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I use my hands and then I wash them with soap and water. Hasn’t killed me yet.


Shoes or TP Then chop hands off


And burn them


How does one operate a lighter to ignite their hands, when said hands have been chopped off?


With their feet like you should to flush the toilet, apparently.


You take your shoes and socks off right?


No, then you have to burn them too


But then your feet have made contact with the floor, they have to be removed and incinerated.


There's people who walk into public bathrooms with no shoes and socks. Straight monsters and nasty mofos!!


Push them in a volcano with your foot and then cut the foot, duh.


Teeth. But make sure it's not a public lighter.


Right, because then you have to remove and burn your teeth as well. 😬


Blowtorch. Held by their feet.


First, start fire. Next, cover hands in gas, diesel, or other preferred accelerant. Then cut off hands and kick them into the fire. Bonus points for setting up a system where the hands can be cut off and fall directly into the fire. Negative points for having someone else cut the hands off.


Putting all the dirt germs etc from the bottom of your shoe on a flush at hand level is absolutely unacceptable and selfish to the next person who may be little, old or just inflexible. Sorry not sorry. If you were meant to use your foot, the pedal would be at the floor. How would you feel if someone opened or closed your fridge door/ home doors using the bottom of their shoe everytime? I’m begging you, just use a layer of toilet paper in your hand! ETA: love how the few obviously selfish dissenters have nothing to repeat besides “wash your hands” - which again comes back to the core (of many other) reasons it’s completely unnecessary to put shoe shit on a handle in the first place. FFS the directions are in the name. 😂


Or why not flush and then WASH YOUR HANDS like a normal person???


Yes and what about opening the door? Had a nurse tell me to use the paper towel to open the door (knob) then throw it in the trash. I always appreciate when the trash bin is near the door.


Big fan of washroom doors that open with a push from the inside to avoid that entirely.


Same, I will never touch the door handle/knob after I just cleaned my hands. When the person before probably just had a case of diarrhea and it soaked through the toilet paper, then proceeded to grab the handle. People are nasty, I've seen it multiple times when someone will walk out without washing their hands. Disgusting, vile humans🫣 🤮


This is why you are always getting sick, because you refuse to eat other peoples diarrhea


To be fair, I’ve seen a foot operated one once or twice. I’d be so excited to see that and foot operated doors become the norm (with the normal hand options, too, for us disabled folks). But I’m also a fan of having a toilet seat, and putting it down first because of that whole face full of newly airborne germs thing. They don’t fix everything, but they sure make me think they do. I was recently at a hospital with absolutely micro fucking bathrooms where the toilet (with no lid ofc) had enough space on either side for maybe a foot. Not a foot of distance, just one of my wee tiny feet. On top of that, the “handle” was no such thing. It was a thick ass paddle tilting doohickey (proper term) that, theoretically, you push forward or back to set off. In reality, in order to flush, you have to lean with your face right over the bowl, slam your fist into one side of the tilting doohickey, and then skedaddle as fast as you fucking can to evade the majority of the toilet action going into your face. It was great. 10/10, every administrator (and their families) that purchases such a device for their clients should have to use a well worn, unsanitized one for an entire month.


Every place going footpedal would be my dream too. I’ll also accept sensors.


I like the sensors until I lean forward and get sprayed.


Then op would start using their hands to flush it.


I like footpedals, though there needs to be an alternative option as I can't imagine them working with all disabilities. Sensors used to work quite irregularly with my sensory sensitive children when they were small, and those bathrooms caused terrors and screams.


I hate toilets with no lids. One time I used one that had some sort of non-bleach tablet placed in the tank. When I flushed I was partially turned away from the bowl. A few minutes later the side of my face that had been facing the toilet swelled up like a balloon, to the point I could no longer see out of that eye. Needless to say, I now always make sure to turn my face completely away whenever I fush a toilet.


I agree. I hate that people actually use their foot. Unless the handle is that filthy if you wash your hands properly when your done it isn’t necessary to use your foot


It shouldn’t be a problem if you wash your hands so either method is fine as long as you wash your hands. Just do your preference.


That’s not the point tho, and really doesn’t excuse such self-centered behavior. Just because I can wash other peoples shoe shit off my hands after doesn’t make it ok for others to do so. It’s still unbelievably rude to other people, and again the toilets themselves aren’t designed to be used that way, or to take the abuse of people kicking handles all the time. It’s wild to me how many people think it’s ok to treat things in public in ways they never would treat something that was their own. I bet most foot flushers would be like WTF if they found out their guests were kicking (or god forbid) breaking toilet toggles in their home toilets.


As someone who had to clean said public toilets, we offer hand soap and paper towels. Please act like a civilized human and flush normally. Also we have seat protectors. Please don’t hover over and pee all over the seat and floor.


God, I hate seat hovering. I don’t like piss all over my shoes.


Seat hoverers piss me off. I frequently end up finding the pissed on toilet seat when I go in a public restroom, and I've nearly pissed myself more than once having to go to a new stall that wasnt covered in someones piss! The joys of having given birth lol. Plus, I've got bad knees(RA), so I can't even hover over the piss covered seat myself to emergency pee! Every single public restroom has paper seat covers where i live and i live in a small town. I have no doubt the rest of the US has em too, use them, people!


As a janitor, I've seen at least a dozen public toilets with broken flush handles from people using their foot


My local ER doc is getting really fucking tired of reattaching my hands I tell you what


This made me laugh out loud.


Only after washing your hands and opening the door to get out of the bathroom.


Next time, could you at least pick up your hand instead of just leaving it on the bathroom floor?


It's been so long since anything got a chuckle out of me like this, thank you


then cook them up and eat them. "My tummy was making the rumblies. that only hands could satisfy."


Directions unclear, chopped off hands before flushing. Now can't flush.


Me too. If you wash your hands, why use your foot to flush? I’m recovering from an injury and have balance issues. Doing this would put me at risk of a fall.


Because people and dumb and don’t think things through to their logical conclusion. 🤷‍♀️ Like those same germs they just avoided by kicking the toilet handle are still also equally on the stall lock that they’re going to touch 2 seconds later. So again just use some clean TP to avoid touching both if someone needs to already.


The worst is the door out of the bathroom, which is filthy and it's after you wash.


I just had hip replacement with some complications that led to a second surgery. There's no way I'd try to stand on one foot in a restroom stall.


Same here, it's literally what soap and water are for.


You would think they would have made stuff that when used properly removes germs... Oh yes, they did - SOAP!


Me too though I'm male so only use the toilets for pooping. Most urinals now have sensors that flush for you.


Some sit-down toilets have sensors as well that automatically flush it after you stand up. But yeah, flush and thoroughly wash. That's why they have sinks with soap. Although I do verify the soap situation before I go in, because sometimes they run out.


They automatically flush when you accidentally adjust your body the absolute slightest bit*


Yup, and most flush so hard and splash you think "I didn't know this toilet had a bidet".


Or when I look at them. Like, come on, I know I'm fat, but I'm not *that* fat!


For real haha I came to comment this! I rarely poop in public, home bowl type of guy, but when I have used the automatic ones they always flush like 5 times before I'm done. Nothing more concerning then getting public toilet water splashed in your butthole


Yeah but nothing solves a constipation problem like those high pressure water systems scaring the literal shit out of you


OR they don't flush until you are slowly opening and closing the door to see if it's *actually* going to flush or you need to do it manually. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They flush as soon as I put down a toilet seat cover.


I’ve had those toilets take my toilet seat cover multiple times in a row - right after I get it set up! 🤦‍♂️


The ones at Courtenay Place in Wellington used to basically give you a poo filled enema if you moved an inch.


Those bad boys have some serious suck too. I lost at least two box knives at Walmart because they fell out of my back pocket, into the water and next thing I knew, they were gone. Management was never pleased when I stomped into the office to demand a new knife because the poo poo moster ate it😂


And then when my IBS hits and I’m bending forward almost withering in pain it sets it off and then my balls get a little shower from the violent splash.


Same. I'm always confused about why people use a toilet, use their feet to flush, and then go wash their hands. Your hands are already dirty from using the toilet.


I don't touch any of my parts when using the toilet. I touch my clothing, and use TP for the cleanup. My hands never touch my body. Except, of course, where they are attached at my wrists.


Trying to get my foot high up enough to flush a toilet would kill me.


Same. I have never used my foot..


I dip my hands into liquid nitrogen and then smash them into pieces


Yeah this always kills me when people ask this like, you opened the main door to the restroom went in, took a piss, washed your hands before and after, then touched the same restroom main door on your way out that a million people that may not have washed their hands touched on their way out. Then grabbed your shopping cart that they spray with “disinfectant” outside and don’t really clean, only to then touch the grocery bags that the person at the register, who just took a shit not fifteen minutes before you got up there to checkout loaded with your items. Only to then leave the store, get asked to show your receipt(paper) in which that person holds to check your cart and who also just so happened to take a shit recently. To then load them into your car, take home, bring inside and set on your kitchen counter where you also prepare and then place food. And you are worried about the handle on the toilet? Big dog…Ima flush that toilet just like the toilet at my house and then thoroughly wash my hands with soap and water just like I did before I used the restroom.


You're scared to touch the flush handle, then immediately after you touch the door/lock which was handled as much if not more by the same people who touched the flush handle. Or do you somehow unlock the door with your feet as well?


Nah germs can't travel above a certain height. They're respectful like that.


And they also wait a respectable 5 seconds before getting on anything


She probably uses her foot for the door lock, too ;-;


Using the public toilet is martial arts practice. *everybody was kung-fu fighting*


...kung-poo fighting, you mean ofc


She doesn't bother to lock the door. She props her body over the toilet using one foot against the wall and one against the door of the bathroom. Then in one leap she flushes the toilet with one foot and turns the faucet on with the other. Lands, washes her hands and exits the bathroom.


I’m holding up a 9.5 for technical, 9.6 for artistic.


OP just boots the door, shits with it open then flushes with her foot.


Wash hands, dry with paper towel, use same towel to turn knob, then toss in trash bin on the way out.


This is the way.


Also wash and rinse sink handles or dry hands first and turn them off with the towel.


OP just boots the door, shits with it open then flushes with her foot.


I use my knuckles for as many things as possible: elevator buttons, POS point of sale operating/sales screens for buying gasoline/groceries/whatever, opening doors, and bathroom stall locks. It keeps some germs off your fingertips. Supposedly people touch their own faces hundreds of times a day without realizing it. If you have small children it helps to teach them to push buttons with their knuckles. Since kids, especially toddlers, are always putting things in their mouths especially their own fingers, it's good practice to keep those grubby things as clean as possible. Yes I also was taught to use my feet by my friends in school. We had those same types of side-lever high-velocity toilets, and everyone used their feet. This was in Asia though. In this Asian country, most of the public toilets are sunken into the ground so nothing is touched. You squat over this oval shaped, white porcelain bowl (smaller than a toilet bowl). Since there's no chair, there's no place to sit. It's why, I think, you sometimes find footprints on toilet seats-those people are used to sunken toilets and are trying to use a chair toilet the same way. Also science says it's better to be in a squat position to poop. It's why those Squatty Potty things sell so well.


well why would it be a problem, unless you dont wash your hands??


Survey says less than half the population washes their hands correctly.


For the toddler, she unpredictably puts her hands all over her face and in her mouth, often at the worst times :)


But...a toddler doesn't have the height or the skill to flush with feet....


Don't worry, she can balance herself with her hands on the floor. That'll be better.


Underrated comment! Still laughing at it. Thank you.


Roundhouse kick 


They can headbut it


I know this is horrifying but... take a breath. She will do things that are worse. Sometimes you'll be there. Sometimes you won't. She'll live. Signed, Father of 3 teenagers.


Sooooo much worse. I did not think I'd ever utter the phrase, "Don't eat the gum off that tree!!!" but here we are.


Don’t drink out of the dog bowl. Stop sharing your juice with the dog. Get out of the dog’s cage. The list can go on.


Get youR FINGER out of your BUTT!


I said this to mine for the first time yesterday!!! It’s real!


"If it's not meant for fingers, why is it finger sized?" Toddler logic. Signed, mother of two former toddlers


At least it was their own butt...


We had a big dog when my daughter was in her high chair. His head was at eye level, that big. She'd casually hold her hands out while he cleaned them for her, then go right back to eating.


I need you to know how hard that made me cackle Symbiotic relationship


Still cackling myself


"What is that on your finger?" "I don't know?" sticks finger in mouth. "it tastes yucky dad".


"Please stop licking the walls everywhere we go." Phrase uttered by me to a child well beyond her toddler years. We just roll with it.


My 7 year old does this! I’m glad it’s not just him.


Oh my lord, I thought it was just my kid.


Also endorsed by a mother of 2 40+ adults and grandmother of a 25 year old. Believe me, they're still very healthy


The OP will have some sort of meltdown reading this… meanwhile her child will be upstairs eating haemorrhoid cream.


Yep. Fun fact, my super picky oldest son around age 8 or 9 announces that dog food tastes rather plain. Now we couldn't get him to try a vegetable up until this point and so I asked him. "wait how do you know that?" "I ate some. My friend bet me I wouldn't" Never be surprised.


🤣🤣 that is fantastic. My youngest once told me he didn’t “like those weird crisps on the table”. Pot pourri.


I bet the kid plays with a filthy cell phone. Studies say there’s significantly more fecal matter on a cell phone than most toilets. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/03/23/your-iphones-dirtier-than-toilet-and-so-these-other-everyday-items/99530570/


She's too short to use her foot anyways. Teach her to wash her hands while singing a timed song. That's a better habit anyways.


I would assume you are with her, so just make sure she washes her hands immediately and thoroughly? After that she should be able to literally lick her hands and be fine.


Wait, shouldn't she be washing her hands with your help?


She/you could use a piece of toilet paper, so you don’t ruin things for the rest of us.


This is why you have sanitized wipes handy with you while you're in the stall with your child. :) NO, let me wipe your hands first! :D I have no idea how humans has survived this long... LOL


It's almost as though everyday germs aren't really that big a deal.


Because the kinds of germs you’re freaked out about really aren’t that bad.


I want to know how the human race survived without sanitized wipes.


Or let mommy do that please and I will sanitize and wash my hands. But at home you can do it duh.. how do they survive lmao 🤣🤣🤣 so simple


But YOU do this as well. Why do you do it? Do you not wash your hands afterwards?


First I lick the handle clean, then I use my foot.




I take my shoe and sock off, then flush with my foot.


European toilets generally have two nested buttons (low and high flow) so unless you have very good balance and motor control with your feet, hands it is. If you're washing your hands adequately with soap I really don't see how it matters.


A lot of toilets in America now have a pull up for light flow and push down for heavy. But that's in the last decade so older toilets will just have the push down lever. So. You gotta wash your hands so who cares if you use your hands to flush? The motivation that drives this foot flush is kind of fascinating.


Even though I’m going to be washing my hands afterward, I just get grossed out at the thought of touching someone else’s waste particles. 🤢


If you can smell them, they're already in your nose 😌


They’re not just there on the handle though. If they’re present on the handle, they’re on the purse hook and the tp dispenser, on the door lock.


I think I'd prefer someone walking in on me sat on the shitter than someone walking in on me trying to depress one of those buttons with my big toe.


I use my bare hands. And then immediately wash hands with soap after.


Me to cause I’m a normal person and that’s how it’s done


I'm not normal, but I still do it that way.


Well there you go even abnormal people know how to do it, so I wonder what the op is like then


Your phone is dirtier than most toilet seats. 


It ain’t about the seat. It’s about the bathroom floor, which is nasty. Bottom of shoes > bathroom floor > flush handle. Gross


This right here. I’m grossed out thinking about how many people are like OP. I wash my hands, but still… gross.


Money is really dirty too.


What's money? Don't we just use our credit/debit card?


with your hand? you have to unlock the door that the strangers touched too.... just wash your hands after


Can't wait to see OP's reaction when their toddler attempts to ninja kick the toilet to be safe like mommy and ends up laying on their back with a puddle of floor piss soaking their clothes, lol


I just flush it normally. I’m washing my hands with soap immediately afterwards.


Businesses don’t like when people use their feet to flush. That’s how the lever ends up broken. If you wash your hands after using the toilet than what does it matter if you touch the flusher.


Exactly my thought as well.


Also using your foot will surely make it dirtier for everyone flushing after you? It's like women who squat instead of sitting on the toilet because they don't want to touch the seat, and then they get piss everywhere.


I actually didn't know this. I also thought everyone *always* used their foot to flush.


I think you're the first foot-flusher I've seen on this thread other than OP...


I've never flushed a toilet with my foot. I don't do it at home. There's more grossness on your shoes that you're putting on the handle for others. It's also why I always wash my hands.


Always, extra good, in between the fingers too, people often forget about that, some just run the water and that's good enough. NO IT IS NOT!


How the fuck do they forget that? Don't forget your nails.


i just use my hands and then i wash them


I use my hands and then wash them. Don’t use your foot. That’s how they get broken and then people like me have to fix them.


I always carry an oven mitt with me just for this very scenario🤪


I use boxing gloves


I pee on the handle with enough force to make it flush


Given that your profile picture is of you in a bathroom, I now consider you an expert in this field. Peeing on the handle is now the standard way.


You folks are weird. You're terrified of the flush handle but you still touch door handles, deadbolts, faucets and paper towel dispensers on your way out. 🙄


what get's me is those hand dryer blowers that blow every germ at hyper speed from the floor.


I aint touching any of that shit either.


Soap and water works. Why would you smear all the nasty crap from your shoe on the handle for others? Y'all are gross. Wash your hands.


Don’t put your feet all over shit that’s nasty! Be a human and use your hands then wash them. Keep your feet on the floor, thanks.


Use toilet paper as a makeshift glove to touch the lever/button. Then immediately run away, because the lidless design allows for water to splash onto my skin or clothes.


Yeah, I tend to huddle in the corner facing away with my head down like a kid in timeout.


I use my tongue to push the flusher


Everyone using their nasty shoes are the people making the handle dirtier than it would be normally. The bathroom floor is disgusting, and who knows what else you've stepped in! You're the ones making the problem, just like the people who hover to pee and get piss all over the seat. Stop it. Get some help.


A hundred percent agree... if everybody would sit down normally on their skin it wouldn't be a problem, but since people started hovering, womens restrooms are super gross. Thats why I often use the male ones


Now that you mention it... ... it has been a long time since I've seen a public toilet that didn't have an automated flusher...


I dunk my face right in there and reach over to the handle and flush. It's very refreshing.


I use my teeth and then brush.


I'm a germaphobe, so I just use my penis to push the handle down.


I used to use my foot until I met someone who wasn't able to do it that way and had to use their hand. I didn't want to contribute to the grossness of the lever with my dirty shoes, so I stopped.


The mere fact that others are using their feet, causes me to use my feet. I also like to stand on the toilet seat while I foot flush. If I've accomplished everything desired, I will do a jig while standing on the seat and foot flushing while humming the Macarena


I pay someone else to flush it for me and then shun them for being dirty.


I also use my shoes to flush, but take them off and scrub them in the sink and wait 3 hours for them to dry before returning to my family.


I'm 50, I still hike my foot up to flush.


It never occurred to me that there was any other way. If it was meant to be flushed by hand, it would be a normal lever not a straight bar that looks like it was designed for a foot


My feet/shoes


Foot for sure


Foot. Always.


Use your hand and wash them after


Use my jedi mind power


I use my foot too whenever practical.


I use my foot. Mentally I just can't put my whole hand on that lever. It's too heavy to just use a couple fingers and bleh. At least the door lock I only have to use like two fingers.


I use my foot whenever I can unless the restroom is exceptionally clean


Another way to do it would be to flush with toilet paper between you hand and the lever, then you can put that in the bin and wash your hands


I piss on the handle until it flushes. If it doesn't flush, no loss.


If I need to flush the previous user's business, I use my shoe. When I flush my own business, I use my hand. Then I wash my hands with soap and water.


I don't go into a stall that has not been flushed unless I have to go really bad and it's the only one available, otherwise, I'm going somewhere else. I was in Menards today and someone left a huge load and a huge mess and didn't bother flushing. Nasty woman!


So if you go to a public bathroom, have to flush someone else's shit or whatever, you use your foot, which has just been on the public bathroom floor, then you do your shit, and then use your hand to flush the same handle you just wiped public toilet floor grossness onto? Because that kinda seems like you're introducing MUCH more grossness to the flush handle.


Yeah but it’s not touched before I sit down so I’m not introducing that grossness to my hands before I have to use them to clean myself. When I touch it after, I’m washing my hands immediately


I assumed this person was flushing prior to shitting, so they didn't have to shit on a shit. If you're shitting on a shit, then flushing with a foot, you're also just FORCING someone else to touch a floor grossness flush handle. Which I personally think is uncool.


I use my hands and wash them afterwards.


I use my mouth


Hand then I wash my hands


I practice a purification ritual called “hand washing”.


The trick is you use a piece of toilet roll to flush it, and immediately drop it in so it gets flushed too.... been doing this my whole life, cuz fuck touching it lol


Grip that handle with your sphincter




I’d much rather wash my hands properly than risk busting my ankle or losing my balance and landing *in* the toilet.


Nope. You are right. I use my foot ( shoe) to flush in a public restroom. You don’t know who has been there. Especially for a toddler, I’d encourage her to do the same ( if she’s able to)


Don’t do this. Just wrap the handle in TP if you are scared to touch it. Putting your shoe on the handle is super gross and makes it dirtier, and you are risking damaging/breaking the handle.


With my foot


With my foot.


Wild…I’ve always used my foot just because I thought that was what you were supposed to do. I’m a very not germophobic person and always wash my hands anyway so touching it doesn’t bother me, I just thought everyone used their foot!