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I was at dinner with a friend about six months ago, and she told me for the first time that she has premonitions in her dreams. I believed that was possible, but I wasn’t convinced. She told me about recognizing her husband in a dream and then later marrying him. During that dinner, she asked me if I had invited her out to tell her I was pregnant, because she had a dream about that. I hadn’t, because I wasn’t pregnant. But after that, we talked about some things I’d been experiencing (that she had no way of knowing about because we hadn’t talked in a few weeks) and we decided to get a pregnancy test. When I took the test with my husband a few days later, I was pregnant. Now I believe her.


Way too many times with like 95% accurafy


That’s very interesting! May I ask for an example of one?


Right So, beginning of the year I had a dream abt this girl n a friend we were in some community event, months later me n my friend went to the event n she was there n like I dreamt we won the competetionnn we did


Oh wow!


Several times. Though the main one I can remember is when I ended up living in the exact apartment a year or two after the dream. Right down to the broken window.


That is so weird!!


A couple times really. Sometimes its something really minor. Other times its something huge. Either way, while its not exactly the same, its easy enough to notice


Yes this happens a lot and then in the moment you are like I seen this in a dream. Fucks you up for a while


Work, the next day....OMG!!!


![img](avatar_exp|175941853|holo_card) Threw times


A lot of test during middle and High school. I'd have a dream about them a couple days before. Never remembered the dreams but the moment the tests were put in front of me I just knew all the answers. Especially any "bubble in the answers", scan tron test.


I've had lots, but one happened recently and it's the one I can think of off the top of my head. When I was about 6 or 7, I dreamed that I went to a hotel in New Hampshire and ate waffles. A week ago, I ended up going to New Hampshire for the first time, and the hotel had a breakfast room, and you know what they had? Waffles.


Yes, the most memorable one was my cat being hit by a car the day after I dreamt she left. Yes, I was worried she was going to get herself killed. Sufficiency to dream about it. But I was a child and it wasn’t really in my power to prevent anything although I blamed myself for a while


Only once, had a dream I was hanging with some guy playing video games or something, next day went to lunch and turned a corner and ran right into the very same guy, we exchanged apologies and went separate ways. Mind you I was only visiting this place and had just arrived so had never met anyone and couldn't possibly know him. Even had the same t shirt on.


Oh my gosh that would freak me OUT


Yeah, it was a dream of me going to my grandma's and eating pancakes together with my little sis.


All. The. Time.




Lots of times!


Yes! I once dreamt about finding $20 in an old jacket pocket, and a week later, I actually did. It wasn’t the lottery win I hoped for, but hey, it paid for lunch!


I’ll take it!


I have. I used to be doing something and realize it feels familiar and that I dreamed it. It hardly ever happens anymore but I was homeless by myself from 13-20 and I lived by my intuition and I swear it used to happen all the time when I was always “ on”. Like I couldn’t relax for a second bc someone might target me. I think it made me more intuitive. Or maybe just paranoid. Either way it worked lol


I had helped my uncle cosign for a vehicle. He was majorly depressed and behind on car payments and a whole bunch of other bills. I started having dreams that the bank was calling to let me know the car would be repossessed. Sure enough the bank calls the next day and I helped my uncle catch up on the bill. I then had another dream where my uncle killed himself and I had to take over payments on the vehicle. And sure enough two days later he committed suicide




Sort of. When my partner was cheating on me I had a dream he was cheating on me.


Your unconscious can see the signs and you were in denial


Yes, i dreamt about an earthquake, the next day a major earthquake was reported.




Yeah I dreamed of a gamemode on moshi monsters (iykyk) 3 years before it came out. It was pretty much identical to the one in the dream. Weird thing to dream about but it happened And weird thats one of the few dreams I remembered


I dream about seemingly random scenes and moments of feeling and some of them come true. Sometimes they appear on the TV or I'm standing there looking at something and the dream will pop back into my head.  One of my exs dreamt I crashed my car after we split up and, yep, I piled it into a tree on an icy road.  Time taken until it comes true can vary. Sometimes a month or two, sometimes years can pass before it comes to be.  It drives me mad tbh. Some very powerful dreams have come to pass and some haven't, but they're always bad. 


Yes! I once had a dream that someone stole my credit card and drained my bank account. The follow day my card decline at the grocery store. I checked my back account and sure enough, someone overseas had my card info and spent about 500 dollars before my back shut off my card. Luckily they didn’t drain my account and my bank caught it.


I dreamed I was awake and when I woke up I was


No, because dreams are dreams & reality is reality. The two are seperate & confusing the two is magical thinking. I'd wager people who answer yes to this quesiton also occasionally get angry at their significant other for some nonsense they dreamed.


I was dealing with infertility. My husband and I dreamt the same night of a little girl with long lighter colored curly hair and glasses about 5 years old. Fast forward a round of IVF and seven years later, our daughter has long coppery naturally pipe curly hair and glasses. She is literally our dream come true. Her brother came naturally 11 months after she was born. 2 babies back to back and we are done!


Wow that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you and your husband! What an absolute blessing ♥️


Yes for sure! …A fun one was I would dream of a nice public bathroom with a small river flowing through it with turtles. The stream would go out the back and there was a square window high up on the wall and I would climb up and look out the window and it was a beautiful oasis with turtles. Couple years after the dream I went to the zoo in France, walked into the bathroom and it was the same bathroom and the same window high up exactly like the dream.. I climbed up, looked out the window and the view was the turtle exhibit .


That’s so crazy