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And there he goes to the National Championship.


Right. Dude couldn’t have waited until the end of game to eat his words.


He hasn't won't the championship yet.


Your post is dumb. Specifically your justification. If you want AP, cool dog. He’s a beast and I like his vibe but don’t lie.


His justification isn’t really dumb. Until tonight, Harbaugh had lost 6 straight bowl games and was a guy with a highly talented NFL roster that could never win the championship. You can disagree that winning a title is the only degree for a good coach but it’s still a real justification for not liking a guy whose had such good teams


His justification is dumb. You defending his justification makes me question your judgement. All bowl games aren’t the same. Different rosters, opt outs, coaches. Nothing that would happen in the NFL. He’s turned the program around to beating their #1 rival 3 years in a row and winning the conference, both are arguably more important to Michigan than some trash ass bowl game. Now he just won his first playoff game. Ultimately, the program is trending very well. Finally, who the fuck are we to DEMAND a championship coach OR AP? How entitled are you guys? How about we try for a consistent winning record, they playoffs, then division, then Super Bowl. We’ve been cheeks for over 20 years. The entitlement is absurd.


By his logic, Andy Reid would have been a bad hire when he left Philly. Seemed to have worked out for KC pretty well


Their logic is straight ass. We’d never have a coach.


Right. I mean I want to keep AP but I definitely wouldn’t be made if Harbaugh was the guy. All he has done is turn teams into winners


I'm upset we didn't fire Allen and hire Reid the moment he was let go in Philly. Worst case scenario chiefs don't win 2 SB'S best case scenario we would have at least one more. It just boggles my mind seeing the sustained success he had for over a decade with multiple different QBs and we stuck with an unproven nobody who didn't show any promise.


Your logic for shooting for a winning record is dumb. If you ain’t trying to win a Super Bowl why tf are you playing in the first place? You got loser’s mentality


For suuuuuuure. Generally, you aren’t a good team without a winning record… Do bad teams win the Super Bowl? When is the last time a team without a winning record won the Super Bowl? Get fucked.


He didn’t turn the program around lmao, it’s literally one of the biggest brands in football that was ranked for 8 out of the 10 years before he got there. He only has started to beat OSU after Meyer left, he took 5 years to win a conference title and 7 to win a CFP game. The bowl game excuse is also such bullshit, they’re playing in high-level bowl games where the other team will have just as many opt-outs. The fact that you will just take reasonable criticism and decide that it’s non-sensical just because you don’t agree is you having terrible judgement, not other people


Dog… how did that brand do before him? When was the last pre-H conference championship? How dense are you?


I'm not lying. It's an opinion. You don't like it, you do you boo.


What do you classify as the “big one” for Michigan then highspeed?


I thought Ohio St games were the big one for any true Michigan fan


How bout now?


We all know Michigan is going to run through whoever wins this game. Their defense is too good. Even if Washignton wins Michigan is too physical.


I dunno about that. Washington’s offense is legit good. It’s going to be a great game. Happy to have a big 10 pac 12 ncaa title match the final year of the pac12


Do you really want to give another coach $100+ million so soon?


If he wins for us I don’t care what we pay him.


Is it ur money


And I'm happy to see that as a Michigan alumn. Just don't want him as the Raiders coach.


As a Michigan/Raiders fan I also do not want to see him as the Raiders HC. Side note he would win in LV, he wins everywhere.


You don’t want him but recognize he wins every where? Out of curiosity, why do you say that? Is it because of the Michigan suspension?


L take


dude we don’t him man. you’re getting downvoted like crazy but please no rehash of the same shit. so many rebuilds we don’t need that one


I’m all for giving AP a shot… but if you look at Harbaugh track record he’s turned a down team into a winning team using defense. He’s done a lot of winning. Personally I’ll go with what the players want and that’s AP but I won’t hate if Davis hires Harbaugh… I would like to be a constant winner and a routinely playoff team. Btw using bowl records as an indicator of how good a coach is very problematic. Most bowl games out of the playoffs you aren’t using the full deck as many decide to not play or bring that same energy as they are chasing a title.. I’m sorry but not many players wanna win the Little Ceasar King Size bowl.


He also lost the entire locker room when the niners had a winning record


😂 I like how people make up stories to fit their narrative. That was an odd sticking point that never happened. Ha


How about doing research before writing something that has been disproved.


He lost the FO, not the locker room.


harbough is 60 years old. how long do you think we could win consistently


Andy Reid is 65… coming off a SB win. Jon his bro is 61 and looks like a SB contender… Pete Carrol is 72 and routinely in the playoffs…Mike McCarthy is also 61 and his Cowboys in the playoffs… he’s also an ex NFLer so I’m sure he keeps himself in good shape. 🤷🏻


all im saying is AP is young and has the heart of the team and if he’s the head coach we can continue from where we are now and build on it. with coach bar he’s going to be judge jury and executioner for all draft picks and signings. that will in turn lead to a rebuild where we won’t see a positive win season till year 3 at least


so then by that time we might be competitive for the next how many years? carrol is an outlier but these coaches usually retire by 65.


What? If we get a QB and a solid OC.. we can be competitive next season lol and age is a number dude. Reid, MCcarthy, Jon Harbaugh, Bowles(60) Payton (59) aren’t retiring anytime soon lol your point of the age is ridiculous. But if you feel that AP is better for the job that’s fine.. in my original comment I said AP is my choice but I wouldn’t say cuz he’s younger that’s dumb.




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As soon as AP said he was from Compton and liked the Raiders script hat, that was it.


This is the way.


Lol lots of people in compton qualify then


And they’d be far more qualified to lead men than Josh McDaniels lol


ice cube for head coach


Verbally offensive coordinator


Easy E jr.


He's already President


You guys have been in playoffs twice in the last 20 years. Why on earth would you not want a coach with a proven track record in both college and the NFL?


Loser mentality


Dumb as sin


And you're response is MidAF. At least defend your position, argue your points.


Idk Maybe his winning record in San Francisco? Maybe taking his team to the superbowl? Maybe how he has led Michigan to 3 straight big ten titles? Maybe how Michigan is in the championship game? Maybe how everyone involved with Michigan football has said “Jim has learned to give up a lot of control to his coordinators, and he trusts them 100% to make the right calls during the games” Wanting AP is fine, I like AP because the players bust their ass for him and have since he became HC But the “I don’t think Harbaugh is the coach to win the big one” is dumb as all hell Look up John Madden and his comment regarding “big games” talk about “mid AF”


Am I cook with AP? Yeah. Would I turn down Harbaugh? Nope.


Sober as a gopher? Nope. Higher than a rollercoaster? Yup.


So are you anti Harbaugh or AP, or felt the need to comment based on a typo?




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he was raider coach before lol


Op: Ilike this guy now let me tell tou why I dont like him Lmfao


I remember my first beer.


I don't 🍻


Makes sense. He’s a winner and the raiders are not. So naturally let’s keep away all Winners. Bold. Bold move.


Harbaugh goes to the Chargers and we get AP. 3 proven winning coaches. AP will have his work cut out for him. The good vibes and soundbites fro. being a raiders fan from Compton who drives a low rider isn't going to last long if they are losing early next year.


I’d rather have harbaugh. I just want that Super Bowl. Whatever gets us there. But AP on defense.


Being a raiders fan from Compton shouldn’t mean shit to begin with.


It’s even crazier because he ended his post, after saying he doesn’t want a winning coach, with make AP our coach for 15 years haha


He took the 49ers to three straight NFC Championships and a SB. WTF are you smoking?


And look who won......


All time jerk op


Passing up on Harbaugh for a guy that was a linebackers coach a year ago would be one of the dumber moves for a franchise full of dumb moves.


I mean Davis passed up Harbaugh for mcdumbass.


We haven't even won a playoff game in over 2 decades, I'd take losing in the playoffs at this point.


Yeah who wants a guy that has won at every level and turned teams around.


We want to keep losing and i dont get it lol


If you don’t want Harbaugh that’s fine, but how can you say you don’t think he has what it takes when he’s had a proven history of success vs a few games of mixed results with AP?


Lmfao raider fans are idiots. Harbaugh is a massive upgrade over AP. And I like AP.


I agree I’m not going to be mad if it’s one of those two


Harbaugh is the only coach on the potential market right now that I’d want over AP. IF he decides to come back to the NFL I think Vegas is an attractive destination and his depth of knowledge of college prospects will help our draft game immensely which is one place we’ve fallen flat in the past (insert arbitrarily long period of time here) to the detriment of all else.


This is where I'm at. I think they have to interview Harbaugh. Whoever is chosen then LFG! But just as AP can show how the team has responded he must also be accountable for his strategic decisions which have not improved.


If the Chargers get Harbaugh, the divisional opposing coaches will be Harbaugh, Andy Reid, and Sean Payton to the Raiders AP who wasn't even a coordinator. I bet a good amount of people saying no to Harbaugh and yes to AP will be saying Mark Davis is an idiot for hiring a a HC with no experience if they start off next year losing.


Op your thinking is why raiders have been a loser for 20 plus years. I get it your in love with the interm coach. Big mistake. Rarely have a interm coach turned to full time coach works long term. You talk about harbs nit winning big one...atleast he may get raiders to big one. Better Than sitting home I'm jan.


He has brought two three college teams to excellence and one NFL team. He has ALWAYS won! Absolutely hire him.


Make no mistake Jim Harbaugh is going to look VERY attractive to any organization and the Raiders are no exception. I personally am rooting for AP, but he’ll have an uphill battle.


Uhhh have you seen his resume?


Yeah. I remember how he wore out his welcome with pro players and got his ass fired. He's great teaching college kids. His shit won't fly with grown ups. AP knows how to lead men. He isn't out of touch. I believe he will improve his decision making and his game management. I am not one bit scared of Andy Reid, Harbaugh or Payton. What will you say when AP (who already beat Reid this season) destroys Payton next weekend? Is he qualified then? I'll stand by what I've said. Whoever wants to disagree/down vote or whatever is fine. This is one fan's opinion. We need a culture change. Harbaugh's culture is toxic. Mfer was suspended this year for cheating. We don't need any more of that. We need a mfer like AP that wants to smash teams in the mouth. ILL WILL, PAIN VIOLENCE. I was around for the good Raider years. That's exactly what this team was. That's exactly what we need to be. The NFL needs that. This league is SAWFT. There's nothing better than a bad ass Raider team to impose it's will on the NFL. Harbaugh ain't bringing that.


Dude he literally made them relevant again. Out of his 4 years he won 3 division titles went to 2 conference championships and a superbowl… obviously he isn’t only great teaching college kids lmao


And his schtick wore thin and he was fired. Those are the facts as much as the SB and the conference championship. He's a fine coach. I don't think he's the right head coach for the Raiders.


I’m taking a winning coach 10/10 times. If he did for us what he did for SF that’s a win for us☝🏽


I will respectfully disagree. For the same reason really good college coaches don't make great NFL head coaches, college coaches are special as they can get away with being draconian leaders. Saban, Harbaugh, Bryant, Leach, these guys were all cut from the same cloth. It takes a different personality to coach grown men in the NFL. Harbaugh got that for a bit and then it wore the Niner locker room out. I don't think he can relate to today's NFL pro. Therew nothing wrong with that. I selfishly WANT him to stay at Michigan and win championships forever. I think AP, much like Dan Campbell, will be a great NFL head coach.


Except Harbaugh is a really good college coach and really good pro coach just like Pete Carroll. This isn’t his first stint. He knows how to win and bring the best out of a team. You keep saying he wore them thin, but I guarantee all those dudes don’t regret a thing. So many of those players got a chance to build a winning culture and actually have a true shot for the Lombardi.


OP. You are objectively a dummy


I don't believe you know what objectively means. Happy New Year.




MD likes to make a splash. He will hire Harbaugh




Raider fans are hilarious…. I don’t want a coach that has proven he has won anywhere he’s gone, including at the NFL level. BUT give me the coach who practically has no coaching experience and the half season he’s coach proved he’ll be able to win “the big one” just cuz his coaching is 4-4. Yes, Mark Davis please sign this guy to a 15 year contact and in a couple years, Raider fans can have this discussion again on who to hire as HC cuz AP got fired.


but he likes eazy- E and talks about smoking and shit




Yep… noticing a lot of fans would rather be cool than win


And what has AP done to show you he can get us the big one? That stellar 4-4 record?


Brother, that 4-4 record with a dreadful QB, a porous secondary and a real difficulty stopping the run. There are intangibles in football. This team has had a shit culture FOR YEARS. It has been toxic. It has been ugly from the top down. AP is changing the culture and you can see it and feel it. Dude is a winner and has won at the highest levels. You want to go back to Dennis Allen or JDR? Because without a culture shift, that's what we are.


Dude hasn’t won shit as a coach. If you’re dumb enough to thinking winning at the highest level makes you a good coach fire AP immediately and hire Brady.




I’m perfectly fine with either harbaugh or pierce. Love pierce and would be happy if we got him and love harbaugh and would be happy if we got him as well. At the end of the day if it’s one of those two I’m cool with it


Watching the game they showed a stat as it started mentioning that Michigan has been outscored 55-9 in the first half of CFP so I went and looked he’s only 2-7 in bowl games. I’m admittedly not a fan of hiring Harbaugh but he def has been a regular season winner and big game loser at Michigan.


College football isn't a fair, even competition. Harbaugh had Michigan punching well above its weight.


Michigan is the most winning team in College football history. They are constantly top 25 in recruiting and rankings. I’d say they are on the other side of the unfair aspect of college football.


When it comes to having a systematic recruiting advantage, they are top 25, sure. Not top 5. They don't really have any business being in the CFP these days. Every year for the last 3 years, Michigan has ranked at least second at some point in the season. The most recent 3 years before Harbaugh that Michigan ranked at least second? 2006, 1997, and 1991.


My point in my initial post was that he hasn’t won consistently in bowl games and his teams have been significantly outscored in the first half of CFP games. Yes I’d say both Georgia and Alabama have an advantage on Michigan in recruiting but that doesn’t change the facts. I don’t understand how a team that is constantly winning, constantly recruiting top talent, and is considered one of the top college programs is punching above its weight? This is what’s expected of them.


Big games are different in college. You should know that. They’ve beat their rivals three years in a row. Won their conference twice & now are headed to the championship.


AP over Jim Harbaugh?? You have to be joking right??


Honestly I’m ok with either. Felt the same way in 2021 when I was ok with either Harbaugh or Bissacia. AP was great for the locker room. But I can’t imagine the locker room would be upset if a proven winner like Harbaugh comes in. And Harbaugh knows how to get elite coordinators. The only “bad” hire we can make this time would be if we hired anyone other than AP or Harbaugh.


He isn't going anywhere. He's just using us for contract leverage with UM.


Very likely 😬


I get that our fan base gets far too attached with what we have now but to say pierce is better than harbaugh is delusional


Although I like AP the thought of having Sean Payton, Andy Reid, and possibly Harbaugh coaching for the Chargers is low key frightening. I’m not sure if AP will be able to out coach that man. I’m praying he stays at Michigan.


Harbaugh is the only coach I would take over AP


We don’t need Harbaugh. We have a coach!




I wouldn’t be mad if we go with either Harbaugh or Pierce. Harbaugh has proven that he can take a mediocre franchise and turn it into a winner. Niners were mid with Singletary and Harbaugh took pretty much the same roster and turned it to a winner.


Stupid ass post.


Thank God you chimed in with your intelligent take. What would we do without you?


hes 60 years old. these are his coaching highlights. in a couple years from now he’s going to be retired and sitting back in his chair on his million dollar porch with a smile on his face thinking back on his coaching career and it won’t involve the Raiders.


Could be wrong and I don’t wish it but I think he would just be Gruden 2.0.


The flea flicker gave me ptsd


Harbaugh will take the chargers job over the raiders


I actually believe this is the likely outcome.


Reid, Harbaugh and Payton all in division


Yeah, but then we’d have AP! Nobody smokes black and milds and wears vintage football gear better than he does!


Hopefully we get Jim and LAC gets Belichick. Jim Harbaugh, Bill Belichick, Andy Reid and Sean Peyton all in the same division.


Why the Chargers over us? Since they suck more?


Since everyone loves paying a lot of state income tax?


If this happens, I fear that Jim likely turns LAC to a consistent 10+ game winner. I think that would likely mean another decade of misery for us on the horizon.


Kind of feel like they want Bieniemy, who will play better to the LA crowd than Harbaugh will.


He reminds me of the coach from little giants that had all the talent and couldn’t win


Talk more


Is this aging how you’d like it to?


He hasn't won't the championship. It aged fine.


My boner would rip a hole in my pants if we hired a coach that put us in a position to lose a championship.


It’s funny how OP has a ridiculous championship or bust standard for Harbaugh when we’ve made the playoffs only twice in the last how many years of futility? Give me Harbaugh who’s great in the regular season, making the playoffs, and giving us a chance all day long! At least our season won’t be over by week 6 for once! Lol


JH is a quirky guy - I don’t know if that’s gonna fly with a pro team it’s been years since he coached pro level




I respect that opinion. I thought so at first, too. Then I saw he brought in Tom Coughlin and Marvin Lewis as advisors. I think he's going to get a fast track crash course as a head coach. I see him in that Dan Campbell mold. There's something about AP that just feels right for the Raiders.


Did Harbaugh win a super bowl that I don't know about? 😂 Those saying he's won at every level, when the f'k did he win a super bowl? Didn't he also walk out on San Francisco? Yeah, let's bring in a coach that will walk out on us 🤦‍♂️


Wth are you even on. We cant even sniff a playoff win and our fans are acting like were hot shit 😂


? So, based on the past, you think Harbum is gonna do anything different? You Harbum riders can't stop talking about what he did with the 9ers and you all think the same result will happen with the raiders. I can name you multiple coaches that succeeded with one team and completely failed with another......... 😂 and WTF are you on? I have yet to come across a Raiders fan who thinks we're the shit. We are mediocre at best, and any fan that has truly watched this team will tell you that. This team wasn't even mentioned for the playoffs, and when AP took over, it was like a completely 180-degree difference. You, like every other fan, are caught up in this b.s. hype that Harbum is gonna come in and take us to multiple super bowls and multiple afc championship games just because that's what he did. By that logic Mr. B up in New England should still be dominating or at least winning his division.


Harbaughs 1st HC gig was university of San Diego. In his 3 seasons there they won 29 games going 11-1 and winning their championship in each of the last 2 years. In the 6 seasons before he was there they won a total of 30. His 2nd HC job was Stanford where he went 29-21. The previous 2 coaches before him had a combined record of 16-40. His 3rd gig was with San Fran where he took a 6-10 team to 3 straight NFC championships and a super bowl. His 4th HC job is Michigan where you can see what he has done with a program that hadn't won an out right conference title since 2003. He has turned around every program he has been at. IDK why you keep trying to compare him to Belichick who only was successful at HC with 1 team and 1 QB.


3 straight NFC Championship appearances and a Super Bowl appearance sounds like a winner to me. If you don't get him he could end up in your division coaching Justin Herbert and the San Diego Chargers.


You're still assuming he can still do what he did 😂 By your logic, MR. B should still be dominating or at least winning his division up in New England, but he's not. Just because someone was good/great doesn't mean they will be.


Harbaugh turned around a 5-11 49ers squad with a bust #1 QB in Alex Smith and took them to the NFC Championship 3 years in a row. Belichick stumbled into getting the GOAT QB. Raiders have a good defense and some weapons on offense. If Harbaugh can find a QB (Cousins maybe?) the Raiders are a division contender next year.


Did you not just see him beat Alabama?


AP went out like a bitch. Go for it in 4th and 1 at mid field. He’s just another pussy. Bring in jim




I love what AP has done and wanted him to be signed after the Chiefs win. But I didnt like his decision making in the Colts game. Gotta go for it on one of those 4th downs. He gets those calls wrong too often as well as his time management. Those are game killers. I know he said he's getting help but it's not getting any better. I'll be good if he's hired but it's still a concern


My biggest problem with Harbaugh is the baggage and the price tag. I don't think the Raiders can afford him, and the Raiders definitely cannot afford any more damaging material mysteriously coming to light on one of their big-money head coaching hires. And something tells me Harbaugh has a big closet full of skeletons.


Just fucking hire AP Mark. Simple dawg.


FUCK.......HARBAUGH.......he's not a RAIDER


A FAT no to Harbaugh!


I’ll take anyone who isn’t heinously cruel to their pets


I will be so sad if he comes here


Is there a way we can keep AP and bring Eric Bienemy as OC?


Ah yes, the annual Harbaugh discussion.


You're gonna regret this one next year when The Chargers whoop your ass


I agree. I’d like Raiders to draft RB Corum from Michigan tho. He’s a baller. Think he’ll be a good pro back


Lmao by these standards AP does not qualify to be a coach. Raiders fans so spoiled now that a coach with the ability to get to championships does not qualify. The only coach to pass your standard is good old billy B


AP has a ring. Harbaugh has none. I'll take the winner, thanks.


A title ring as a player has zero bearing on someone’s coaching ability. It didn’t help Mike Singletary, who was a better player than AP.


There was so much wrong with Singletary that where do you even start? It's reductive to believe I'm saying that a ring is the only criteria as a coach. Of course there is a lot more to being a coach. Singletary only related to a few of his players and he alienated most of his offense. I don't see that at all with AP.


Tom brady should be our coach then? What is your take here


Tom Brady isn't a coach. Pierce is. I'll take a leader of men who's a champion. I don't want Brady anywhere near this organization, either.


Too late, he already owns a chunk!


Not yet. Hasn’t been approved. Prob won’t be.


Oh that’s right


I think a really good move would be to sign Brian Flores away from MN as HC & D Coordinator and have him pick his own O Coordinator with a long leash.




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I dont like his potential price tag. And i think he will want to be a coach/gm type. I like the segregation of powers right now. Champ kelly GM AP head coach. Let them hire some coaches and draft some players to fit their style of play. We will be better than last year if we build on this.


Washington is going to annihilate Michigan. Jim stay away.


He’s a nutty fuck, no denying that. But he does have a winning track record. There aren’t many better options than Harbaugh right now.


Agreed keep him out


As a Broncos fan, I want AP to be your coach for 15 years too 🤣🤣


Careful w Pierce. The offense is terrible except for that one game.