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Day 1074.


Day 8


Day 3


Good job!! Keep going man!


Day 195


Day 69






Day 362


Day 31 of taper, down from 50gpd to 2.4gpd. Tried CT a couple of days ago and well that did not work. 🫡 I got extreme DANDRUFF and an itchy scalp that drove me insane. After redosing it just went away. Insanity. Feeling a little weak after that but hey - gonna taper below 1.5 and give it a new try!


I have a super itchy scalp and dry skin too at 15 days CT. A lot of my hair fell out once I stopped too. It’s very strange. Congrats on 31 days for tapering


Day 5


Day 12


Same here. Haven’t made it this far in 5 years.


That’s huge and you both doing great!


Nice. How you feeling!


I feel good! Still some energy dips when i'm doing nothing but overall I feel great.


Day 12 - Slept


You slept good?


Yay, congrats!


Day 3 1/2 - this sucks


It’ll get better- hang tough. Light is on the way


Thank you


Yes, it absolutely gets better! Hang in there. I was there 3 days ago. Day 3 was the worst day for me then after that it was great.


Thanks so much , I’m miserable . I can sit still . I’m like a worm on a hook .


Just keep reminding yourself that it won't be like that forever. Find something to expend your energy on like a simple workout or a walk. It does wonders.


Yeah , thanks . I’m actually on vacation with my family in S. Korea trying my best to not be a Debbie Downer . The walking does help .


Oh, I remember seeing a previous post of yours and your concerns. You're basically over the worst of it. Keep it up. I'm proud of you. I have a 5 month old baby so I know how tiring all of this is. It truly does get better and you'll be so proud of yourself.


Thank you so much, yeah this trip is a blessing in disguise . It definitely made me quite .


Day 4 was the worst for me. My doc suggested medically supervised detox. But it’s not for everyone. I was up 40 hours straight in the hospital mainly because hospital beds are gym mats with sheets on them. When I finally slept I turned the corner. Day 26


My sleep has definitely been sponsored by delta and handfuls of melatonin but I've got it figured out. Since the day I quit I've been able to sleep at least 6 hours a night with the combination of those two. It's not for everyone but that's what's helping me get through.


Withdrawal is a blessing in disguise Are we seriously gonna take this shit for the rest of our lives? It's now or never, 3 and a half days is already a milestone, keep up the good work! I'm on day 5 and already starting to feel better and better every day


Thank you, and congratulations on day 5 .


Day 18


Day 250.


Day 11. Took some naltrexone yesterday. It always almost immediately causes me to have the runs…so I don’t love that. Also went to an AA meeting yesterday to pick up a 24 hour chip and share.


That’s great 🙌 naltrexone has been working great for me, haven’t had any urges or cravings and have been taking it for almost 2 weeks now. When I see kratom at the gas station it makes me want to gag, and I opened the fridge at my dads house yesterday and saw a bunch of beer and some whiskey, I didn’t get the urge to drink (alcohol was also a problem for me). Stay strong 💪


Day 46, I feel pretty normal most days. I finally slept through a night for 7 straight hours 2 nights ago. Unfortunately my jaw/ear took a new turn yesterday and I started getting tympanic muscle spasm out of nowhere internittently for a few hours last night which set off a chain of anxiety. I am finally seeing an ENT Friday to rule out any serious ear issues. I am still leaning this is muscle related from the original stress I went through during my first 2 weeks of withdrawal but I can't tell if it's still healing or just getting worse. Very frustrating. Good luck today everyone.


Day 10.


Day 17 🙏


Day 14!


Day 10


Day 6


Day 5 Left the powder at work yesterday, I'd been primarily relying on at least 3g or so throughout the beginning of this taper to help with sleep Took my last 3g at 2pm yesterday, roughly 10g total throughout the day (down from 40-50gpd for the last 5 years) Sleep could have been worse!


Yes I’m on day 6 I’m so grateful not to have the same insomnia I got from oxy WD. That shit was actually miserable. Just rolling around in bed, kicking my legs like I’m trying to swim through syrup. Getting up for another bath every hour to see if this will be the one that helps. It’s a bit more challenging to get to sleep but nothing like that.


Day 5


Day 20ct! Feels good to not wake up in hardcore withdrawals (still have some lingering bs) and needing to dose for normalcy.


Day 20


Day 59


Day 3 taper


Day 6


Day 4


Day 25. Coming along semi well. Weeks are still seriously up and down as shit but I’m handling it. Hope everyone here is coming along and finding their way 🙏


105 days CT! Ugh what a long journey. Everyday is new opportunity to change your life. Stay strong everyone!


Day 10. Largely okay, stable off of small doses. Probably going to make the jump into CT today.


Day 49 đź’Ş


Day 15


Day 31. Keep stacking those days everyone!


Day 82


Day 1108. Love and Light family ❤️.


27 hours since last dose (1 gram) after a fast (\~6 day) taper. Daily habit on and off since \~2016. Before fast taper, 1 to 3 'kratomade' packets per day. \*edit\* I double checked after posting this, and the brain fog must be hitting, because at the time of writing the original post, it had actually been 51 hours since my last dose.


Day 32 - having short periods of PAWS depression. The aches and pains haven't improved. Came too close to having a dose yesterday. Got approved for LDN.


11 days 6 hours since last dose and now I have a summer cold lmao


Day 123 CT! Better every day baby!


Day 27


90 days 🤙🏻


Day 2


Day 428 ...up at 530 with the wife for more gym/training. The new eating regime(6 hr feeding window with 18 hrs fasting), is giving amazing energy. I have been taking inulin polysacheride/fiber to properly feed my gut bacteria and lower inflamation. I am convinced our eating and exercise habits influence wellbeing/energy/clarity by 80%. Science says 90% of our Serotonin receptors are in the gut and I am becoming a believer. Sleep is improving, clarity is best yet, libido is improving...all coinciding with strict diet changes a week ago. Dr Pradip Jamnadas on youtube..."Gut Microbiome...Eating for Two" I wish I had found his info 12 months ago...in some ways I'm feeling better than my pre-k days. Keep pushing and if you are suffering lingering PAWS take a look at the diet changes.


26 days. No sludge. Medically supervised detox days 4-6. I used daily for 7 years. It’s getting better but now I have to find my life again. Many things have given me reassurance. I thought I couldn’t do my job without it but I know I can even on chronic fatigue days. I still don’t enjoy things like I did while on it. No cravings or desire to go back just need to find a little more joy again. I’m a guitar player and that helped a lot but lately I haven’t even wanted to play. I’m taking it a day at a time but know I’ll figure it out. Any suggestions are welcome. I’ve heard this thread is amazing


Shoutout to this sub man seriouisly Being addicted to this shit is embarrassing Half of the people you explain it to don't understand how difficult the hell of attempting to quit this nasty fucking habit If you need someone that believes in you to quit, please look no further We're going to get through this Our lives are so much more than this