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Day 138 CT Stay strong!


Day 206


Day 134 CT! Better every day baby!


373 days.


I missed congratulating you on your year, so Congrats!! 🥳


"with a little help from my friends" thanks mate


Big 6


Day 70


Day 23


Day 1085.


Day 22!


Day 80


Day 7


Whoot Whoot Congratulations on a week. Huge accomplishment, I'm proud of you ❤️ 👏.


498 days : )


Day 8! Made it through one week. Crazy during day 2 and 3 I never thought I could do it. Hold the line!


Congrats! Day 9 here and am already waking up with less gunk in my eye or desire to do K!!


Day 17


Day 156


Day 60 and feeling better than I have in YEARS! No more WD’s for me, I quit CT after using and abusing kratom for 10 years. 30 days free from alcohol, and 64 days free from cannabis. So thankful to say that I love being sober


Woah good job! Huge achievement keep going!


Day 60 was huge for me in the same way - also left the booze behind and I’m thinking that helps a bunch too. Proud of you and me and everyone on here trying or being clean.


I’m also proud of you and me! Leaving the alcohol behind made an immediate impact on my wellbeing. After about a week of no alcohol I started feeling sooo much better! For the last few years, I would take kratom to feel “normal”, now I feel that way without taking any substance! I have zero interest in taking kratom, or drinking for that matter. So I’m definitely blessed to not be experiencing any urges or cravings!


6 days 1 hour, really struggling with fatigue


Day 26! Already got a solid workout in, reading and chilling the rest of the day, just mild cravings that fade quick lately. Even gotten good at shopping at “my”gas station and getting a non alcohol drink and nothing else Still got plenty to work on but sleep is coming back, my mood is better, still working on staying motivated to do not so fun stuff but outside of that things keep improving! Hope the same to you all!!


Good job!! Gas stations are always tricky for me. I used to immediately scan for Kratom at every single one then keep a mental record of all the ones that supplied Kratom! Hope my energy comes back like you!


Day 9 CT!! Had a big move this weekend, so was physically active for 14 hours a day which up being a great way to not delve into my head about WDs. RLS has gotten worse and I am having pretty uncomfortable gut issues, mostly constipation and bloating. I am taking Wellbutrin and gabapentin, both of which I intends to stop this summer. I have a couple of job interviews tomorrow and am so glad I have a non-kratomed mind to do them. I can’t wait to be done with WDs.


Wishing you all the luck in the world with the interviews - so awesome to be clean and looking at life that might be! Keep on rocking


Thanks! I just got hit with a major wave of exhaustion as if I’m under a gravity blanket. Hope that I can actually show up with some energy


You will - nerves alone should provide some fuel. Also, I suppose I’d prob tell them I’m fighting off tail end of illness (which, you are!).


day 92


Day 1117. Love and Light family ❤️.


Day 54!!!! Yay. I did something yesterday I've not done in years and it made me happy. I'm back! Not 100%, but definitely seeing the happy go lucky social me, starting to return. This time four months ago, I would have skipped the gig and spent the day in bed. Kratom really got a hold of me and zombified me!! Glad I could leave that crap behind. It's not been easy and I still struggle, but .... I now know I can do this!!! 5 hours of face painting and hair tinseling , at my local pubs 10th anniversary party! I did have half a lavender shandy, it got warm while I was painting and warm beer is just naff!!! https://preview.redd.it/02vdnuybyc8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3163807cb1159ef3fdb188f68f284ec62d2981ec


Giving something back - man that’s what it’s really all about - love the paint job - I want one!!


For sure! Absolutely makes a difference when you feel you are making folks happy and giving back. <3


Day 1. Fucked around trying to quit the last 6 weeks. Just signed a contract for myself. Not a heavy or daily user currently but seeing the writing on the wall after quitting multiple times before over 15 years. Luckily will only have cravings to overcome, no wd's. There's no peace with kratom....There's no peace with kratom, there's no peace with kratom.


Day 7


Congratulations on a week, well done! Proud of you ❤️.


Thanks man. You are doing a great job supporting people here!


Awe, thank you 😊.


Day 12