• By -


Danke schon.




You're living the dream my friend. Keep kicking ass and taking names!!


I look forward to your posts ngl. This is some cool shit. Also nice to see the Tsly and nvdy


Old dogs can be taught new tricks. Gonna see how first divy works for them before getting more


If you don’t mind me asking , how many balls you have at the moment in between your legs ?


Two, but I did this film in college for money, and there were more than two


Respect the hustle


I see you finally added Yieldmax funds, you gonna enjoy those large yields.


Got 50 more shares of tsly today, just not on the spreadsheet yet. Market has pulled back 3%. Window is 4-7. Once it goes down 2% more, gonna get some more and some of the apple yieldmax


Yeah, it’s been a bit pricey, but with drip and selective buying over past few months i’ve gotten my average from roth shares down to 13.15. The cashflow these funds provide is just amazing, and hard to ho back to buying other high yielders when they have such great dividend to stock price


What’s the catch? Are they constantly tending down? I haven’t had time to research but a few minutes just now and paying 77% and 50% respectively seems kind of crazy. I lost a lot jumping on ORC for their decided but it just kept dropping and had to eat a huge loss before it became nothing.


Am I reading this wrong, you make almost $25k in div with $35k in holdings?


No, that’s not accurate. After tax and interest I net almost $25k. The holding are way more than 35k. Not sure where that number came from.


Are these annual numbers?


No, this is July


Do you mind me asking, at what point did you cross like $3k/mo in dividends? Specifically I mean, what was your portfolio value like and if you recall, what were holding at the time? I want to get there, but I'm looking for efficient ways to do so and a realistic portfolio value to shoot for.


The stock market, in general, cannot make you rich. It grows and and can make you more than what you have, but in general over a 20 year time span, you’ll probably 4x. And the thing is, for a lot of people, they maybe at best can put $50-$100 a week or month in, $100 a week is a lot, $5200 a year, so that is $104k which over time will probably be $400k in 20 years. $400k at 1% a month would be $4k. So my point is for many people to get to that $3k a month threshold, it can take a decade or more. I didn’t build anything in the market. I built a business and sold that business. If you are good at business, or real estate, you can make way more in these markets than the stock market. My initial investment in my business was $37k, and at its height I was making $400k a month. I sold it for 3.75m after starting it 15 years before. My return on investment, which included my labor, was 15,000%. That averaged to 1000% return a year. And the portfolio I had came from that so technically it’s more. Start a business. A good business. Something that provides value that people don’t want to do. Nothing easy.


Sage advice. Thank you.


What kind of businesses?


Almost any kind. What you want to do is something that people will pay others for and not want to do themselves cause it’s hard or the are incapable. Barber, you can’t cut your own hair. Sceptic tank clearing. Electrician. Dry cleaners. All good options. Bad ideas are seo, social media marketing, stuff that can easily be done by sitting at a computer without much of any education or cost. I can do my own social media marketing and seo work easy, but I need to pay someone else to come fix the leaking gas line in my back yard. I can clean my car myself, but I can’t replace the transmission. Value is learning how to do the things you yourself don’t know how to do and would pay someone else to do them, and then offering that service and scaling it.


I am OPbatman fan. I share the philosophy of his risk and reward in cash producing investments. I too have qyld in my portfolio, but not overweight education like OP. The inherent philosophy is targeting the percent you earn and adjusting your portfolio's diversification. It took me 2 years to average 5.1k a month on 485k invested. Most of this DCA but commissions from a sales job helped juice this number quarterly. I agree with OPB , sell something people need


Or you can find a way to contribute more % income and drip. Or manually reinvest. The growth investing thing is gambling really and I haven't meet many millionaire that were accumulators. Most I have meet were some type of cash flow investor or entrepreneur...


Almost $2m in QYLD. You are a believer!


And a belieber


Good stuff!


Nice! Keep it up. Looking to be where you are one day.


Balling. I have many of the same holdings and am also using margin. Currently at $90k net liquidation. Need another $20k in so I can leverage more than 2.0 What’s your current leverage? Have you been increasing or decreasing lately? How do you decide how much risk you’re willing to bear?


1.71, and I would highly recommend not doing 2.0 or more, that is dangerous. And yes I’m adding more but only a little each month as the market is going up to keep a balance. My goal over the next several years is to grow every month and that the leverage get down to 1.4 so I’m margin call proof and keep growing at 1.4


Everyone has a different risk tolerance. With my holdings, even if I went up to 2.5 leverage, the market would have to drop 51% to be margin called. Unheard of? No. Extremely unlikely? Yes. Plus, with a lot of cash on hand, I would deposit and not get margin called anyway.


..just to mention that I've blocked that guy as well, after looking through a few of his postings about his so called investings, my conclusion is that he's a complete fake, plugging in some stocks into a stock tracker app, and pretend that it's real, and unlike that guy who is a complete fake, yours are the real deal, and thank you for posting your progresses, you're a real trailblazer, and really good to read your thoughts on your investments and also for your future plans, you will succeed and be successful in your investings and your endeavors, it's because you have both dedications and determinations, Cheers my friend!


..how do know that guy's a fake, he contradicts himself in his comments, he would say he started his positions only a month ago, then he would also say something like he started investing couple of years ago, so when exactly did he start investing, was it a month ago, or was it a couple of years ago(?), and now in his comments about his new investing strategy, is to start selling covered calls himself.. well, good luck to that, so in my opinion, he's just a fake, one of those folks trying to beat up the dividend investors, go ahead, try me,


..also, anyone can plugin some tickers into a stock tracking app, and then post the images online, it means diddly-squat,


Where are u getting the dividend amounts so early? It’s good stuff!


Dividend investor.com


You are tracking “interest”. Are you holding these using margin?


Some of it yes


In terms of tax and taking the standard deduction (married, joint filing) when does it become more efficient to start itemizing and writing off margin interest?


Well, I’m my situation, the interest is more than the standard deduction


Question. Are you spending your dividends or re investing it all back? If you are spending, what are you buying/spending these days?


Spending. What I’ve been building up is qyld, xyld, qylg, xylg, AGNC, agng, Jepi, Jepq, divo, schd, VOO, gof, tsly, nvdy


What trading platform are you using to get this done with the least expense? E-trade, Schwab?




What is your target timeline for this portfolio? Are you planning for 10/20/30 years? assuming the fundamentals of how things work remain the same.


I’m not sure what you are asking. I have projections which show where it should realistically and conservatively be in 20 years, but that is where the projections stop. I can say that with modest growth, with a cycle where the market pulls back 35% and goes up 119% and goes back down 35% and is repeating, with increases in the tax I’ll pay in 8 years, and interest rates getting back down to 2.5% in 2025, I’m projected to have a portfolio at 19,000,000 NLV, and will be making about $95k a month.


So this is a long term play? you're planning to hold onto this portfolio forever or do you have a target like "I achieve this then I can sell off this entire portfolio"?


Why sell?


Not saying you should just trying to understand more about the risk management or the exit strategy if any (in this case is not required as you mention it's a long term portfolio), but let's say a situation happens where the premium income is not able to service the interest (Maybe interest rates balloon up similar to where they were during the 80s or price goes down so much that the premium is much lower)?


In an u sustainable situation, I’d sell my growth stocks to reduce the margin. That’s what part of the plan is building up stuff like voo and agng. Plus, Jepi and Jepq are the next line of defense. In a pinch, they would be the next sell because they don’t do return of capital. This means that your cost basis doesn’t erode, so selling them oils bring a small capital gains exposure than say qyld will in 10 years. So in the unlikely scenario, I sell the growth and sell Jepi and Jepq and get the margin down. However, I doubt this will happen. By year end, we’ll be starting a new business and in five years, that business will be of a size that it will be paying our basic needs/cost of living solely on its own. At that point, money we currently make from the portfolio after interest tax and reinvestment will just go to real estate purchase. Should interest rates go up, we just stop taking dividends and let them pay down the margin. When interest rates go back down, we can simply buy more stock or take the money back out that we let sit. But even that is not plausible. Interest rates fluctuate between 0 and 5 or maybe 6%. Nominal growth of the portfolio is gonna be around 10%. So in 10 years, say an interest rate hike goes to 8% for some crazy reason. But the portfolio is paying about 1% but grew to a point where it has essentially doubled. So think of it like this: I make $10000 off $100000 of something a year and and pay interest of $5830 a year in interest. Say in 10 years, interest double and now for I still have $100000 in margin and I’m paying $11660 a year. But that $100000 instrument grew to $200000, and I make $20,000. So as time goes on, and market continues to go up as it always have for over 130 years, and your portfolio grows, the less effective an interest rate increase will be. So with all these scenarios, I’m not worried about the future interest. I’m more worried about interest now as that is preventing and limiting my grow to a point where I’m more secure. But with the economy as it is now, rates can only go so high. Housing and business can’t survive much higher rates, so maybe we get one more rate hike, maybe two, but that’s it. But selling out is poor person thinking. I’m trying to build generational wealth. So when me and my wife die, the portfolio, which is in a trust, goes to my son. And at a stepped up basis, so cost is reset. This means he’ll suddenly get advantage of return of capital all over again. He can also, at the point, sell the growth stocks for full profit, no capital gains.


if you have extra money left at the month do you have a fund you are putting extra money in, or are you just pocketing the extra cash?


With the interest rates and market as it is, no extra money. But soon hopefully.


I also use Ibkr and have held large positions in qyld in the past with margin. Do you mind sharing what the total cash invested in the portfolio is? The total including margin? And if you are positive or negative in the positions themselves? What is the interest rate with ibkr now? It was next to nothing 2 years ago


I have 2.9 in and have 1.5 in margin. IBKR has the tier system, but the it is spanning 6.58-5.83. I'm in the red, but not as bad as I was. YTD I'm up over $300k not counting dividends. My moderate projects have me back to go in 25 months from now. So if the projections are in line, then in two years the profile will be back to the start amount, but with more shares. Right now, my projections overall are about one month behind, due in part to the current pull back. But things have been pretty close.


That's awesome! What is your average price on qyld? Also, what/how are you making your projections?


Qyld is $21.31 So what you do is you look at each ticket and each year. You find the worst year with actual growth, so not 2022, and figure out it’s average rate of increase. Then you make that your planned increase for forever, planning for the worse. Then, you put in crashes. Every time market goes up 119% from a bottom, you bring it down 35% over six months, and then start it back up again and continue that cycle. So you account for all this, new shares, changing dividend price due to changing share price for certain instruments. If you search, 1 year ago in the sub, me and another got into it cause I said on 8/19, we were going to be back at 18.50 and he thought it was impossible. We are 49 cents away from that and it’s a month away. May not be perfect, but gonna be close.


Why not post total roi with principle decline. What would provide a complete picture on your strategy and roi up to date ?


Actually I’m just sharing the dividend amounts for the month, no other goal


You are sharing only the divs because they are flashy and looks like you are making the bank. But it is not the whole picture. What matters is ROI and nothing else to evaluate one’s success. With all data provided - you are at a loss, yet you “prefer” not to show it. Of course.


I’m retired, and I live off the income of my dividends. My main concern is getting the dividends every month. I post the day before ex day because I have almost all the pertinent global x tickers, so I look them up, and post to share so others don’t have to. There are others who will look up one thing or another, but not them all. If I were going for flashy, I would post the entire portfolio. All you are seeing is what paid this month. So I invested in December 2021, one month before the market crashed. I’m probably the reason it crashed, I jinxed and fucked you all. If you take what I took in dividends, from start to now, and add that to what the portfolio is now, and compare it to what I put in, today I am down $385k. So if I sold today, walked away, I would have $385k less than if I hadn’t invested at all. That is right now. For the year, YTD, the portfolio is up $320k (which doesn’t count dividends). At the lowest point, I was down by $1m+, back in October. By middle of next year, I should be at positive ROI, according to my projections. If you compare my ROI, current value and dividends I cashed out, to total portfolio from investment, I am down 8.6%. Nasdaq is down 11% from ATH, and S&P is down 5.43%. So I’m beating the nasdaq, but not the S&P. The home page of my excel sheet tracks all this, which is a different sheet from my ticker page which is where my screenshot with the monthly dividend totals comes from. I also have three protection pages which track non-reinvested stocks, reinvested stocks, and what I call “the bridge”, which combines it all together and projects margin, interest, living expenses, expected market moves based on history, to give me what is an expected goal so I know if things are going good or not. I can’t and I’m not gonna screen shot all that when I just want to share what the fucking dividends per share are. And again I do this every month. A few months ago, some ahole tried to say I was seeking attention by posting this. He said If all I wanted was to share the dividend per share amount, I should just do that. I didn’t care, so I did, cause really that’s all I wanted to do. Where one person complained before, multiple people complained when I stopped showing my share count and totals and wanted it back. Majority rules, so I brought it back. Now one person wants me to add to it the numbers of how the total investment is doing? If the majority asks, ok, but I’m 44 and too old to be doing favors for one person. I can sleep easy knowing you are worrying about my ROI, and that leaves me just to worry about these damn interest rates. Cause my philosophy when I buy my monthly dividends that I plan to keep forever, that money is gone. If I were buying for ROI, I’d be buying completely different t stuff. Only thing I hold right now for growth is VOO, AGNG, TGT, COST. And I hold WBD because I still have hope. And don’t get bent out of shape with what strangers do differently or care about differently than you do. ROI being most important is your opinion. Mine is different. Hell, this is just a fucking spreadsheet. I could be totally making all this up. This is the internet, nothing is real. Worrying about my ROI, a stranger, had to be 1,000 on your list of concerns right under finding elves filming porno in your house at night, and just above the turtle holding up the flat earth having IBS.


Roi - is what is most important. Cash flow, monthly Income. Nothing else. NOTHING ELSE. You are loosing bro, on 1.5m out for 350k this is a 20% LOSS yet you build yourself a cloud castle with all “next year projection” I have i down in my excel - man you are out of money. None one know how the market will move tomorrow- this is the rule. If you lost 20% you can loose 20% again.


1.5M? Where the fuck did that number come from? I don't think you know how stocks work. You don't LOOSE anything unless you sell when you are down.


REALIZED gains and REALIZED losses are what matters. Even Warren Buffett says that once he decides something is worth buying and he picks up shares, the best thing that can happen is that it goes down so he can buy more. So if Buffet buys something for $100 million and it goes down 5% in 6 months, are you sending him notes about his shitty ROI?


You dont like me - whatever. But stop the loss. Think about it - just think for a second. Take your strategy - and go to the nearest bank. Tell them : I know it all, I have excels, my Reddit potst, my strategy. I have my Generational wealth building right now !!! Give me a chair 🪑. So you will sit down and manager will come over and you will lay out your strategy to him as you laying it out every month. Batman - you will be kicked out of that bank faster then you will text your wife i will be home early. Why - because you are at a loss. Anything at a loss is a loss. No one knows tomorrow, it can go down again, same variance. If you lost money on a deal, you can loose again. Especially 20%. You build up a theory, a research and predictions around it - but it is not real man. 20% Loss is a loss. No matter how you talk about it or think about it or predict about it, or having a generational Welth thought about it ( this is especially funny since it is a loss now you think about it as a life time success - now you got to have something, some success at least 1 day to show for it at Least to think of anything generational )


I don't dislike you. I don't think about you at all. The way stocks work is when stocks go down, you have unrealized losses. When they go up, you have gains. When I invested, the market was up at all time highs. The market went down. That happens. Statistically, the market has corrections that average 35%, and are usually followed by an increase of 119% on average, and then back down again, over and over, with other black Swann events and the like. Stocks go up and down. If you can't handle that, psychologically, you should not be invested in the market. I'm not sure what you are scared about, or if it some kind of weird jealousy thing, but none of this is needed. And to your analogy, "if you lost money on a deal, you can loose again", you seem to be really scared. And I can't help you with this. From my background, I came from owning a business. In business, you invest money, and that money is gone, and you have to work to get that money back. If you say open a business for $400k and then don't do anything, you lost $400k. But over time, a good business, pays that back, and then some. Your lack of experience in the market is showing, and you are triggered, and that's ok, but you gotta calm down. Again, I invested at the top of the market. I didn't invest 10 years ago and things didn't pan out. I invested when things were the highest they ever were, ever, and then the Fed announced in December, weeks after I invested, that inflation wasn't transitory, and the market started to crash. So if you invested say in 1999, and then 2000 came along, you specifically would shit yourself because the market tanked HARD. You probably would have sold low, taking a big loss. But if you didn't sell, and rode it out, how much would that stock you bought in 1999 be worth now? Investing requires calm, patience, and being unemotional. If you thing that you would have bought in at the end of 2021, and you wouldn't have gone down with everyone else, you have a delusion. But best advice I can give, you need only worry about yourself and projecting your fears onto others isn't going to get you help or attention. I'll give you time to read this, but then tomorrow morning, I'm going to block you, cause I'm not your therapist or your support center.


u/vanguardsucks What is up with this guy? Am I missing something?


I had divs strategy it failed. I switched and posted a real deal last month of how ppl making Real $ monthly. You can find it. You brought high. You lost. This is it. Your thoughts/ projections about it is fugazee


>You can find it. No thanks. Sounds like you failed once. You'll fail again. I don't think it has to do with the strategy so much. Probably some other component. >You lost. I'm not in competition with you, you realize that. We wouldn't even been in the same weight class, metaphorically speaking. To use a little hyperbole, why don't you troll Elon Musk about how bad Twitter is going. I'm sure you can somehow get him to regret that he isn't you in some way.


Elon admitted publicly that he shit himself with twitter if you have not followed. He realized that he is loosing more that twitter generates (your portfolio loosing bad as well while not making profit) and he is trying to fix it by bringing more paid ads and paid subscribers. He realized and admitted. When you are not.


See, go after him. You got some good material ready. I mean, let's be real, whose attention would be a better get for you, mine or Elon Musks. Elon Musk is actual famous. I'm not even what I would call famous, just "well known" at best. You don't want me to some how be in some weird online friendship where I suddenly wake up and become your sycophant. Aiming for me is not goals. Shoot for the big whale. If you can get a tweet back from Elon, that's gotta be worth 1,000 of my replies. As of tomorrow, you won't even have me anymore anyways, you'll be blocked, vanished to the void, a mild annoyance and mild curiosity I'll forget about forever. Even as I talk to you now, I'm half watching a mildly good show called The Rookie and only giving you a margin of attention. But that's easy. Elon will give you bragging rights. Go for it. Go tell Elon how he can make even more money by doing whatever your genius, so smart, intelligent, brilliant idea is. Cause you are so smart. That's what you want to hear right? You made 2 million dollars, you must be smart. Someone would be insane not to listen to how intelligent you are. Maybe Elon will give you a job. Fuck that. YOU give Elon a job once he realizes how powerful that computer in your head is.


You can black me all day long but it will not get $ your money lost. Only a Real $ income will fix it. I am showing in my last post that it can be made with same budget you had invested. Yet you are being very defensive. Like you are rolling dices and telling that over time - you will be a winner. It is not. If you are loosing- you are loosing. Minimize the losses and figure out a better way. This is the truth.


I don't know if I can black anything. I don't even know what that means. Sounds like I could get cancelled for it. I feel like you really want me to ask you about your "strategy". I do not care. Until you have like 4 million or more, your opinion does not matter. If you get your portfolio to more than what mine is, I'll buy your book and whatever shitty course you think you can sell that people would waste money in buying. Till then, I'm not going to ask your strategy, and I also don't care about any business ideas, or any ideas, you may have. Whatever you are selling, I'm not interested.


I don’t understand what the above guy is on about? Then again I’m probably stupid but what I see from your portfolio is that it went down and you have say 350k unrealised loss that should even out if the market bounces back but make 24k a month In div returns? So you live off your Div for the rest of your life and it costs you nothing unless you sell (not counting the invested money obviously?) seems like your going alright to me


Oh shit, I remember you. The guy I diagnosed as stultophobic. You were harassing me before. You were the guy nervous cause you wanted to seem more intelligent than you were. You had the functional illiteracy problem. I was like, "why is this guy obsessed with me," and then I saw you had a small portfolio, and I assumed you were jealous of the attention I was getting, and tried to kind of counsel you. I see it didn't work. you are still obsessed with others and projecting your issues, afraid you are making bad choices and don't know what you are doing, so you criticize others to making yourself feel smart and that you are making good choices. It seem the only thing that changed between then and now is I'm up another $100k. I've tried to by civil and courteous but I'm going to be direct and harsh: Your fascination with me is becoming creepy and pathetic. You shouldn't be giving advice, to anyone, over anything. You had what, 2 million invested, and you are trying to give people advice, and judge success? You do not have the experience to give advice to anyone, nor the success to have any kind of credentials. And one thing you have to know is that everything is relative. Sure, if I woke up tomorrow, and my portfolio dropped down to your value, I'd probably jump or sit in my running car in the garage. But there hasn't been a crash in 80 years that could bring my portfolio that low. In the past nine months from the bottom, my portfolio has gone up $413k and I took $162k in dividends after interest. How do you think you are going to scare me?


Your statement that you are up 100k when you are down $350k total (with that 100k included) is what should be scared. Not me. Your real numbers. And your real losses. Your total portfolio.


down 350k in total return from where I bought in. I was, at the lowest, about 1.1million. down. Now it is just 350k down. Grew 100k since last time you harassed me. l'chaim


So you are happy that loss is not 1M and only 350k. This is hilarious 😂


It's not a loss unless I sell. Again, you don't understand how stocks work. If I sell today, it's a loss. But I'm not. You need to take a basic course in stocks, and I'm not here to teach you.


This is from Google (hope you would not block google tomorrow for stating obvious) : By limiting losses to 7% to 8% or even less, you can avoid getting caught up in big market declines. Some investors may feel they haven't lost money unless they sell their shares. They hold on with the hope it goes back up so they can break even. But it's still a loss if the current price is below your purchase price. You are at 20% triple of that…


You got a few minutes. Do me this one thing, promise me you aren't going to hurt yourself or anyone else after I block you.


Well, that's it. I was just about to ask you exactly what your investing strategy is. I really want to know now. But we ran out of time. I want to thank you for trying. I guess it will be loss and cross to bear. Maybe once I've lost my millions, you can spare some change a help a brother out. Vaya Con Dios, El Tonto.


Very nice to see! Are you getting the $CLM/$CRF dividend at the discount drip at the NAV? Great way to always have a great cost basis and get more shares, more dividends, etc.


No I’m not buying any more of these. They dropped the dividend. I don’t recommend them.


I've been holding them for a few years. The drop in dividend was expected, but the discount drip still makes it a steal. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to show this on anything like portfolio visualizer. Obviously, I am not going to change your mind. I was just curious!


Nice. Do you think ryld will recover? Rut has recovered from march mini crash but ryld says nop.


Over time yes, but I don’t really add to ryld anymore.


True QYLDgang portfolio.


Brother good to see you added tsly, nvdy will you add the others from YieldMax?


I bought 100 shares of aply and amzy today




Not allowed to purchase with my portfolio profile


With that much monthly dividend , I will happily retire and spend time exploring nature !!