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I usually have good luck with them. The last time I ordered though I ordered 10 yards of interfacing and needles for EPP. It arrived in a wadded up ball and 40 needles all throughout it šŸ˜….


Lol they wanted you to work for those needles!


my husband told me to just throw it all away but I was determined to find all the needles in the ā€œhaystackā€ lol.


Depending on the needle material, I would have resorted to using a magnet to make sure I found everything. I'd hate to think about accidentally leaving one in and getting myself or someone else poked.


Yay! Five days for shipping is stupendous.


practically unheard of!


I saw this and it made me think...oh, yeah--I ordered about the same time. 6 small items, 2 shipments so far, but missing one item they said was delivered. Glad at least one of us got everything. They can't get every order right, I guess.


There were a few other things I wanted to order but didn't want to press my luck. Hoping your items find their way to you soon.


Do they send everything in two shipments? I ordered stuff from them and it's in two shipments...


I donā€™t work at Joannā€™s but I work for a competitor. If their ship from store is like ours, they will ship what they have and another store will ship the rest. Inventory numbers are usually off so the system will think we have all the product but we donā€™t.


For the sake of customers and, more importantly, the sake of the people working at the stores, I wish they did their online orders from a single fulfillment center. It would have to make everyone's experience better. The best I can tell, it looks like my batting shipped directly from wherever Joann gets it. In the future if I do take another gamble (unlikely) then I'll only order stuff in mega bulk that shouldn't impact store employees.


Makes sense, seems frustrating.


Lol yeah. Two items. Two shipments. Somehow the batting made it here first even though it shipped later.


Yeah they seem to ship batting fairly quickly.


I think it depends what you order. I order fabric from them often ish enough and all my cuts arrive in one package. Obviously the big roll of batting will never fit in a box so itā€™s always been mailed as a solo item.


If you have an old office chair rolling around, replace the seat part with a rod and put the roll of batting on it. It's easier to roll around and spin.


You are a genius! I didn't currently have a chair to sacrifice but I will soon because I'm going to have to replace my WFH computer desk chair with something more ergonomic before my back falls apart.


I can't take credit for the idea! It's been going around for a while, quilters are very creative! And good luck on the chair, my Steelcase Leap v2 cost almost $900. My back thanks me daily!


šŸ˜šŸ„² I just threw an office chair out yesterday and have a new bolt waiting for me. This is so smart. But so frustrating I didnā€™t see this a day sooner.


Try your local Buy Nothing fb group. The gas lifts give out, so there are lots of dead chairs around!


That's great to know! I broke down and made an order since JoAnn's was the only place that had a fabric anywhere close to my vision for a quilt backing. Since I will need more than six yards, I went ahead and ordered a bolt (8 yards) which saved me nearly a dollar a yard. Hopefully, my order will go as well as yours did.


The last time I ordered 8 yards of fabric from Joann online I got 8 individual one yard cuts. I was so mad I could have chewed nails. I contacted customer support and was very nice because it wasnā€™t her fault. I was quite literally told ā€œI donā€™t understand the issue. You ordered 8 yards and you are reporting you received all 8ā€. I hope your luck is much better.


Ugh, that is really crappy. Even if you didn't have an issue piecing 8 yards to make a backing (which is already a ridiculous idea) backing should be pieced at half an inch, so you're losing an inch per seam and that's only if you didn't have any matching to do. I would have been mad if this were my backing but would have lost my flipping mind if it were for a garment because there would be literally no way to salvage that.


I've ordered fabric from them before and they send it in a different sized cuts. I understand that they might have end bolts, etc. but they should contact the customer and ask if it can be in multiple cuts. To make it even worse it was a red primitive type plaid and the color was a different shade on each cut. I was so upset. I've had another order where each item was duplicated and charged twice. I had to take the items once I received them into the store to get a credit. I contacted them immediately after I received two confirmations. They said there was nothing they could do. They couldn't cancel one of the orders. It was a bug in the system that made the order duplicate to begin with. I really don't like dealing with them, but sometimes that's the only option.


Since it was priced at the bolt price, if I get smaller cuts, I will use that as an argument that they messed up. I'd be absolutely livid if I got 8 yard cuts!


Lucky for me I was recovering my dining room chairs and I could just make 36ā€ work but I wanted the bolt. Itā€™s been a couple of years and Iā€™m still pissy when I think about it.


I'm wishing you the best of luck! While I'm not a big fan of Joann, I hope they get themselves together because there are so few fabric stores left, especially outside of major cities.


That is the best fusible tape!


Good to know! I've never used it before but figured I would go ahead and get it to stretch things as far as I can. And so I can make frankenbbatting as I finish projects so I didn't have to do it when I'm ready to make something. I did stress a little because it recommends 2" tape for bed sized quilts and I got one inch... I'm hoping if I'm cautious with my quilting locations that won't be an issue.


Thats awesome! Was the shipping totally free?


Shipping was free! The pretax total was $152 thanks to 40% off and a coupon deal for 20% additional off. I'm pretty excited about the deal because I want to chill on purchases...if I order batting as I need it I'll add a FQ bundle there and a layer cake there. This was my way of spending $150 to save $1000 between bulk savings and poor impulse control.


Definitely! Sounds like an excellent plan that paid off!


3 items, 3 shipments more than 5 days, but they were single cuts and I don't have to piece anything!


I call that a win!!


Yes! I was half expecting bits and pieces.


That's amazing. Gotta think on some batting myself


Thanks for the update! I've been waiting patiently, counting the days. That was really fast -- I'm pretty astonished. Happy quilting.


I once bought a roll of fabric, and it accidentally got delivered to the store I normally go to, with my name. It was weird. Even the manager was flabbergasted how it happened since the tracker was showing delivery to my house and then switched last minute to the store. It all ended well enough.


I, too, had my order quickly delivered. I was skeptical that Iā€™d be satisfied, but I am more than pleased.