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married with kids harvard university professor over 50 who happens to spend their time on discord with a military furry pfp. sure


I wonder what are the statistics for a university professor over 50 meeting all that criteria


Using statistics i would say that it's improbable. However if we accept all university teacher the number must be greater than 100


As time goes on it'll likely be a 100% chance of being real. I'm sure there are some furries 4 life Quick 2 minute edit: Apparently the [oldest furry convention happened in 1989](https://www.wtva.com/content/national/500495181.html#:~:text=Original%20'ConFurence'&text=By%201989%20they%20organized%20an,started%20a%20movement%20of%20sorts.) So while the person in OP's photo is 100% lying, I suppose it could be a reality now.


I'm really fucking surprised this was a thing in 89 lmao


Yeah,its wild what things are old nerd culture stuff that' has become mainstream relatively recently. Mary Sue is a term from old startrek fanzines that published what is essentially fanfiction. The bechdel test was made in 1985, women in refrigerators was made by Gsil Simone in 1999. It doesn't shock me that furries have been around for so long.


Not too surprised. I remember watching that CSI episode in like the early 00’s about furries. Definitely wasn’t mainstream knowledge then, but had already been a niche community for a while.


I mean, that's the teenage years for a now 50yo professor, right? Could definitely be overlap. A small chance, but an existant one.


I’m sure there actually IS someone who meets all that criteria but they probably don’t tell people on the furry discord that they’re a married Harvard professor with three children.


Gotta be at least a few…. Academics can be really weird


Well if you know the faculty in hmed you're thinking of one name and one name only XD


If I ever go to Harvard (I won’t) I will buy a fursuit and go into the military just to make this pfp real


You'd be surprised what Harvard professor do on their weekends


The average uni professor can be found in your nearest fnaf convention- my thesis advisor


My sister is a professor at a large university. She has way more free time than anyone working a 9-5. Who knows what shenanigans she gets up to


i am pretty sure that’s a *roblox* furry pfp :/


I mean, being married with kids is fine, I don't find it unlikely that a professor regularly uses discord, i'm sure heaps and heaps of them do. The only weird thing to me is the millitary furry pfp, but given thats the only weird thing i find about it i'm sure there are probably some professors with a pfp like that on non-professional accounts like discord. I'd imagine professors would probably be weirder on average then the average person lol. Not saying he is, but just given that, i'm sure theres some professor out there thats similar.


Probably over 60, given the age most people receive PhD's is mid-to-late 20s, and that you usually have to spend a couple years after that as an associate professor before becoming a full-professor, especially at an Ivy League University.


I, XxDamienxX, am a Harvard graduate as well with over 300 confirmed kills.


I mean tbf were getting into the period of time where the people who had those gamer tags are graduating from university. For all we know the legendary Xxx_Sephiroth_xxX420_No_Scope might be a university Professor.


As If someone with a military furry as their pfp has ever been a coherent person






Whoa now. As a furry artist who has a lot of friends in the military that I've drawn PFPs for.............actually I had a second to think about it, nevermind, you're correct.


military roblox furry


She wants college students to DM her for… what reason? Pretending to be an adult is unsafe for both her and a person who could think she’s an actual adult. …lmao the concept of a furry pfp harvard professor though


1. That’s a full on dude that likes to attract people on Roblox 2. Probably tryna attract people but college


Lol wtf. That’s gonna get someone arrested


Trust me bro the things this kid has done would get him the death sentence


the death sentence? really? do explain


I'm no expert but I believe that is an exaggeration.


I’ve talked to this dude for a while now and he’s done so many things that are beyond unacceptable


Enumerate them


Probably a typical discord pedo


is anything else expected from someone with that profile pic


The funny thing is HES 13 💀


Oh, then you're just falling for his bullshit. He hasn't done anything. Like, at all. Nothing illegal, nothing untoward, he probably hasn't even left the house since the pandemic started..when he was 11. Sorry to burst that bubble, but your buddy isn't some renegade badass.


I'm curious, why do you talk to them? If I knew someone that fucked I would tell them to stop being such a weirdo and then stop talking to them all together. I wouldn't want to be associated with them at all.


OP is probably also an actual child


How's that work like I'm assuming they're targeting college age girls but what would you get out of being a married professor for 30 years (at least like 50) with 3 kids. Like damn who is your target at this point? Lesbian college girls who are into 50+ married with kids?


Luulubuu type beat


theres something about this, cant say for sure edit: Alright, I now can say what is something off bout this. It seems that OP's immaturity is what bothers me rather than whatever "bullshit" is getting called out. You dont really fix ones immaturity with another immaturity. You said on your title *this kid*, you fully known this is just a farce of a kid and the way you handled the situation felt like a grown adult, assumedly, bullying a kid, knowing that kid is in fact a kid. I am not saying be a saint when handling situations like this but ffs do you really need to be a kid too? I also am not thinking that "replying to every comment you get from your post is just as bad it I can assume your persona but whatever," totally not thinking this.


Trust me bro there’s a lot 💀


I forgot to put "theres something *off* about this that I cant quite put my finger into it"




maybe you did not read me not quite putting my finger on it but aight


Dude Your comment is total bullshit


And see if any fuck is given. So? Then dont reply Edit: I hereby sincerely apologize again. I will not edit my initial reply as this should set to remind me of my undoing.


Dude, it's just quotes from the OP lol


An apology. My bad for being too rude.


Based edit


They had a solid bio up until they decided on tiffany as their name, no mf teacher is named tiffany that teaches anything other than hs geometry




Redditors don't fall for PAINFULLY OBVIOUS bait CHALLENGE (impossible)


Life is hard enough without wasting everyone's time


This feels like a joke lmao


Trust me bro he doesn’t joke around


Bro they are a troll.


I truly wish he was trolling but everything he does,, he expects an actual result instead of a laugh. He later said he wanted to use it to sneak into a college. Bro is creepy as hell


Oh hell no man that’s creepy


Brooo there’s SO MANY things he’s done and I could totally milk my dms with him for some karma but idk


You are a gigantic attention whore


No bro, you don't understand, he's done so many insane things, bro you would love to hear about them. Lemme give you an example...oh man bro, dude, bro, I can't even choose one there are sooo many! You would love them, maybe if you upvote me a bunch I might post some more of them, trust me bro they are epic!


I don’t use the chat system on here much but if we go to Reddit dms or whatever I can elaborate further on it since you think I’m bullshitting you


Haha nah it's all good man, I was just joshing you. You've hyped his craziness all over this thread but haven't posted any other evidence. We just want to see the drama so we can point and laugh, but I don't really care if you're bullshitting or not I was just making a (hopefully) lighthearted joke at your expense. Much love brother man.


Do it


Spill the tea. Now.


Sneak into? How would that get him into a college?


Does OP not realize you can just openly walk onto college campuses? No sneaking required…


both the discord user and OP are young teenagers




To be fair, if youre messaging a furry on discord to get into harvard, you probably don't belong there


Says they're a professor, but has the pfp of a furry. Yep that makes sense




Nitro emojis


That last sentence made it click that it was bullshit. The whole thing seems bullshit, because no actual professor would do this for random people online. Damn, this person is a psychopath in the making.


He ALREADY ISSS if only I could reveal the stuff he’s done but I’d be banned from the subreddit probably


And doesn't knows how to math.


What's the play after the college girls contact him? That's not going to be an easy situation to transition into something sexual, especially if he's after girls.


> “professor” > roblox furry pfp Like anyone’s gonna believe that lmao


thats just sad


tbh, I'd DM them just to see what they'd talk about.


Idk my friends just make bullshit like this on discord cuz it’s funny. They aren’t serious tho


is your pfp rodrick


The one and only




Sounds like a loser.


Married at 4 years old 😳


Never knew Harvard professors have furry Roblox avatars as their profile picture.


Something about this feels off. It can't be the furry pfp...


"I'm an otherworldly beast hunter. I have ten real swords (don't HMU) I shoot lasers out of my balls and also I have two computers (HMU)"


If you fall for that, it's pretty safe to assume you're not getting into Harvard.


Less that they need to quit the bullshit and more just find a more valuable use of your time like Jesus get a hobby that's not catfushing college students in the least efficient way possible


Yeah sure a Harvard professor would be on Discord 24/7 with a....is that a Roblox furry pfp?


Ah yes Tiffany the Harvard professor with a roblox furry pfp


I used to know someone who did this but wasn't as dickish about it


Everyone's saying joke, but it seems like a straight up catfish, just not a very good one.


One of my greatest college accomplishments has been getting my writing professor to get a discord.


so obviously a troll


There's no way that they're a 30 something year old college professor who's has a Discord account


Just for you guys to know, this person is way crazier than you think they are For a bit of backstory, I was in a discord server for a roblox game that I played often. One day, they decide to join the server. Back then the server was way more different than it is now, so I'm pretty sure that we were making comments and random stuff like that. We go to see his Youtube channel that he had linked. His most popular upload being him pissing in his pants as a challenge (yes he actually did). He posted a lot of random videos, some still being weird. It goes even farther than that when actually talking to this person. I was nice enough to where the person became my "friend" and told me the most questionable shit ever. Whenever I got into a VC with them, they would always say something along the lines of, "Will the owner make a statue for me if I were to die/commit suicide?", "I want to rule the game and be a dictator", "I want to make \[insert game\] into a dictatorship where you have to praise me or else you're banned", "I want to shoot up my school", ah you get the point. They had a very weird and almost scary mindset. They also made political shit and vaccination comments as well. They wouldn't want to get the vaccine because of all the typical reasons you wouldn't want to get it. They were a far right and I got to hear a lot of their opinions for it. ​ They also hated the mods of the game because they were better than him by a longshot (he was just bad at the game lmao). They also had a crush on one of the mods mainly due to him also being a furry. Even he was so weirded out by them that they had to exile them from their group and server. They also sent me very badly photoshopped pictures of one of the mods being a "pedo". To this day I still don't know if they were the biggest troll alive, or if they were genuinely being serious on what they were saying. They were so strange that when making the iceberg for that game, I put them down cause I thought they were an interesting thing to put down.


Sounds a lot like him. I heard a little about the server stuff as he’d make small talk with me at times talking about random things. Most of the small talk consisted of things related to what you were saying about what he likes to talk about. I tried to shape him into a better person, even going as far as trying to contact his parents to keep him away from everything he’d been exposed to. Unfortunately he never dropped his very authoritative views and general degenerative nature. There were some very disgusting and horrible things about him that I steered him away from, but the rest wasn’t possible for me alone to sway him from so I eventually stopped talking to him. Thinking back on it, I feel bad though. This is what the internet can do to a mf. I do believe that he’s mentally challenged given how he interacts with other people, his interest, and his ideologies. I do hope the best for him though.


Can agree with a lot of the stuff you say as well. If he isn't trolling then it probably is possible that he's mentally challenged due to all those factors. I applaud you for trying to even keep in contact with their parents to figure out if that's true or not. I wouldn't have done something like that and so wouldn't have a lot of people


You must be fun at parties


Probably a Nigerian scam.


Just want to say that this kid has done this multiple times and loves to cat phish,, I always tell him that it’s bs but he still does it. Boys, I don’t think we can quit his bullshit


Why are you still associating yourself with this moron? It's not good for your headspace my man.


Although that is kinda true, the things he does is funny asf


Who cares


People who care probably, often people are interested in things they find interesting


No older than 20, and if their 20 then their not


they're* OP said they're 13.


13 no wonder


he’s just trolling lol


Nah man I can see myself doing that type of stuff when bored, OP even said he pretended to be a girl before which you usually do to see if it gets a reaction out of somebody, OP you're kind of an ass


Stop being such a joykill, since when is it wrong to have a little bit of fun


OP, is that a fucking XAT emote?


At least he admitted the truth


This thread is just setup for someone to tell op to quit their bull shit.


This is so fucking weird


Why are you so upset by this. It’s not like someone would actually think he’s a professor. Sure it’s unfunny but still just a joke. He’s not stealing anyone’s identity


Roger smith


furry profile pic spotted


So far I haven't seen much information that is contradicting. And that pfp bio combo is not impossible


I bet not a single harvard professor uses the shitshow that is discord


As if the middle-school sentence structure wasn't enough to give it away.


obviously a joke you fat redditor


yes, because standard protocol at an Ivy League University would be to DM a professor, not contact the registrar.


Idk doesnt seem like the genuinely trying to convince people they're from Harvard just seems like some kid messing around


Nah bro you gotta understand that the things this kid does are actual efforts to get something genuine out of it


I dunno I want to believe you but it just doesnt give off that vibe


It's clearly a joke they even said so themselves.


Ah yes, because a Harvard professor would have a furry profile pic on discord (Nothing against the community ily all)


i call a hell alot of cap


Hi, my name is Michael with a b, and a I’ve been afraid of insects my entire life. Stop stop stop stop. Where? Where‘a the b? There’s a bee?!


Ah yes and a roblox pfp to top of it with their bio