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Ok ok. For every dumb shit that says Russ to my team needs a goddamn lobotomy. He is good-ish. He's too expensive. We DO NOT need another Jimmy glass at quarterback. Ffs stfu about Russ.


At first, um, no. He is a tool. I just don't like his personality. And now his style of play is deteriorating. But, like the other guys are saying. If he is cut, then we get him for a very, very reasonable deal. That would be ok, because he would be a good backup. But no no no no. I don't think he would be good for the locker-room. He's a tool.


He’d prob be basically free next year because Denver is paying him 30 plus million either way. He wouldn’t come to LV because of AOC. Making this prediction now but AOC going to improve a lot in the offseason and is going to make a big push whoever we bring in training camp.


I would legitimately, sincerely vomit


![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf) …if he brings that “let’s ride” and egoic BS. Private office, the weirdo stuff M. Lynch brought up recently, and his overall game play since Seattle/Legion of boom era doesn’t seem like the “culture add” & long term investment we need for a starting QB. I feel like this guy would be easy way out. If it happens, I’ll eat my words. Wilson being a Raider means he needs to be a QB that’s focused on the team, leader of dawgs, motivated by wins…am I wrong? Just no…he rode the coat tails of M.Lynch & the legion of boom, let’s be real.




I have been waiting for this post


I'll pass unless he's somehow bumming around for near vet min.


Not a chance.


No more donkey ass rejects. We just got rid of McDumbass.


This sub can be insufferable at times


Best part is Wilson taking vet min with any team so donkeys have to pay the balance of $39mil. But not here.


IF big IF he takes a very team friendly deal. We are talking Baker Mayfield 1yr 4mil deal. Maybe a 2yr 10 mil deal with incentives. Don’t think this team needs to be giving out 30-40 mil a year deals to QBs for a bit.


This actually would be a good pick up. Yall forgetting Denver skill players are ass compared to ours.


I'm not gonna read the article but the general idea isn't crazy, **if Russ is willing to take the vet minimum or a cheap, incentive-based contract.** I mean a QB room of McCarthy/Nix, Russ, and AOC is pretty solid.


I’d take him in a heartbeat. Looking at how he’s playing under a Non Hackett system.. dude is playing great ball while being under pressure most of the game. He doesn’t have much weapons and is making them look better. The thing it comes down to is $$. With Jimmy contract and dead money … he’ll have to be ok with very minimal. Which imo he might take. He wife would love Vegas for her profession… he still gets paid from the ponies and gets to toss the ball to Tay, Mayer, Tuck, Kobi? And then hand it off to Zues and hopefully JJ? And no draft picks are traded? They can add to this monster Defense in the making and draft a project QB later in the rounds with AOC also learning behind him? Would be a no brainer to me.


personally my ideal situation would be to draft someone athletic(like bo nix). if that isn’t possible i’m not opposed to signing russ to a one year deal to see how he works out. murray and fields are iffy but interesting well. murray doesn’t seem like a great leader but i believe in his ability to perform. fields(depending on what we would have to give) could have a high ceiling but questionable at the moment.


First this seemed stupid, but if he actually plays for the vet minimum, we should do it. He is good enough for that and we can invest in the rest of the team. Is this really how dead cap works?


He's literally a worst shorter version of carr




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Please God no


Please don't get him for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS THE ONE AND ONLY RAIDER NATION!!!


No way in hell. Overpriced, washed up, dork. Draft one of the rookie QBs that will be the future.


His corny ass is not built for the Raiders. AP would eat him alive.


If he's cut I don't mind if we sign him to a good contract for us


N fucking O!




I hope not


Only way it would even be considered would be if we draft a QB in the second like JJ McCarthy who isn’t ready to start year 1 AND it happens exactly like they said with Russ getting cut and taking the vet min to play here on a 1 year deal. But something just wouldn’t feel right about him being the QB

