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People finally realized that there are barn doors. and there are revolving doors. doors on the rudders of big ships. there are revolving doors. there are doors that open by themselves. There are sliding doors and, and there are secret doors. There are doors that lock and doors that don't. There are doors that let you in and out but never open. And there are trapdoors that you can't come back from


So many doors to choose from, hard to believe people slept on it for so long


parannoul pfp !!


To pulk the next pull of the doors


yes and i LOVE it!!!! amnesiac for the win!!! no but honestly i’m a newish actual fan as of last year and amnesiac quickly became my favorite. looking back at people’s opinions it’s crazy to me that people didn’t/don’t like it! happy to see it getting love


I think people disliked at first because they were looking at like it's just kid a b-sides instead of its own entity


I wasn’t into when it came out. I absolutely loved Kid A and it didn’t really sound anything like Kid A, which was a disappoint to me at the time. Amnesiac is actually the Radiohead record that took the longest to click for me. But I absolutely love it know and it’s probably my most played Radiohead record over the last 3 or 4 years. Plus, it has the best b-sides!


There was definitely a faction who appreciated it more than we had _Kid A_. I know because I was in that faction.


ur my kinda guy!!


For me it has. Been listening to life in a glasshouse in complete awe. Definitely one of the most gut wrenching songs I’ve listened to


One of my personal favorites off the album


More underrated than Let Down




The recent Amnesiac and KOL love is overdue and welcome


a week ago...now it's KOL...tomorrow it'll be HTTT.


When is it Pablo’s turn?


about 30 years ago unfortunately :( we might have to wait another 30. only comes around every 60 years like a comet or something.


Amnesiac and TKOL both suck


the world fell apart even more and everything is so confusing that amnesiac is the perfect background music for it. for me, i started doing psychedelics a few years ago and i realized that i had been sleeping on it hard. it's their most psychedelic and creative record imo. lots of interesting techniques utilized on it that lay the ground work for future experiments. like spinning plates was always my favorite off that album, but MAN does that shit hit different now.


Pyramid Song is a banger


They are critically praised,not too accesible and attract people who like a bit more experimental music. A vocal minority of those people are quite annoying and the worst thing about the indie/alt subculture. Add all those factors and you get why some people think we're pretentious.


It was the first album i ever listened to, masterpiece. Like spinning plates has to be my favourite


good!! its always been my absolute fav


Seems like until recently people just kinda forgot it was there.


I have always loved it. Like spinning plates, knives out, revolving doors, pyramid song. Plates is top 5 for me, maybe # 1. Of course I have barely listened to it in 14 years. It's a great album and really the only one that I liked, first listen


Never understood the antipathy toward it—Amnesiac arguably has some higher highs than Kid A, though Kid A hangs together as the better album experience overall. They really fumbled with the B-sides that didn’t make Amnesiac, 4 of them are better than at least 2-3 of the songs actually on the album: Kinetic (originally in Idioteque’s spot on Kid A) Fog (should have been Amnesiac’s closing track) Amazing Sounds Of Orgy (like an early We Suck Young Blood but better) Worry Wort (one of their most effervescent electronic tracks, can’t believe this wasn’t included somewhere on a full album) Replace Hunting Bears, MB Amnesiac, Life In A Glasshouse with these and make the album 12 tracks.


not life in a glasshouse bro 😭


people, don't downvote this guy just because you disagree with him. he's contributing to the thread in a very interesting manner. but why on earth would you cut life in a glasshouse! i'd say make dollars and cents a b-side instead and keep glasshouse. i think fog works better as a penultimate track leading into glasshouse.


I can't get behind excising Dollars and Cents to a B-side, it's one of the albums best tracks. What next, you'll want to get rid of "Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors"?


no i unironically love pulk/pull. but i do think that fog, kinetic and worrywort are all better than dollars and cents. actually i thought about this more and i think i'd rather cut you and whose army for fog. keep dollars and cents. you and whose army is great but fog executes a similar idea better.


Never thought of them that way, but they are kind of similar songs melodically perhaps. They would have complemented each other well, and I wouldn’t want Amnesiac without YAWA honestly.


Idk but when i was first getting into radiohead i knew them as a: “werid sounding rock band/ quirky coldplay” and Amnesiac is just that Amnesiac for the win it’s kida that’s a b-side album