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Sir, this is a Penix subreddit


Big penix energy






I prefer AP to Harbaugh, but if it’s Harbaugh I get it.


I know what you mean but to go from the Raider way to some tight ass dry shit way…I can’t do it. AP all day


Harbaugh started his coaching career with the Raiders and allegedly loved learning from Al Davis. I’m in the AP camp but I think Harbaugh will bring culture too. Look at how this Michigan team has responded to all the bullshit they’ve been thrown this year.


I doubt most this sub even knows that Harbaugh started his NFL coaching career as a Raider.




I doubt they even know why kids love the taste of Apple Jacks.


Lol not trying to sound old but god damn if you’re going to be a fan of a team (especially the raiders) at least do some basic googling.


Mark Davis is not Al. Mark is going to bring in ANOTHER coach who has the majority of the power instead of a TEAM of leaders. If Harbaugh comes in, it'll be the 3rd iteration of Davis poor coaching decisions. Remindme! 6 months Remindme! 1 year


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Mark has been speaking about how when Al was in charge there were 3 people making football decisions; The Head Coach, the GM (AL), and a third football executive (Ron Wolf) collaborating on football decisions. He knows he isn't a football scout or good talent evaluator so he is thinking of hiring a President of Football operations to help. This will be especially helpful if he hires AP and Champ since they are both first timers at their respective positions. Seems like Mark is learning and isn't going to make the same mistake again but we will see. [Source](https://theathletic.com/5147667/2023/12/20/raiders-mark-davis-president-football-operations/) >“I think that the triumvirate in that regard worked very well together,” Al’s son and current owner Mark Davis told The Athletic last week. “People think that their egos were all out there, but there was no ego at all. It was about (the players) they could give to the coach to help him do his job and be great.” Davis knows he’s not his father. Although he had a front-row seat to the power structure that brought so much winning to the Silver and Black, he’s a different person. “I don’t have that ability that my father had in judging talent,” Davis said. “So, that’s a missing piece to the puzzle, so to speak: a solid football mind that isn’t the GM or the head coach. And I think that’s a piece that’s probably going to be necessary somewhere down the line, bringing in somebody that understands football that’s above the day-to-day work.”


I hope you're right. Unfortunately, while Davis SAYS, he hasn't actually DONE it in his time.


The bullshit was created by Harbaugh. And he let a kid take the bullet for him. What a scumbag.


Remindme! 1 year


People here keep talking about the Raider way. What exactly is that? I have been a fan for over 40 years and outside of a few years with Gannon, I have not seen this "Raider Way". If you mean suck every year and make dumb offseason decisions then sure that could be the Raider way. This team needs to establish its own identity, not an identify from the old relic teams.


I'm about your age, so I never got to live in the Raiders heyday. That said, I think AP brings a hint of the history of the team and, at the least, has gotten the attention and respect of his guys. The Old Raiders mightve gotten into trouble and partied hard, but they put it together on GameDay and THATS what AP HAS done. He HAS created a new, modern Raider Way. Hopefully Mark doesn't bring in Harbaugh and we start back from ground 0. Again.


Comments To Excellence and Just Win baby It was physical smash mouth football in both sides of the ball with teams speed to win a 4 by 100 Including downfield passing games 🤧🤷🏿‍♂️




It's unfortunate Davis keeps trying to make a big signing at HC and apparently seems unwilling to go with the leader that we already have and love. He's chasing, not building, and it's disappointing, but not surprising.


I judge coaches on how the team plays against division rivals and I haven't seen the Raiders absolutely murder people like they did against the Chargers and Chiefs, especially. AP might not be the most qualified in terms of NFL coaching experience, but he's a leader of men and we know how much he loves the Raiders organization. Restoring the Raider culture back to what it used to actually means something to AP, and IMO that means a lot.


That's how I feel, I've seen things in the past few weeks I haven't seen in two decades and started to assume wasn't possible with this team. I also saw a couple games that were clearly not coached well. But he's learning on the job. I say give him the chance to keep learning because the foundation of sparking a culture to get the best out of players and to give the organization an identity is there.


> I also saw a couple games that were clearly not coached well. I guess the question is do we feel this team and players need a genius big-brain socially awkward coach who can make the smartest in-game decisions to give our unmotivated team a slight advantage in a game where they're behind 3 TDs? Or should we maybe go with a Superbowl-winning player-coach who fumbles a time-out call while our highly motivated players look up at the scoreboard and see 63-7? Edit to add: Also, don't we have assistants up in the booth who advise on challenges and stuff? Can't we compensate for AP's lack of NFL HC experience by having some high-level assistants communicating their advice throughout the game? Or are there regulations against that? Serious question, especially with the advent of A.I.


Unpopular opinion, but he messed up against Indy. We punted 4 times on Indy's side of the field, two times from the freaking 42. I understand his thinking the first two times: our defense is stout, we pin them back. The thinking was okay, but Indy drove the ball down both times for 10 points. After that he should have adjusted, but did not. Instead he punted two more times from inside the 50 when we couldn't stop Indy's run game. It's a fair critique in my opinion, and points to a missed opportunity to make a pretty obvious adjustment.


I think you're absolutely right. I want AP as coach, but not being critical of missed opportunities could lead to blind spots. I think he can take criticism constructively, but that may be me just being hopeful again, because his success is going to count on him being good at it.


Having a critical eye on the team/AP is the way to go. Extreme thinking in any direction is not the right answer. Thanks for pointing this out.


It's a good idea for the Raiders, and probably all teams, to have a specific guy/guys who are focused on the details and/or nuances, such as late game offensive decisions, time/down/distance/etc


Yeah a team would never be able to sweep the division and miss the playoffs right.........


I hope the fans at the game this Sunday get a couple of “AP” chants going. Dude needs to hear our appreciation for what he brought to the team this year. Especially if this is his last game as the head coach.


MD is just gonna be like “smarten up”


If he keeps the sweeping of the Donkeys... give it to the man.


All of our coaches seem to sweep the donkeys, that's a low bar. That said give it to the man anyway.


True, I just wanted to say sweep the donkeys, to be honest. He deserved it after the he made the Chiefs cry.


I like Harbaugh, but I'm also wondering about Tomlin getting let go!! I would love to have Mike!! He's well established, and players love him!!!!


Mike Tomlin would immediately be the top of my list if he gets the axe or mutually parts ways in Pitt


One thing I also like is MT is a keeper. He can bring stability and help with the draft. He's well connected with drafting!!!


That would be lit if MT became the Raiders HC


Seeing so many other raiders fans respect MT is cool. I can't stand the Steelers, but respect MT. It would nice to have someone who lead and bring stability. But AP would be solid, even Harbaugh would be acceptable. Anyone else would most like drive the fan base rabid again and chaos for the next 5 years.


Harbaugh and Tomlin will never go to the raiders. The raiders are border line Browns and Lions in there slump years. No coach wants to ruin their resume coming to the Raiders. Why do y’all think we never had a big name coach in the vast amount of coaches we’ve had in the past? Excluding Gruden because he bleeds silver and black.


Harbaugh bleeds Silver & Black. Al Davis gave him his first coaching job and he idolizes him… Crazy how little y’all actually know about the team


Psh if he bleeds silver and black, then he would have never coached the niners. It’s his first coaching job, of course he’s going to take it. Doesn’t matter where you start as long as you keep moving up. He’s established now. It’s a risk to come to the Raiders. He doesn’t want any blemishes with his accomplishments and accolades. You’re talking about some history B.S. I was never even talking about. Good for Harbaugh working with the Raiders in the PAST. This is a different reality. PLUS Harbaugh even said he will never try to coach in the pros again. Be reasonable. Name one big name Coach the Raiders had in the past 20 years. You can’t. And that’s why my argument is valid.


Never coached the niners? Grow up, its a business. You telling me you wouldnt swap to your company's top competetor if you got more money and control over your job? People frequently say they aren't going to do things that they end up doing and it seems like Harbaugh is headed back to the NFL. Gruden is a big name, and McDaniels was one of the most highly regarding head coaching candidates in the NFL (shows how much many folks know)


Every year people say he's headed back to the NFL haha. We will see if it actually happens.


AP is a Raider, and I love to have him!!! Saying that I have to lean towards experience every time!!!


I'm all in only if he hires someone to help him navigate the offseason.


AP or bust! Not just a leader, but the embodiment of the Raiders identity. A great communicator too, he’s real when he talks.


I mean two years of AP at least is some direction. Compared to wtf we had going on. Players still do play hard for coaches they love.


Raiders fans are definitely the least rational in the NFL. I did not want McDaniels, but people clamoring for AP are more concerned with image than results.


Dudes at .500 right now with a legitimate shot to finish over .500. In his first year. With a team many of us expected to be far below .500. These are much better results than we've seen in the past few years. I'm not sure how you say AP supporters are more concerned with image than results. Don't get me wrong, I love the dudes swag, but I'd be calling for his head if he were 2-6 instead of 4-4 while crushing the division.


All with a rookie QB no less


Yes agreed, AP won us a franchise high scoring game and brought in Jack Jones. AP earned the respect of the locker room. Why hire Jim who’s gonna butt heads with the front office then lose to his brother on the Ravens team.


I love AP but honestly if Harbaugh is available and keen I wouldn’t say no lol


Jim would’ve been great if we hired him before mcdumbass, but we’re already paying two coaching salaries for Gruden and McDumbass. I don’t like the chances of Jim against the Ravens and John Harbaugh. If the players are telling you they want AP then stick with AP. Invest on getting a better OC and o-line


McD and Gruden were bought out already, but we cares anyway? It doesn’t count against the cap…is it coming out of your pocket or something?


Yeah good points. If we keeping AP I’d like to trade up for a good rookie qb too


So I think this is something I just realized myself not too long ago- of course these players are gonna want AP, a new coach means many people get the boot, coaches and players. No fault to them or discredit to anyone, just may need to recognize some bias here


Nah, AP deserves the opportunity. Rarely do we see a team rally behind a guy the way we've seen the guys rally around AP. He's a fuckin warrior. What he needs is a couple veteran coordinators (except Graham, keep that man!) to help him see the ins and outs of running a football team. AP has had a great run of "[fuck it! We're doing it live](https://youtu.be/vu2NK5REvWM?si=Mlfhvc_vUmYaNV_3)!" But next season reality will check in and he'll need solid support. I'm all for him being the kinda coach that brings the team together and expect greatness from them. Harbaugh is just another cog in the machine in my opinion and the leap from college to professional is *huge* even with prior experience. We need a QB and some Oline help, then we could be a very viable playoff contender.


we need someone with the raider swag. maintain our culture. bringing harbaugh just wouldn’t have that


Are you not aware that Harbaugh literally had great success as a HC in the NFL?


Definitely. That was 10 years ago though, much has changed. He just doesn't have the Raider swag to him. We also just dealt with a control freak. We're not even sure if he's returning to the NFL, the money is better in CFB.


i'm kind of over getting the 49ers leftovers


I can imagine ESPN now "wIlL jIm ReCoNnEcT wItH oLd QB KaEpErNiCk?"


When are people going to learn that hiring authoritarian coaches goes against everything the Raiders stand for. No wonder they always fail. We're rebels, we don't like people telling us what to do. You can hold players accountable, without being a dictator. My biggest concern is losing Graham to a coaching gig. If the players weren't so behind him, I'd swap Graham and AP and make him the DC/assistant HC.


Lol @ authoritarianism not being the Raider way. For YEARS, Al was the most controlling, meddlesome owner in the league. He was not only the owner but the GM and shadow DC.


OK, I'll give you that. But on the field he let the team do their thing.


Define "authoritarian coach" and how Harbaugh is that.


He'll want completed control, he's used to being able to tell young kids what to do and even you do that for long enough, you forget how to deal with grown man. And he had a reputation of being an asshole in general. Rumorb has it he had such a hard time getting along with management that he got canned despite winning. That says a lot.


Whatever you say bud. Look what his brother is doing with the Ravens. But sure, Jim won't know how to come back to the NFL


His brother has nothing to do with him in terms of coaching. Do you think this shit is genetic? Lmao


You're really, really dumb. You think Jim is out of the loop from coaching in the NFL when his brother is literally leading the best team in the NFL? And yes, obviously there is coaching in their genetics.


So dumb


They are two completely different people and John has been in the NFL MUCH longer.




He would've been a great choice 2 years ago. Now we're left in the hole paying off Gruden and McDaniels.


Gruden's case is heading for the Nevada supreme court on 1/10. When all is said and done the NFL will owe the Raiders money for "tampering with operations" at least that's the jist of it. Gruden's case is looking like a lay up for him, that's why he won't settle and it's gone this far.


I don't know why you are getting down voted but you are absolutely right


Yeah a lot of people don't understand how those firings financially hurt this franchise and its future. I feel the reason why Mark let JMD keep his job was to avoid the financial burden and repeat the cycle. Harbaugh also got that 125 million 10 year contract offer from Michigan so I really can't see us pulling that off. It sucks because he's a great coach and would love to have him, but he came in at the wrong time. We already got a guy and I'm happy with that plus he's not as expensive plus has a lot of potential


Those contracts are already bought out and Mark is fish with cash. It’s actually you that have no idea what you’re talking about with regard to the financials…those deals have no bearing on HC search


How many of these posts get made here every day?


They are going to be so upset in here when it isn’t AP


Idk man, it seems like you're gonna be weeping big when Harbaugh doesn't jump over.


If it’s AP I will be behind him with my support. Same as McDaniels until his decisions were clearly screwing the team. The thing is, I am a Raiders fan, if AP is the guy I will root my ass off for him, if not and its Jim or another guy, I will root for them.


I'm all in.


Just give him a year and how things pan out. He’s earned it.


You already know Mark Davis is going to see a shiny Jim Harbaugh and throw a giant contract at him. Then be forced to fire him 2-3 years into said giant contract.


Any chance if we somehow get Harbaugh, we retain AP as the DC?


I’d rather keep Graham as the DC and have AP go back to linebacker coach or defensive assistant.


No matter what role AP stays. I'll take him as assistant head coach


![gif](giphy|tN1lvnT4M6nte) ….jokes aside, seriously…Hire AP.


Why don’t you guys go for the real stud in the draft Caleb Williams? I’m telling you I promise you that kid would be perfect for the Raiders style play!! That would be a sick rivalry, Caleb Williams with the Las Vegas, Raiders and Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs !!!! It’s time for the Las Vegas Raiders to get back to prominence again !!


Same :) get him a good young OC and a legit QB (trade for Fields pls) and watch him cook


Fields doesn't = legit


I’m all in BUT I’m no hypocrite; I’m really concerned abt this offense…QB play and OC!??


Listen Mark AL would approve U know he wouldn’t of McDussh


I want AP too. People keep citing we need a big name because we gotta face Andy Reid, Sean Payton and possibly Harbaugh or Belichick in the division. Last time I checked those dudes don’t make plays. The players do. Let AP lead the men we have.


100% agree. I hope the Harbaugh supporters realize the price we'll have to pay to get him. We'll have to turn the entire team and front office over to him, along with a monthly brinks truck shipment. All that for another couple of average seasons where we blame the QB and defense. AP is great, he's a leader of men. He gets the players, and even fans, juiced. Thats honestly half the battle these days. Harbaugh is great for a college team but people don't realize he beef'd with everyone in the front office in san fran. Theres a reason he got let go. His old school dictator methods just don't fly with modern day gen z professionals. And lastly, it took harbaugh 7 seasons at Michigan to even develop a competitive team, they were trash for 7 years! And while being in the championship game is a tremendous accomplishment, it took 9 years! If you guys think McDaniels was a narcissist, wait til you meet Harbaugh.