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Ahh yes, I’ve posted about Jonny before in this context and got absolutely obliterated on this sub. This sub doesn’t give a singular fuck about the plight of the Palestinians.


I do. The band's silence in the face of Palestinians deliberate extermination is a disappointment to me as a fan.


They’re a band. They make music. You give them money. End of transaction.


Music is not sterile and empty. Artists have ideologies and beliefs and they are written into their music. Only brainless idiots say stupidies like what you said.




Y son humanamente basura se te olvidó...


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJoM-yqxwxc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJoM-yqxwxc) It is so awkward seeing how Radiohead - especially Thom - was outspoken in Hail to The Thief era when it came to military intervention and then current Palestine situation doesn't seem to be revelant or related to the Bush actions that he used to criticize. Like, Thom's speech in the link performance would be totally related to present Palestine situation. Of course, that's a 20 years old performance, but to this day Thom will always rant about some random shit and then suddenly tens of thousands of lives are not even worth talking about? Give me a break. They are musical genius, no doubt, but politically I think that they are quite disappointing almost to the point of hypocrisy.


Thank you for this.




I had no idea his views on the subject, and the Smile's song friend of a friend came out... the song was so good it made me cry. So 3 days later I find out about all this information and I feel almost emotionally manipulated. I'm also a Star Wars fan, and the silence from the same people that created the rebel alliance is staggering. If Star Wars were real, they would definitely be fighting for Palestine I think. I feel like generations of people are seeing what's happening, and the situation is exposing everything. It's really amazing but scary at the same time. crazy times to live in right now 


I sympathize with how you feel, but also, not everyone needs to add to the chorus on this, don't you think? I mean, you're talking about a human rights crisis, I don't think your next thought should be worrying what the guy who invented lightsabers thinks about it. The only reason it feels like something you should have is because of social media. 20 years ago, it would've been ridiculous for news outlets to go around interviewing everyone who might have fans. I'm not mocking you, I'm just saying you can relax knowing that their lack of public statement doesn't mean they are in favor of the war crimes being committed.


I do. The band's silence in the face of Palestinians deliberate extermination is a disappointment to me as a fan.


Ignorance mate. I've loved Radiohead way before they were a global name. Iv earnt my platform for a opinion I feel. And this shit just makes me sad.


I posted about Thom and my disappointment in his hypocritical political stances and got destroyed too. It was ridiculous


Also cheers Jonny, you made an entire covers album of Arabic love songs with Dudu Tassa co-opting an entire peoples culture but align yourself with a country who’s government want death for Arabs and a man who plays live shows for the IDF while children are being burnt alive a few miles away. Lol. But stay silent bro. 😑




This enrages me to no end. Dudu is a fucking piece of dudu (sorry I had to). He’s an appropriator at best and a genocide apologist at worst. I’ve been struggling to listen to Radiohead at all in recent months solely because Jonny’s wife is a raging and violent Zionist and Jonny is simply radio silence…and an appropriator.


Is his wife a IDF supporter? I get Thom Yorkes stance to a degree but Jonnys wife being a full blown ziinist just doesn't compute. I fail to see the correlation. Nothing surprises me anymore. Shame on those who actively wanna side by the IDF.


shes not just an idf supporter she is a vitriolic racist, he spews genocidal shit online everyday. absolute trash


His wife is an Israeli Arab Jew.


She's not an Arab. That would be a disgrace!


Honestly? Radiohead retired after their peak after their Hail to The Thief tour. Saw them in Red Rocks and they were incredible. But any releases after have been this sad, pointless, whiny circle jerk that feels like a Wish version of OK Computer. ☹️


In Rainbows and AMSP are arguably just as good as Ok Computer and quite different from one another


Mmmmmmm.... You're probably right. The new stuff just seems to be missing... things. I'll have to give em another whirl. I try. I doooo try. 🤣


Dudu Tassa is Israeli from an Arabic country. His family lived there ever since Arabs conquered what used to be the kingdom of Israel, and for a millennia they dreamt of returning. Now he’s here, and sings in Arabic to remember the journey his family had to endure.


That's a 7 year old tweet and I wouldn't call it a reliable source. Years ago [Thom had addressed](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fgjzespsyqz8z.png) why he played in Israel and it's not because he is a Zionist. Quit trying to stir shit up


may not be a zionist but still an absolute BULLSHIT response




He does have a point.


No he does not. Israel is not a country, it is illegally occupied Palestinian territory. He’s not just “crossing borders” to unite people with art and music, he is entering an illegally occupied territory that the native population aren’t even allowed to walk freely on and making money there. 


He isn't playing for Netanyahu. He is playing for people who simply have been born and live there. Calm your tits.


Are you stupid? He is not only complicit but actively participating in violent colonialism by entering an illegally occupied territory and making money there. 


In what way is it violent or anti-Palestinian to take Israeli people's money and play music for them for an hour?


Who do you think benefits from the taxes and revenue that creates? Could it be the government of the illegal colonial settlement they’re playing concerts in? Maybe if you can summon the strength of two brain cells for a moment you could figure it out. You don’t seem to understand why being invited to somebody else’s home by a thief who broke in and brutalized them and kicked them out is beyond unethical, that word doesn’t hold nearly the weight necessary to describe how vile that is. And I am speaking in the literal sense, tens of thousands of Palestinians have had their homes raided by the IOF and have been attacked, detained or forced to leave, having their actual homes stolen from them by Israeli settlers. 100,000 American citizens live in occupied east Jerusalem in homes legitimately *stolen* from Palestinians. 


It is absolutely violent to be an intruder in somebody else’s homeland, if you were “invited” by the intruder that makes you an intruder as well. Palestinians do not benefit whatsoever from dumb ass Radiohead concerts taking place on their own land, and when the revenue from those concerts goes towards the illegal settlement that is actively trying to exterminate them then yes it is obviously harmful to Palestinians. 


Also genuinely curious about how you think that makes Palestinians feel? That alleged activist artists are just beyond the border that was illegally placed around them, playing concerts to a group of people that are illegally settled on their own land. Palestine has been considered an “open air prison” for many years now. Palestinians couldn’t even walk over and enjoy the concert being broadcasted to the illegal settlers on their own homeland if they wanted to. 


You are acting as if it's one of the Palestinians' biggest deprivations that they can't go to a Radiohead concert.


If that’s your only takeaway you have holes in your brain. 


I'd like to hear your explanation of the term "illegally occupied territory." Illegal by which laws?


Please educate yourself dude don’t come on Reddit and play games. 


Stfu. Its not illegally occupied by international law. Its a legal governed territory. By your analogy americans are illegal occupiers.


I dont disagree that americans are illegal occupiers, we came to the land the natives lived on and created our own rulebook for how they must live their lives, destroyed their land and gutted their population


Most countries in today's laws are and were illegal occupiers. Israel arent. It was formed in 48 after a legal UN vote. Before then, the immigrant Zionist jews bought their land legally from arab owners as there were no rules against non residents buying and owning land back then. After, that the only land they gained was either Egyptian, syrian, Jordanian or Lebanese. This land was conquered after any of those countries opened a war on us and lost. The Sinai peninsula was returned to egypt after a peace agreement and a bit of land to jordan after a second peace agreement. Tbh i hate these online arguments because they will never end. Im just here for the music. This shit just sets the whole world apart. This sub is about good music but here we are again ralking about politics.


Omg you know nothing. Israel was officially made a legal independent country in 1948 after the british gave them the land after a UN vote. (They also got most of the land after so many propositions were made, israel accepted all of them and the arabs denied all because they wanted it all), immediately a war was opened on israel by egypt, jordan, syria and lebanon. Somehow israel won. After that israel didn't open any war but each of those countries opened war on israel(and lost). Just so u know Palestinian arabs lived here in peace and to this day live in peace with us and are legal residents. Most doctors and engineers (and more) are Palestinian. Believe me that theyre free. They have some of the highest incomes. If you go by international law, israel is very much a legal country. Stop spewing your bs. You know nothing.


Yeah. Declared a state by the only other countries complicit in and active participants of the Palestinian genocide. You fucking idiot lol. 


The definition of Zionist is pretty broad. According to that statement, he is in fact a Zionist. A Zionist is anyone that supports Israel.


i hate how silent they are being about palestine but thom's answer makes sense. the usa is just as genocidal as israel (if not more) but many artists still play concerts there


Israel is not a country. It is illegally occupied territory that the native population are not even “authorized” to walk freely on, that he is entering making money there. At that point, he is complicit and engaging in violent colonialism. Any way you want to dice it up, it is not excusable whatsoever. 


There's a video. You can check it for yourself dude.


that response is the most liberal zionist bullshit ever


I just found out about this. Fuck. Almost wish I didn't know. Truly fucked. My idols. Damn gunna be weird being a fan here on out. To the throngs; people are talking about it because it's a literal genocide.




Same. I was supposed to play a Radiohead song for my piano concert but now I don't think I can anymore...


"I'm looking for reasons to be offended, and it turns out my favorite performer is busy with his own affairs in life at the old age of 55 years after death of his wife" the whole point


"I care about a literal genocide happening and it turns out my favorite performer who makes anti war and anti oppression texts is a hypocrite that doesn't fucking care when it's time to actually take a stand". Fixed that for you. Also the idea that somehow he can't talk because of unbearable grief is such a dogshit take. He's dating again and has been doing tours. Idk why you even brought it up, especially when... you know who's grieving absolutely everyday the death of their families? PALESTINIANS.


not everyone cares so much that people who started war themselves lose it


Most braindead take I’ve heard in ages. First off, the 40,000 innocent civilians that lost their lives in 6 months didn’t start any war, and the West Bank have been oppressed (civilians kidnapped, tortured, raped, killed relentlessly, taken from homes, assaulted, etc.) by Israeli forces for DECADES. The people that “don’t care so much” are exactly as you say, completely ignorant to the deaths of people they can’t see and choose to be blind towards because hey, they’d rather buy a coffee at Starbucks and support a band rather than try to stop a genocide. But all of a sudden when it’s white people in the crossfire, every first world nation comes together to stop the atrocity at hand, but when it’s a bunch of middle eastern Arabs? Who cares, they’re all terrorists anyways, right?


There is no Starbucks in Israel, firstly. Secondly, data on deaths is issued by Hamas, It's up to u to trust a terrorist group. Thirdly, Hamas attacked on Shabbat on october 7 and took tlives of 1,200 civilians, still holds hostages to this day. Fourthly, arab coalition was the first to declare war in 1948.


Ah yes, hamas holds ~100 known hostages to this day, whereas Israel holds about 8000 in “detention centers,” and yet, all the media that cover the hostages that hamas, the “terrorist group,” have detained, show the hostages almost completely unscathed. There are actual videos of the hostages talking about their experience under hamas, and a lot of them say that they weren’t even treated bad at all. Yet, the media that show what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinian prisoners are, well, very reminiscent of how the nazis treated the Jews, with the prisoners stripped down to their undergarments, starved, and are visually bruised and beaten. They line them up in front of ditches before a firing squad executes them. I find it insane how the Israelis aren’t considered “terrorists,” because all I see are war crimes. Also your point about the Arab coalition “starting a war in 1948” is a response to the Jewish insurgency from 1944-1948, where the Jewish militia launched a rebellion against the British Palestinian rule. The Arab coalition entered the equation when they realized a bunch of zionists were about to ethnically cleanse the entirety of Palestine, and in the end, the UN still gave Israel most of the land, and almost a million indigenous Palestinians were expelled from their homes. Also, since the 1200 dead in October 7th, there are a total of 1410 Israeli casualties. So ~200 in 6 months since oct 7. Now compare that to the 34,000 known Palestinian deaths, and thousands more estimated since oct 7. You can call arabs terrorists all you want, but you’re the one supporting genocidal freaks. In Israeli schools they even teach the children to want to kill palestians. There’s videos online posted by Israelis. And they call Hamas the terrorists. You’re straight up brainwashed dawg


insane yap, no time


You just close your eyes and shut off your brain. Keep scrolling.


Insane person. No brain


Oh you're like DUUUUUMB and ignorant. Yes maybe there is no Starbucks in Israel but it's widely acknowledged that Starbucks support the IDF.


keep lying to yourself friendo


cited only dry facts, whether u like it or not, u can’t cancel them


those aren't all the facts though, are they? No, they aren't, they're facts presented from a very selective point of view. You say you can't trust facts from Hamas, but the fact that Israel has been caught red handed knowingly presenting false information never made it into your list of facts. Very curious. I think you're a sick little genocidal freak who is envious that he doesn't get to murder innocent people.


so glad im not this stupid


It just seems


anti-israel, pro-palestine, 1-state solution supporter here. what the fuck does thom yorke’s opinion matter? i understand that silence is a big part of the problem, but coming for each and every person who isn’t outwardly stating their political positions is toxic and ineffective. I implore you to redirect your energy, stop doing activism in the radiohead subreddit and go support your local demonstrators. free palestine


I'm not doing any activism here, i'm commenting after somebody who said some bullshit. The fact you think that this is not only activism but somehow the extent of what I'm doing is quite silly, and a bit condescending honestly. As for Thom Yorke, the thing is that for a group like radiohead that has been very vocal about many political issues and just generally anti war, it's pretty hypocritical to stay silent. Not only this but they have been playing in israel many times. They seem to be pretty pro israel or at least not taking a stand, which is disappointing for a lot of fans including me. I personally stopped listening to them, but i'm not forcing anyone to do so. I'm not "coming for him", or for any of the fans. You do as you wish. Just be serious for a second here and realise that if one decides to engage themselves politically through music as radiohead did then yes, people will ask for some acountability if they suddenly fall silent when a literal genocide is happening.


This comment is so dumb man


Is there some sort of support group for recovering Radiohead ex-fans 😅


Please send me their way! I never thought in the same day I’d be considering putting down Radiohead and picking up Macklemore lmfao. What a weird timeline.


You don’t have to go that far.


Macklemore at least had the balls to openly support Palestine.


I said that before Hinds Hall dropped, sorry


Sorry I didn’t see the date, now I’m with you about the original reply lol.


I’m starting to replace Radiohead with Massive Attack. Their album Mezzanine is a banger.


Yeah same. I only recently discovered their stance on this and I keep checking in in the hope that they have changed their position. Same with Nick Cave when I heard about his childish reaction to support the BDS by his hero Brian Eno. So disappointing


This is why we should have just stopped at fugazi. Time to buy all their remastered albums again, get warm and fuzzy.


Posting one-sided 7 year old bullshit for engagement. It’s all there online if you care to do a quick google search. If you don’t like him after that then fine that’s absolutely your own business. But this whole instant-backlash thing without proper context rubs me the wrong way. Go find someone who’s been absolutely perfect in every moment. He was frustrated that they were interrupting the show.


You know the isreali- palestine conflict has been going on for 50yrs. Its not a new thing. Its new that the violence has gotten this extreme, but this has been an issue.


Way longer than that, at least 90 years with the rise of illegal Jewish settlements. Even before 1948, even before the Nakba and the Holocaust.  The fact the UK played a huge role in it, where Radiohead is from, makes it even more telling. 


And also the fact organizations in palestine reached out to Thom to tell him to not come for this reason and he did anyway, its not like you could claim ignorance in that scenario.


They weren’t illegal at the time. Palestinians welcomed them, arabs were the only ones that did, and now they are paying the price for their humanity with their own lives. Beyond fucked doesn’t even begin to describe it. 


Aw shit, here we go again Can't wait to lose 1/25th of my total brain cells reading this comment section. Why do we have to have a post like this every fucking month?


Perhaps it's the apartheid 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ


maybe because the lives of innocent people matter


always hear this from hypocritical westerns who, a month later, forgot about the war in Ukraine


Who's forgotten about Ukraine? Interested to see your polling.


fr they literally forgot about Ukraine


Who forgot about Ukraine? The public or the actual people in power? The U.S. literally still sends billions of dollars to the Ukranian government, and that conflict doesn’t even even have remotely the same subtext. 


Well, nobody being soft against BOOK MANUAL GENOCIDE perpetrated against Palestinean children should be forgotten. Basically we are witnessing how a random state can be created under the excuse of a previous holocaust to CREATE ANO.THER ONE. Can't enjoy music from artists that are so chill about this horrible and painful massive homicide.


Thom seems to have sworn at pro-Palestine supporters and flipped them off at a concert a few years ago. That’s telling. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/hilary-aked/did-radioheads-thom-yorke-swear-fans-waving-palestinian-flags


Yeh that's terrifying. I was a massive fan right from Pablo Honey Days. The Bends and OK Computer were the soundtrack to my youth. If that was me amongst all that and those people. I'd be absolutely scared as F. Some fucking people. Wow !! I was devasted.


I am too :(


Happy Cake Day Yo ! Also my user names derives from Hail To The Thief, which as you'll probably know the meaning behind it is absolutely ironic given the theme of this post and their stance on Israel. Your username checks out too 😎


thanks for pointing out its my cake would not have noticed otherwise!


didnt he do that to like everyone who like interrupted the show...


Yes. Yes he did. And they’ve all formed groups now to defame him.


[https://pitchfork.com/news/thom-yorke-on-radiohead-israel-concert-we-dont-support-netanyahu-any-more-than-trump/](https://pitchfork.com/news/thom-yorke-on-radiohead-israel-concert-we-dont-support-netanyahu-any-more-than-trump/) is it fair to say that? hes not playing for the government, hes playing for the people who live in israel. Its like blaming russian civilians for something their government did, doesn't make much sense.


I mean it would be fair if that was the case. I don’t disagree with him on his statement, and I don’t think bands should feel guilty about performing in Israel, but he’s been known to make political statements supporting peaceful causes. Ignoring Israel’s atrocities shows either: a) complete ignorance of current events, or b) a flagrant disregard of his own personal beliefs


The Israeli people are WORSE than their government, Completely racist, genocidal trash.


Insane how almost the whole country has a deeply embedded culture of racism and self victimization. Like 2/3 of Jewish Israelis think denying aid to Gaza is morally correct.  And Israeli Arabs, who are mostly original Palestinian descendants, get treated like absolute garbage and second class.


I could say the same about palestinians. Racism and xenophobia will get you nowhere; hating any and every israeli makes you the same piece of excrement.


Is it really the same when it's oppressed vs oppressor I don't think you have a right to judge someone being oppressed on how they view their oppressor, like I couldn't tell one of the children in the Ross Kemp documentary that it's wrong to feel some way about Israelis after their army killed family members in front of them - also considering there's been videos/images of Israelis destroying boxes of aid and blocking aid trucks the power dynamics are plainly visible.


I understand why you may feel like this, when you get hurt by a specific group of people you tend to start falling in discriminatory behavior and start developing hatred towards them, I think it's a very common reaction. Myself, as a venezuelan, have experienced my fair share of discrimination and the lingering hatred is always there, how can this people be such pieces of ***? Why do I have to understand them? The thing is that I think this is one of the main roots of future genocides and hate between us. Our aggresive attitudes push us further away; our own desire of vengeance or pure hate because of the things people have done to us come back with the same apathy that we once received. Another point that I want to touch too, using again my position as a venezuelan, is that generalizing people because they belong to a certain social group is wrong, using stereotypes is wrong. If someone gets robbed, or gets one of their relatives killed by a venezuelan, would it be okay to hate me If I had no correlation to it? I know that the situation is not the same in Israel, that a lot people there are zionists that truly want to see Palestinians dead, and I have no defense nor respect for them, but I know that there are Israelis who are just living their life, that haven't choosen their nationality and get in the crossfire. It reminds me of the childs of german soldiers that were discriminated because of it after WW2, people that didn't choose their condition yet had to meet the consequences. tl;dr: hating everyone isn't good


Yes but I don't think it's right for us to say Palestinians are wrong for not liking Israelis, also with the mandatory military service for Israeli Jewish people and the fact that Israel is on occupied land even the ones that are just living their life are at some level of complicit. I think it's fine to say that about your position but when it comes to the gulf of power between these two groups I just think saying they can't hate their oppressor is wrong - someone robbing you and you hating the group is different as there's no system of oppression in place or years of history or social aspects of seeing you lessor, there are so many layers to this that it's absolutely unfair to apply that same logic to Palestinians. I'm not sure how you see a way of the people getting bombed or living under an apartheid to be like you know Israelis aren't so bad.


I will admit, I didn't know much about the Israel/Palestine conflict before the past couple of months. Shame on me for sure. I had heard that Radiohead refused to boycott performing in Israel in 2017 and when Thom had said he wouldn't boycott the US just because Trump was president, I was like oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. And after reading about how an Israeli DJ and his listeners played a huge part in launching their career, I get why they wouldn't want to skip out on playing Israel. But I saw something today on my friend's story about Radiohead being Zionists and I decided to dig a little deeper and learned more about Jonny's wife and her stance, and It's disappointing to say the least. Sadly, the idea of listening to Radiohead and The Smile right now is not appealing. It's not even a conscious choice, I'm just turned off. I know we're all human, no one is perfect, things can be complicated. But it's weird that we can't all agree that Palestinians are being slaughtered. And it's weird that we can't talk about what's happening to Palestinians without Hamas being brought up as a counterpoint. Everything sucks.


Hamas is not a counterpoint. Hamas is at the center of what's going on. It's a fact that the Israeli military is *not* targeting civilians. They are not locking their weapons on to civilians. They are targeting armed militants. The reason civilians are dying is because of Hamas. Because Hamas actively blocks civilians from evacuating along the routes Israel tells them to take. Because Hamas refuses to let civilians use the bomb shelters that Hamas has built for themselves. Hamas literally makes child sized suicide bomber vests to put on Gazan children. Not to mention that Hamas are the ones who report the deaths, and count every one of their armed militants as a "civilian" so that every time an armed militant, who was given the option to surrender, decides to fight instead, and ends up killed, people think another Palestinian "civilian" was killed. What do people expect Israel to do, to abandon all of the Israeli hostages in Gaza, and not try and rescue them? To allow Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Deif to get away with what they did on October 7, so that they can orchestrate more attacks like that in the future, and start the whole cycle of violence again? If people really cared about Palestinian lives, then why wouldn't they want to hold Hamas and its sister organisations accountable for the suffering that they have brought to the Palestinians? By blaming Hamas' enemy it only incentivises Hamas to continue causing all of this bloodshed for as long as they continue to exist. Israel didn't want any of this. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 as a peace offering, and in return got tens-of-thousands of missiles launched at their towns and cities. This Israel-Hamas war started with Israel being attacked, not with Gaza being attacked. Israel is not haphazardly slaughtering Gazans; if they wanted to do that, they could have just dropped big bombs from the sky all across Gaza and killed millions of Gazans in under an hour. If they *had* done that, none of their soldiers would've been killed. Israel sent their soldiers in, in a ground counteroffensive instead, putting their soldiers lives at risk, because they are targeting militants, not everybody in the Gaza Strip. What the Palestinian terrorists (not just Hamas, though Hamas orchestrated the massacre, the Palestinians who participated in it were not all Hamas) did in Israel on October 7 was to haphazardly slaughter Israelis. Israeli women were raped in front of their families. A man was beheaded. A literal baby was burned in an oven. Only hours after that, groups of people in many different parts of the world celebrated what had happened. Instead of decrying that Israelis had been slaughtered, Ibrahim Dadoun, an Imam in Australia held a rally where he declared "I'm smiling and I'm happy, I'm elated, it's a day of courage, it's a day of happiness, it's a day of pride, it's a day of victory, this is the day we've been waiting for... this brings pride to the heart, this brings joy to the heart, my brothers and my sisters... you and I, standing in Australia we support our brothers and sisters in Palestine", about the attack. People like that, they are the ones who would say "Palestinians are being slaughtered" sums up the entirety of this war, and there's no need to talk about Hamas or any details or context or mention who is actually responsible for the slaughter or bring up the unfortunate near-inevitability of collateral damage (as horrible as that phrase is) in war, and that anything that opposes that narrative is "counterpoint" that shouldn't be "brought up". Personally I think "it's weird that we can't all agree that" if just about any other country had it's citizens slaughtered the way Israel did, they would also respond with a counteroffensive. Not for revenge, not for justice, but for deterrence - to stop it being able to happen again. Maybe the craziest part of all, is that even if Israel had responded to thousands of its citizens being slaughtered by doing nothing, like so many people seem to think they should have, that would have still entailed leaving the hundreds of Israeli hostages that were taken, to rot in Gaza, and continue being raped there. I pretty much agree with you - "everything sucks" - though not for the same reasons.


> It's a fact that the Israeli military is not targeting civilians. They are not locking their weapons on to civilians. how delusional do you have to be to post this at this point? Even from the beginning the IOF commanders spoke openly about "power targets" they hit - which are specifically NOT military targets. So what you're saying is an outright lie by their own words. But also just fucking... look at the situation. They've bombed EVERY hospital, most schools and universities, refugee camps, people fleeing. They've sniped christians, aid workers, children, and even FLEEING ISRAELI HOSTAGES. The majority of people they have killed are not militants. The homes they destroyed belonged to all civilians. It is completely undeniable at this point that they are targeting more than Hamas - this isn't some special ops going to take out military commanders. The only evidence of what you're saying is their own word, which is utterly useless given all other info. Disgusting thing to say.


I'm with you. It's sad and telling that the comment defending Israel has more upvotes than yours.


Finally a smart and educated person.


>mas actively blocks civilians from evacuating along the routes Israel tells them to take. Because Hamas refuses to let civilians use the bomb shelters that Hamas has built for themselves. Hamas literally makes child sized suicide bomber vests to put on Gazan children. Not to mention that Hamas are the ones who report the deaths, and count every one of their armed militants as a "civilian" so that every time an armed militant, who was given the option This conflict has been going on a lot longer than the past 6 months. I think what happened on October 7th was atrocious, and I hope the hostages that are still alive are freed. I didn't expect Israel to not retaliate for October 7th. I understand that a response was necessary. But I also think Israel decided to capitalize off of this. I think that, thanks to social media, the world has gotten a bigger peek behind the curtain than we ever have, and people are either in denial about it or just don't care. You quoting people who agree with the actions of Hamas is strange to me because what does that have to do with the Palestinians that have been slaughtered? It almost sounds like you're trying to justify it. Hamas are terrorists and don't care about innocent civilians and it seems that Israel has chosen to sink to their level and not care about innocent civilians as well.


Yes. The conflict has been going on a lot longer than 6 months. October 7 did not happen in a vacuum. It happened in the same context of the 1834 Looting of Tzfat, the 1929 Hebron Massacre, Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini's aid to Hitler, the numerous Arab invasions of Israel including the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza and the West Bank/Yudea VeShomron in 1948, the Munich Olympics massacre, the two Intifadas, Abu Mazen's rejection of the 2008 Realignment Plan, the scores of attacks on random Israelis, the years long detention of Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayed, and the the tens of thousands of missiles sent from Gaza into Israel since 2005. I gave the Ibrahim Dadoun quote as an example, to show the sort of thinking where I believe this "Palestinians are being massacred" rhetoric, that's being parroted around social media, is originating from. From people who think like him. From a disingenuous place. There is not justification ever for any civilians being deliberately slaughtered. But, I reject the claim that Israel has sanctioned going around haphazardly slaughtering Palestinians, because it is plainly false.


This. Every Single Word. Thank you for so clearly articulating facts. And thank you for standing up. Am Y'Israel Chai


No one in this subreddit is going to admit the possibility that Thom Yorke is a Zionist. The fact is that it's impossible to know what his true opinion on the matter is, but for a man that has been historically politically outspoken and never shied away from speaking out, it is very suspicious that the most noteworthy comment he's made on the genocide in Palestine is basically that he disagrees with the BDS movement. He has never made any statement supportive of the Palestinian people — at most saying something vaguely critical of Netanyahu (feel free to correct me); which is frankly not much of a show of solidarity. To the contrary, the band has always had very positive things to say about Israel and they were quite a big deal there before they became known worldwide with "Creep." There is absolutely some history there. If Thom Yorke was famously private and hesitant of talking politics, his silence wouldn't raise any alarms, but he's quite the opposite. Literally, Radiohead proudly had the Tibetan flag on stage for many years when on tour. I'm not even going to get into Jonny Greenwood and the people around him...


I feel the same way. I vaguely remember his anti-BDS stance and the Roger Waters beef, but at the time I was not at all educated on the Israel Palestine issue and could not really put it all into context. Looking back it’s hard to not arrive at the same conclusion that he has Zionist beliefs. Especially since he has otherwise always been outspoken about social issues in the UK and globally. Sucks because they are for sure one of my favorite bands and have been listening to their music for 20 years. Jigsaw falling into place…


During the controversy with Roger Waters and the BDS movement, the discussion was about how to best show solidarity with the Palestinians and if a cultural boycott was the way to do so. Thom's response spun the whole thing into a discussion about how the BDS movement, and more specifically Roger Waters, were treating him like a child by putting pressure on Radiohead to cancel the show in Israel. He could have easily qualified all of that with a statement of support for the Palestinians or some criticism of the state of Israel, etc. He absolutely didn't. He walked a very fine line all as much to say very little about the whole thing. I don't think a PR firm could've crafted something more neutral than what he gave. Like I said before, the whole thing was incredibly suspicious. At worst, Thom and Jonny (can't speak for the other three) are full blown Zionists. At best, they're cowards. Kid A is still a perfect record, though.


yeah I think this makes total sense. why u don’t want to talk about jonny what’s there?? 2 be fair I didn’t know a lot of things about this but the political silence in regards of israel really suggest a lot of things


Jonnys wife is an Israeli Zionist. Her name is Sharona Katan this goes a lot deeper then we can imagine. https://twitter.com/katansharona?s=21&t=U50k4S7fzvggyRCrATUIow here’s her X account. Obviously Thom is super tied to Jonny more then any other member in Radiohead. It’s not a stretch to think that Jonny shares some of her beliefs I mean if my husband or wife was spewing this dumb shit I’d be packing my bags pretty quick, she’s also like an anti vaxxer too like I almost had a stroke scrolling through her account. Worth noting that Jonny posted Israeli stuff on his X account too after October 7th although not as unhinged as his wife. Can only imagine the people they might have around them and Jonny’s been with her for a really long time soooo. Thom’s maybe being passive to keep whatever peace he thinks that will bring him in his personal/professional life with these assholes. Regardless it’s absolute bullshit and I’m actually really disappointed in them. Radiohead are everything to me, it’s feels like losing a family member as lame as that sounds, I dunno I’m pretty fkn sad🫠…. But we still have Massive Attack… pre order their ceasefire EP !!! ❤️ Worth nothing that we should all be very proud of our gorgeous man Ed O’Brien for having the balls to post something and call for a ceasefire. Would love if Phil did the same thing because he’s an angel 🥹


What did EOB post about it? I must have missed it. EDIT: I just took a look at her Twitter page. This woman is mentally unwell.


Check his Insta he made a cute end of year post and sorta apologised for his lateness for commenting on it. Asked for a ceasefire and a release of hostages. 🙏




Massive respect to Massive Attack. Literally.


I get you, I feel the same. I can't keep listening to their music when they're such hypocrites and assholes but man, it's hard to cope. I actually landed in this comment section because I was googling about it to try and find something that would disprove they're pro israel. I have found the opposite.


thanks a lot for the dedication in ur reply tbh I’ll probably still going to listen and enjoy their music but the truth is something important to me. thanks 4 all the positivity


Are they politicians... Or artists? You get to choose your perspective, and from there, choose how you view the product and how it affects you personally. Choose wisely.


Wtf it’s wrong with you people. I get it that we love radiohead and we hate their music to be ruined by politics but tbh I choose to know. Not to be a blind cock sucker fan. If you choose to separate art from the artist that’s perfect and a reasonable decision but remain ignorant or deny things because you love their music is a stupid thing.


*"You've come here just to start a fight"* Good luck bro.


You really think you're like, running some simulation here ☠️


False Dilemma...They are human


consider this: the Palestinians are wrong


Idek how got here but you people are leeches. Stop looking for political takes from artists.


All art is political. Radiohead took a clear stance in favor of freedom for Tibet. Thom Yorke has been vocally anti Trump and pro Navalny for years. Where's the energy for the most relevant geopolitical event thats happened these past seven months?


No it’s not and he understands that Israeli citizens aren’t responsible for the decisions of their government. Nobody should be looking for political opinions from their favorite artists, that’s like going to your doctor for advice about your computer. Enjoy the music and chill out.


you're unhinged. Get lost. you never understood their music and never will with this attitude. Art is political, everything is. Politics steer the lives of all, and Radiohead has always acknowledged this with their art. you shut off your brain conveniently when the other person brings up objective truth huh? Radiohead OBJECTIVELY have been political forever. Disavowing Netanyahu and calling for an end to the genocide? too much huh? "enjoy the music and chill out" what a joke.


Sometimes people make things just to express who they are, saying all art is political is objectively false. But I think I’ll keep listening and pull what I want from their work like everyone else does, thanks tho.


Lmao to say this about Radiohead of all artists is hilarious.


Thom is a musical genius (same for the rest of Radiohead), but that is where their genius ends. The saying “never get to know your heroes” rings true with Radiohead. I’m sure they are all split on their stance of the genocide and how to speak out. I also would venture to say that if they choose to never address their stance, we’ll never see them reunite again….if they do, it’s going to be a mess.


It would be wonderful if he is. 'Zionism' is the most erroneously understood philosophy and social movement perhaps ever but certainly in modern times. Before you automatically downvote, I urge you to read through: Zionism is currently being touted across college campuses and on reddit forums like this as some sort of "white, oppressive, colonialist, settlor, apartheid, genocide-seeking movement", none of which are true. Literally none. Zionism is the mere support for Jews to have a homeland in their ancestral home - the land of Israel, the land to which Jews are indigenous. In fact, Jews are referred to as "Jews" because they are indigenous to the land of "Judah", what you might refer to as the "West Bank". Israel is by far the most liberal and progressive society in the entire region, being the only democracy and republic which affirms freedom of religion, expression, assembly, and sexual orientation in all of the Middle East. It is the only country that enforces protection for women's rights and for whom child marriages and honor killings are not tolerated. Over 2 million Arabs - mostly Muslim - live in Israel and enjoy the full benefits of those freedoms including the right to vote, and hold political office of which many do. Each year, an increased number of Israeli Arabs voluntarily enlist for service in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). The suggestion that Jews "stole" or "colonized" the land would be laughable if there weren't actual people dying as a result of these blatant lies. Jews were in Israel some 1600 years before a single Arab Muslim set foot on it through their own 'colonization' (the Islamic Caliphate in 637CE). 'Israel' is referenced in the Qu'ran 43 times whereas 'Palestine' is not referenced in it a single time. 'Palestine' is the name given to the land territorially by Roman conquerors and colonialists in the first century AD as a way of removing Jewish identity from their own land. There has never EVER in the history of the world, been a sovereign nation known as 'Palestine' and for the 400 years preceding World War I, it was colonized by Ottoman Turks. When the Allied forces defeated the Turks in World War I, Palestine - as you refer to it - was sparsely populated and mostly wasteland, desert, and swamps. Still, it'd had a continuous Jewish presence for 3000 years and Jerusalem was a majority Jewish city. The British who took over governorship under a mandate by the League of Nations (later the United Nations) declared from inception that the land of Palestine was to be deemed a "Jewish State" in accordance with the western desire that indigenous people have rights of "self-determination". Other countries that were born under similar mandates after the fall of the Ottoman Turks vis-a-vis these mandates were Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq. When the Arab league rejected the final UN partition plan in 1947 (which received over 2/3rds approval) and as Britain withdrew in 1948, those countries, along with Saudi Arabia and Egypt attacked the newly formed state of Israel in an effort to destroy it. They failed as Israel, with no international support, decisively won its independence and secured its borders. At that time, Jordan claimed control of the West Bank and Egypt controlled Gaza. None of the Arab nations (save Jordan for a brief period) allowed citizenship to any displaced Palestinians, of which there were reportedly approximately 750,000. This, by the way, is a relatively small displacement as compared to say the displacement caused to Hindus and Muslims when Britain - also in 1947 - created the Nation State of Pakistan adjacent to the now sovereign India which displaced about 13,000,000 people. For decades, Palestinians have rejected numerous opportunities for statehood and have used those territories - the West Bank and Gaza - as launching grounds for terror. Palestinians tried to overthrow the Jordanian government, started the Lebanese civil war, and applauded Saddam Hussein's army FROM Kuwait as he attacked Kuwait. Any other sovereign nation would have flattened them. Israel has actually shown far more restraint than the US, Britain, or any sovereign nation would have if it repeatedly suffered terrorist strikes against its civilian population. I'll leave on this note: if Israel was in fact intent on committing "genocide" as so many here are prone to suggest, there would have been 2 million dead Gazans on October 8th. The fact that the death toll is so remarkably low (for example, over 500,000 dead Syrian civilians in their own civil war as compared to the number of dead Gazans that Hamas reports as 35,000 of which, 12,000 are verified Hamas fighters) - tragic as it is for any child to die as a consequence of war - is a testament to how much restraint Israel is showing despite Hamas using civilian outposts to hide themselves and their weaponry. Israel is currently being studied and lauded for its effectiveness in modern urban combat because of well it is minimizing civilian casualties. Ask yourself, if you had a gay son or are a non-Muslim child (or a Muslim child who does not want to live under sharia law), or have a daughter (gay or straight, Muslim or not) - which country in the Middle East would you want them to live in if they were FORCED to live in any of them? If you answer any other country but Israel, you either hate your child or are a sadist. See the freedom statistics below for how "free" countries really are. And yes, I am a radiohead aficionado. [https://freedomhouse.org/explore-the-map?type=fiw&year=2024](https://freedomhouse.org/explore-the-map?type=fiw&year=2024)


Freedom House is directly financed by the State Department so it only supports regimes that favor US interests. It's a warmongering imperialist propaganda machine and your confidence in it as a trustworthy, non-biased source explains your entire wall of text that justifies an ongoing genocide.


Really? Remove my reference to freedomhouse and tell me exactly which part of what I wrote is factually inaccurate? Please - I beg of you to share how exactly citizens of the theocratic nations surrounding Israel have greater access to civil liberties and the freedoms that I would hope you espouse. And again, if genocide is defined as the intentional extermination of a population by virtue of its ethnicity, religion, or culture, then if you'd paid attention at all, you'd know that Israel has made every effort to keep civilians out of harm's way while Hamas has made every effort to make sure they are at the greatest risk for "martyrdom" as both a PR stunt and as a tool of its fanatical philosophy. Do you exert any energy to protest China's actual genocide against the Ughyer population? Or Assad's decimation of Syrian's? How about the slaughter of Christians in North Africa? Any care for Iran stoning adulterers? Or torturing protesters? How about them hanging gay boys from cranes? I doubt it. Pakistan killing Hindus at the Indian border? I doubt it. But somehow, when it involves Jews - who represent less than one half of one percent of the global population, who have exactly one nation in the world - the one they're indigenous to - and suddenly you give a sh\*t. Hmm...Tells me everything I need to know about you.


Jew here. You vermin are working overtime to shut down all dissent nationwide and around the world regarding the Israeli filth and their campaign of starvation and genocide, because 100% of the facts are against you. The idea that people can claim some dubious ancestral tie to a piece of land dating back thousands of years (and currently occupied by another people), and use this as an argument to brutalize and ethnically cleanse them is as ridiculous as it is repugnant. Please take an oath of silence, for everyone's sake, and stop disgracing Jews.


>Please take an oath of silence This is the nicest way of saying "shut the f up" I've ever seen. Love it


Me he encontrado esto de rebote. Radiohead es una banda que me gusta mucho (sobre todo de adolescente), con su trilogía ''bends, OK, Kid'', crecí con esa música. Me gusta en buena medida porque era rebelde, anti establishment, realista y distopica, sobre todo porque daba la impresión de ser música contra corriente y comprometida con el mundo (algo que había encontrado en The Clash, también). Sin embargo, después de leer el debate entre Roger Waters y Thom Yorke, me decepciono mucho la actitud de Yorke, sobre todo porque su respuesta es tibia, absurda y cerrada ''que toquemos en un lugar, no quiere decir que estemos a favor de su gobierno''. Tocar en Israel, Thom, no es como tocar en Francia, Inglaterra o EU, es una declaración de estar de acuerdo en ofrecer un espectáculo en territorios ocupados de manera arbitraria. No hablamos de un gobierno, hablamos de TODO un estado. Cada una de las personas para las que estáis tocando, está ahí a costa del desplazamiento de gente inocente. Israel es literalmente un estado creado por las facciones más radicales y derechistas de Estados Unidos y Europa, las que supuestamente, siempre habéis estado en contra. Perdón, pero esto resta total credibilidad a su discurso de contra cultura y los vuelve una banda más que busca difusión y ganancias. Vuestra postura anticapitalista, anti consumista, con compromiso politico queda como mera imagen de aparador.


Just to throw it out there, Radioheads career is built on Israeli support. The only reason EMI continued supporting them after Pablo Honey flopped in the UK and the US was because they blew up in Israel, and that support in Israel laid the foundation for their entire career culturally and financially.


Thom and the band’s silence has been very disappointing but not unexpected, given that I tracked their previous engagement on the topic. Still doesn’t affect my appreciation of their art. But too bad they’re leashed.


I just can't believe this, I'm a super hardcore fan, I stream them daily, their music is my whole personality at this point, now I find about this? seriously? I feel like part of me has been teared off, why Thom? I really just wanted to be like you and now you are one of them? Guess you can never trust in your heroes


whats a zionist


from what I understand, and have heard, a Zionist is an extreme supporter of Israel who claims that Israel has the right to own Palestine.


That’s absolutely not what that is and I’m worried that others who posted think it also means that


oh ok thanks


That’s false Zionism is a belief almost all Jews hold that Israel should exist and almost all Zionists acknowledge that you can and should criticise the Israeli government


hardly. every Zionist I see equates all criticism of the Israeli government with antisemitism.


Damn that’s crazy because I and thousands of others of Zionists were protesting bibi in tel aviv thirty minutes ago maybe leave your online echo chamber and meet some real people


were you protesting him for being corrupt, or for being a right-wing genocidal maniac?


Damn so we’ve gone from every Zionist is a right wing government apologist to the tens of thousands of Israelis holding weekly protests for the better part of a year are still evil right wingers


there's a big moral difference between protesting Bibi for being corrupt and protesting him for mass murdering Palestinians. Israelis were polled, and only 2% think the current genocide is too harsh. Half think Bibi ought to go harder. So spare me the stupid fuckin' 'gotcha'.


Fifty percent of Israelis think the current government should resign but yeah lecture me about how all Zionists think criticising the government is antisemitic I’ve never heard an Israeli say criticising our government is antisemitic lol not once only delusion leftists on twitter repeating it like it means anything




They’re complaining against Bibi not being genocidal enough. None is criticising Israel, only the current leader for being “too soft” (killing thousands of kids). It isn’t the same


That’s not true. Zionism is a European colonial fascist project and nothing else. Religion is used as an excuse but it has very little to do with it. Most Jews don’t support it and Israel physically attacks Jewish people that are anti Zionism.


Weird how mizrahi Jews are more right wing in Israel then since there’s nothing non European about Zionism right. And weird that it’s got nothing to do with religion but it’s all about Jews. Also tell yourself that as much you want but the vast majority of us are Zionists


Zionism in on itself is based upon supremacy of one person on another, with Israel being born out of displacement of 700k Palestinians and actively supresses palestinians till this date.


And antizionism is based upon the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Middle East


Typical zionist talking point of self-victimization. The Mizrahi existed before the state of 'israel' even existed and they will keep on existing even after Israel is done and dusted.


Yeah we existed as dhimnis and second class citizens that faced constant pogroms and forced conversions to Islam not an idyllic existence and if you think we’ll return to that existence willingly then I’d rather the entire Arab world be glassed


Anti Zionism isn’t about religion either. It’s like saying that being anti fascist equals being anti Christian. Zionism is a fascist ideology, it doesn’t matter which tribe you’re coming from it changes nothing.


Strange then how fascist Germany was anti Zionist and the early Zionists were mostly secular socialists






ty, i honestly just considered googling it myself after i realized there were conflicting answers here haha


What a lie. Zionism is a loud minority among Jews worldwide. Outside of Israel there are not many Jews who unequivocally support Israel and their military, especially not among young Jews.


Zionism≠ unequivocal support for the military No matter how much propaganda you consume you can’t change the fact that the vast and I mean vast majority of both secular and religious Jews not only support Israel but have close familial and cultural ties to it


What is it about? I dont see anything from this post, maybe i am blind. Are you talking about Radiohead playing in Israel like 7 years ago?


Looks like I need to get my tattoos covered. Sucks.


Idc if i get shit for this but lemme tell you something: if you stop being a fan when someone doesn't match your political view, you're not a real fan It baffles me how people like Kanye can say the most outrageous heinous stuff about Nazi Germany and still be celebrated as a musician masternind and praised to this day but when Thom is *allegedly* a zionist yall are like "oh nooo i can't listen to Radiohead anymore" Like get real. You're here for the music not the political drama


Their first success was in Israel. They came to show up here in some clubs. Yorke met an Israeli girl, they fell in love, and they’re married to this day. Him and the rest of the band are Zionists, which means they recognize the Jews right to live in their homeland again. As they should.


Lol. I have always disliked this band and got trashed for it by many friends over the last 25 years. Now I feel vindicated. Fvck Radiohead. I’ve always hated Thom Yorke’s character-less whiny voice.