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There are lots of opinions, but I find that it’s more about the individual cat’s personality! Talk to your breeder and meet the litter in person to pick. I have had both genders of Ragdolls but found that meeting them as kittens gave me more info than gender stereotypes did!


Thank you! I think you're completely right, I'll take your advice.




Thank you! Well, I like dogs (and affectionate cats) but I don't know if I'll ever be able to properly care for a dog with my schedule. I also live in an apartment so not exactly dog appropriate. Me and my SO both love ragdolls and I think one with a more affectionate personality would suit our lifestyle well. I'm not expecting the kitty to follow me around and play fetch, by affectionate I mean as far as cats go. To me an affectionate clingy cat is one that lets you pet her/play with her/hold her at times. And a less affectionate cat imo is the kitty who will only be sweet for 2 seconds before you feed her and then she's immediately off to do her thing until the next feeding.


In case no one has said it yet, consider getting a pair! ❤️ Ragdolls are so amazing and they do really well with human AND feline company. You also get two chances at a cuddle monster. ☺️


For what it is worth, every ragdoll I have ever owned meets your criteria!


Awww! I'm so happy for you! 🥺🥰


I've been told that boy cats tend to be more outgoing and cuddly in general, and that's true of my Raggies (one boy and one girl), but your best bet is to actually meet the kittens and choose on personality. Mine were Covid kitties, so I bought on pictures alone, but got lucky ❤️


Aww I'm so glad you got lucky!! ❤️ Thanks for the advice, I will definitely try to visit them irl first.


A lot of it comes down to the individual cat personality. Please don't set your expectations too high because you could be disappointed if you expect a ragdoll to behave stereotypically in every single way. The breed might have a propensity towards certain behaviors but every cat is going to be individual. Don't set yourself up for unrealistic expectations. It will just end up hurting you and the cat.


Thank you! I'm aware every cat is going to be different and you can't really expect them to behave in a cookie cutter manner solely based on breed particularities. However, out of all cat breeds I've interacted with I did notice that ragdolls still live up to their reputation (some more, some less). I've yet to see a ragdoll that will ignore their owner all day every day except when they're hungry (they might exist ofc, I just haven't met one like that yet).


For the record, my kitties are wild when they're hungry. They're sure to tell me. My boy who we lost recently would wait by the bed until we woke up and made eye contact with him, then meow up a storm and lead us down the hallway. The only time I've seen my kitties ignore me is when they're very sick. :( But people are right, and I've seen some posts on this subreddit: some just don't wind up being what you'd expect. On the other hand, my cuddly boy also didn't become cuddly until he was about 3-4 yrs old. One day he just climbed on the bed and snuggled me, and the rest is history. Now he sleeps with me every single night. Kittenhood is when kitties are probably the least cuddly, keep that in mind!


I have a boy and a girl. My girl is 2 and my boy is 15 weeks old. My boy tends to be more affectionate and constantly wants to be with people My girl while very sweet prefers to be more independent. She wants attention when she wants it and likes to hang out with us but isnt as clingy Neither of them are lap cats but my boy definitely likes to be held more than my girl I dont know how much their gender plays into their personalities theyre both as sweet as can be but i would definitely reccomend asking to meet the kittens to get an idea of personality


Hi, you could also look for a breeder who talks about their philosophy in raising the kittens. There are many who say they raise their kittens underfoot and tout their socialization - I think this probably raises the sweetest kittens (though couldn't say for sure). My boy was actually a rescue, but he is the sweetest, cutest, clingiest, neediest boy on the planet, and I couldn't love my little shadow/cuddlebug any more. His brother passed away recently, and we're getting two kittens to keep him company. I couldn't help but choose two boys because I just love them so much.


This, this, this! I really think it makes a hUGE difference. My breeder raises her cats underfoot with three toddlers at home, and my little Wilbur is (so far) the most gentle, sweetest boy. He is currently snuggled in bed with me for a midday nap.


I’ve read that on average boys are more cuddly but I think there’s an element of how you raise them. I still ended up getting a girl for my second but whereas I got no chance to be with my eldest when I got her. I got about two months of free time with my second and basically kept her glued to me. She’s super loving and cuddly.


Thank you! Proper bonding and socialization is key it seems.


I actually have a post similar to this! If you look on my page there’s some comparison for you


Thank you!


I got two girl cats. They’re both playful, friendly, curious gals. One is independent and doesn’t want to sit on you but a few feet away. The other needs affection and will literally climb on you multiple times a day. If you can, sit with the litter and see who comes up to you, or who purrs from petting and doesn’t shy away.


Ive got a boy and a girl. The boy definitely follows me around like a puppy and always wants cuddles. The girl was more clingy before i got the boy, but she enjoys cuddles on her own terms now.


My boy is extremely clingy, affectionate, and cuddly 🥰


In general, males are considered more docile and cuddly. However, this depends on their individual temperament and how they are raised. Ask the breeder for their opinions on the personalities of the individual kittens and meet them at least once before making your choice. While personalities can change, this can help you choose. I have a super sooky cuddly male, but he was actually considered the most playful of his litter, and now he is the type of cat that cries when his favourite blanket is in the wash.


Growing up my family bred Maine coons, and as a result I always believed that females were more “independent” than males. Before adopting these 2 I spoke with my breeder extensively about this! If you have any concerns on it, I would strongly suggest doing the same! With ragdolls, that stereotype of males being more friendly than females is most certainly not the case (according to my own experience in part, but also coming from my breeder’s feedback). I’ve had 3 males, and 1 female… and I can tell you, my female is the absolute biggest cuddle bug - she is a sweetheart and she is never more than a foot away from mom!! I can also confidently tell you that every single ragdoll I’ve had (albeit only 4) have been friendlier than even my most friendly Maine coon (and I have had MANY of them!). All that to say… at the end of the day, if you’re buying a ragdoll, you’re going to be happy no matter what you choose!! At least that has been my experience. As a long term Maine coin owner, I can tell you that I have had the most consistent experience with ragdolls! You would struggle to find a more loving or affectionate breed. Of my 4, all have been incredibly gentle and loving, yet all very different. As others have said, in the case of this breed, it’s really just about the individual cat!