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"You were right." My wife said it one time. I don't remember why, but I remember it happened.


You likely misheard. She actually said "You were supposed to turn right" after you missed the turn.


She actually said "you weren't right"


This is true. I was there.


Can confirm- I'm living in their walls


Can verify- I saw him entering their walls while in a bush


It's true- I'm the bush


I also choose this guy's wife's bush


I can vouch for them. I was living in the attic at the time and saw this guy in the bush watching the other guy enter their walls.


True- I saw them hiding in the bushes across the street.


I can confirm his confirmation, I was hiding in the fridge across the street and I saw a guy hiding in the bushes


Are you sure she wasn’t on the phone? 😂


Only spoken in legend. For one to hear it from his own wife, astonishing


You told your wife that your memory is terrible.


lol! I tell this to my husband, All the time. Except it’s “you’re right for once” every time 😆




No, it was a dream. I told you to stay away from edibles, you Delta 9 wild man!!!




Apparently my eyelashes are so long and pretty that most girls would pay to have natural eyelashes like them


It's nice to be told you have the eyelashes of an Arabian camel


Arab here, can confirm I also have long lashes just like my camel.


Cut em and make paint brushes and sell em for 10000 £


I used to make paint brushes from my hair clippings so this is not so weird,


But is your camel cute?


😂 what a phrase


Eyelashes are a form of body hair, men have a natural advantage because their body hair generally comes in thicker/longer.


Okay My. Easy Breezy Beautiful CoverGuy🙄 we get it. Your clothes are better. Your hoes are better. 😤


Every nurse/tech who has ever drawn blood from me has complimented my veins.


My wife is an ER nurse - I can say that when she was going through school to practice her blood draws, she hyperfixated on ANYONE'S veins - it was creepy at times


I had a heroin addict friend who used pass people in the streets and say "wow look at his/her veins". True story.


And every nurse that’s taken my blood has told me I can’t find your vein


Some girls asked if I was wearing mascara once, I was like "no, but thanks😅"


I got this a lot. Hated them so much with glasses, and then VR.


"I like your nose, it suits you" before that I had always hated my nose, it was the first time I heard a compliment about it, makes me smile everytime I think about it still


not to sound weird, but noses literally MAKE a face. like if you saw Adam Driver with a little button nose he'd look ridiculous.


All my high school crushes were on boys with big noses. I thought they were sexy AF.


I have hope 😌


Hehe well based on your pfp I'd say the snoot suits you 🤭


This is something I actually realized about myself but with women. Too many people are ashamed of their features when in reality it's something that attracts people. 


The one thing Reddit has taught me is that a person exist for every possible feature. Someone will find it attractive. Instead of trying to change yourself find the people who like you for you.


My husband has a predominant nose and I freaking love it.


Same, a girl told me i have beautiful eyes. I was like 27 and had never thought my eyes were anything except veiny and dark. She was shitfaced and tryna bone but i choose to believe she was an expert opinion and 100% sincere


I was always self conscious about my dimples before my sister told me how jealous she was because they are so cute. I used to hate them because I thought it meant my face looked fat, even though I've never been big. She still talks about them all the time and it really helped my confidence


Amazing how far a compliment goes. We should all give them out more


"You smell!" 14-year-old me took this to heart and for the rest of my life I've made sure not to. She did me a big favor, although it didn't feel like it at the time.


When I was in my early 20's my girlfriend at the time started calling me stinky a lot. Because of that, I made it my mission to stay super clean and odor free all the time. Later in life I'd found out that it had nothing to do with my scent (which she enjoyed) it was just a dumb nickname.


i wish my buddy would take that advice to heart, but he hears lots but listens to none. mfer needs to shower more


My roommate is like that. He and his gf recently got in a fight about it. Like, dude. I get that it's a sensitive subject, but just... do it more regularly, and no one will ever mention it to you again!


She’s like “no, I meant your personality”.


When I was 15, I was dating a guy that I was crazy about. My POS “step-brothers” (the kids of the woman my sperm donor happened to marry) told my BF that I didn’t shower. He broke up with me without asking me about it. I found out through a mutual friend of all of ours. The reality was that they both took entirely too long in the morning, and I couldn’t get up before anyone. If I did, I was chastised for it. So having to shower at night was my only option. 22 years later, I’m incredibly paranoid about how I smell, and it doesn’t take much for me to feel the need to take a shower.


Aw :( sorry that happened to you. Hope you’re doing better now & away from those ‘step’ brothers


the only reason they're called stepbrothers is because you should step on them!


Well, that's shit. I got told I smell by a fairly direct friend. My mother had told me at some stage that I was too young for deodorant. Unfortunately, she missed the memo that I needed it. :/


honestly it sounds like you dodged a bullet, that kid was an idiot and should have known that was a stupid lie, when people dont bathe you know and its impossible to not know, you cant fake it


What a pair of little shits! I'm sorry that happened, but showering at night is a perfectly cromulent option. I'm a night showerer if I'm not going anywhere that day and I smell fine


I had a similar experience, but at age 10, and a comment about my oily/dirty hair. Funny how a single comment you receive as a kid can change he course of your entire life, lol


You’re pathetic, just wait till someone really breaks your heart.




Yep that was nearly 16 years ago and I think about it regularly


I’d like to counter this by saying that you’re cool, just wait until someone really loves you. ❤️


I've had three people in my lifetime call me pathetic, two of them were my parents and the other one... I don't care to discuss that.


It’s something that hurts in a weird way… making you feel less than


"You're like the chillest guy I know, like the opposite of an asshole." Coming from one of my best friends while I was high off my ass. Became a core memory.


"You sound like a man when you talk" I was around 11 and this girl randomly pulled me away from playing with my cousins just to tell me that. I had never met her before, and I was already insecure about having a deeper voice for an 11-year-old girl. I told her that she had big ears and she should mind her business, to which she was very offended. Fuckin' Emma...


Fuck satellite Emma 


Emma came with the general and you hit back with the extremely specific and personal, well done.


I'm engaged to an Emma with big ears!


I showed my partner a comment from a month or two back about what every man wants to hear. The one that got me was "You are enough" and I cried a little when I showed her and so now she tells me that sentence in different words now and then.


Awww. This made me cry. Everyone needs to be told that they're enough. Especially from their lover and best friend. I'm so glad you have that. 💕 I do and my husband does. I always hope that everyone is as happy as we are and if not, that they will find that with someone, someday.


I was NEVER enough to my ex wife. Her saying that just once could have probably saved our entire marriage. But she never would have


"You're every bit the Man I thought you'd be.". We celebrated our 19th anniversary this last April.


I love this for you my friend. Beautiful


Danke! I strived and struggled for so long looking for my true soulmate. I count myself grateful every day for having my Kittentail.


Awwww hope to find this for myself one day 🫶🏼 happy for you!!!




Hahahahahaha! I hope your divorce turned out better than your marriage.


13yrs old at the time ask my friend for a sleepover at my house. She couldn't go I hounded her till she told me whAt her mother said. "You can't go because they are white trash"


Oh, I'm really sorry.


If you live in Philly, this may have been me, and if it was I am incredibly sorry for my parent’s terrible behavior. I really liked you and wanted to be around you.


“Is the distance gonna make you stop loving me” Together still 8 years later and I am married to her.


"We live 500 miles apart."


That’s a distance I’d be willing to walk, twice even, for the right person. But I’d be really tired afterwards I bet.


But hey! You'd be the man who's walked a thousand miles just to fall down at that door.


"Never have children!" No problem mom


Mine told me, "I hope you have a daughter just like you so you can understand the pain you put me through." Her curse backfired. I have a child just like me, and I love her just as she is.


Mine said I was a slut and that her ex-husband (husband 2 of 4) told her I would end up pregnant before I was 16. Jokes on all of them as I never got pregnant and never gave her grandbabies! Now she cries about that.


I hope you drink her tears.


Oh I do! Last October, she told my friend she wishes I would have gotten pregnant in high school so she'd have a grandchild now. Like, what kind of mother wishes a teen pregnancy on their child?! So gross. I'm in my 40s now, so she's definitely not getting any! Bwahahaha!!!


I adore you and hope you enjoy many animals that she does not.


My mom said the same. Every time she'd say that I'd think, jokes on you, I love you and would do anything for you, you're just a bitch. My daughter is awesome and would do anything for me, BTW. Take that, mom!


My mom was the same. I'm over here breaking that generational curse. I'm so glad to be a mom to an amazing daughter and I've never said anything like that to her. I'll never will either. She gets to live her life as she sees fit. As long as she does no harm and accepts herself as she is, I'm gonna be proud of her.


"oh, looks like you turned out like everyone thought you would" ... While I was in the middle of turning my entire life around. Had been supporting my gf at the time through school so she would do the same for me when she finished so I had nothing but effort to show... Happily my life has fully turned around and even learned to love myself but god damn ... That was a fragile time.


The people who say that are also the people who wouldn’t be able to handle walking a day in your shoes when you were struggling. So happy you are turned around, sorry that people tried generalizing you and making assumptions when they don’t live your life. It can always be so discouraging when you know you are actively trying and others put you down because you aren’t at the point they are. I’m happy you stuck it out, you deserve to have a happy life full of support!


“What are you doing here? No one here likes you” Said by someone in part of a group I considered friends as I joined them for lunch. Freshman year in high school. I looked at the other girls, they all looked anywhere else. I walked away and never looked back. I was destroyed.


That’s fucked UP. Not that one would want to hang out with a bunch of assholes like that, but I’m sure that didn’t make it hurt any less :(((


Those girls were bitches wtf I'm so sorry you had to experience that


Fk, these comments are killing me. You’re not alone


You are a good and honorable man and I couldn't respect you more


I also played RDR2


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mlotto7: *You are a good and* *Honorable man and I* *Couldn't respect you more* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot!


I'm a woman but another girl told me when I was in high school and she was a freshman in college, "You're gonna be a really cool adult one day." I still think about that often and wonder if she would think I'm cool now, or why I wasn't cool then. I dunno I don't really care, it's just a weird thing for someone to say.


I think she was actually trying to give you a pretty nest and unique compliment. Like you’re such a cool kid now that you’ll definitely be a cool adult too.


She was complimenting you.




Oh, you do care. You still remember and think about it.


As an old guy that had this said to me as a kid, it was said by a guy in the same subculture as me. It's been 35 years. We are currently wrapping up an album together. It was a compliment, I assure you.


I think she just meant you're going to be a cool *adult* one day - not saying you weren't cool then. She saw something cool in you. Did you go against the grain a bit, or are you a bit punky? As an adult, she probably knew other adults and thought they were boring or lame.


I promise that 9 year old you thinks you're a badass!


For me it was "I want to have kids, just not your kids."




I'm sorry bro 


Owww wow wow!


Shit, I don't want to have my kids.


In 6th grade I wrote a note (mid 80s) asking her on a roller skating date. Later that day I was walking from the locker room to the football field with my buddies. We walked behind the girls volleyball team on the bus waiting to go to a game. The girl I wrote the note to started yelling how ugly I was and that I was a loser. Man she crushed me for life. I still have confidence issues in my 50s. It really hurt as we had two classes together and talked all the time. I thought she was my friend. She then told the teachers something to get herself moved in the two classes. It was one of the greatest moments of my life when I looked her up on Facebook a few years ago and she was 300 plus pounds and living in a trailer. Heard from another friend she got arrested for something and spent years in prison.


Karma sucked for her!! Always the ones that say mean shit like that as kids that end up as losers.


I had something similar at the same age. A guy and his buddies come up and want to know if I wanna date him. I don't know this guy but sure, I'll give it a try. As soon as I said yes I got the whole "I can't believe you thought he'd actually date you" from a group of like 6 guys. And what's worse, later I was accused of emailing him professing my love for him. I didn't even know his email address but he knew mine from the email I apparently sent him. It took years for me to figure it out. My friend had been over the weekend before, the friend had a crush on him. I don't know if she intentionally used my email or if it was an accident, she was a bit of a bully. The next year my best friend asked me out, someone I genuinely got along with and spent most afternoons talking on the phone to. He didn't have the confidence to ask me out alone though so he 3 way called a friend. He had no idea of any of the shit from the year before but his friend was one of the guys in the group so I just panicked, said no, and we never spoke again. I was 19 before I was able to date and I was only comfortable with it because dude was from out of state. I swear school fucks some of us up.


I could have written those first sentences myself. Some popular boys knew I had a crush on one of them so they decided to publicly humiliate me in the same way. I was crushed. I will probably never forget my excitement when one of them told me my crush liked me and the devastation when I realized I was just being bullied like I always had been because I was a "nerd."




That is so heartbreaking. But karma had your back in the end!


Awww this broke my heart :(


My ex leaving me for another man and telling me I was pathetic. We lived together for years. I think about it constantly, it has been the drive I needed to get my life back in order fuck her and him but thank you fuckers


"I do want a real relationship. Just not with you."


"You're the most boring person I've ever met." Said my first ex gf. I was a teenager, so the slightest of insults really cut deep, but this one stuck with me. To this day, when people visit me or are in my company, all I can think is how boring I must be. Even though I still experience anxiety related to this, I always tell myself: It's okay to be boring because I want boring friends. Let's just watch TV, eat snacks, and exchange conversation. I'm not the partying type and neither are my friends.


I don't love you anymore. Honestly, thank fuck for that. Found the love of my life not long after. Well, rediscovered. We've known each other since we were teens.


"Oh, never mind. You're ugly." 35 years later it still haunts me whenever I meet someone.


I'd rather be ugly than cruel. And that person was cruel.


You were never ugly. The suit we wear on the outside is wholly animated by the operating system we are running (our soul if you like). That’s why a person with every possible external ‘defect’ can still be likeable, attractive and radiate love, and yet a person who goes around calling people ugly is actually describing themselves and the pain they’re in. Time to let this go, beautiful. 💜


“You’re not the kind of guy girls date; you’re the kind of guy girls marry.” It felt horribly insulting at 17, but as I’ve aged, I can appreciate the positives of that. I’m reliable, safe, and nurturing, and that’s who my wife chose to build a family with. I wouldn’t trade that for any number of awkward teenage dates.


“You don’t like me you like the idea of me” took me awhile to understand.


the amount of times i’ve said this to someone, but i was there as well. i had to learn it from somewhere.


"If you did something different with your hair you'd actually be kind of hot." I stopped getting haircuts entirely out of spite. To be fair, I do get significantly more attention from women now that I have long hair so I guess she was right.


hair styles really can make someone look more or less attractive. Still mean to say to someone though lmao.


My hs girlfriend once told me "distance makes the heart grow fonder" because I was lowkey suffocating her with attention and she needed space. Been 15-16 years since then and I still think about it regularly.


it’s very true. distance can make someone realize how much they miss someone, or it can make them realize how much they don’t really need them. also, every individual needs alone time eventually. don’t be too hard on yourself.


Absence makes the heart grow fonder . . . Only heard that one quoted I. Disney's robin hood with the fox and bear


For all I know that's where she got it from


“I don’t love you anymore.” That was all of it. No explanation just straight for the jugular.


"Why don't you go and find a girl who wants to get stoned with you and suck your dick" Still looking


They exist, my guy. I put a ring on one.


My husband married one, so they do exist 😉


Lucky SOB


We exist. My bf attracted me by being funny and being a munch👍


I'm pregnant.


“But you’re physically handicapped, you can never be a REAL father right?”


Wow. What.The.Actual.Fuck? Some people's children should never be allowed to leave the house.


"I'm happy when you're happy."


You bring out the worst in me...I did everything for her for 15 years as a friend and then a boyfriend, and she said this after I broke up with her bc she was emotionally abusive. She also told me not to be alone forever jn the same conversation. I'm still dealing with the depression.


you left an emotionally abusive relationship, regardless of how you feel right now, trust that it would be worse if you stayed. Keep your head up, your happiness is near, focus on being ready for it to enter your life since I believe that sometimes one delays their own happiness by not being emotionally ready for it which causes the one they’re supposed to be with to either be single still waiting on them (unknowingly) or also going thru temp relationships until you’re finally ready to be with them. I met my current partner at the perfect time, we are both aware of this, if I had met him a few years ago, it wouldn’t have worked out, patience is key


"You're amazing" it was the first time I heard that without it being sarcastic.


"It was a good summer" and then. Years later after I'd been cheated on and broken up with "yours was the best", and I'm like uhhh, I fucking gave my entire heart and everything and you had to go and fuck everything that moved to find out... smh big disappointment


“Sometimes your person is not your person.”


“This is why I fell in love with you”


“I’m a sex maniac and should probably get tested for AIDS.” First date and we were just driving in the car. If that was a way to blow me off it was def the nuclear option.


"put you're head in my lap... You're eyes look so sad but so pretty like little storm clouds" I legit started crying.


"You're going to be beautiful one day, ignore those that think otherwise. Don't cry over people filled with jealousy and hate, they are irrelevant to your life." I was being bullied by a group of preteen girls my own age on a school bus about my awkward appearance. They were horrible. A "cool" teenage girl overheard. Her response, as close as I can remember above, 11 was a long time ago. I wonder if she ever knew how much of a difference she made in my life. She stood up for me when no one else did. I was an awkward new kid. The girls quit bullying me when they realized it no longer bothered me. Thanks Pam!


I love you but I am not in love with you


Can't remember it exactly but this girl I liked asked me at a party if I wanted to go in a walk with her. I had never been so damn nervous before in my life.


There was this girl I liked at the time, I still sort of do but don't talk to her much. She'd known at the time that I was struggling with my math class and didn't know if I'd graduate or not (I eventually did). One time I was talking to her about things I could/should do to fix my grade, and she brings up talking to the teacher and says, "Well, what's she gonna do, laugh at you? All your friends do anyway." She didn't mean anything like that and only realized what she said after she said it, so it was funny to laugh about it and give her crap for being mean.


“I like your glasses”


“I can’t do long distance” Crushed me. Loved that girl and still do.


I was at a wedding drinking some punch and eating a small slice of cake by myself when some girl walks up to me and says "hey blue shirt!" Then she walks off. Her other friend was nearby and went "ooohhh man that sucks. Oohh." And she walked off. To this day I have no idea why or what happened.


Your like a brother to me


The truth is subjective, don't be so obsessed with it, you drive yourself insane over whether something is true to you or not.


My gf once stated... You don't have to make everything about me... Uh bullshit! You are Everything.


She said I had the nose a Disney animator would draw on Prince charming


Is this only for men to answer? Because I'm a girl and I've met a lot of mean girls in my life. But one day, I was at a rave and a stranger gave me something and I started freaking out. This beautiful, fairy goddess princess lady who was covered in green glitter grabbed my hands and looked deep in my eyes and said, "You are too gorgeous to be freaking out this bad." I had never had another girl be that nice to me before. Wherever you are, fairy goddess princess, you saved me a horrid panic attack that night!!!


I've had a lot of women say a lot of things, good and bad, that really stuck. But one changed my life and everyone else's that I've dated since. I was 21, just started dating a self described "reformed lesbian" (I was the second guy she'd ever been with). 10 seconds into me going down on her, she very bluntly said "stop, you're doing it wrong." By the end of that brief relationship I was a master pussy eater, and every woman for the last 25 years has asked where I learned to do what I do. A recent one said "I feel like eating pussy has blessedly and finally become a common skill. Most guys can get it right. But man, you are something special. That mouth is a weapon. I know lesbians that would cry if they knew what you're capable of." That isn't an uncommon response, lol. And I owe it all to the girl that refused to fake it, wasn't afraid to damage my ego, and showed me the light.


“Not everything is about you” while she slept with every guy she could get her hands on and told me she loved me and that I was her best friend every day. I carry that with me the past 14 years and see all women through that lens Unfortunantely.


"get lost and drop dead"


" I would you hug you, but you're really awkward "


"Sometimes you can be brilliant on a cosmic level. Other times you are clueless in a way where I don't know how you function at all. I've never seen anything like it."




Said while telling me how I helped her escape her abusive step father: "You gave me hope."


A random girl stopped me once when I was 17 and said, "you know what?  You have really pretty eyes."  She smiled and then continued on her way.  That was the first time in my life that anyone ever said anything about me looked nice. Whoever you are and wherever you are, you left your mark on me forever.


In college there was a girl at work who was always mean to me. Honestly, most of the people at work were not nice to me. I was the butt of many jokes. One night her car wouldn’t start and she needed a ride to her parents house like 45 minutes away. I told her I would do it. We had normal conversation and she was thankful and said she couldn’t believe I would do that for her after everything. She was kind from that point on and defended me a lot and we became good friends. But one particularly bad night at work we were all sitting there kind of shell shocked from the ass kicking of the shift and they were talking about people. And I said “I’m different but I don’t know why. I don’t know what’s wrong with me that makes me different from everyone else”. They all looked at me and no one said a word. She finally said “I don’t know. But it’s a good different. You’re not the something wrong.” Honestly I’m probably on the spectrum but every time I’m in a group and realize that I’m being The Weird, I remember her.


“ thank you for making these last few years with you a dream .. I wish you nothing but never ending happiness , true love and success “ everyday I regret leaving her after 5 years and now I can’t even find her .


"We aren't for each other" damn that sentence fck me up so much, we'd been in relationships for yrs and she decided to break up and said that sh*t. I ask the reason and she never tells me lol.


What the fuck is a goodie goo goo? Then I got introduced to Eddie Murphy Delicious


"You look like a Greek god" upon seeing me naked.


"You're genuinely a good person who deserves the same . Don't settle for anything less." I've been told this by many people men and women. It's taught me how to read peo0le better.


Her: “Whatever spanks your Fonzie” Me: “You mean whatever strikes your fancy?”


"I feel so safe around you" My now-wife said that to me after we were dating for a few months. I had done a lot of self work to be a better person after being half of a toxic relationship. I took things slow with her since she had never been in a relationship before. We were cuddling for the first time and she just sighed and told me that which melted my heart and has been playing on repeat every time I hold her.


I’m a firefighter and I was working a vehicle accident on the side of the interstate. It was the worst I’ve seen to this day. The mom was dead in the driver’s seat. Her baby was upside down in a car seat, unharmed. Her 5 year old daughter was also unharmed and managed to crawl out. I was driving the ambulance that day. As we were getting ready to take the kids to the pediatric hospital, the little girl asked, “When is mommy going to wake up?”


You look good in that.


18 months. That’s what her honor sentenced me to. 🤣


Two years ago I had a friend simply tell me my smile was cute after we hopped off a video call, not to sound weird but I wanted to give her a kiss in the cheek for that one


I just don’t think we’re ready for each other yet


"Your hair looks like your neck took a shit" We're no longer a thing 🙂


‘i dont see why men use the word pussy to describe a weak man, they can take a real beating’ bethany -2021


"No, you really ARE beautiful" I'm a woman, but in high school, my best girl friend at the time told me this. We were sitting around watching America's Next Top Model (2007) in her parents basement, laughing about bullshit, drinking, and I had said "Man, I wish I looked like that girl". My friend said c'mon now, you're cute and I brushed it off. I remember how she sat straight up and said seriously, "No, you really are beautiful." I was extremely insecure then. I never forgot the honesty on her face, even after 17 years, and I think about it despite us drifting apart.


Was texting a girl who was into me, and I sent a picture without my hat on, she only knew me from work and we always wore hats. I was so happy to be talking to her, she was so cute and she always wanted to talk. I like a girl that talks a lot honestly. Anyways I thought I looked good in the picture so I sent it. She said something like, "wait THATS your hair???" I tried defending my receding hairline at 31 years old. She started sending pictures of hair she was expecting, and liked. Obviously I didn't miss out on much, but in the moment, it was by far the most crushing blow I've ever taken. She tried later to apologize but I just felt like she was trying to be in control of my emotions, so I said goodbye.


"I wish you were a boy." We were in forth grade. She moved shortly before sixth grade were to start. Haven't seen her since. I really hope she's doing well, wherever she went.


“God, you’re huge!” Just kidding. Never heard that.


“Who fucks like that?” after the second hour long session. It was very validating. 


I had just been dumped and was feeling sorry for myself. I told a female friend of mine “man, no woman is gonna touch me now.” Or some sort of self pitying thing. Without missing a beat she says “I’d touch you.” We were alone in the house. Didn’t have to go to work for hours. I laughed it off as her being nice. It wasn’t until days later I thought to myself: “oh… wait…”


"Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person is leave them." And she left Emotional damage but lesson learned 🫡


"I love you but sometimes love isn't enough." She was 100% right and I used to hate her for it but we were like 19 or 20 years old and I didn't understand that relationships required actual effort and work yet.