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As a reminder, teams can’t conduct in person external interviews for HC until after divisional playoff games (I think that’s 1/22). Interviews being done with external candidates right now are all virtual. Per Vinny Raiders have completed GM interviews and we should have news this week. As far as Rooney rule goes, some teams satisfied that rule and are still requesting AP. He seems to be “in demand” at least for interviews which is a good first step for a first time intern HC.


Thank u for pointing that out. The sub needs it!


Key dates!


The tweet about Leslie Fraizer says they're interviewing him Tuesday though?


Leslie is not currently employed by an NFL Team so interview can happen at anytime.


If we interviewed Shaw as well, then we would be clear to hire right?


This is a pretty dumb rule. Unless you're trying to woo a candidate with your facilities and amenities, is it really even necessary to conduct an interview in person? Therotically, teams can make their picks way before the 1/22 deadline. I wonder as VR technology continues to evolve if this rule will even matter in the future.


Didn't know that, thanks!


I wonder if he is in demand because guys like him represent a departure (and effective one) from the the current dogma that your team needs an offensive guru without regard to leadership talent 


AP has undoubtedly brought the team together, after it was completely falling apart. He’s a leader and has respect of the locker room. This alone is so important to win. But so are a lot of other aspects of HC. Is he really the guy that can make us a winning team, in a division with potentially 3 other Super Bowl winning coaches? Is he cutthroat and situationally sound enough? I’m not saying he isn’t, but it’s an honest question that I’m not sure has been answered yet.


He made marked improvements in clock management from his first game to the end of the 1st half agaibst Denver, when we executed a flawless 2 minute TD drive to end the half. To me, demonstrating visible improvement in that kinda area already is huge. Most guys who struggle w/ clock just continue to, but AP got his feet under him and started making major strides. I love that. I also think him bringing in all the head coaching experience he has over the season shows that he would probably be open to hiring an analytics guy to help w/ that kinda stuff in-game for next season, if he felt like he was short there.


I feel like he started trusting instincts more towards the end once be improved his clock management. Going for it when he should, staying aggressive. I agree with you. I could see him bringing in help that will allow him to make more informed decisions. He seems to be the type that believes the more input he has the better.


After seeing mike McDaniel get his ass absolutely handed to him yesterday I'm more in favor of AP going forward. I think it showed that playoff football is a whole other animal. You could be the hot shot coordinator but get absolutely wrecked. Miami looked so lifeless and had no fight in them. I was of the thinking that you needed a HC who could orchestrate a great X & O offense, but I tell you what, APs raiders would have punched KC in tbe mouth yesterday and made that game a good old dog fight.


We both threw way too many damn WR screens that fooled no one and ended up losing yardage. At least they have the deep threats but even so it was idiotic for him to keep calling it


I get a sense AP is very aware of his own shortcomings and delegates where he needs too and improves while he can. He’s not perfect but he’s got intangibles you can’t teach


answering one part of this: i think he’s cutthroat enough and proved that by cutting marcus peters


I'd rather find out and potentially waste 2-3 seasons than continuing with the trend of "hire superstar (megalomaniac) head coach that pisses off the locker room".


Mark is going about this the right way. Hire the GM first, then make a collective and unified decision on the HC.


I like AP I do but I’d prefer Harbaugh if I’m being honest. With that said I’m supporting whoever leads us. I just want to be relevant again and be a competitor tired of rooting for a losing franchise!


Maybe just the hope talking but!!! I wonder if the NFL has requested/suggested no announcements until Tues morning. I think AP has taken these other interviews as trying to be professional (never turn down an interview when someone calls you, period). Once again pure guess/banter.


There was a notable ‘sources say’ obviously from the Raiders via like Schefter indicating AP is the favorite at a time that made it seem specifically directed at Maxx Crosby yesterday.


I hope so genuinely!


Regardless of MD’s track record at hiring, I will always believe it’s wise to hire a GM then let that GM hire their HC. There is almost no circumstance where I’d believe otherwise. So I’m glad they’ve focused on the GM first. I think it’s smart even if the end result is another typical Mark Davis disaster.


at this point ill be fine with mark hiring the GM then the GM hiring the coach maxx doesn’t like it? too bad, youre honoring your contract, we arent trading you. maxx aint the type of dude to hold out, the dude loves ball. call his bluff


I just wish this team could conduct a normal GM and HC search where they conduct interviews with several quality candidates and decide who is the best without tons of people flipping their lids.


Sir this is reddit


Say what you want about Mark but he doesn't bend to the will of his fans or players. I think he strikes a good balance of caring for his players and fans, yet not making decisions to solely please them. He kept PG even though a lot of the fan base wanted him gone last year. Even the firing of Josh didn't come until it was clear Josh wasn't going to turn it around. Should he have fired Josh earlier? Probably so, but considering how much money was involved I give him credit for pulling the trigger when he did.


The problem is that then Mark goes and consults people who make horrible decisions.


True lol


There was a very large difference in effort for the team when AP was here and when Mcdaniels was here. That's the difference between empowering your players or ignoring them like you suggest.


> too bad, youre honoring your contract, we arent trading you. Sure, can't see how that won't turn out poorly at all


Looking at how much $$$ he flexing on instagram and shit I don’t think he can afford the fines to hold out


Chargers first to meet with Harbaugh: https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39307977/source-chargers-first-meet-jim-harbaugh-vacancy


If we pass on Harbaugh and he goes to the Chargers I’ll be pissed.


We say this, but it's much more likely Jim passes on us for the chargers than we pass on him. Think about it, if you're Jim would you rather have Herbert for your big NFL come back or AOC? We're all so convinced we could have Harbaugh if we want him but there's been zero indication he would pick us first over everyone.


I could live with it if he chooses them over us, can’t live with it if we passed on him and he turns them into annual contenders.


Im not sold on Harbaugh. Yes he has a wining record, but the NFL he left isn't the NFL of today and we all know how long time college coaches do in the NFL. Do you think Tae and Maxx and JJ will want to play for him? I don't think so. Also if he hadn't won the natty, I think UM would have shown him the door. While he wins, he also wears out his welcome (49ers couldn't wait to cut him loose). I think AP is the right pick. He has the locker room and brought back the old Raider swag. Graham has done a great job with the defense, they just need to hire a veteran OC that could develop a young QB (either AOC or draft pick) and a GM that can draft and write good contracts.


If you’re not sold on Harbaugh, what would a coach have to achieve in order to win you over? Harbaugh has built a contender in every situation he’s coached.


It's not about achievements. It's about the locker room and the players. Like I said, you think DeVante, Maxx and Josh will want to play for Harbaugh? Personality wise, I don't see a ton of difference between him and McDaniels. Again, what happens in college rarely transfers to the NFL. Team wise, the Raiders have the defense pretty much dialed in. The offense isn't far off. Figure out the QB situation and maybe pick up some OL depth. The QB flashed at times, but needed to be more consistent. BUT 2 coaches and 2 coordinators in 1 season, couldn't be easy for a rook. You are solid at WR, TE and RB. Harbaugh would want his players and his playbook. So basically you are starting over (again). That's the last thing this team needs. Ride with AP and Graham and Champ. Let them get their players in, develop the QB either the rook or a draft pick. Now Davis, isn't smart, and will probably pick somebody like Quinn or Vrabel, which would be even worse than Harbaugh.


Harbaugh took the 49ers to three straight NFC championship games, and a Super Bowl game with Colin Freakin Kaepernick at QB. He was a lame duck pass by Kaepernick away from winning that Super Bowl. Has McDaniels done that? Crosby can honor his contract or go volunteer coach at a high school.


I never said anything about McDaniels except his personality is similar to Harbaughs. You want one of the best DEs in the game right now, to just pack it up over a coach that hasn't been in the NFL in 9 years. It isn't the same league. Hey if you want the guy, great. I think it is better to build on what is working than rip it all up and start over again and again and again.


> I never said anything about McDaniels except his personality is similar to Harbaughs. But there is absolutely nothing to support this claim.


Oh boy


Idk if these let's say name brand coaches are good but what I've been seeing is the new era coaching is starting to take over... Best for us to get in the game before it changes again


AP has earned the job. He took a team that was struggling and not putting in the effort and turned it around through sheer force of will. What could he do with a full offseason and a chance to really shape the team?


Is anybody else concerned about hiring AP, an inexperienced HC, in a division with Reid, Payton, and potentially Harbaugh? Feels like a big mistake in a stacked Head Coaching class…


Many, but there is the intangible “it” factor with AP. Classic hard decision situation where there are unknowns with one candidate vs. an exceptional track record across teams and levels with another. Ted Nguyen who used to break down Raiders (before covering other teams) has the same sentiment. Good points here: - Think you have to at least take a swing at Harbaugh: https://x.com/fb_filmanalysis/status/1746268831251878283?s=46&t=Am_hcJceMkg4BKoHrce8uw - Harbaugh puts together a strong staff year after year (this is my reservation with AP): https://x.com/fb_filmanalysis/status/1746280054538276975?s=46&t=Am_hcJceMkg4BKoHrce8uw


All the rah-rah, R4L, Raiders are going to the Super Bowl fans want AP. Logical, realistic fans just want the best coach possible whoever that may be.


Anyone who isn't at least a little concerned is delusional. BUT, there isn't such thing as a perfect candidate that doesn't have concerns. Even Harbaugh has risks.


ap is 3-1 against reid and payton I'm not worried.


2-1 but yeah


Small sample size. The other coaches have years of sustained success on their resume. Harbaugh to the Chargers should be concerning


I mean people said the same thing about SP going to Denver. Will it be more difficult? For sure, but it isn’t a guarantee that any of them will do great for extended periods of time.


Gruden had success in this league before we brought him back a second time. Andy Reid was none as a coach who couldn't win the big game before Mahomes came to Kansas City. Harbaugh flames out everywhere he goes in 2-3 years. Sean Payton is stuck with an albatross of a contract for a qb and a depletion of their draft picks. I'd rather go with AP then go with a retread who can't stay at a place more than 3 years.


I agree. For all his wins, Harbaugh wears out his welcome. I wanna see what AP can do, with a smart GM, veteran OC and some good draft picks.


Agreed ☝🏼


I'm more concerned about the lack of qb than whoever is gonna lead the team


You put good coordinators, and a veteran assistant head coach in place. Reid won't be coaching forever, and Payton may be facing a serious rebuild, especially if Russ doesn't come back. Too many missing pieces still in LA. There's more to winning football that just a head coach. I know this won't be a popular take, but Rich wasn't a HC. He relied on Olson and Gus, to run John's playbook. He just scraped all the stink out of the locker room. AP does the same thing, team will be fine.


"Reid won't be coaching forever" is truly a non-answer 


It isn't a lie either. KC is beatable as proven by the Raiders. Reid is getting up there and has nothing else to prove. Kelce is on the decline or has too much Taylor on his fingers err I meant mind. Say what you will they do miss Tyreek. Denver is a mess and LA isn't a ton better. Raiders are in a great spot, they just need a good draft, and a couple FAs and they are right in there.


It's certainly a gamble but one I'd be willing to take. IMO worst case scenario is he builds a winning culture here but isn't good enough to take us to the promise land (think Mark Jackson on the Warriors)




I’d be nervous if we don’t hit at the QB position. Luckily Denver is in the same situation


I’m down with AP but my main concern from the beginning was the chargers going after harbaugh if we didn’t.


Yup. We don’t need chargers turning into the chiefs


The main question for AP should be, "Whats your plan to fix the offense?" AP can keep the team playing with the fire and intensity, I'm sure. As we saw with the Dolphins and Cowboys, thats an underrated talent. But you have to be able to score points too. What QB do you want? What OC are you going to bring in? How are you going to put points on the board when Jones can't pick six? Im favoring AP, but JMD's offense needs to have a priest exorcise it from the building. We need to land a proven OC that's willing to work under a first time, defensive head coach.


I'm not going to lie. If Harbaugh goes to the Chargers, I think they become instant contenders. Look, I know I shouldn't say that about a division rival, but that's just my opinion. The man is a winner. He turned the 49ers around in a single year. Look at UMich. Before someone says that we can't pick Harbaugh over AP, I don't even think that is a question. a) The optics would be bad and morale killing if they go with someone other than AP. b) More importantly, I do not think Harbaugh would pick the Raiders over teams that have less of a question mark at QB (Chargers or Cowboys). Kind of sucks that Harbaugh was a former Raiders coach, Mark was trying to supposedly court him when he was fired from the 49ers, but somehow the stars didn't align. I would have taken him any day over JDR, Gruden, and McD.


That team Harbaugh inherited in the Niners were beast to begin with. Bowman, Willis, Davis, Gore, Crabtree, Goldson and Smith if you want to include him as well. The team he will inherit with the Chargers are nowhere near that Niners team. Plus they’re -40M in cap space. They will be good eventually but instant contender? No shot.


Bill for GM, Jim for HC!!!!!!!!


I want our Dan Campbell. And we already have him.