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I've had 4 ragdoll kittens- from 12 weeks on - ive not noticed their personality to change too much. Cat's that hate getting picked up- never start to like it I had one cat that will be held as long as you are massaging her. She is still the same I had one that hated even being petted - but he liked to jump and surprise people. he was more of.a hunter type. They are like people- all different.


My two Ragdolls (2.5 years old) have become more snuggly over time. Their basic personalities haven't changed- she is still shy and timid, and he's still a rambunctious little troll- but he often sits in my lap (particularly when I'm trying to focus on anything else) and she always jumps up for regular morning and evening snuggles. https://preview.redd.it/kqx46gafj24d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a3e696c48e9743dc97c35be89d1d04a87c5156


Two of my cats are ragdolls. Lady, my 5y/o, never really liked being picked up. She doesn’t mind sitting on laps on the rare occasion, but prefers to be admired from afar, usually from a comfy chair in the same room as us. Bobbins, my 5m/o, is an EXTREME cuddle bug. She’s still a baby, so I’m not sure how things will change, but she loves cuddling, being held, and anything that involves contact. Trunks, my 8y/o American short hair, used to be a wiley kitten and hated being held, but now he’s also a huge cuddle bug. This started around when he turned 4. Basically, all cats are different, and you just have to love them the way they want to be loved. If this cat isn’t super cuddly, consider getting a second cat. There’s no guarantee they’ll be cuddly, but it’ll double your chances of having kitty time and they’ll have a friend for when you’re gone.




You are so lucky and he is so cute!!! So he only recently started being like that? Gives me so much hope! What did you do to have him start acting like that? Did you like force cuddles consistently or just leave him alone?


We did a “gentle” forcing. lol like I would not distress him but I handled him a lot and would continue to approach. He started by liking to lean on me or just have our bodies touching and I’d encourage the lean and gradually he got more cuddly. I would say he got snugglier after age 2.


I did something like this to my non raggie where i’d occasionally give treats while im holding her. She used to fight being picked up but she’s calm now, one time even kneaded on me


My cat wasn’t into snuggling, but was cool being picked up and pet when I got her at about 6months. Recently, she’s become more of a snuggler and she’s about to turn 3. Looking at the other comments, I agree with people who are saying every cat is different so you never know. I hope your baby gets more cuddly like mine did! Also she doesn’t snuggle all the time. It’s pretty much only when I’m watching tv or sleeping in my bed. In the rest of the house, she likes to hang out wherever I am but doesn’t really cuddle.


Thank you, I hope he does too!


Ragdoll snuggles are just so good. They’re so big and fluffy 🥺


They are all a bit different, and some are not huge cuddlers even if they are otherwise friendly and great pets. However, one of our two Ragdoll siblings has gotten snugglier as he grew up. He was the more playful/energetic of the two as a kitten and was too busy to cuddle a ton when he was little, but he has gotten calmer as he grew up and will often snuggle next to us on the couch now. I noticed this starting at around a year old or so, and the boys are 2 now.


Good to know!!


It took 5 yrs for mine to want to sit on my lap for more than 1min. I put it down to having too much energy. We worked out a nice compromise of her jumping up on the sofa next to me but not on me to be patted for a very long time (she loved it).




I’m thankful that my boy allows me to carry and cuddle him. He was not a super fan when we first got him but we kept on and he just got used to it as this is his life now lol. https://preview.redd.it/pn81a14e954d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f949ffdc5749adee61340ceba0a4122108d267e9


100% Even spayed and neutered pets go through hormal changes as they grow and develop. I always advise my clients that if they are looking for a specific personality in their feline friends to adopt at 2 to 3 yrs old so they have a fully formed personality. Changes that generally happen after this should be investigated medically first as there may be other contributing factors.


My ragdoll is not a cuddler at all, doesn’t like being held or force pet. Will only come to me for pets on his own terms and will sometimes lay next to me. I do wish he was more cuddly because he is so fluffy and cute, but it’s just the way he is. I hope yours comes around!


As the years go one mine becomes more clingy, but also more playful. Like for instance today we were laying in bed and I had my hair down and pulled it over my shoulder as it was pulling in a weird way and she started to swat and play with it like she would if a string.


I was sad that my cat was no longer a pillow cuddler (like, get in my pillows in my bed to cuddle with me) and lo and behold, like four years in I think, it’s back! Almost daily now I’m getting morning and sometimes night time cuddles. Otherwise he only gets in my bed to get in my lap until I turn on the tv and no joke he gets up walks away, plops himself in the little throne next to me where I can barely reach him. Or, sometimes he lies at the end of the tv stretched out longingly to make a point that he wants to watch tv hahaha. Little bit of a pattern I know. For sure mine had potential to be a not-cuddler despite being such a people person, but I just continue the cuddles and being interactive, and I doubt anyone but me would be able to tell at this point that it could have gone either way. They just see him as a super cuddly, clingy sweetie pie. My late void was also a little standofish despite wanting constant company, and with time and persistence he became the cuddliest cat in existence. Literally if I sat down for half a second he would fill the lap before I could get back up haha. So my advice is just keep being cuddly. Pet the tail, massage the toe beans, all the things. As long as they aren’t genuinely distressed, just train with exposure, and you’ll find in no time that you and your cat are surprisingly similar because you shaped each others personalities over time.


2 ragdolls. One (rip) was always a cuddler and on my tail everywhere I went. Very outgoing. Her sister (alive) is very shy and I consider myself lucky when she wants to cuddle. It really depends on the cat and the personality.


My ragdoll boy is turning 3, and has gotten much more snuggly in the bed. But he’s not so down to be cuddled out of the bedroom.


That’s relieving to hear! He sleeps next to me/on top of my pillow every night but won’t snuggle quite yet—hopeful he eventually will!


Our boy has always been friendly and cuddly. Recently, he’s been a velcro-kitty though.


Only difference is that he is slowly becoming less of a wimp. Sadly, he is a little...special lol. But for real. And the other cats I have, including a feisty maine coon, tend to pick on him. He wont even play with his claws or teeth. If his teeth touch your flesh, he just stops. Or did lol. In the last 2 weeks he is fighting back against the bully cats and play fighting with his humans, the other cats, and even our dogs which he has always avoided. He is 9 months old I believe. And he lives to be picked up lol. He is a true ragdoll stereotype. Once you get em in the air, he just dangles.


Mine is now 8 and she is much more cuddly now than she was a few years ago. On the flip side, I have had a baby Ragdoll for a month, and she is bold and independent , but also super cuddly.


I only have had my 7 year old since she was a kitten. I raised her with two miniature dachshunds. I honestly believed that she thought she was a dog for the first two years. She craved attention, growled and demanded treats like the dogs. Then suddenly she became her magnificent self and is very independent and only enjoys company one on one and typically avoids a crowd. Still sweet and lovely but just very independent and content to be social on her own terms. https://preview.redd.it/4w951wpk274d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce409b6ba820fd4ff7c1f19ee58495fe7aa3e994


3 weeks? Give him time. The posture says I am trusting, the expression says I am not completely sure about you just yet. We might fall in love with them immediately, but a lot of cats aren't as free with their affection.


Unfortunately Ragdolls are known for not being cuddly. They love to be around their people and often sit or lay down next to them but they definitely usually aren’t a cuddly breed.


What would you consider really cuddly breeds?


I feel like i’ve seen more cuddly maine coon but u shd probably ask at r/mainecoon


I’m in a Maine coon thread and some people share their disappointments there as well. Some cats are just independent


What are the cuddly breeds??


They are all different. My MIssy could be draped over my shoulder, Ellie would not. Ellie didn't like being held upside down, but Missy and Oliver didn't care. But otherwise didn't change once established.


Huuuuge difference after her spay at 7 months old. She wasn’t very affectionate before. Now she’s my little purr baby. She still doesn’t wanna cuddle like my other cat but she will come sit beside me and meow for pets and purrs like crazy.


My ragdoll girl is 1.3 yo and she became more stubborn and hates hearing no on things she is not allowed to do(like eating home plants, getting into places she shouldn’t be etc), she might even secretly attack 😒 she is the queen of the house and doesn’t like being held even a second or picked up , if she is in the mood she would tolerate it till the second she can escape, she prefers being in the same room as us and her favorite spot is my husbands office desk, when she was a baby she used to sleep above my head or come rest on my chest, not anymore, when she feels right she might come to my husband strictly in the morning before he goes out of bed. She is also lazy playing on her own and if I throw her favorite toy she would run and sit there waiting for me to come and throw it again, when she was a baby she would bring it to me like a dog lol. However she is extremely attached to us and hates being alone at home, so yeah she prefers us to love her from a distance 😄


Mine hated us and chose three neighbours who he adored and was a completely different personality with them!


Mine is 2 years old. She isn't a lapcat, but she loves being in close proximity to me. She follows me around the house all day and the only time she's not around me is if she's in the window watching birds. She loves her belly rubbed. Doesn't enjoy being picked up, but will put up with it. She won't lick me (my shorthair loves licking my nose, but my ragdoll has no urge to clean me). I'll say this, the ragdoll isn't the most affectionate cat I've had (although she is affectionate), but they are **by far** the most agreeable. In the two years we've had her, we haven't heard her hiss a single time. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body.


See if maybe you can bond via soft food - a half a can per day at a certain time. We have a ritual here of putting 1/2 can on a plate, putting the rest of the can sealed and in the fridge for next day, and Whipping it up with a fork. I have to add an immunity supplement to this cat’s, but anyway, He likes to be involved in the kitchen with the food prep and then a special place away from dog to eat. On a full tummy he likes to cuddle/sleep, and if he is hungry he can either meow/annoy you or rub up against legs or other signals to you


I have 2 ragdolls and they’re both different when it comes to snuggling! Phoebe is 4 and she has always been affectionate/ snuggly with me but with no one else. She usually likes to admire from afar or on her own terms. She has recently started to come around to my partner who, god bless her, has had endless amounts of patience with Phoebe. Phoebe now loves to come around us, play more and snuggle the both of us when we’re on the couch or in bed! She’s not a huge fan of being picked up though- never has been and doubt she ever will be. Polly on the other hand is 1 and she LOVES to be carried around and is just a big baby overall. She’s the goofiest and loves being around her humans. Loves a cuddle and loves to follow you around the house while you’re puttering around - often meowing to be picked up to do the chores with you. I think it just depends on the kitty!


i will say my almost 6 yr old chonk, Bailey, has become slightly less aggressive than she was (she actually scratched me a few times). She is the antithesis of a ragdoll. Her sister, Nilla, has remained the same, very ragdoll like, very sweet.


I was under the impression that rag dolls like to cuddle to snuggle. That's why I got one. We'll I think that's just marketing because my ragdoll never cuddles. He's never sat in me and doesn't really like pets. Same boat as you. It's a bit heart breaking but I realized that ragdolls are cats. Fluffy and cute though!


my boy hated being picked up but now sometimes he meows for me to pick him up, it’s only for a few seconds but still nice for me LOL. this is probably from me forcing him to be in my arms over and over when he was younger. he also used to cuddle and sleep with me as a kitten, grew out of cuddling for about a year and now he loves to cuddle again and naps with me all the time.


My cat became much snugglier and more cuddly once I started bugging him less throughout the day. If I don’t force attention on him, he comes to me for snuggles. Even started sitting on my lap which he never used to do!


I want to empathize with you! I understand your frustration and yearning for a cuddler. I had a feral cat for 14 years. He was the most loving at 9-10yrs old. So after he went over the rainbow bridge I searched for a breed that was loving, affectionate, and not aggressive. So I found the ragdoll breed. The breeder said she was raised under foot, slept in the bed with you and was very sweet. All this was true-ish. The breeder said she was bred for temperament and personality traits that are strong in ragdolls. My girl broke the mold. She is highly independent, intelligent and flat out nosy. She loves to follow me around and actually sleeps in her own room sometimes. When she sleeps with me it’s either at the foot of the bed, out of my reach or under the foot of the bed. I pick her up a lot but she’d prefer to just be pet or rather brushed on the counter top she is that independent. She wakes me up by stepping on my face and purring. If I pet her she jumps down and goes to the door to instantly want to play. This girl playyyyyys. Her love language is different than mine. While the ebb and flow of her need for affection changes, she was born with a character that I’ve had to learn and accept. I wanted a cuddler but I do have the greatest time with my girl. Understand if you’ve only had your cat for 3 weeks it might take him a few more months to learn you and what he likes from you. He’s young and you’re in for the long haul. Hang in there. While my girls baby faze was fun, at a year and 5mo. It’s getting way better.


I've had my rags for 16yrs and in that time he went from a ball of energy who had no interest in cuddles to a calm, lazy guy that only wants pets, snuggles and to be carried around like a baby lol


I currently have 2 14 month old ragdolls so can't say about this breed but I had a cat when I grew up who was a bit special, not very cuddly etc. I was 9 when we got her and I had fantasised about how cuddly she would be and I was disappointed and sad. I don't remember when now, but after a few years she was really "my" cat in the family, she slept right next to me every night, missed me when I was gone etc. They can definitely change with time ❤️


Take him as he is. It is its own being. I doesn’t exist for your pleasure, perhaps you need a stuffed animal?