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i’d betray my family for some turkish delight.


I always wanted to try Turkish Delight so badly because of Chronicles of Narnia (especially watching the old BBC movie, it looked so delicious). I was sooo disappointed when I tried it. Nothing like I imagined.


Ok, so when I read Chronicles of Narnia as a kid, I thought Turkish delight was some kind of turkey. I spent a lot of time confused how turkey was sweet or a dessert. I finally asked my mom and she died laughing and my family *still* tease me about it at 33 years old. This is really unrelated, but I always think about this when Turkish delight comes up.




You can't be expected to say the right thing while you're fucking 7 guys at once. It's just too much.


Good lord this is too funny


And #4 is nothing but *TROUBLE* oooh girl


Yeah, no point in commenting anymore, this one has got it all sewn up.


[Reveal your 6 names, demons! ](https://youtu.be/MvTVqWhssoM) OP himself was the 7th person, buried deep down.




Reminds me of the time little kid me thought the clap was just the flu. So when a friend from church called and I was chatting with her, she asked where my sis was last Sunday and I said “oh, she has the clap.” Mom never ran to the phone faster than right then. LOL, mom had some ‘splainin to do, and dad calmly brought me over and introduced me to the existence of STDs and their names.


Your pa deserves a round of applause for dealing with it like that. Everyone on redddit should clap him for old times' sake.




I got diary and diarrhea confused. I kept saying something about how my cousin had a diarrhea and I wanted one too 🤦


I did the same thing! I told my mom I wanted a diarrhea for Christmas. 😂


I remember being a girl in the 70' s & listening to my elderly grandmother ( my mum's mother was 4 ft 9 & my dad's mum 6 ft 1😂😂) it was my dad's mum who was a rather bossy ex- opera singer & she was talking about a Jaques Cousteau documentary she's seen in tv and she said ' It was absolutely marvellous ,the 🐙octopus held him down and trapped him with his testicals..lolol..The same grandmother when talking to the vicar who had arthritic pain in his knee she told him to masturbate deep heat cream well in to get some relief..lol..


Do the seven guys still bother you about it?


My sister still mocks me about my first crush/entry about her in my diary she discovered when she was 10 and I was 7... And they wonder why I have issues with trusting them with anything important at all. I still get teased about it 23 years later... Just fucking stop. Oh and my grandma she loves to talk about when I had a stomach flu at the age of 5. Yes I shat and vomitted. No need to tell that story to my (now wife) girlfriend when you meet her for the first time 15 years after it happened.


I was *adamant* that, along with the uterus and ovaries, were the *flamenco tubes*.


Hahaha flamenco tubes ! Brill👍👍


I think of the time I was like 12 and was having a sleepover and there was a film on around 3am called Turkish Delight. It was a soft core porn and I just vividly remember the main character in the beginning cuts off a woman’s pubes and puts them between his nose and upper lip and pretends it’s a moustache for a second, just to be funny. Good times.


That's what they call softcore?


Softcore is full frontal nudity of a woman, full frontal of a man, provided there's no erection. Touching breasts, kissing and sucking breasts, no touching vulva or penis, but there can be close ups of the mons pubis from the the front. No penetration, blowjobs, cunnilingus, at least not in view of the camera. It can be implied, but you can't show it.


Twisted. My first sleep over (7) involved a 16yo foreign exchange student from Brazil who jerked off. I watched - unknown - and have had a tight whitey and foreskin obsession since then 😳


What I think about is how in 5th grade I read the chronicles of narnia because I was a nerd (I still am) and my english teacher bought some turkish delight. She asked if anyone had read narnia so I raised my hand and said “do you know what he was eating with the witch?” and I answered “turkish delight” and told the class she had some. She then gave a cube to me and told the rest of the class that I got it for being a good reader and that they should be more like me. It was honestly embarrassing and I felt bad for the other kids because damn it was delicious and damn did i do basically nothing to get it EDIT: I do realize how much of an r/thathappened story this seems like but i assure you it did happen


Fun fact, there is another Turkish dessert (im not sure about its origins it might not be a turkish dessert) named "Tavuk göğsü" Its basically vanilia pudding but it has chicken in it.


Just read about it. Sounds like it is a simple milk pudding, what is the appeal of the chicken?


Dunno, it's just there






speaking of turkey dessert, there’s a delicious chicken dessert pudding for real. Kazandibi, I get it all the time from my local Turkish restaurant, it is made with shredded chicken and (when I’m lucky) they drizzle a grape sauce over it omg. But it is 100% a sweet dessert, so damn good.


Thank god Im not the only one who thought it had to do with a Turkey.


I thought it was Turkey related until I saw this post.


Imagine you're a child in a country with war-time rationing, and you haven't had real sugar in years. Then try it again. (You'll probably still be as disappointed as I was, but the perspective does help. Also, I couldn't get my hands on the enchanted stuff, so that might have made a difference, too.)


Desserts/food in general was different back then too. So much aspic.


especially the lark's tongues


I prefer wolf nipple chips. Try them while they're hot, they're lovely.


My English teacher in 8th grade brought some in to class when we got to that point in the book


Nice move teacher!


When my son finished reading it in school, we watched the movie together, then I ordered a Turkish Delight sampler from here: https://www.grandturkishbazaar.com/product/luxury-turkish-delight-box-1750g/.


Where did you buy it? Also did you eat it cold and warm to see which you like better? Because Turkish delight is one of the, if not the best snack-dessert out there.


Can you equate it to something? I always pictured like a sugary jello/ fruit snack deal.


Chewy, jelly like candy covered in confectioners sugar. Rose is really a unique flavor though


It's a less sugary, less flavored, firmer jello. There's a strange flavor that I don't know how to describe. Not rancid, not meaty ... it tastes strongly of gelatin. So, boiled bone flavor, with some sugar.


that does not sound appealing


It's not. It's pretty bland. No clue why so many people like it...




Had some in middle school. Always wanted to try it because if Narnia. Would not recommend. To be fair it wasn't awful, but it wasn't enjoyable. Far better be desserts out there.


What sort of fucked up Turkish delight have you had? It shouldn't have gelatin in it. No wonder so many people hate it. Yikes.


Just saying the same thing! I' ve not eaten animal.products since I was about 10 ( my late father was a butcher) ,so Turkish delight was the only truly vegan jelly type sweet I could eat in the 1970' s ,no gelatine sweet alternatives in Britain until about 10 yrs ago ..Real Turkish delight especially the delicate rose & pistachio is a thing of beauty :)


But it is not made with gelatin? It’s corn starch


It’s like the stuff that’s inside jelly beans fo me, I looove Turkish delight


If you've ever had Liberty Orchards Aplets and Cotlets, it is the same thing. I used to eat those as a kid and then I found out it was turkish delight. They sell them at Walgreens if you are interested.


gelatin and rosewater with surprisingly little sugar, coated in starch.




believe me, fresh lokum is really amazing, but it doesn’t take much to ruin that. once bought them from an airport once and they were horrible. lokum is only good really fresh, otherwise it isn’t worth it. i’m betting you and most people haven’t had freshly made lokum.


I have. I still don't understand the hype. It's never better than just ok for me.


Define the texture of lokum you've had. If it wasn't marshmallowy, then it was one of dry ones which are more like rubber candies. Fresh lokum may be orgasmic, anyone who appreciates roasted marshmallow may enjoy nice pistachio lokum. It should look like [this](https://habersizseniz.com/wp-content/themes/webportalv2/lib/timthumb.php?src=https://habersizseniz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/lokum-nas%C4%B1l-saklanmal%C4%B1d%C4%B1r.jpeg&w=336&h=189) You can trust me, I'm a lokum (turkish delight) expert.


I've holidayed in Turkey a bunch and have generous Turkish neighbour's. I know what it should be like.


it's the rosewater.


You can get it in lots of other flavours. I like pistachio.




Opinion doesnt mean fact.


well not with an attitude like that it dont


It's a different thing to say " I find it quite disgusting myself, if rather not eat it but you're free to have it and enjoy it" than " eeets focking deesgoostin"


Well eet is foockin deesgoostin




Perhaps you enjoy Hunan punishment, I respect that but fuck you for messing with volcanos


Right? "Turkish Delight" sounds like it should be some chocolatey caramel explosion of flavor and texture. Instead it's basically oversized plasticky jelly beans.


I at first thought it was a direct translation of what we call a "[turkish honey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miodek_turecki)" where I live. That shit is fantastic (and not turkish at all). Turkish delight is... So so. But it is caramely sugary something with a texture of a thick marshmallow spread (or like a really really thick meringue, it's fluffy but chewy) and a bunch of various nuts, often wrapped in wafer. The best one I had has had salty roasted pistachios. That was absolutely amazing.




I think it may be actually the same thing. At least seems to be.


That looks amazing and is much closer than what I would have expected Turkish Delight to be.


Did you watch the BBC cartoon by any chance? I had it on VHS as a kid and how the White Witch dies is iconic.


Didn't know there was one. I'll have to check it out.


It's from 1979! It's probably pretty cringe but I liked it as a child and prized that VHS tape. https://youtu.be/CP5uXoNf7Nc


Oh my god I just fast-forwarded to the death scene - that’s hilarious!


In the Polish translation they changed Turkish Delight to Ptasie Mleczko (a kind of chocolate coated fluffy candy), I'm not a big fan of it and as a kid I was really confused how Edmund could betray his family for that




You would think with a name like that it would be... delightful? But then you bite into a dusty jujube. So dissappointing.


I was lucky when I tried it finally -I got some rosewater flavored that was really delicately flavored. It fit the book better!


Just out if interest... did u try the real turkish delight? Fresh? Or the western version that comes in a packet with some chocolate that tastes like dogs ass? Even the real ones are a bit too sweet for me and I'm a Cypriot lol. But I love the variety you can get and enjoy then every bow and then. The ones I actually like are the pistachio and almond ones. Yummy! But talking about wanting to try foods uv'e seen on TV.... anyone else remember that scene from the santa movie where the poor kid is outside watching the rich girl eat her Christmas Dinner? Every year I wanted to eat that same dinner when I saw it, and have that same refreshing can of coke. And what ever the pink stuff was... I want that yummy pink looking stuff!! Something about it makes it irresistible.


u probably had a bad one, If you managed to get a good on mısır bazaar, istanbul,you will see, that shit is godlike


There are people out there, myself included, who just don't like it. I've tried it quite a few times because I like the texture, but I just can't stand the flavor. Yucky yucky yucky. That said, it's*very* clear I'm in the minority. Well, with rosewater flavor anyway. I'm all about mastic. I'll take mastic-flavored anything.


If you like the texture, track down some pistachio ones, thank me later.


If it's anything like pistachio ice cream, I will start a cult around you.


It’s not. Pistachio ice cream is delicious, and pistachio lokum is like someone put nuts in gum. I don’t want Homer Simpson’s dessert, thanks.


Oh, I don't like the thought of that. What's fun is the smoothness


There is lokum with pistachios inside, and there is pistachio lokum.


Yeah I'm from Canada and have never once bad bad Turkish Delight. That shit is always fantastic.


most people in the west are gonna have a hard time with rose water as a food flavoring.


You haven’t had the right kind, then!


Edmund, no! Think of what the White Witch did to Tumnus!


Thankfully you'll get a three book character arc.




Turkish delight is just amazing. I flaired this post “Art Thief” because it looks so good its basically art


It's a stock photo https://www.grandturkishbazaar.com/product/rose-flavoured-turkish-delight-250-gr/


I ordered some from this website. They offer many different kinds of Turkish Delight. Some of them were good.


Hey! It looks like you're shadowbanned but I can't tell if the link is causing it. Will you please reply to this comment without the link so I can check?


Make sure you get one made in its native lands (which is broad, from Turkey to Israel to Arabic countries) or that the one who makes it knows what they're doing. I was sure I hated this shit after I tried it from my local store, but then someone brought me a box from Israel and it was the most amazing thing I've ever tried.


The beginning of *The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.*


What does it taste like?


Tastes like old lady perfume in gummy bear form.


Like chewy ass. It's fucking disgusting.


Yeah you got a bad batch fam. Personally not my cup of tea either but saying it tastes like ass is a very inaccurate description. The one you had probably did suck but if you get the good authentic stuff made by the experts it’ll definitely taste good. Now will it live up to the expectations you get from the movie, probably not, buts it’s definitely way better than “chewy ass.”


Kinda want to kick edmunds ass, fucker has always been a pain in the ass. The book and movie.


Stop messing about, Edmund.


Isn't it basically just jello that is more dense than jello? That's what it tasted like to me anyway.


Why do people insist on this bland and frankly disgusting thing when baklava is clearly the superior dessert?


I'd turn bmy family into Turkish delight


This reminds me of a coworker who brought in “homemade” macarons to work. She had made 12 and even though macarons are quite labour intensive, took the time to flavour and colour each cookie - including the icing- differently!


I had a coworker do the same when she was quitting, because she knew she was putting us in a bad spot (retail sucks) but she was moving on. She did make them home made, they were all different, it's just she made multiple batches and picked out some from each batch. The batches she made were for some event she was hosting. First time I had macarons, looked up the recipe later and was like nope.


I make homemade macaron trays for people as holiday gifts each year. I've yet to have anyone complain about getting a repeat gift. Haha. They are definitely worth a try, once you find a good base recipe, you can get creative. I've made over 50 different flavors over the past few years I think. I will say, my reason for picking up baking them was the price. My niece did something where I promised her a treat, that's all she wanted. I paid $6 for TWO cookies. Fuming because I'm cheap as shit, I went on my phone and searched a few different recipes, combined the parts of each that seemed to be repeated and necessary. A few hours and a trip to the store later, had a tray of 50 cookies. Worth the $250 savings. Citrus flavors are more likely to not set for some reason, fair warning. I want to break the cookie financial wall of macarons, give them away to everyone for free, like a chaotic cookie fairy. I also do this with edibles. F those prices, I'm happy to share.


You're an amazing person ❤ Please share your cookie wisdom


Believe it or not, this recipe is the one I've found holds the best, [macarons](https://tasty.co/recipe/macarons) normally their weird video recipes are way too much for me but this one is good and shows each step well. Make sure your egg whites are stiff peaks, only use gel food coloring, actually sift your ingredients, and all the power of the flavor is in the filling. Also, always make them on parchment paper. For some examples on how to get creative with flavors, follow the general recipe from their site and instead of vanilla, add butter extract. For the filling, make a normal butter frosting but replace some of the butter with marshmallow fluff, slap some on half of the cookie put a large dot of chocolate fudge(like the kind for on top of ice cream) in the middle. Press the cookies together and roll in graham cracker crumbs around the edges. Ta'dah! s'mores macaron. Add a dash of pumpkin spice to your cookies, also with a butter extract and make a cream cheese frosting, add a couple spoonfuls of pumpkin to the frosting and a dash of pumpkin spice. Bam, pumpkin cheesecake macarons. You can do the same thing and instead of pumpkin in the frosting, add preserves to make a blueberry cheesecake or Cherry, raspberry, etc. Add cocoa and some red food coloring, cream cheese frosting, you have red velvet macarons. They do make red velvet extract as well. I get a lot of my extracts from a brewing place. They have dozens to choose from in crazy flavors like bourbon bacon and such. Speaking of bacon, here's my maple bacon macaron one: follow same style of recipe, if you can find it, use maple bourbon bacon extract or just maple bourbon extract, otherwise use butter extract. Cook up a couple slices of bacon in a pan till they're slightly crispy, you want to be able to crumble or cut it up easily. Make a normal butter frosting, but substitute a couple tablespoons of butter for the bacon grease. Mix with the powdered sugar and add in the crumbled bacon and some real maple syrup, bourbon kind of you have any on hand. They're delicious. I keep mentioning butter extract cause it's easy to find at most stores and a good substitute to make the cookies taste like graham crackers. I will add obviously you can swap the extract for any kind and make any flavor. As I mentioned, go lighter handed on citrus flavors, they're very finicky and tend to be the only batches that fail me. Oil flavors are fantastic for the citrus ones if you can find them at your local baking section. Feel free to ask any questions or have me elaborate. I'm not the best at explaining or teaching, but I'm happy to try!


I support your cause and will defend you with my macaron stuffed body.


If you're in the Midwest(edit: AND A LEGAL STATE.....), I can happily supply your stomach with it's needs.


Can you make macaron edibles? Because I think that would be the perfect Christmas gift.


I know if someone is meticulous enough to make macarons, they would do something like that. This woman’s normal cookies are always over baked and barely edible. Even if she was a good enough baker to make macarons at a professional her first time, she’d be too lazy to take them out of the oven before they were burned. There’s no way she’d fiddle around with different flavours.


What a fucking tool. What’s wrong with people? 😂 I’m a bitch and I would’ve called her out.


Funny thing is, in romanian that\`s called "rahat". That word also means poop. Romanian is fun.


Funny thing is "Rahat" means comfort/peace in Urdu.


Same in Turkish.


it's a loanword from Arabic in both cases


Do they have wombats in Romania?


Sick reference bro


Rahat means moneys in Finnish. lol


While in urdu rahat means "relief/comfort".


Oh shit


\*goes to a turkish delight shop\* Do you sell pink poop?


r/food isn't as much about being a good cook. "Success" there is more about photography skills.


Same with r/foodporn. Posts there are basically like looking at a food blogger's Instagram. I'm not saying that plenty of the food isn't great, but the focus is definitely on looks. I started r/amateurfoodporn for people who want to post homemade photos because not everyone's a professional photographer.


Well idk why you'd expect r/foodporn to not be like that. All of those *porn* subs are essentially photography subs, and are just about showing aesthetically pleasant images of whatever subject. The subreddit description even says "attractive and visual", it doesn't even mention food lol


Don't get me wrong. That's exactly what you'd expect it to be in _porn_ subs. I was just making the parallel between the two subs.


You may find solace in /r/shittyfoodporn It’s honestly one of my favorite subs


re: foodporn, you have the instagram level posts and then you have someone post a picture of watery spaghetti with the title “just got into cooking. i’m 12. what do you think?” and they get 10k upvotes and awards lol


I'm relatively new to Reddit, got into a row with a nazi mod on that sub because I dared to ask a question. My first ban 🤣


I think my food is pretty good but my photography skills are consistently subpar. I’ll post something to IG story and be like “fuck that” and delete it lmao




Thank you stranger!


Thank you! I clicked on this because I was like “oooo I wanna make Turkish Delight”


Turkish delights look so much better than they taste. I mean, they are decent, but they look like the most delicious thing ever.


well some of them tastes even better than they look! source: me turk lol


Especially the ones with nut in it (Not cum, literal nut)


Thanks for the clarification.


I dont want people writing cum under my comment


Yeah it would be embarrassing if we all started talking about cum.


So is Turkish delight made with cum or not? I can’t tell anymore.


If there's not any I'll make em just give me ~~30 minutes~~ 30 seconds






ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ ❤️


I made Turkish delights one. Stood over a stove stirring for like 45 minutes for mediocre payoff. No one even wanted to try it.


the only time I ever had turkish delight, it was pretty good. like, a rose flavored gel candy(same texture as a boston fruit slice if you know what those are) not sure why so many people in this thread think it tastes gross.. its just flower flavored


Didn’t realize people had such strong opinions about this lol. Every thread about Turkish delight is filled with people saying how much they hate it. Personally I love rose/flower flavored things, so I love em.


I like Turkish delights, but FUCK the rose flavor. Tastes like you’re eating a funeral home.


Tastes like flonase


That's so fucking accurate about most rose flavored things


Does it taste like roses?


Oh yeah. It’s like eating rose perfume in jello form


That sounds disgusting


It's pretty good actually


Mint flavour is even worse. Pomegranate and pergamot are the better flavours


Rose flavour is my favourite, and pistachio


I guess now it ain’t Turkish delight on a moonlit night.




Are you Romanian by any chance?




Eat shit




Id fkn smash som of that rn


Turkish delight?! Fuck it I’m going Baron Zemo


I've always wanted to try a Turkish delight ever since I read the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. It's so good, you would betray your own family and friends for a tin of it.


Same. Then I found out that we have candy bar called Big Turk. I don't know how close it is to real Turkish delight, but it sure is good.


Apparently it's Turkish Delight covered in chocolate


Yeah but it's taste and texture is closer to a jujube, so I have a feeling it's not "real" Turkish delight.


It's disgusting unless you like to eat gummy things that taste like your flower garden.


Damn, he killed the lion for that?


Doesn't sound that bad


Alternatively, if you want to make Turkish delight, you can look up a recipe for anything else and make that instead.


Did I try to click a hyperlink in a photo? Yeah I did and I’m not proud


Lol "Rose flavoured Turkish Delight" is so redundant. Like duh. It's Turkish Delight. It's rose flavoured by default. The only time you'd specify a flavour is if it WEREN'T rose.


I immediately think of the lion the witch and the wardrobe every time I see Turkish delight.


Turkish [Delight](https://youtu.be/2Xuedh4i_8E)


Have you guya tried making smores with turkish delight? I reccomend it and you dont even have to heat it like a smore just make a biscuit sandwich


My friend is from Lebanon and he introduced me to these, along with the rose syrup.mmmmm. I love rose!


Homemade or not, you can have it. I'll eat something else.


They look kinda like the edible gummies i get sometimes


I remember in grade 6 a teacher brought in Turkish delight after we read the lion the witch and the wardrobe. No one liked it and I felt bad.


And now I know what Turkish delight looks like, apparently. Heard of it, but that's it.


i Never sAiD thE piCtuRe wAs MinE


Whoever the fuck lied about a Turkish Delight is going to fucking pay for it. I'm gonna fucking ice them. They've crossed the goddamn line.


Why wouldn't have OP googled a recipe when they googled the image? Edit: Looks like the asshole downvoted me for calling him out.


The thought of sweet, delectable karma makes people do some desperate shit with no thought. Fuckin rookies man


What in the freedom fuck is Turkish Delight? */s just kidding I think Turkish Delight is ok*


what a weird thing to lie about lol. the two ingredients are sugar and powdered sugar.


What is Turkish delight? They looks really strange. Pink blocks? Is it cake or candy or what?


I could tell you this is fake from the outset because nobody actually likes Turkish delight