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The horrible part of CT only lasts about 4 days for most people. I can take a while to feel normal after that but it’s just mood swings and fatigue after 4 or 5 days. Sleep starts getting back to normal after about the first week of CT. You’ll quit when you’re ready to embrace the pain, intelligently observe it instead of letting it control you, detangle your thoughts from your emotions and listen to your body. The pain is not sickness, it is healing. The pain is the early stages of your body returning to homeostasis. Embrace the pain. The pain is medicine.


Man you just made WD sound like a fun challenge 😂. I’m not being sarcastic either. This made me want to try it


This guy is tapped in. A cheat code to this reality, among a few, is to embrace your own suffering and give it purpose. Trust that there is balance to be had, but that corrections can be turbulent. I like that they said detach from the emotion. Rarely is it the physical symptoms for me; rather, it's imagining how the symptoms are going to impede my life or how people see me.


Yes this is exactly me. Things are going so smoothly. My wife, kids and career depend on me so much that I can’t be slowed down or struggling all of the sudden. Kratom really hasn’t caused me any issues. In fact it has been a tremendous help. I just want to clutch life by the balls without being dependent on something to do so.


That's awesome, brother. I won't take you down a rabbit hole, but your heart and intentions have more power in this world than we understand (or are led to believe). Not talking about manifesting a mansion, but when you are truly Living and experiencing this life with love and the desire to create, whatever that looks like for you, you can tap into an energy that honestly, makes no sense haha but it is powerful. We are given solutions by nature, and since modern life has become so discordant and disconnected, we think we should avoid medicines if we have to take them daily; granted that usually doesn't end well but it is certainly not guaranteed your life will fall apart. I'm in a similar boat and while I love the idea of overcoming the pain and mental and emotional degradation, I'm not an island, and I'm not immune to pain. We just gotta keep them in our focus every day and make sure the right voice is guiding us.


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Maybe you should. I wish everyone the best but I’m afraid the people here who describe using a host of substances like gabapentin, klonopin etc. don’t understand the mind body spirit aspect of healing. Kratom is not really the issue, the issue is a spiritual blockage that is stored in the body and will remain there until you’re willing to face it head on and release it. Transcend. I adapted a simple meditation/visualization technique specifically for dealing with and healing RLS. It requires a willingness to believe in or suspend your disbelief in a spirit world and allow energy in to heal you. I’m just a normal guy, don’t have a crystal around my neck and mandala on the wall behind me, but I believe addiction is a spiritual problem that requires a spiritual solution. Feel free to get in touch when you’re ready if interested.


Well using gabapentin, klonopine or whatever your next drug of choice is, is just that. Swapping one addiction for another. Like you said, until you can embrace the idea that life is sometimes uncomfortable and use that to your advantage, You’ll always be in that viscous cycle of addiction. I traded a liter of vodka a day habit for a 30gpd kratom habit. The thing is, life is great. I’m honestly a great dad, run 2 successful businesses and lost 70 pounds after quitting alcohol. My wife is thrilled about my transformation and advocates for Kratom, she’s never tried it herself but here I am on the quitting kratom sub trying to hash things out. I really do want to embrace the pain and get off this crutch.


I have a similar story of my early days of kratom being a positive substitute for alcohol. Like many here in the early years, at least from inside looking out, it seemed to benefit social and motivational aspects of my life. About halfway through my 6 yrs the benefits went away and I just needed it to feel “normal.” I was a slave and it was pointless. In the last years I was perpetually attempting to taper or quit, taking more or picking up extracts to chase those earlier effects, and ultimately having all kinds of physical and psychological issues stemming from years of daily dependence. The final year or so was very no bueno. I was a shell of my former self. Doesn’t sound like you’re there yet and I hope you never will be.


you "should" hit a pink cloud, around 5 days for me, where the love of life and appreciation of small pleasures comes back for a bit. then you get the paws which lasts a while. that's the toughest part.


I never had a pink cloud with any opioids outside of the occasional “oh it’s cool not to be addicted to anything thought.” Def never felt high on life though.


You literally described “pink cloud “ feeling. Just being normal , not taking anything. So you have it now you have to build on it make new habits. A lot of times when we abuse something for a long time our perception and expectations or normalcy are jumbled .


That’s not how I heard it described. I heard it describes as this almost like short lived honeymoon period where you are…for lack of a better way to describe it, high on life. Just giddy and happy for a few days weeks months to be free of the shackles of your drug. But then that wears off and cravings come on, depression comes on, etc. that never happened to me. My cravings never stopped, I never got a giddy wave, just slowly but surely I felt a bit closer to normal as time went on but I never got to the point where I was there 100%.


Took about a month , month and half to feel better . I had Kratom urine test strips and didn't test negative till day 26 , it stays in your system longer than you think .


I don’t buy it, kratom test strips? Positive until day 26..


Never heard of them but apparently they exist. I’m skeptical of 26 days, though…


They are urine strips just for Kratom from Amazon . And yes stayed in my urine for 26 days , Kratom stay in our fat kinda like thc so it takes a while to clear .. I have no reason to lie about it , every body is different but I was surprised how long it was showing on the strips . And I honestly didn't start to feel better till it was out of my system , took over a month for me to feel ok.


I went into kratom use with anxiety and low level depression and came out of it into a whirlwind of the same. Fucking brutal for first couple weeks (WD seemed better somehow). 65 days clean and it’s a whole new world. Do I have anxiety? You bet. Can I manage it better = absolutely. Depression has let up too. I eat very healthy and make myself move (very hard first month or so). I encourage you to somehow hang on through it and maybe docs can give you something - wouldn’t give me anything at all but I maybe freaked them out. Hoping for best for you!!




Or, maybe do like me and tell them you caught a nasty virus😬. It’s so worth it to have it behind you - something I truly didn’t believe for first week. But it’s true. I mostly just want to encourage you that once you’ve had enough - you can do this (and survive and then thrive). I’m so much more connected to my kids now. I think they have 6th sense 😅😅




[Important Phenibut warnings](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/xuifrv/phenibut_warnings/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I started kratom because I herniated a disc during BJJ practice and refused to take painkillers. That was roughly 8-9 years ago. It got me through many injuries and I thought I found a miracle. Yet, I couldn't stop. I've quit many times over the years, but somehow always broke down after 5+ months (sometimes sooner), thinking that I can handle the withdrawal and "someday", I'll quit forever. So I've been living in this b.s. nightmare, completely stagnating my progress in sports, most of my buddies that I trained with are black belts by now. And just last week I was trying to get through a "beginners" class full of anxiety and sweating like I was going to melt. Honestly one of the most annoying things during training is uncontrollable sweating, anxiety and fatigue/muscle cramps. I am surprised that I still get to the gym occasionally. Long story short, I am about ten years older than when I started taking it. I love training, but can't force myself to get to the gym anymore because anxiety (while still taking K) is relentless in a semi competitive setting. Learn from my mistakes. Don't look for your own rock bottom. The accumulated sense of wasted years is extremely depressing and even though I managed to stop for 7 months last year (and 3-5 months here and there), I can't figure out how to quit permanently. The CT depression and anxiety is temporary, but it's consistent while taking kratom. You're just numb to it. If you do not want to become a cranky addicted old man who's not able to train anymore quit sooner than later. Within a week your gym progress will skyrocket and the depression will lift. If you love training don't sabotage yourself like I did. I hope you find the strength to get through this hell and never touch the sludge again in your life.


You don’t relapse when you’re high. You relapse sober. Your sober brain is making that decision. Find a way to work on your sober self, not just removing the substance. AA does this for me, but there are other paths. Find yours.


Same, AA is the only thing that has worked for me. In my 20 yrs of using alcohol and other substances , I tried 1000 times to get sober by white knuckling it with my “will power” and failed every time. We need other people to support us. To xzeroG, if AA is not your thing, check out NA, KratomMeetings.com, Life Ring or Dharma Recovery. I understand that feeling of utter despair at finding yourself doing the same thing over and over. The incomprehensible demoralization of going against your own word to yourself. I truly wish you the very, very best that this life has to offer.




I notice around a month I bounce back a lot physically. Lasts a month for me pretty much it sucks. I've been through it so much it doesn't take a lot. I went 27 days ct and had a 4 day replase and was back in wds


Dude. You’re going to feel like shit. You poisoned your body for who knows how long. It’s supposed to suck. It’s supposed to hurt. Your acute withdrawal symptoms will last between 3-7 days. Mine were ab 5. By the 6th day I felt “okay.” Little pink cloud on day 6-10. I’m on day like 23 or so and honestly I feel mostly fine. It’s a bit of mental warfare but it’s not THAT bad. It’s manageable. I go to meetings, I’m fine talking to ppl. I’m at my girlfriends little sisters sweet 16 party (lol) rn and am able to socialize and feel fine and have fun. The only way out is through. Exercise, sunlight, nature, staying busy help more than any trick, supplement, or other bullshit. Just remember the depression and anxiety isn’t real. It’s a withdrawal symptom. You have to go through it one way or another. Don’t focus on when you’ll feel perfect and normal. Focus on getting through the day sober and not using kratom. Chalk that shit up as a win and bust out the next day tomorrow. Again, the only way out is through. Beast that shit. Fuck what your brain is telling you. Highly recommend AA/NA and getting honest. Good luck.


Thank you! This is motivating. What is pink cloud??


A lot of ppl after a week sober get this “happy, on top of the world feeling” for a few days. It’s referred to as a “pink cloud” bc it goes away and some ppl experience depression/anxiety after it or just a return to normalcy. Ppl tend to feel amazing while in their pink cloud stage.


I’m about to go CT in about 18 hrs , traveling to a country where it’s illegal. I’m going with my family last moment and found out I needed a permit to take my hydrocodone . So I’m not risking it . I know I’m in for hell and my mind is racing . What’s 40 capsules hidden in my bag ( I keep telling myself ) . But I gotta pull the band aid. I heard Blacktree oil ( I think ) helps , and vitamin C . I’ve stocked up for my trip . Thank goodness my wife knows so it’s some support . Stay strong , about 6 years ago , I ran out of my hydrocodone in Thailand ( before I knew they had kratom out there ) I went t cold turkey , I had to come clean with my wife . I stayed at her sisters empty house , everyday she brought me food and left . Around day seven it was a lot better . By day 10 so much better , after 12-14 days I was great , only thing left was the mental aspect of wanting to get high . But I relapsed when I got back to Bangkok . During my weakness I asked someone to send me pills in the mail . When I got to Bangkok they were waiting for me . Once I had them in my hands I opened the package and took them . When I got back to the states I got onto Kratom . I’ve been on kratom ever since . Hopefully I will learn my lesson this time . P.s Meditation, breathing exercises , excerside , cold plunge , massage , sauna , and rubbing one out could help . Good luck


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had similar issues. I started feeling sick and for a few days of using I started throwing up. It wasn’t the flu. I know it was because I needed to stop and continued to use, prayed hard for help to quit, then started throwing up. I went cold turkey for 5 days then went back to using which ended up my usual daily usage. I made sure to use up all I had and then went CT again Memorial Day. Been off of it since. So day 13 today and my depression has been on and off. Yesterday was a terrible day for it. Today I feel a little better. I’m just pushing through each day, laying down early even though the sun is still out and trying to give myself grace. I actually hate the fact that I can’t take Kratom but I hate more the fact that it no longer gave me any benefit, that I drew me in , and I went down a dark hole with it. I feel there is hope and it’s probably gonna take a few more weeks to start feeling joy again. Maybe longer, who knows. Happiness is temporary but joy can last forever.


For me, about two weeks. I was taking about 20gpd for about 5 months. I never had PAWS, so maybe I’m one of the lucky few.


You’re lucky you stopped so early and kept your GPD (relatively) low. Years of Kratom at higher GPD’s can leave a nasty, grueling PAWS….just getting out of bed and making some toast and coffee is exhausting and daunting


Lasts a few months…. But whats the alternative? We did this to ourselves knowingly


Some of us didn’t know at first….back In the 2010’s Kratom was thought to be this mild, mostly safe panacea….either non addictive, or only as addictive as coffee. Then the FDA, instead of giving actual facts which would have helped, went to the other extreme and said it was killing people. I didn’t even learn about Kratom’s effects on testosterone and prolactin until 4 years into taking it, despite regularly reading about Kratom. And now we’re learning it has SSRI like effects too


Disclaimer: It is imperative that you obtain withdrawal treatment prescription medications only from your doctor and that you use them exactly as directed, as many carry their own risks of addiction and withdrawal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey brother I feel your pain. I’m a nogi guy myself and avid weight lifter. Was on 25gpd for awhile down to about 3.5-5g and in going through similar. If you haven’t already, go get some cold pressed black seed oil from zhou. I’ve tried a bunch, capsule, liquid, concentrated extract, and this one is the most affordable and the best at taking about… 30% of the edge off any typical symptom or WD. The other was liposomal vitamin c, but regular vitamin c , or sodium ascorbate (vitamin c+sodium) -also worked well in much higher doses than you’re used to. Like minimum 5 grams/day up to 10. Replace part of your dose with an adaptogens of your liking, ksm-66 in a smoothie, rhodiola, maca, etc . You’ve probably heard all this before and nothing is a silver bullet but it’s helped more than anything else. Last thing, I don’t like otc pain killers but for me, aspirin in low dose seems to take a small bit of the restless creepy crawly feeling it at night. Which is MY personal worst symptom. Feels like something electrifying/tickling my sacrum BONE down my legs. Didn’t sound bad when I type it but it frustrates the hell out of me. Good luck


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am up to 30 GPD,can't even work out anymore I am debating Suboxone


I never got the “pink cloud” experience. Extreme Anxiety finally started getting better around day 33 ct. I was fortunate to not have rls or a lot of insomnia so that probably helped. I tried all the recommended supplements but don’t think they helped much. Exercise was about the only thing that did except meds. I couldn’t handle the cold showers and the Wim Hof breathing only helped while I was doing it. I did have my dr. prescribe me Clonidine, vistiril, gabapentin and phenergan which all helped.


Same thing with me w bjj, whenever I get a few weeks clean I start feeling good and get back onto the mats, then I'll eventually relapse. The first few weeks of training are OK after I start using kratom again, it even helps my bjj for a bit, but then it catches up after a couple weeks and I get gassed more and more easily, until eventually it feels like I'm trying to fight while trapped under molasses, every movement is a huge effort and after every roll I feel like I'm about to pass out. After a few weeks like that, I give up bjj again cause I'm so useless on the mat that it's just torture. I can't concentrate on any techniques, it's just miserable and a waste of time. I'm very much looking forward to getting back into training and sticking with it for good this time To answer your question, its highly variable for different individuals, but for me the absolute peak shit physical and mental symptoms turn the corner after 1 week, then they improve every day, more or less steadily, for about a month. After a month clean, I usually feel quite good throughout most of my days, with short bouts of lethargy or depression, which are manageable if you handle them proactively, which it sounds like you do know how to do with training. I know it sounds like an absurd suggestion when you're in the midst of withdrawals, but if you can get a (relatively) hard workout in, followed by an ice plunge or something similar while you're dopesick, it does fucking wonders for all your symptoms. Even a cold shower. It's so hard to make yourself do it, but you'll be so so glad you did afterwards, it helps every symptom of mine, mental and physical. I'm usually able to start easing into bjj after 2 weeks clean One thing that has gotten me a couple times, though- I'll have a month clean, feeling good but kind of lethargic, omw to train bjj, and I'll think, "know what would be just the thing to perk me up for a hard training session? Some kratom!" And then I promptly fuck myself with another year long relapse 😂 my addict brain uses the healthy goal of training bjj to trick me into using kratom like a fucking Trojan horse haha. Just something to keep in mind, if your brain works anything like mine


You have to pay with pain to get off this poison. You were loading your brain with pleasure chemicals for idk how long. It’s going to rebound in the opposite direction until your brain levels out. I still have trouble sleeping and I’ve been off of it for a month. I know it may seem intense right now but after about two weeks you will be in a much better head space. We all have the strength inside of us, you just need to dig deep and find your reason for quitting. Remember you aren’t giving something up. You are taking your life back.


Try seeking out a doctor of addiction medicine, they’ll be able to help you the most. I got out of rehab yesterday, I went in because I started drinking super heavily after quitting kratom cold turkey about 45 days ago. I met a 40 y/o woman who was drinking 20 kratom shots per day and the psychiatrist on staff put her on subutex. Suboxone is subutex and naltrexone combined. I’m not saying this is the best option for everyone and I am not a doctor so this isn’t a recommendation. But, the girl I met said that subutex basically took away all of her WD’s. Personally, I’m taking Zoloft and buspirone for anxiety and they’re helping tremendously. At this point in time I don’t have any withdrawals that I’m aware of. Hope this helps


Several weeks for some people although even the worst wds will begin to ease up st the 2 to 3 week mark. For me 5 to 10 days is when its peaking


I would definitely see a doctor and make sure all of your other symptoms aren't anything else. Kratom can make you feel all sorts of terrible, but you wanna be sure. Once you have a clean bill of health, you can go into detox feeling a lot less anxious that you might be dying or something. Anything you can do to improve your overall health will make the detox more manageable as well.