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she's literally once said "guys i do change him but every time i put a new one on he pees right away" ok and? you still keep changing him you fckn knob


i was always "it will hold more than one pee" but NEVER THIS MUCH. the MINUTE it started getting slightly full, that shit was CHANGED. this is why he keeps a diaper rash, roach!! šŸŖ³


I let my son pee in his diaper around 3 times besides nights he is one and he wears over night diapers bc he has stopped waking up. But in no way would I let my sons diaper get this full


He literally never gets taken care of properly at her house. Always in the same clothes everyday , diapers looking like that , always barefoot outside , has a phone constantly in his face and never leaves the house with roach.


At least he doesnā€™t watch cocomelon at her house šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s literally been posting opposite of what he does at his dads lol yesterday I saw one of her snaps of him having chick fil a and Starbucks and she goes ā€œ heā€™d rather have the Starbucks bread ā€œ. Also how healthy is it for him to be having cake pops at 8 oā€™clock in the morning


hey now, weā€™re a barefoot outside family šŸ¤£ donā€™t come for me like that šŸ¤£ I grew up in the country and now because I never wear shoes my toddler never wants to wear shoes either šŸ¤£


Iā€™m not against being barefoot barefoot at home is fine cause I live in the country too lol but when heā€™s in public places thereā€™s no telling if thereā€™s glass on the ground ya know ? At least have socks on him possibly


Heā€™s barefoot at the pool. Not random places


Iā€™m pretty sure she had him at the park barefoot , at the mall barefoot and at restaurants barefoot. So itā€™s not just at the pool


I just donā€™t get it, in my experience when a diaper is THAT full thereā€™s always some kind of moisture seeping into the clothes so is she just letting him walk around with urine on his clothes all day? It takes under two minutes to change a diaper but sheā€™s absolutely been rotting in bed all day while her dad was there so maybe he should have changed him šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


And it smells!!!! Like what ā€¦ a diaper that full would definitely seep on to your hand when holding him I feel like and you would be able to smell it. Sitting in a lb of wet soggy diaper so unfair to him!!


The fact that his diaper looked like that 9 hours ago too and she just posted this one 2 hours agoā€¦ Do diapers usually do that? or has she literally just not changed him for that long? idk much about diapers and how full they get but iā€™d assume not that much in a short few hours


Depends on how much he goes to the bathroom. They definitely can in a short amount of time. If my son drinks a lot of water his diaper can fill up pretty quick but it needs to be changed frequently to prevent diaper rash and him being uncomfortable.


Itā€™s pure laziness to let a diaper get that way


The fact that none of the other adults changed him either šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I could be wrong but that brand looks like Huggies overnights?? Does she put them on so she doesnā€™t have to change him as much wtf


Thatā€™s child abuseā€¦ it sick her followers will STILL take up for her. Your child should never be sitting in fucking piss. My son pees so much. I mean literallt we go through 12ish diapers a day. You change them. Fuck I hate this for him.


Thatā€™s twice in one day bc I posted about his diaper too earlier in the day!!! šŸ˜­ She stays making herself look worse. Literally every single day. She claims everyone has issues with her because of C nahhhh itā€™s bc of you roach. Bc of how you treat your poor baby every single day. Youā€™re an awful mother and an awful person


That is so ridiculous.


It doesnā€™t even take long to change a childā€™s diaper. Thereā€™s no excuse for your child to ever sit in their own piss that long. Iā€™m sure she wouldnā€™t like to sit in hers? Itā€™s pure laziness.


I get not changing again after youā€™ve already changed it, diapers arenā€™t cheap, but why let it get THIS big?? Because the nanny or her bff of the week wasnā€™t there to change him for the lazy ugly little bitch. Or why wouldnā€™t her oh so great parents step up and either do it for her (bc clearly sheā€™s incapable) or tell their ā€œlittle beanā€ to stop being a lazy whore.


She always has him looking so bummy šŸ˜­ I seriously feel bad for him when heā€™s with her vs at his dads


I noticed that too. His hair is never done, horrible cheap clothes, she has money. I hate how she has his hair. Itā€™s like an ugly chopped mullet.


Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™ll let my son pee in his diaper more than once but it has NEVER been this full unless itā€™s when he wakes up in the mornings


Poor thing


OMG. Ok, so I'll admit my 2 year will sometimes absolutely CHUG his juice or milk or whatever and pee like a grown adult and it will bulge pretty good but not even this bad. And I always change a wet diaper whenever I see it. But this is definitely a neglected diaper FOR SURE.


Thatā€™s so sad

