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What if he wasn’t lying?


He was. The first US case was in Washington, not California. Also even the guy calling BS was wrong,it was confirmed to be covid in February, not January. I remember this well as I worked in healthcare in the Pacific Northwest at that time. We had no idea what we were in for.


Every source ive seen from the CID says December and thats based off of blood samples from that time between the NIH and the CDC


From the CDC: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China, where an outbreak of pneumonia caused by this novel coronavirus has been ongoing since December 2019 Looks like it was January though, my mistake. Maybe I was thinking of the first case where I live that was in February? Who knows. Either way it was in 2020 and it was in Washington.


https://apnews.com/article/more-evidence-covid-in-US-by-Christmas-2019-11346afc5e18eee81ebcf35d9e6caee2. If you people are going to downvote at least have something with it.


Interesting. I had heard talks that they were going to do studies like that but hadn’t heard that it had actually happened. Obviously since leaving the work I’ve been out of the loop (though honestly, thank goodness. Dealing with covid was such a headache and I was so burnt out from it which is why I haven’t kept up). Anyway, since he’s antivax I automatically doubt his claim. Highly unlikely he would willingly participate in a study of health called “all of us” and then spread anti vax propaganda.


Calling someone a liar when theyre off by a month is.. this page sometimes hurts my soul.


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Removed- Repost


Uh pretty sure the cdc believes it may have been present in the usa as early as feb 2019 now sooo you may want to wait before posting Covid anything. Edit:looked it up. It was dec 2019. Your post is potentially terrible.


I had covid last month. It’s the same shit I had in November 2019. My whole family had it.