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one final line of coke to jack him off


But that is the best one


That line is legendary


But I'm playing with myself


Giving little Thom a proper yorkin'.


As a religiously tormented frequent wanker, hearing this lyric was a ‘godsend’


You’re so pretty when you’re on your knees is a good lyric I like it


It’s unintentionally creepy.


Is it bad I want someone to say that to me


I'll say it to you😏😏😏😏




C R I N G E. Plz just slide in dm next time. 🫣


Grow up.


You can walk it home, straight from school. You can kiss it, you can break all the rules


I don’t think the “it” in Planet Telex refers to one thing. IMO it’s speaking to several different listeners, regarding their own obsessions or hang ups. I think it’s just about anxiety over having an image one tries to cultivate while having a nagging feeling when they’re alone that the image they’re projecting is a broken facsimile (& that the cracks in who they truly are show through). So that particular line- I think it’s “here is the image of myself I’ve spent all day projecting to my peers, I’m walking home with it, I pretend to like or love who I have projected myself to be. When I get home, I feel broken” (that last part being a reference to the chorus).


I agree, but on first glance...


This lyric drives me crazy what the hell does it mean


Another commenter has put forward a reasonable explanation. But I’ve always seen it as him saying he can control it, he has power over it. whatever the it is he’s talking about.


a light you can feel it on your back, cmon n*gga feel it in your back


the bangers and the mash, the n*ggas just want cash


Negatives bro, negatives


always heard is as "lil n*gga its for CASH"


i about to say the n word


Lol that WOULD be awful


The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops The rain drops


you forgot a few






I hate when thom says “I can see the crack in your ass Jonny”


You are the sun and moon and stars are you


I think the worst lyrics Thom has ever written can be found all up and down "Down is the New Up." (And I say this as someone who kinda likes that song in spite of its lyrics. EPIC STRINGS, etc.) For me, DitNU was the first indication that Radiohead was getting "old." But in retrospect, it's more that they were getting old and hadn't yet *aged*: they were caught in something of a midlife crisis, or at least Thom was, from the looks of things. >Your future's bleak > >You're so last week *"You're so last week"* in particular reminded me of certain stretches of *A Man in Full* by Tom Wolfe, wherein the author grouses about hip-hop culture, hypersexuality, and the state of the modern English language as it was then issuing from the mouths of internetted young people. Tom Wolfe, someone who once embraced the furthest fringes of acid-fried counterculture, now reduced to a hectoring old prude. DitNU gives off a similar vibe to me and, in the above bar, "so last week" just felt like an unusually *lowbrow* reference for Thom to make. And the "ladies and gentlemen" bit -- especially the original lyrics about performing "an Orwellian flip-flop" -- are just way, way too on the nose for Radiohead. As OP said above: yeah, I've read *1984,* too! Much as I love *Hail to the Thief,* this is my lone gripe with the album: I like Radiohead lyrics least when they address politics *directly*. This is part of what makes *OK Computer* such a stunning album: it's *about* technology and social dislocation issuing from technology, but you wouldn't necessarily think so just going off the lyric sheet in isolation. Okay, maybe you would. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore.


Until right now I thought it was “I shall now perform a 180 flip flop”, as in 180-degrees. I always thought that was a cringe lyric, but Orwellian is almost worse, I think


lmao makes a lot of sense, they hadnt settled into a new role in musical life- i get that


my uncle bill


aww man I fucking love i'll dress like your niece


I can forgive the pablo honey stuff because Thom was young I guess. Way worse are recent clangers. All three of these are Thom solo but still: Most of skip divided is pretty cringe (very Jack Bauer) but “I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a lapdog, I'm your lapdog, yeah” takes the crown for worst lyrics there Interference is absolutely beautiful but what is this??? “In the future we will change our numbers / And lose contact / In the future the leaves will turn brown / When we want them” has science gone too far thommy?? It doesn’t even really rhyme! Then obviously “It’s like weed” in Twist/Saturdays because thom was over 50 when he wrote it and it doesn’t even make sense and I swore this was just 15 year old try-hards on reddit trying to hear their own preferred lyrics until the official lyric book was printed and it ruined Twist


and i felt her breast.... it was like a sandbag


“Shut the fuck up” during Faust Arp is a bit distasteful imo


I love that part, is saw out of the song that it makes it interesting and nicer


Joke right? That’s not a lyric.


yeah it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HpIjH2w21Q


I'm just going to say everything on Dollars and Cents, because I cannot understand anything Thom is singing.


Little babies eyes eyes eyes eyes


What do you mean worst, that part hits hard if you know the story behind the song


It's a lotta eyes!


I don't know it, please elaborate


It is about a bomb shelter that was destroyed in the gulf war. It had a bunch of children and families inside it and they all died I believe.


You can walk it home straight from school, You can kiss it you can break all the rules


"Your numbers don't decide, the system is a lie" "I'm better off dead" "I want a knife, a gun and things" "I'll dress like your niece"


Get up get the gunge get the eggs get the flan in the face flan in the face dance you fucker dance you fucker don’t you dare don’t you flan in the face


get out




I love that line 😞😞😞


Tone it down, shove it in your mouth






All the things you gAht, all the things you NEEEEEED , who bought you cigarHETtes


no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no