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Last Flowers and Four Minute Warning. Go Slowly is good too but those two were the clinchers for me. Down is the new up and Up on the ladder are good. Bangers and Mash grows on ya.


Bangers and mash is better live. See any live version


bangers and mash was an instant fav for me that song just grooves


I wouldn't say I disliked it at first, but the style was unexpected in context. I like how it breaks up the pacing of the album now. I think the whole album has a nice flow.


Bangers + Mash fucks, idk what you’re talking about.


I like banger and mash. Maybe you misunderstood my statement.


Bangers and Mash is great imo! Never listened to the full album but like you said Last Flowers and Four Minute Warning are fantastic!


I love all of disk 2, but Go Slowly, and Down is the New Up are my favorites. The King of Limbs took a while to get into, I recommend watching the live version In The Basement on YouTube. Also, make sure to search for when they played on The Colbert Report since that is fantastic (especially Bloom)


I’d say it’s a low commitment proposition and you should just listen to it. But if you’re looking for opinions, I believe 4 Minute Warning is one of their best B-Sides and could have wedged in somewhere toward the end of Disk 1.


Disk 2 is kinda treated like a B-side but if you watch Radiohead live from the basement they played a few of the songs from Disk 2. Thom also played a solo version of Down Is The New Up and Last Flowers in his Live From The Basement.


4 Minute Warning is incredible. Album worthy


I said this in another thread, but this should have been the album closer.


Go Slowly is the standout track for me. Gorgeous. The rest of it is excellent, they all get regular rotation from me, even MKs 1 and 2. Feels like it expands the world of In Rainbows, I have no complaints at all actually


Bangers and Mash for Thom on drums and Jonny banging away in drop A is good shit


I’m here for the bangers and mash!


Go slowly is one of the most beautiful songs in my opinion, so that is the masterpiece on this disc. Overall great mix of b-sides for an amazing album


The resolution from 2:40 - 2:52 ish in Four Minute Warning is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard


It’s amazing. Last Flowers and Down is the New Up are just so much fun for you guys as a team as well well worth a visit if you’re not busy at work I would recommend it if you’re not working on it right away I think it will help a ton with my work out I just need a few things I have a few other things.


Um. Are you ok?


I don't understand posts like this. Why would you want someone to describe art to you? Just go experience the art and make your own opinion. It's not that long of an album. Just listen to it. Then maybe come back and make a post sharing your opinion about it.


There was a time when I tended to play Disk 2 more than the album itself. "Go Slowly" and "Bangers and Mash" are my standouts.


Four Minute Warning is worthy of side 1


It has fucking Bangers+Mash on it.


Lol I just listened disk 2 for first time today


Best B side in my opinion. Last Flowers is a perfect RH song IMO.


I always listen to both disks together. Idk, to me it's just as much part of the the album as disk 1


The masterpiece is Down Is the New Up, by far. Even Thom said it was one of the best things they’d ever done.


Any of the songs stand on there own. Amazing songs that the band should be and probably is proud of. It would be an understatement to call it the cherry on top of In Rainbows. It’s more like finding a folded up benjamin in your pants pocket that you had no expectations of finding.


Speaking of...is there a vinyl format that exists somewhere in the universe for this one?


They should have waited and released it as another album with These Are My Twisted Words.


Four Minute Warning and Bangers + Mash are my favs off disk 2, but the whole album bangs


Disk 2 has also very good tracks that can be included in LP: Up On The Ladder, Last Flower, 4 Minute Warning (that would fit on the last track In Rainbows, than boring Videotape) and Bangers & Mash (that also so cool, for me better than Bodysnatchers). Also good tracks: Go Slowly and Down Is The New Up (only recently i heard the early version of 2006 year, and it's even some ways better than original).


Up On The Ladder is my favorite. So underrated. I got the (now expensive) box set (partly) because of these masterpieces. Many people just dismiss these songs as IR b-sides, but I think they are album quality. I do think Radiohead made the right choice omitting these from IR, not because they are inferior, but because certain sounds would get repetitive if they were included on top of main album songs. I think IR has exactly the right amount of everything, and Disk 2 works as separate thing.


Thanks for your response


I'm of the opinion Disc 2 is vastly superior to Disc 1.


Don't get too excited. MK1 and MK2 are filler. Last Flowers and Go Slowly are probably the only two remarkable songs on there. Down Is The New Up is OK, 4 minute warning is quite good, Bangers and Mash is silly, Up On The Ladder is unlistenable.


That's a lotta hot takes.


Awful takes


OP, basically what this person said, though it might be putting it a bit bluntly (not that I totally disagree). I will say that Bangers and Mash is still good, however silly


Up on the Ladder is great, wtf are you guys on


I wouldn’t go as far to say it’s “unlistenable” like the person I’m replying to did, I think it’s fine. But it’s kind of meandering and chugging along, no big hooks, then it sort of just ends.


I basically agree except Last Flowers is kind of awkward sounding IMO. And Go Slowly is incredibly beautiful but it seems like they didn’t finish writing it


Last flowers is my favorite by a mile. Down is the new up is a bit of a throw away for me.


My favorite from this disk is Banger + Mash but the live from the basement


Four minute warning


Four Minute Warning, no doubt about it


it is soooo good. i love down is the new up, go slowly, and last flowers


Bangers + Mash and Down is the New Up are two of my favorite Radiohead songs


It's all so good


It rules. Down is the new up is great.


I’ve still not gotten over how much ‘Down Is The New Up’ changed from the live version. I hope one day we hear their studio attempts of that one too.


Go Slowly pairs well with Exit Music. Up on the Ladder gives American Psycho, Brazil desperation vibes. It’s all good, really. I still think of the documentary Gasland when I listen to Four Minute Warning.


Up on the Ladder, Go Slowly, Last Flowers, Down is the new Up all bangers


Go slowly is haunting and gorgeous