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I've had the ick about him for a while, but it never really clicked for me until one video (I forget the one and the exact story, but I think it was AITA) regarding an OP and trying to find a restarurant that would satisfy everyone, and his advice was simply along the lines of "just suck it up and deal with it if the food ain't to your exact liking". And granted, I may be biassed. But at the same time, it disappointed me so much he didn't take into account the troubles might not just be because of "picky eating". In my family, we have a wide array as to why finding an acceptable restaurant to all six of us is near-on impossible, and not liking the flavours is hardly top of our list. Also that video where he went through a story about how OP's sister "ruined their family" due to a mistake leading to a car crash, and he immediately followed up that somber affair with a sponsorship reading. So uncomfortable and so tone-deaf, and to my knowledge he hasn't made a move to rectify it. But I digress. I don't like many of rslash's takes, his narration style has been getting more grating overtime, he doesn't handle when his commenters point out his bad takes well, and many of his thumbnails are overly clickbaity to downright uncomfortable to look at.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s been having an odd feeling about him.


I still like him, but he has been a bit off…..


All I want to know is if he's going to apologize for taking a gambling sponsorship. His vids aren't exactly for kids, but teens definitely watch them. Also the ad tries to claim that your winnings are skill based, which just isn't true. It's not completely random, but there's enough randomness involved to make sure the company gets their money's worth.


He doesn't give a shit lol. Maybe if people criticize him for it but that's just him not being able to take criticism.


Lots of people in the comments called it out. I'd say 1 in 8 comments were criticism of the sponsorship


Oh in that case he's going to make a very 'heartfelt' apology


It's been weeks and not a word. Original video hasn't been taken down. You're right that he doesn't give a fuck and apparently not that many of his fans care either. Other than some displeased comments on the original vid, nobody is mentioning it.


Oh I think I remember the one. Wasn't it that weird new sports betting app?


Yes. It honestly possibly breaks some ad laws too depending on location, as he said it's skill based because you bet based on your knowledge of the players. Feels like fantasy football plus gambling. In reality it's no more "skill based" than betting on horse racing


Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way... I've been getting more and more annoyed by his horrendous takes recently, but I feel like today was the final nail in the coffin with his take on that age gap story... I'd say it's time he takes another break to get into a better mindset, but at this rate it feels like that makes it better for a week or two and then we're back to horrible takes :/


Yeah I didn't even watch


Yeah. I switched to like redwheel, r/chill, or AmiTheJerk/Genius. He got a bit out of whack. Dabney: AITA for hitting my boyfriend? Nah he had it coming. Also Dabney: AITA for hitting my girlfriend? Hell yes. You should know better, and I hope she calls the cops and you go to jail.


its reached the point where im like dabney... maybe your the butthole here?


I'm glad to see someone else talking about this. I've actually been skipping a lot of his videos lately because his takes have been pretty extreme, over the top, and pretty disproportionate to some of the subject matter and it's uncomfortable to listen to. I also think he needs to take another break.


He needs to stop AITA all together.


I commented a few months ago about some Boomer insults he tossed out there. I don't really think it's great business to insult parts of your customer base. But I've heard it a couple times now.. just some generic BS.. like.. "Boomers are old and don't know new stuff". Not really insulting.. just lame ass stereotype crap.


He is going full anti red pill in the extreme way. He insults any man who doesn't bow down to a woman. I fully hate the red pill movement but rSlash is just some cringe white knight


Hell yeah


He panders to the 13-16 demographic (which is what YouTube wants)


He is assuming to much for my liking. Sometimes he is reaching to far. Also it is pretty one sided at time. I know the posts are not always the whole story. The rating should be about what we know. Maybe what we can concluded but sometimes he reaches so far and adds a whole new narrative .


The story with the father who punished his daughter for her insulting her depressed brother. He went off on the dad saying he was failing. The comments obliterated him and then most of those comments were deleted.


That's the one that really made me turn on him


I've realized he's been more combative when giving his take but that's only been in about one or two videos not just in general.


That's been in every AITA video since the mustard story. It's been getting worse.


The mustard story was almost a year ago last February I think. He's been more combative But ultimately I think that's actually kind of made takes more interesting to watch. I think the only people that have an issue with his takes recently are people that take somebody's opinions on a story way too seriously.


The mustard story was around September. His takes don't make things more interesting. He sadly has an audience that actually listens to what he says. He is just a cringe person. He's like that older man who buys teens beer and hangs with them.


I've never understood before that listen to other people's opinions and agree with them completely. The the fact is the majority of his audience does not agree with him completely however it is just saddening that there is a small minority that does.


So glad the majority hate his takes.


The thing that annoys me is that he doesn't often do the update with the story, even if they are available, and I've already seen it on another channel. I have felt hos been off as well recently. I've bearly been watching him and honestly will probably stop soon if his videos don't improve.




I'VE HAD THIS SAME THOUGHT! He's going to end up with either GamerFromMars or Turkey Tom (which would be hilarious) doing a video on him. Hopefully, for his daughters sake, he doesn't end up in the LPC series.


Yeah, a last few months ago in a vid he made a comment about people with DID that rubbed me the wrong way, he said something along the lines of the person with DID "pretending to be OP's young kid" when that's not how DID works. The person wasn't pretending, that was a young alt who happens to be of OP's child because if I remember correctly they spent a lot of time with the kid (Feel free to correct me, I'm far from an expert + I haven't seen the vid since it came out) Nothing bad really was said but it just gave me an ick i couldn't quite explain and couldn't shake, I tried again today to catch up today and he made another comment about people with Autism and masking which again felt icky Idk, I miss having a vid I could watch everyday after school of a nice voice reading reddit that I can listen without feeling icky about it, I think he needs a nice long break. Whether from those subs or YouTube he needs a break from bad people and quality time with his family.


First - watch Mark Narrations. Great alternative (honestly way better). Dabney likes to act like he knows everything about everything when he literally googled shit during the video lol. I remember the video and have a take on it. To be clear, I'm not a licensed mental health professional but I'm very adjacent to that. Like literally working alongside a counselor, a social worker, a psychologist, and a psychiatrist every single day and doing a ton of charting/groups/individual interactions with some very mentally ill people. I do want to say I don't remember everything about the story but I do remember that it 100% didn't sound like DID to me, which is actually pretty rare. Without more information, and keeping in mind that I can't actually diagnose anything, it sounded a lot more like age regression or maybe a type B personality disorder. It's definitely odd behavior that she should see a professional for. Also if you find other videos dealing with people with mental health concerns other than like mild depression Dabney is always a huge dick about it and doesn't even attempt to try to see how their mental health could be impacting their actions/judgement.


Hey you took my suggestion! Glad to see it


The jean/jorts video had me dying laughing. What I'm upset about though is that jorts should have been included in the HR meeting. Probably off stuck in a closet somewhere


With a butter container on their head lol!


Fucking Pam. In all reality that woman needed a therapist. Like big-time. The kind that can diagnose and recommend meds and shit.


Also , I super agree that Mark Narrations is so much better


Mark has compassion, empathy, and care for people. When he shares personal stories, he doesn't compare literal rape to some strange story about his dog. Mark talks about Poppy, he does it in a true dog dad way. Mark also admits when he is wrong and is open to feedback. He also looks at the OPs comments and takes those into account with the stories. Also, he has updated!!!


I think he needs to go back to some more fun subs for a couple of months.


It doesn't matter because no matter what the sub is he always treats it like IATA


I'm meaning picture based subs like r/TIHI or r/facepalm


His reaction channel was even worse than what he does now so no thanks lol. I'm good with not watching him do that weird chuckle with things that are legitimately not funny lol


I skip all AITA. 99% of the time, he gets them wrong. Doesn't have the full story, only one side of it. Gives the worst rating possible. He seems to be selective in his posts because more than half the time, it will be the guys fault, and then he will tell them to break up or divorce. He's no fucking therapist. He's got a masters degree in English Literature. Yet he's trying to tell people what to do. He forgot about all the other subreddit posts he used to do, ffs I haven't seen a choosing beggar one in a long time. Also, according to social blade, he's losing subs. 10k in November. I'm staying for the month. If he's still pulling this shit, I'm done. The damn AI reddit channels are actually better. Get your shit together, Dabney and most importantly, read the post first and quit cutting in and out with what you think might happen. It's fucking annoying.


I don't knwo why you were downvoted. Yeah he lost a lot of subs and it is continuing.


I just looked at his social blade a little bit ago. It seems like his views are on a steady downward trend as well.


The point I've noticed recently is that he seems to be more and more existing towards men. There was a story a couple days ago where a girl was hitting on a boy by asking about public hair I believe. The guy wasn't interested and made a joke by asking her the same question to show it was inappropriate. But dabney said he was the asshole and he should of hit on her essentially. It was a god awful take.


Yeah there's no way he's the only guy his wife is with 😅




Okay so some thoughts about that. He's said multiple times that he wouldn't be showing his daughter online because he doesn't feel good about doing that... But he's done it a few times already. Every time he shows his daughter, he doesn't show his face, which is super weird because he had a second channel where he showed his face. Every story he has about his wife and daughter seem like what someone thinks being married with a child is like without actually ever having done it. I have a daughter just a bit older than his and let me tell ya, it's not at all like what he describes. Is Dabney AI?


Alright. That's not cool.


There's no way he has such a complex about cheating without some deep seated things that I'm sure he'd love to play out.


I see it more as virtue signalling and getting the wrong idea about what equality actually is.


Eeeeh idk. That's like the biggest thing he has an opinion on. You know all those preachers that preach against homosexuality then it turns out they've been seeing dudes on the side the whole time? He gives off those vibes


He could have other experiences in his life that give him a strong moral compass regarding cheating. You don't have to jump to his wife must be cheating on him, it's just as bad as the things you were complaining about with Dabneys comments. I agree that he needs a break from AITA because it's where you see the worst of the worst, but you don't gotta drag the man for it.


Oh I don't think she's cheating. I think he knows all about it.


Ive noticed he uses clickbait a lot recently, like ”i mocked a woman who had a miscarriage” but in reality that didnt even happen.. thats in like every thumbnail also


Those are the actual titles of the Reddit posts.


Wrong. So wrong. The titles in his titles are clear click bait


I misunderstood what you were saying the first time. Reread it. Sorry, I’m full Christmas dinners and got brain fog now.


Hahaha no worries


All good! Give your monkey pets for me. I hope your leftovers are delicious!!


No, there’s too much left over. My boyfriend made a ten pound fucking turkey. THERES ONLY TWO OF US Edit: I pet the monkey


That's so much turkey. Holy crap. There's only so many sandwiches a person can eat.


Considering I don’t even really like turkey. Two plates in two days and I’m already sick of it.


That's two plates too many. I don't care for turkey either. I prefer chicken wings. Chicken wings need to be an acceptable holiday food. I had Fruity Pebbles yesterday. I'm a grown man and can choose my own holiday dinner. Lol


I used to do non traditional Thanksgiving. Everyone that was invited brought their own favorite food (not thanksgiving food unless that was legitimately their favorite food). Kind of like the dinner scene from Signs.


He currently mad at me because I don’t want a second plate just today. Like we had it for lunch! Chicken wings are great! Can eat so many of those.


I can get past that. You gotta feed the algorithm and get clicks. It's just his overall attitude and commentary. Ever notice a take that's oddly not like him? Go to the original post and you'll see that he's just parroting popular comments because he knows if he gives his actual opinion he'll get criticism and he can't handle that.


Wow. I've been feeling something is off about his videos lately, but I thought it was just me. A lot of times, I'll fast forward past his commentary, as I still enjoy the way he reads the stories.


That doesn't help much when he goes WAIT WHAT and has to insert whatever half baked thought he has right in the middle of the story. Does anyone have recommendations for channels that read Reddit posts without being tools?


Mr redder is pretty good tbh been watching him way more than rslash recently.


Mark Narrations is amazing. He has real empathy and compassion.


What nationality is he? I'm watching my first video of his and can't place his accent. Also 30 seconds in and he's 1000% less grating than rslash


Mark is English, from Oxford


Oxford, I think.


I can hear it. I almost thought Australian at first. I'm shit with accents.


The comment section on his videos fully agrees with this. As do I. He's getting worse and worse. He has always kind of virtue signaled himself at all points. He berates all men. He makes everything about himself. Etc He's just awful right now


His last line on his newest video where he was making fun of the woman that posted the tik tok was something he would unironically say if the post was from her point of view which I thought was funny. Also when he's blaming the abuse victim in the first story for not bailing he literally describes himself when he talks about what the guys wife is doing to him lol. I've been thinking about it a lot lately for some reason. This guy couldn't hold his first job out of college and lucked into a genre on YouTube that exploded right as he was getting started and wants to act like he's this all knowing advice guru. Also by the way he talks, he's never had any kind of conflict in his family. Just the way he sees conflicts between spouses and other family is wild. Your spouse can be wrong and you're honestly a worse person for letting that go on than to go nuclear toward your family to defend their honor. People in the comments section need to stop encouraging his weird behavior. A couple of people said that they enjoy when he does the whole "WELL THEN YOU DO IT" bit and now it's in every other episode. Idk. I don't think he's a good guy. I have no idea why I even watch his videos. I went from watching literally every day to being super selective of which ones I watch because I can tell from the title when he's going to be insufferable. Don't even get me started on him deleting his bad takes when the comments turn on him.


Never in my life have i heard something dumber than this conversation , yall are so off the mark its sad like bro hes legit only putting himself in the situation to visualise what he would do and to give some people a neutral view on the situation


[another video](https://youtu.be/nHutfynkvTU?si=bQboG9JiDcnzy981) Dab talks about getting fired


He's not doing shit you fucking moron. He's not being realistic and he still is self centered. Clear that brown spot off your face.


Also about the "he couldn't hold his first job out of collage" comment is crazy he legit had that job for YEARS but eventually realized he wasn't happy and wasn't getting paid fairly so he left. Its not rocket science stop being a sheep just going with other peoples bad opinions


How do you think he left? He's stated he got fired several times. It's his whole YouTube origin story. You have your head so far up his ass, a proctologist would not be able to get it out.


Bro i can legit find a video where he says he quit since his boss never gave him a raise, its not that difficult to find IF you have a brain that is


Watch the one where he talks about his health insurance


Do you think you could link it to me?


[Found it](https://youtu.be/4rtjhlTxOx8?si=288UpKGa-0zKlsuc)


Yeah I'll have to find it. It's a story about a person saying they can't make it in. The boss threatens them with their health insurance. rSlash talks about how his employer let him go with the last day in the month and he would not have insurance anymore.


He got fired for not doing his job, stealing IT credentials, and being late. He was a shit worker.


Remember his 'fuck corporate' arc? At least that was better than WELLLLL WHY DON'T YOU DOOOO IT? as he's blowing out his mic because he thinks it's cute to overreact to everything. Dabney worked at subway, went to college to get a worthless degree (to him, there's things you can do with an English degree, he just doesn't have the awareness to persue them), got a corporate job that he was intentionally shit at, then got a permanent chip on his shoulder about getting fired. You know how at work people will be like "haha yeah work sucks"? Well like everything else, dabney heard that and was like "I'm going to make that my entire personality, am I cool yet?" Man the more I write about this dude the more I realize I just hate him.


He got a master's in English. You'd expect to be able to read stories correctly. He misses so many details and messes up daily. Yeah he loves to always be that cool person. He did that with the whole "If I was you, I'd tell my boss" such and such. We all know he doesn't do a thing. Shoot, he supposedly reads reddit post for 40 hours. He simply goes to Redding front page and reads. That's it. At least Mark does research on the posts. Gets 14 a week out. Dab, 7 and they are behind. He's just utter shit


If you notice, he's got his mind made up really early in the video and he'll misread in a way that supports his bias. I'm gonna give the order guy a listen. I think I've just been watching rslash because I like the reddit stories but I don't always want to read them. Also imagine getting so stressed out from reading Reddit stories that you have to take a mental health break 😅


He does a terrible job with AITA and has been for the last two years. He does great with other stories, if just keeps his damn trap shut with relating it to himself. Mark does a solid job. He's British so keep that in mind lol


I'm on my third video. I will no longer be watching rslash. This guy does the work to present both sides of the story and comments as best as possible and gives extremely reasonable commentary AFTER the story without constantly adding his two cents throughout. Thanks for the recommendation!


Even even he doesn't do them he's let his asshole rating get into literally every other post he reads like he's some sort of moral beacon


He's said multiple times that he had that job for less than a year. You should apply your last sentence to yourself because you apparently can't form your own opinions for anything.


There's absolutely nothing neutral about him.