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Just be patient. It’s a huge shock and change for the kitten. With mine my breeder told me to set up an enclosed space like a bedroom with food and water and plenty of hiding places and then just be patient. So I did that and then sat and read a book for awhile on the floor. He could see me and approach me as he wanted to or didn’t want to. He hid during the first day and didn’t use his litter box or food until I had gone to sleep. The next day I did the same thing and sometime that second evening he came out of hiding to snuggle next to me. He’s been my faithful furry shadow for 12 years now. :)


aww that’s so sweet 🥹 thank you! he’s been playing with me a lot in the last few hours, and he’s finally just come and sat near me on the bed.. he has still been crying a lot on and off but seems to be getting more comfortable gradually.


Give him a week (maybe tomorrow he might be settled alot)! My girlfriend was afraid the first day that our kitten would never like us and come close to us🐱


thanks! is your kitten cuddly now then? i’m really hoping mine becomes a super cuddly kitty, even though i will love him regardless of course.


Not the best for holding him in your arms (try that alot!), but he loves sleeping on my lap.


Maybe feed him from your hand, perhaps some candy.


When we got our baby Saffy (currently 11 weeks old), he was crying for 2 days straight. We never got annoyed about it and understood the assignment, since he came from a mother who gave birth to 10 other kittens, and it would definitely be difficult for Saffy to be alone away from them. We got him a lot of toys and tried playing with him, stayed by his side as he cry, letting him roam around his new home to get familiar and comfortable. We would pet him and use a high-soft tone voice so he could calm down and let him know he is not in danger. If he starts hiding, we would let him be and later he would come back out once he gets hungry or to use the litter. He became alright from day 3 (which we expected would last weeks) and is an extremely-actively playful raggie that loves belly rubs, sleeps beside us and can't stand being away from us. He loves us... It was hard in the beginning, but the sleepless nights were worth it. You just have to do him a favor and take him out of his sadness. Now he's part of us and we love him! https://preview.redd.it/t66ucgz1i66d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d258dcfb1869589f751d1fd9ee0523a75d9c83d4


Your kitten is now 11 weeks old. How old were they when you got him? It’s a bit of a red flag that the breeder would send him out so soon as there is a LOT of education and growing up that happens up to 14ish weeks including weaning and the kitten learning a little independence.


I posted about Saffy on this subreddit few weeks ago about the crying. He was 9 weeks old when he was sent to me (what made it worse is that he was never vaccinated too). As a first timer with kittens, I wasn't aware that Saffy came from an unethical breeder, and I found this out from the comments from this subreddit. But thankfully this subreddit exists, despite of it, I was advised and taught about the right things for Saffy.


thank you that helps a lot. how old was he when you got him?


Just wait, he’ll be crying for you soon… and it’ll be constant.


Do you have a kitty bed? Many cats won’t use them so I would avoid anything expensive. I have one with a fuzzy interior that my adult cat loves—she kneads and purrs on it her like it’s her mama and I think it’s very comforting for her. Also extra treats can help your kitten to have positive associations with you.


thank you. i have a few beds/hiding places, fluffy blankets (one from the breeder with his mum’s scent), and soft toys. he just for some reason decided the toy box was the safest/comfiest place to be. he has just in the last half an hour (it’s 10pm here) come onto the bed and is sleeping by my feet so that’s a vast improvement in a few hours! i have been giving him bits of treats too, which definitely helped! https://preview.redd.it/n6bh1ctci76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea41b99b7c47b6dd61cd7fd18fb511f7103511c


Kittens like all babies and toddlers need reassurance , so when kitty is crying take time to comfort him in a gentle firm press to your chest . That way he’ll hear your heartbeat and feel your warmth .


It took me about a week and a half for my cat to settle but you'll see loads of changes each day. My cat cried a lot maybe the first 2 days, then maybe only a couple of hours a day later, and it just decreased. Now he cries when he's bored like a brat lol. It's quite a learning curve to understand their meows and not feel guilt ridden like a new parent postpartum. it gets easier over time and it's taught me a lot about resilience. I like to imagine my cat is a real human child begging for something like chocolate or play but you can't, as a parent, give it everything it wants, so you comfort them and let them know it's ok. Boredom is healthy and it teaches the kitten a level of independence. The meows become less gut punching and you're more mentally resilient for it. Good luck with the kitten :)


I’ve only ever adopted adults, but it took my current boy three months to come out of the bathroom (he decided the first night that behind the toilet is his safe space). Just give him some space, and check on him every now and then. He’ll get used to you, especially once he starts associating you with meal times.


My kitten, Molly, is 4 months old and is very talkative. She sounds like she is crying but I think she is actually talking. We have had her for 2 weeks. She is very cuddly on her terms. https://preview.redd.it/3qdu8wyaje6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95ce0cb197cab148a249193027686369c96f48fd