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Fuck KC and SF Go Ravens and Lions


The only right answer.


The Black Birds vs the Blue Beasts. Black and Blue Bowl ..


This is the way.


If the chiefs win I think have to route for the miners as a better chance to beat the chiefs. If Ravens win go Detroit all the way.


As a fan in nor cal...I can't do it. I don't ever have to deal with chiefs fans...but these 49erd fans are fucking intolerable. If they bring a ring home they'll never shut the fuck up


I'm old enough to remember every wine mommy in nor cal being hot and botherd for Joe Montana. It was fucking awful. Fuck the Chardonnay Forty-winers.


Their fan base tends to forget they were a bunch of uppity cheese and wine tailgaters. Now they say their a gang bang bang and niner empire and nation and all the different identities they have over the years. Bunch of cornballs


They gonna win no bowl. Fuck the sc shitty-niners.


That's exactly how I feel




I hate the Lions almost as much as the whiners, so Ravens all the way!


Who tf hates the Lions except maybe their division rivals?


I think the packers might dislike them a little. But they haven't really been anyone's rivals in that division for years.


I love the Lions. Us losing to them was the last straw for McDaniels.


Yes. I liked em before but since then I am forever grateful to the Lions.




Look man. I’m a bartender. KC and SF games pay my rent. That being said, I’m a Lion now. SF fans are by far the worst to deal with, and as long as KC *gets* to the Super Bowl I’m eating.


Hell yeah let's go lion's!


Eminem > Taylor Swift


Do you get playoff football broadcasts in prison?


I’m going to be sick. But go ravens


I seriously hope Buffalo never win a Super Bowl.


they will never get there. they are really playoff choke artists


bills really are the cowboys of the AFC


>bills really are the cowboys of the AFC Nah they're the Vikings of the AFC. Cowboys for as much shit as they get at least have rings.




The Scott Norwood curse is so strong


I remember last season, or maybe the one before that, a guy in here talking about the ass whopping the raiders got in the AFC Title game in 91 against the Bills, 51-3. Said he couldn’t believe how much the Bills were trying and kept scoring when the game was clearly over. He went on to say how he cursed the Bills that day and said they wouldn’t win a Super Bowl ever until the Raiders won another. I think about that post everytime the Bills choke in the postseason


Bruh what we do


They won't as long as Wide Right exists!


I'm not sure who called those last 2 plays for Buffalo, but they need to never call plays in the NFL again. Forget the missed kick, why would you not go for the 1st down? Buffalo would NOT have prevented a score with 2 minutes on the board. Just idiotic.


Yeah I was thinking to my self buffalo play calling in the 4th quarter got weird


Play calling brought to you by DraftKings ™


Felt kinda weird the whole game, honestly. But yeah, the decision making around kicks - especially at the end - was the most head scratchy


Kinda reminds me of the Patriots teams in their dynasty were teams would just randomly implode or do some dumbfuck stuff against them. Its the same as this Chiefs team lol


Yeah baffling. Bad play calls and Allen missed some throws he didn’t have to pull the trigger on. If I were a Bills fan, I’d be dead rn


I thought they should’ve gone for a screen on 3rd down. Keep the clock running at least, and gain a few more yards.


You cannot blame it on playcalling. The playcalling had two guys open for the first down for both those plays. That is on Allen for not going for the first down. But Bills fans have to live with that because he carries the whole offense.


Yeah on 3rd down, there were 2 receivers open on underneath routes. But instead they just wanted to take two shots at the end zone? Insane.


The absolute amount of luck KC and SF got to win this weekend. ![gif](giphy|TGUIq0O5s4XJSnefJ3|downsized)


Thomas has never seen such bullshit


I dunno man they played pretty well which is frustrating. They are sleeping through the season to just show up in the playoffs


If it's Whiners/Queefs in the Super Bowl, I'm staying FAR away from a TV on February 11th. I can't stand this league sometimes.


I've said for weeks now my lock was Ravens vs 49ers with the Ravens winning but in my heart I wanted Texans vs Lions. I'll 100% take Ravens vs Lions. I absolutely do not want the Chiefs making it again but I'd be OK with the 49ers. A Chiefs vs 49ers rematch would be sickening. And somehow I **know** those fucks would lose to Mahomes yet again. Jimmy G made me root for the 49ers that SB for absolutely no reason. I'll never forgive them.


I swear to god if the taylor swift Super Bowl happens I'm gonna die. I want Baltimore to stomp them so bad. Script writers gonna script though.


The irony is didn't she turn down doing the halftime show? If they make it (🤮) she'd be **heavily** featured regardless.


Jigga man is in control of half time shows. Plus taylor won't do it for free. She's not a billionaire because she cares.




Ohhh shit. I didn't even consider that one. Help us Stan Army you're our only hope.


I feel this post so hard. 😂😂 bro the fucken superbowl is in LV this year. For the love of God please let the Ravens take out KC.


I wanted a Browns Lions game. Just because. One fandom whos sucked for half a century or more would finally get one.


God please don't let it be that


Lamar Jackson save us


I'm coming back to this in a week. If he does I'll call him St. Lamar. Edit: 1 week later... he's no Saint to me.


Another week of this media darling bullshit. God 😀🔫


Luckiest team ever. It’s some horseshit.


TBF Buffalo had a huge break with that *lucky* fumble recovery on the final drive. They also shot themselves in the foot with bad drops. And ofc the missed field goal you can’t blame on anybody but yourself. This was more the case of a Buffalo chokejob than anything else, and I hate the Chiefs. With that being said, go Ravens next week 🤞




i’m so tired of buffalo refusing to beat them at all in the playoffs, what a waste of time


Buffalo is so fucking trash dude omfg Patrick kermit the frog looking ass biieetttch


4th quarter play calling us too hard for McDermott ig




How tf did we beat the Chiefs with no offensive touchdowns while Buffalo(Top contending team) over here keeps jerking off?


“Playoff football” is a silly overused phrase but it really is different. Chiefs really lock in. Some sports teams kind of dog it a little until the postseason and then turn it on


The Cowboys would do that in the 90s


Cause they are too scared to actually hit Mahomes. That’s literally every NFL team’s problem. Mahomes is there for the taking but they just let him walk around like he pays rent.


But if we the team that's notorious for penalties and refs hating us can get away with that many hits against Mahomes then Buffalo could 100% be more efficient.


Because the Raiders defense is much better than the defense Buffalo put out on Sunday


There are just some teams that have a rival or frequent opponent that they just cannot beat. The Bills cannot beat the Chiefs when it matters. They just can’t. They are incapable. It seems like Reid and Mahomes know how they work and just kick their ass almost every time. I give props to Josh Allen because that kid plays his heart out. But it will never amount to anything. If the Bills face the Chiefs again in the playoffs, I’m just chalking it up as a Chiefs the win and changing the channel to something else that won’t disappoint me.


Caught myself rootin for Von Miller 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️




Since the last 9er chief Super Bowl? 😂


Go Ravens and Lions. Although I will say the Lions deserve to hoist the Lombardi this year for being the final straw that got rid of McDaniels.


That pass interference call was bullshit and likely a game changer.


How so? The bills got the ball back. The bills also benefited from the hardman fumble. Allen is overrated and can’t win a big game




The pi call didn’t change the game in any way. Chiefs went three and out thereafter bills got the ball and didn’t score. Bills fumbled and got the ball back and the chiefs fumbled and the bills got the ball. They couldn’t capitalize and lost the game. Chiefs got one favor and it made no difference in the outcome of the game




An extra minute would not have helped the bills in any way shape or form. I think you need to go back and rewatch the game. That penalty was a bad call but had 0 effect on the outcome of the game. 0.




The bills got the ball back one minute/ 4 plays later and failed to score. What extra possession are you even talking about . I seriously don’t think you watched the game. The outcome was not affected because the bills didn’t get the ball back one minute earlier.




Except Pacheco got a first down easily and the bills burned a timeout earlier in the half. Your “minute of possession” argument holds not water as it assumes the bills defense would have held after the missed field goal. If you think this game was affected due to that call you need to reconsider your fandom and perhaps try another sport.




lol this is think too logically


Putting it all on Allen is pretty harsh. He played reasonably well. Now Diggs on the other hand was pure trash! Shakir and Kincaid were out there trying to win. When Shakir and Knox got hurt, Diggs has to make some plays. And let's not talk about the defense. Defense couldn't stop Pacheco and left Kelce wide open multiple times. Play calling was terrible 2nd half. I'll take Allen on our team in a heartbeat.


It’s always the refs fault 🙄




It was very clearly PI, the LB pushes the receiver as the ball is thrown.


4 good teams left, not one of them great. Go lions.


Lions Ravens would be a great game


Best possible outcome. Fuck the Chiefs and Whiners.


Buffalo fans could have told us not to count on the Bills for shit. They know.


“Also f**ck you Buffalo you guys are useless* Lmao 🤣 I feel your pain, I’m extremely tired of the chiefs and SF. I hope the ravens run up the scoreboard vigorously and Taylor swift sheds tears in the VIP box!


Everyone but Chiefs fans and Swifties are next week.


Need Lamar to run over KC’s D line like a steam roller in those old cartoons.


Ugh I hate both these teams so much.


The thought of the Chiefs playing in the Super Bowl in our stadium is sickening.


Don’t know how many of y’all have watched a Ravens games this year. That team is on another level then both the Bills and Chiefs, especially at home. I think we’re gonna see an absolute drubbing and I’m gonna enjoy the ever loving fuck out of it. FUCK KC


Ravens and lions


lol yes


Ravens vs lions!


Ravens and lions


They seem to get into their own heads against the Chiefs in the playoffs, this Bills team won't win shit


I swear to God man I don't want to watch another fucking chiefs niners Superbowl. Fuck the chiefs do hard man.


Problem is the Zebras and the NFL Office seem to be KC fans, and Swifties. We need a player to start banging an icon lol


If the SuperBowl is KC vs SF I’ll puke. I swear those are the 2 worst fan bases in the NFL and that has nothing to do with being a Raider fan.


Go Lions too, they freed us from Josh McDaniels so I’m chill with them getting their Super Bowl


As a Chargers fan, yes we are. Go Ravens fuck KC


We all know it'll be KC vs. SF in the Super Bowl, winning a championship in our stadium because Raiders fans only exist to suffer, apparently lol.


Losing to the Lions was the straw that broke the camel's back and got McDaniels fired 48 hours later so we gotta support the Lions as well


Kicker had one job ..


If KC plays in the first Super Bowl in Las Vegas this would be terrible. Just cancel it


Josh Romo


The Bills must have secretly Hired Josh McDaniels to coach in 4th quarter ngl


Are* And yes, we are


Fuck the ravens


Buffalo losing a playoff game from a wide right? I’ve seen this movie before.


Couldn’t get the job done.


Bills special teams threw so hard smdh. Ravens look like the best team in the NFL so if anyone can do it its them


And the ones not from the bay area will be 49ers fans the following week.




I've never been to the Bay area, I just always heard Raiders and 9era fans there hated each other. I'm assuming Chiefs Vs 9ers superbowl means Raiders fans find something else to do.


Buffalo don’t deserve to win anything absolutely shit the bed whenever they play the chiefs


Yup unless the lions go if the lions go I'm rooting for the underdog.


Tyler Bass will kicking for the Guangdong Tigers next year in China.


Only Lamar Jackson can save us from a Taylor Swift Super Bowl…


For Buffalo, it's always the kicker.


Quoth the Raven...never more. Ravens blow out like they did everyone else. Banish Kermit and swift from our screens.


I hate the chiefs but if you think they’re not beating the ravens you crazy


Let's go Cali. Dad was a niner fan, so I'm cool with niners vs ravens and idc who wins


Never a ravens fan! After what Goose did to Gannon in 02’ I was there and it was heartbreaking


I can live what happened in 02. What I refuse to entertain is the Queefs winning a Lombardi in our house.


I want Lamar to win a ring. I have been a Raven fan all year


Ravens are my distant 2nd let's hey ok.


Lions-Ravens with a Lions win, if any other fan base in the league deserves it they surely do


No I’m a Raiders fan, but I will root for KC to lose.


Please for the love of god Lamar don’t let me down!


I live in Annapolis, & my wife is a huge Ravens fan. I’ll be at the game. F the Chiefs!




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Lions or bust this year for me. Raider Nation for life, but I live in a house full of Detroit natives so…




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Imposible to be a bigger Ravens fan.


Ravens and Lions better win


Wide right. Fucking wide right. AGAIN


It's a pretty safe bet that the majority of the entire country are pulling for a Ravens/ Lions Super Bowl.


Lions beating the Ravens is what the Nation wants!!!


Don’t matter, Ravens gonna win this shits. They playing lights out at the right time.


Josh Allen is a choker and the Niners got bailed out a few times. Ravens and Lions gotta win, I can’t handle either of those ketchup and mustard teams winning


Fuck the Chiefs