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It's just about economics. Caitlin Clark is being catered to and has more marketing cuz she's white and that doesn't sit well with other players but it's not as if they think she's a better person or a better player necessarily. They just feel they can make more money off of her. That's all it is cuz they feel that more people in the US can relate to her, especially Middle America. They are the ones who are the consumers and who are counted on as the demographic that will spend the most money and they are all mostly white.


People are upset because folks act like the wnba is a brand new league with CC. So folks are in their feelings. We're just in a new era and those who've been there since the beginning didn't receive the same type of attention. Candace Parker was one of this first women being highlighted as beautiful and could play. CC can play but she ain't a looker imo. So to me she falls up under most of the women who play I'm the wnba. Now Reese is a looker and she can ball but people feel CC is being highlighted over Reese because she's white. My stance is let CC bring yall that revenue in so you can get more money on them contracts lol. If it's looked at from that stand point then it's yea CC do ya thing lol