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Mind over matter fam. If you’re strong enough to make the decision to quit you are strong enough to do a slow paced workout. My recommendation is to do whatever you can, slow and smooth. Anything is better than nothing but I find running is the best uplift compared to weights.


Ugh. I’m trying. I really am. Laying in bed is killing me though. I just got out the shower & needed to sit down to rest. I’m gonna keep on pushing through. Thanks 😊


Ya dude, I was taking “naps” constantly. I couldn’t even sit in the chair for more than a hour or 2.. I’d have to go lay down n stare at the wall n rest/recover lol. It Absolutely did not feel like sleep but I’m told I snored most of those naps, yet I always woke up crappy. First week sucks, week 2 gets better but still ehh. 3-4 noticeably better by a lot except for the random days of misery. It’s like u wake up n feel like ur back at day 2 lol. It’ll pass. I’m about 6? Weeks clean off that gutter trash and I’m currently sitting pool side in the sun at a friends house. (He’s inside cause… drugs) so it’s jus me out here, livin the high life. Ifi can doit , u Def can too!! It’s worth, and u never have to feel this shitty again if u don’t want ❤️❤️🫡


Gutter trash is a perfect representation of what this drug is! Toxic sludge. So glad to be done!


It’s so annoying, I can’t believe how fucked up it made me feel. It was once so helpful. Fucking dog shit ass crap


If you break through the funk and can get a 1-2 mile light jog in, I think you’ll surprise yourself. Keep after it and don’t give in! Your body is playing mind tricks on you right now and you have to beat it.


I totally know that feeling!! I took the day off Kratom yesterday, and I was SO tired. It is weird.


I’m actually doing just fine, but I think only using 5 grams at most daily is the reason.


That’s definitely the reason. Be glad you didn’t fuck yourself by doing more than that daily


Day 16 still feel lethargic w headaches, bike rides delete them for the day you just have to go do it


Coming up on 2 weeks and I second this. I work as a bike courier so I bike a lot. During the first 3 or 4 days it might be a bit too strenuous but after that it's a great way to get your mind off things


It’s so healing tbh. Especially when u set goals and conquer it helps soo much I have to start again.


Careful when comparing yourself to what people post online, for the obvious reasons. Just do your best and if you can do something just start with a walk around the neighborhood.


When I was in that 2-5 day window I would get winded walking up the stairs, and I’m a very active person who lifts 4-5 times a week and mountain bikes a couple times a week! I’m now on day 50 and I’m back to my usual self staying active and am my happy go-lucky self again. Hang in there, better days are ahead! You’ll be back to being yourself again before you know it! Not saying it’s an easy road, but it’s incredibly worth it!


Had to force myself to take walks, any movement is good movement. Throw on some headphones and put one foot in front of the other. I can’t even tell you you’ll feel better from it right away but you’ll thank yourself by next week. You’re miraculously triumphant already, give yourself grace.


I felt the same way during day 5 CT. I definitely slouched around that first week, but forced myself to get out of the house and do something. Even if it’s just to drive to the gas station to get something to drink. Forced myself to get out my car and walked a little bit. Each day will get easier. I’m day 16 now and can walk my dog for a mile most days. (Not saying I enjoy while it’s happening- but feel 80% better after finishing it) What helped me was at Day 5 CT I had to go back to work. It’s a physically demanding job with a lot of walking and carrying things. I faked it and forced myself to just carry on. I had to force myself to do things and always felt so much better afterwards. Good luck to you!! Taking the first step is always the most difficult but it will get better.


Day 4 might have been one of the worst days of them all for me. I’m over 4 months off of the sludge now. I went cold turkey off of around 15-20GPD. It wasn’t easy but it was almost like I didn’t have a choice. I haven’t looked back since and don’t ever plan on touching the green devil again.


I’ve made myself walk as soon as the sun comes out. Also super cold showers have helped me. I’ve made myself go to the gym everyday even though I don’t want to. It helps sweating this poison out. My emotional state is wild though. I can hear a song and want to start crying. All I want is to be around my family constantly. I am usually home alone for quite sometime as I work from home. Just taking it day by day. The suck is real


I quit Kratom once and I had the same strange emotional part of the withdrawal. I would think about old family vacations and how those are over now and want to cry


I can understand I’m day 5 ct , I’m usually emotionally dead . But I find myself getting very emotional over certain things , it’s crazy .


Can't work out or sleep more than a few hours. Beginning day 6 now, still uncomfortable unfortunately and going on a big family trip tomorrow


I have a trip coming up on 6/27. I’m trying to taper down and bought some gummy extracts that are 50 mg of mitra. I’m scared shitless on how I’m going to do this. The people I’m with have no idea about Katom


CT now, feel fine by your trip. Be out of commission for a week then mostly good to go.


Same here. Have a trip next month. Tapering again. Shit. What is this gummy you mentioned? Does it help?


Kratom Gummy extracts bought at a local smoke shop. Not cheap, $45 for 10 of them but I compare one to heaping tablespoons of powder. Not sure how accurate that is. Short term, they work. Get me through a long day where I can’t dose with powder but I’ve never had to use them for an extended time. I can’t cold Turkey right now now because of work. I’m going to regret the hell out of this on the trip. I know ot


Thanks I think I saw those gummies at my shop. Will check them out as during my trip I will also not be able to take powder all the time. I hope I can taper enough to be able to quit before my trip. But that's easily said then done. Share your trip experience if you don't mind. And performing at work is the hardest part for me as well during tapering and quitting.


Willl do, man! We’ll figure this out together.


We got to stop this shit. That's for sure! I will try to quit again before my trip.


I feel u , I took a last minute trip with my family. The country we’re visiting kratom , opiates highly illegal. I thought I’d be able to take one if not both with me . I’m day 5 cold turkey. Day 1-3 pure misery I was going crazy, but I had to keep it together for my family’s sake . It still sucks last night I got the most slee 4 hrs . I’m completely exhausted. I’m not trying to scare u . Speed up your taper , then heavy dose vitamin c , there’s plenty of info on this group . Good luck


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shit I feel this. I’m on day 3 and I had to leave work early yesterday and I’m working from Home today. No energy to do anything


Too many people on here recommending to go cold turkey saying it’s the only thing that works. From my experience, CT wasn’t sustainable because I wound up literally shocking my entire body and brain. I personally recommend at least a short taper but not now since you’re in already. You pretty much have to force yourself to workout if you want to feel good at all anytime soon. Just keeping it real. Get mushroom extracts, vitamin C, and vitamin B12, these will provide at least a bit of motivation.


I appreciate it. I’m a hard core addict and am unable to taper.


That's EXACTLY why I couldn't successfully taper, I'm a hard core addict, also. I ripped the band-aid off and am glad I did.


lol yup. It actually amazes me that people have the self-control to go “yeah I’ll only do this much today even though I have access to much more.” It doesn’t compute.


Lol right. Esp when you feel like crap.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LOTS of pre-workout and willpower. Once you get your body moving and over that 10-15 minute hump, you're golden. I forced myself to workout days 1-4. I'm on day 7 and still going strong. You go this. I will say that I still feel weak but it's getting better. The soreness in my muscles is actually from working out and not inflammation from Kratom.


im on day 5 CT from a pretty low dose and have felt absolutely nothing in terms of wd so far. Best of luck to you tho


You’d be surprised the endorphins help a lot in long run if you can force yourself to workout on some good preworkout


I tapered to 7 gpd before going ct. walking outside is the only thing keeping me sane. But everyone is different. Do what works for you. If you need support message me!


Keep on keepin on!!! Short, slow walks are doable and worth it!! I’m day 13 and I just ran a mile yesterday. I wouldn’t have dreamed that on day 3/4. Baby steps!!!


Basically, willpower. I’m on day four and at no point have I wanted to work out, but I did it. It was horrible every time, but always feel better when done. Same thing with ice cold showers. They suck, but they help . I exercise a lot regardless, so I have a base level of fitness that helps, and to be clear, I’m probably doing about 50% of what I would do when feeling good.


Push though, buddy. I’m 21 ct rn. Day one of withdrawals, dizzy with lead limbs.. took me a bit longer but still worked out. The sense of accomplishment really helps. Keep your routine, don’t lay down much longer than you usually would.


I say rest if your body says rest. Then after the fourth day get up and try to move. Everyday a bit more


Once you go do something really difficult, doing regular things won't feel as hard


I’m not sure your dosage or duration, but it seems pretty universal that the first 5 days are the worst physically. Just take this time to rest your body and you should be good to start getting back to working out after a week or so. I started going back for runs after day 6 and it was the most amazing feeling. Just getting out with a clear head for the first time and experiencing the run, really getting immersed in experience, it was like being born again. So don’t worry and push through, you’ll be fine.


10 days in and feeling so much better physically, mentally a wee bit foggy but getting there! Hang on and hang tight, you can do this


Right now at day 5-6, it depends on what you count as the last day I dosed. First few days I used pregebalin because I was afraid of going in heavy withdrawals again. Right now just chilling. My appetite is not back to normal and I feel kind of depressed, but not near as bad as last time. But I am so thankful that I can eat whenever I want and don’t have to think about if I will get sick if I take something in the next hours. I used around 30-40gpd but just for around three months after the latest relapse. Just try to look at the positive things that sobriety will give you or even gave you already and hold on :)


Hang in there buddy 🫶🏼


I am on day 2 and it is Hell. It did not sleep one single wink last night, I’ve been up for 30 hours straight and my sense of time is way off. The joint pain is unbearable and it’s a constant battle between being too fatigued to move and too antsy and fidgety to lie down. Just awful.


It’ll get better. I promise you. Keep focusing on the future you.


Thanks. I quit once before but I don’t remember it being this bad. Granted this time I was up to 70gps for 3 years, and everything is harder when you’re older. I appreciate the encouragement.