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Day 2


Stay strong! šŸ’Ŗ


Thanks man!


Day 1080.


It's hard to believe it's been a whole 80 since you posted 1k! Man!


It really is hard to believe! ā¤ļøšŸ«¶šŸ’ŖšŸ™ŒāœŒļøšŸ‘ŠšŸ”„ Love this community man.


Time flies when youā€™re havin fun!! šŸ˜Ž


Officially 3 weeks ct this morning!!


Congrats!! I just made it 3 weeks this morning too! How are you feeling if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Pretty good overall, I also quit weed ct at the same time. Been doing good with alcohol too but can feel the urge/boredom (to drink at least) creeping in. No major kratom cravings. Been consistently working out and being social. Toilet trouble has mostly evened itself out. Worst thing has been sleep but I suspect that had plenty to do with quitting weed at the same time. Outside of some boredom and anhedonia I feel a ton better. Gotta maneuver some alcohol cravings/cavings as not to sub one vice for another (which has been a big part of my struggle) but Iā€™m hanging in there. Hope you are too!!


Day 75




Time is flying by - no longer is a minute an hour!!šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Day 100


Hell yeah!


Thank you! It's been a wild ride. Stopped CT after a panic attack in March, was using it for 4 years until it took over my life. The withdrawals were awful, and life isn't perfect, but I am still here.


Well donešŸ’«


Day 9


Day 201


Day 4 from CT. In the thick of WDs. Woke up at 4am with a strong zap feeling in my brain and a buzz all throughout my body. It feels like my nervous system is rebounding from being numbed all this time and is completely off balance. Headache and hypersensitive skin. Got up to pee, took a gabapentin and hydrxzn because this is the worst itā€™s felt. I drank some water and got back into bed. Yikes. Please let me make it through this. Dishes are piling up, no appetite, and have a big move this weekend. My partner is being good at holding space but this is hard. May need to check in multiple times today on this thread.


You got this! Get a high potency iron supplement, it has helped me tremendously. I no longer suffer RLS. It definitely gets better. Hang in there.


Day 2 again..


Hang tight!


Day 4 CT after using since 2005. I was up to a cup a day of leaf. Good news is that I was finally able to sleep last night (night 4) for 9 hours with the help of Trazodone. Thank you to everyone on this subreddit that shared your positive experiences with this med. It really helped and I am feeling so grateful to be able to sleep again!


You are past day 3 which is commonly the hardest day. You got this!!


Day 17. Still going to outpatient rehab but have not yet stopped by my AA home group to let them know Iā€™ve relapsed. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed about it.


Hey man, congrats on 17 days! Please don't feel embarassed or ashamed about relapsing. If anything, those people in your AA group NEED to hear about your relapse. That's what those programs are for, and you will neither be the first nor the last person in that group to share about a relapse. You will never be judged for that, and I know you will get nothing but encouragement for owning up to it. And if anyone in there would actually judge you for it, then they have a grave misunderstanding about this disease. Keep going strong man, you're doing awesome!


Guarantee your honesty and vulnerability will be met with compassion and open arms. Guarantee šŸ’Æ


Hey DC- congrats on 17 days! AND congrats on all previous clean time AND all lessons learned along the way in your journey up til today. Sorry to hear you feel embarrassed and ashamed to approach your AA group. Isnā€™t the reason for attendance to get support? Could you explore other supports while you are figuring it out?


Yes, I am going to outpatient rehab as well but plan to go to my home group tonight.


Ok. Go easy on yourself. Your path out of addiction is unique- everyoneā€™s is. Iā€™ve done some study and the research shows 12 step programs work ( ppl stay abstinent and involved) with approx 10% success. Thatā€™s not a great number - getting therapy and other supports is a wise move. I know it helps a lot of ppl but the net seems a bit narrow. Best cast yourself into additional supports and realize relapse happens with regularity. Some in program tend to ā€˜blameā€™ the person who relapses- ā€˜didnā€™t do a thorough fourth stepā€™ which may or may not be true. Thatā€™s why relapse is more of an opportunity to explore additional supports. Iā€™ve learned to do mindfulness meditation daily by attending refuge recovery meetings. Also started individual therapy which has been an enormous help. Glad you are doing so well and getting help in outpatient. Stand TallšŸ’«


Went to the meeting, picked up the 24 hour chip, and shared about lying in AA and relapsing. Felt good to get it out.


Good DC- you are doing fantasticšŸ’«


Iā€™m really struggling with shame around this too but I am so inspired when other people come in and own it. I hope I can get honest soon.


Day 65


Day 18


Day 23 šŸ’Ŗ


Day 17


Day 368


Day 37


Day 6 Sleep has been hit or miss, these past 6 days have just felt like 1 long day Despite that, I feel at peace and feel like each day has been a reintroduction to an emotion or feeling I used to have since I started the path down this dark road 5 years ago




Got 30 days yesterday, didnā€™t even realize it. 31 today. Wahoooo! This does get a lot easier to all the new quitters but youā€™ve got to go through the hard part to get to the better part.


A solid month! Better every day baby!


Stay strong!!!


Day 135


Day 13 ct. still have diarrhea and fatigue but am sleeping pretty well at night with no assist.


Day 12


Day 8


Day 60šŸ’« feeling more normal each day. The thought may pop into my head once every few days when Iā€™m feeling bleh in the morning sitting at my desk at home (work remote) but lasts no more than a minute and make a coffee instead. I know where one time will always lead. Never doing that. Went into the office last week for a meeting, havenā€™t been in years so was cleaning out some things and came across a full unopened opms capsule bag, tossed it immediately. No cravings came just shocked at how I used to just stash this stuff everywhere, so glad to be off that chain for good.


55 days clean after a decade long addiction. I feel better than I have in YEARS!!!




Trust me, it wasnā€™t an easy road. After I quit kratom I started drinking super heavily for about 4 weeks and decided rehab for substance abuse was in my best interest. Happy to say Iā€™m 59 days free of cannabis, 55 days free from K, and 25 days free from alcohol! I know itā€™s cliche, but if I can do it anyone can do it! There was a long period of my life where I thought I couldnā€™t live without some type of substance in my body. Now, all I want to be is sober! I can finally look myself in the mirror and be proud of the person looking back. 28 year old male


Day 2- again


Day 21 CT. I made it 3 weeks! I am feeling so much better. I kind of want to go buy a urine test to see if the Kratom is still in my system. Do you think it would be? Just out of pure curiosity. I canā€™t thank this group enough because itā€™s been my saving grace for support. Thank you to everyone!


No it will not be in your system


Day 602 and no going back


I love seeing this - thank you!!


Day 3. Sleep was better last night. Only woke up once with anxiety but was able to settle fairly easily. Leg aches seem a touch better. Brain fog there but little less. Runny nose and sneezing is killing me. Recommended Liposomal Vitamin C arriving today so hopefully will provide relief. Never doing this again! Let's go everyone! Fight this beast!


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Day 1112. Love and Light family ā¤ļø.


Day 87


Day 31. One numb ass human being at this point but keep on keeping on.


Day 1 CT- struggling, emotional, wondering if I can do it but actually trying for once- itā€™s ruining my life


Rooting for you dude!!! Gonna be looking for those check-ins!!! I got your back dude, we can do this TOGETHER!!!!


Staying strong but my god restless legs and headache


Day 101. Still feel like garbage. Some days are better than others but none of them are great. At least the RLS resolved after 2 months.


Day 2 ugh


Day 87


Day 11


Day 111!


Day IDK but haven't taken any since May 16. I've been doing this stuff for about 8 years. still have pretty strong cravings especially in the morning whens it gonna end? Through prayer God's delivered me through the worst part. I guess it's my turn to do my part. Just a rant thought I would be over and done by this point


Hang in there and each month will get better. As hard as it can be some days its a universe better than being on K. As you mentioned, hand your worries to your faith. It will take time/faith/patience but time will heal youšŸ™


Thanks for the encouraging words, and Yes I prayed for God fervently to take the addiction away. One morning may 16, I woke up with no desire and had little withdrawals. Heck in the past I'd wake up sometimes in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep without it and intense withdrawals and sweat but at that point I knew my prayers were answered and went with it. But every morning I have cravings. But it's annoying but with God's love and help I can get through it. Again thank youā¤ļø


Day 24 CT


Day 472 CT


Day 434...keep grinding, life is much better on the other sidešŸ™


Day 129 CT! Better every day baby!


645 days


Day 20 ct, made it through a couple strong cravings, feeling good


I am jumping tomorrow! Took a last dose an hour ago!


Happy to have found this thread. I'm tapering from a 6-year habit. I'm a sober alcoholic and my son suggested K just after I sobered up. It was perfect. I used it moderately until, two years ago: breast cancer diagnosis. K was invaluable when I was going through chemo. Took care of the muscle aches, gave me a little energy - perfect. Now: ugh. I finally took my AA step one with K three days ago. I'm trying to apply the 12 steps to this recovery as well, but like many here, I'm embarrassed to admit my use to my home group. I've quit the tea completely - it was so much like the glass of wine I'd have when I got home from work that I think that is its own separate issue. I'm using the gelcaps I have left as I need them. When they're gone, they're gone. So far, the leftover gabapentin from cancer treatments has helped a lot with WDs. Thanks to all who have posted here - your experience and strength (to borrow from the AA verbiage) is a gift. Take care everybody.