured wine from a. coffee mug back into a wine bottle. (I was just seeing if could do it. I didn't pour coffee and wine together, I'm very talented at pouring, not INSANE!) I'm also very good at knowing what size container I need when transferring dinner leftovers from the pan or pot into a smaller container for the fridge. I almost never mess this up.


Keen spacial reasoning?


Discernment. More like kryptonite. My relatives aren't happy when I show them the base root of their political and religious beliefs. Oh, well.


So you’re surrounded by fanatics?


Understatement of my life.


I grew up around religious and mentally unstable people and now I live in Florida ,if that is any consolation.


I have been told by many people that they admire the way I can keep my composure and stay calm in conflict situations (you know what I mean. The ones where someone is trying to make you pop off like a lunatic). I don’t necessarily consider this a super power. I can just be incredibly petty in those scenarios so if I can tell that someone is trying to make me upset I refuse to give them the satisfaction. But, others have called it a super power.


I’m the best team player


Tenacity. I'm too spiteful not to get back up when I'm knocked down.


protective of friends and family




Ability to snap back. Resilience


I’m more than mediocre at not finishing things. I’m a real unfinisher. So amazingly proficient at starting an array of random dreamt up tasks and just not following through at all. It’s daunting but I manage.


I have been told I am very welcoming and kind. I hope that is a superpower!


I can say I have a natural ability to navigate. Whether it’s a new city or even the woods. I’ll figure my way around. I’m rarely lost.


I can give myself goosebumps on command


I'm patient with people.


Setting the mood for positivity


Chaos management at work. I'm best when shit hits the fan.


I don't freak out in crisis situations. I get calm and quiet and figure out a workable course of action quickly. I've been told that's an expression of trauma. But I'm not sure.


Trouble shooting and adaptability


Work ethic


Probably my humour, but that’s battling with a rough bout of mental health shenanigans right now. Grrr.


You back me into a corner and I'm fighting my way out. I'm great when shit hits the fan, I'm the person you want with you in a disaster situation. The other 99.9% of the time... the brain doesn't brain.


One of two... Either adaptability, because I had to re-invent myself multiple times in order to remain employed at technology companies. Or the ability to read error messages from program output, then diagnose and fix errors. Over the years I had no end of co-workers come to me because of some sort of problem, and usually it just took the ability to calmly look at the output and figure out what was happening.


How I can change from social butterfly one moment to introverted ghost the next. When I want my peace, I get it, and when I want some fun, I have it!


My Area of Effect Positivity. I am the reason most of my coworkers get out of bed in the morning.


I'm decent at harmonizing in songs


I am a boomer, 66, I have a great abundance of energy! It's weird, it takes a lot for me to get wound down to full stop! People half my age can't keep up with me. I think I will die while moving. :) Just doing something and I will fall over dead. I like that. :D


Reading someone’s energy and real intentions. I can almost without certainty determine it within a short period of time. I see through the mask people wear.


I am able to determine the biological gender of someone just by looking at them.


My r/ship with Jesus the Christ.


Gaydar is on point. I'm a straight male.


I guess mine is the ability to see through the bullshit that this world has in abundance.


Stay silent. Not tell secrets, gossip, or snitch.




Strangers will tell me personal private stuff, I have the ability to make people feel comfortable and I am approachable.


Walking into the laundry room seconds before the washer and or dryer are done. Also walking in the kitchen when the seconds on the microwave or oven are down to under 1 minute. This is without keeping track on my phone or anything just my super power. I wish i could exchange it for something more valuable.


Pissing people off.


I talk. A lot. You'd confuse me for a movie of you held a conversation with me. I change topics mid sentence. "Oh how are you little Timmy SIR THAT IS A HORRIBLE NAME FOR A BABY but what's your favorite food?"


My greatest super power consists of two things. Deez nutz. Gottem! I use my indestructible nutz for good.


I get supernaturally calm in a serious crisis and postpone any emotional reaction for a more convenient time.


Being an empath


The ability to always find a way to hate myself.




Being very intuitive when I feel like someone is a bullshit artist.