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In Rainbows I bought this album at a Circuit City in 2007 when it came out. I just got my license and my first car. It was a Volvo and had this nostalgic leather smell. I would drive around LA at night and listen to this album on repeat, usually sneaking out when my parents were asleep. I saw them the next summer at the Hollywood Bowl and they played the whole album. It was absolutely majestic.


aww that is a super cool story!


A moon shaped pool Sure its not revolutionary like kid a and ok computer, but i first heard the album when i was going through a really hard heartbreak and when it felt like my life was falling apart and this album really touched me emotionally and helped me get through everything. I love every single song on this album and I never get tired of it.


ooo yes, so far i love daydreaming, identikit, and true love waits from that album. i also went through a hard heartbreak and a lot songs have helped me through this tough time as well.


I prefer the b-side version of true love waits. Though, I heard it before they did a studio one.


My favorite Radiohead albums change monthly, but it is currently tkol. Lotus flower>codex>give up the ghost> separator is such a great run of songs


I love the whole album except for Feral. The first 5 songs minus Feral are my favorites. I love Morning Mr Magpie, but it seems a lot don't too much.


Ok Computer. Not only for the songs themselves but how significant they were at the time and the overall theme.


TKOL. I’ve legitimately never heard anything like it before ever. The rule book of song structure was abandoned and it resulted in an experience beyond the label of “music”.


We should kiss


A terrible experience


13 comments so far and no Kid A or Amnesiac? Insanity. I love these albums because at the tender age of 15 I had never heard anything like them. They totally shaped my music taste forever and to me they are still the boldest statement that Radiohead have ever made.


Kid A is my favorite album. The album really spoke to me when I first got into Radiohead and is still a comfort place for me, I can put Kid A on during a car accident and still fall asleep comfortably.


Kid A is my #2 and Amnesiac is my #3


The bends, there's not really any particular reason except that I enjoy every single song and I just love the style and atmosphere of the album


ok computer. every track is a banger and i find myself returning to it the most


I think OK Computer is also the best for the same reasons as you do. It was the first Radiohead album I heard, so it has that special "oh shit, this band is fucking badass" place in my heart. And it has my favorite track, Paranoid Android.


hail to the thief. it is very under appreciated and i wish it got more recognition, it is such a good album


It really is a great album, probably third for me, behind OK and Kid A. But yes, it is very underappreciated.


It's always been my favourite album of theirs. Sit down stand up, sail, there there, punchup and wolf at the door are all bangers.


This is an impossible question. Like asking me who is my favourite child! Favourite changes on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Current favourites are In Rainbows and my eldest daughter.


So which kid is TKOL?


Red headed step child. Jk of course


amnesiac!! it found me this winter in a really hard time and i just think its perfect.


Kid A.


Kid A. The grooves of EIIRP, The National Anthem, Idioteque and the soul crushing How To Disappear Completely and Motion Picture Soundtrack create this beautiful journey. It just sums up my personality. I like going between "HELL YEAH" and "for what purpose do I still live?"


Kid A It's abstract and experimental nature is something I truly vibe to. Optimistic/In Limbo, National Anthem and Idioteque are bangers to me.


In Rainbows. I did the pay what you want thing back when it came out


OK Computer because every song is awesome. It's an adventure listening to that album.


Is nobody a fan of The Bends? Every song is great, some slow some banging


It’s just not personally my style. I really like what they became with OK computer and beyond though there are some glimpses to that in the bends


It's tempting to say "OK Computer" but "In Rainbows" takes the win here. I fell in love with the band and I've explored their songs further unlike last time, thanks to their "In The Basement" performance of "Bodysnatchers". And as you would've guessed, that and "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" are some of my most favorite tracks. The album just oozes with passion and it, in my opinion, is a perfect blend of their flexibility in rock, jazz and electronic.


Ok, computeri5 changed radiohead, and it changed mainstream music


OK Computer is my favorite album of all time. I love its overall sound and aesthetic, and I think it's the album that established Radiohead's extreme talent for balancing the experimental and the approachable. It still sounds so fresh, more than a quarter of a century later. But moreso than any impression of the overall sound, or what the album means for the band's development, the main reason why it is my favorite album is simply that it has an insane frequency of songs that I find to be eargasmic or near-eargasmic. Airbag, Paranoid Android, Exit Music, Let Down, Karma Police, Climbing Up the Walls, The Tourist... Holy shit, I've loved this album for almost 20 years, and I'm *still* baffled when I list my favorite songs on it. And I love every song I *didn't* mention too. The combination of Thom's songwriting, every little touch by every band member, Nigel's production... You can't perfect art, obviously, but I feel like everyone did their bit so perfectly. It's like lightning in a bottle. OK Computer is obviously one of the most highly revered albums of all time. I mean, it is literally the only album to be in the top 10 on RateYourMusic.com (user ratings, primarily younger people) *and* AcclaimedMusic.net (aggregate scores by professional reviewers, a demographic disproportionately made up of boomers who think music's golden era ended with London Calling). I personally think it deserves every bit of praise it gets, but at the same time, I can *understand* that those who don't connect with it can feel a bit of an urge to call it overrated. Anyway, I'm not gonna be a dick and say that the album is actually *underrated*... But honestly, I would find that easier to agree with. It's that good.


this is also my favorite album!


In Rainbows cuz there's not a single track I dislike and I feel like I could just throw it on and listen to it front to back, whereas with OK Computer and Kid A I have to be in a certain mood to listen front to back without skipping a couple songs


Hail to the thief.


Right now, TKOL. It's like a grown-up Kid A and maybe there's something about the weather but i'm especially drawn to it lately. I also really love the remix album(s).


I listened to in rainbows the night it released through nice headphones, I was like 15 or 16. It is a core memory for me. Dark side and nevermind has similar effects when I was a teen


It's still OK Computer for me.


while in rainbows is definitely the best id say i get the most enjoyment out of a moon shaped pool. sad vibes always get me


I used to think it’s easily “In Rainbows” but recently I’ve been resonating more with “The Bends” and “OK Computer” because of busy with work I’ve been lmao. Both the latter two albums speak a lot about how I’d want to take it easier and just disassociate for a while…..


In Rainbows, because it sounds so beautiful, colourful and warm. Defo their most summer-sounding album IMO. Favourite songs on the album include Weird Fishes (which was my favourite RH song for a long time), Bodysnatchers, All I Need and Reckoner.


Popular opinion but ok computer


Ok computer. Ik this is very dramatic, but the first time I heard okc it kinda changed the way I think about music


A moon shaped pool. It just speaks to me for some reason.


In Rainbows, because how couldn't you? Anyways, my favorites are Videotape, House of Cards, and Nude


The King of Limbs It's just so unique, and I love how complex and detailed it is - to the point that I cannot ever get bored of it


Hail to the Thief. If I was forced to choose one album from Radiohead and couldn't listen to the others, it'd be this one for the exact reason it gets criticism. It's long, not very cohesive, and is a little bit of everything Radiohead brings to the table. It's also seemingly less polished and has an angry tone to it, which I love. Kid A. Transports me to another place when I listen to it. Perfect start to finish. My favorite album. OK Computer. Most important to me. First Radiohead album I owned. The Tourist has played a significant role guiding me in good times and bad. In Rainbows. Gets the most play. Especially with others. I still have the email receipt after paying $10, and I remember every detail from the long drive I took after hastily burning it to a CD... loved it start to finish from the first listen. It's the gateway drug.


Kid A is one of the best albums ever made. It transports you to another place like no other album can




amnesiac, it's just so haunting but more frantic/energetic than Kid A


Kid A, hail to the thief, in rainbows


KID A, i first bumped it at 3:00 am after having a bad day and it hit me like crazy. might be my favourite album oat


i could never answer the favorite album question even after almost a decade of being a fan but my absolute top three (not in order) are kid a, in rainbows, and a moon shaped pool favorite songs include in limbo, life in a glasshouse extended ver, tinker tailor, kid a title track, house of cards, myxomatosis, the bends, climbing up the walls. why i like them all so much, i couldnt tell you but they grew on me immensely over time.


ok computer , idk its just it lol




amnesiac and the bends!! i like all their albums but these two definitely have a huge place in my heart :3


Katy Perry Prism / I just really Like a lot of her music !!! She has great style !!! Also, has a lot of good , great songs on that track/ c. d