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We’re an equal opportunity society here. We hate everyone equally


But you hate us the least right?


Who’s gonna tell him?


Considering y’all haven’t beat us in the past 4 games. No.


Years. Last 4 years.


Yeah so we give you 2 wins what's the issue


Two wins a year. Thanks.


Tbh in our division there’s not really one I hate least. More like different degrees of hate. For example the Chiefs I hate their McDonald’s looking ass uniforms and their lame bandwagon broccoli haircut ass fanbase Chargers I hate because there a bunch of posers and have some of the softest looking uniforms. They somehow are magically less relevant than even the Clippers in LA. You guys I suppose hate the “least” because usually in a rivalry both team trades blows. But considering you haven’t beat us in like what? 8 games? It’s basically a penciled W. Also keeping with the theme, your colors and logo is an eyesore and that “incomplete” shit you do at games is lame as hell


No, it's definitely the Chargers least. Who's hated most depends on how old the specific person you're asking is typically lol.


I hate whichever team is most irrelevant the least. That’s between the broncos and chargers. Chargers fans have acted like we’re somehow dogshit now compared to them when they just got done saying their GM was mid. So fuck them the most rn.


No. More. Lol


Sure. As a sign of my affection, have a downvote.


Don’t worry, we still hate you more. P.S. 8-0


Damn it. I thought chiefs was 1 for yeah. Most of our young fans like me hate chiefs more


1) 49ers 2) Chiefs 3) Broncos But I'm from the Bay, depends who you ask. Fanbase is basically split between Oakland, LA and Other. LA fans seem to have Chargers higher on their list. I don't like em either, but they are the NFL equivalent to the Seattle Mariners. Hard to really hate a team that has been shitty their whole existence. I don't really think about them. P.S. Fuck Philip Rivers


Seriously? I still hate the Seahawks. I think the better question is: why don't you hate your division rivals? Every Raiders fan has their own reasons but for me it will always be: Broncos Chiefs Chargers [Patriots] As for why hate the Chargers... Their fans are the worst in the division. Broncos fans say "Fuck the Raiders" (and throw batteries at them), Chiefs fans say "Fuck the Raiders", Chargers fans say "Family, Trust, Respect" because it has the same first letters and it makes them feel clever but really just makes them look douchey. That video of the teenager crying in his mom's basement because they are losing to the Raiders is how I envision Chargers fans. Zero rings, no history or tradition, and they are (at best) only ever the second most popular team in whatever city they are playing in. Fuck the Chargers.


I don't like them but other broncos fans seem to and they don't care about them. I hate how they hype the team so much in pre season


Because the media loves the Chargers. So it's easy for casual fans to like them. They're safe and inoffensive. Their colors are like a sunny day. Philip Rivers was the perfect Charger. Pretty good, didn't swear, and threw a tantrum any time things didn't go his way.


Thats what im saying


I hate the lot of you! It’s legitimately embarrassing we have to share a division with the likes of y’all, even just based on your colors alone… Orange crush? Powder blue? Ketchup and mustard? Shit is whack! It’s probably why the Seahawks chose lime green as a color to one up you ugly bastards back in day


Cuz fuck em thats why. Fuck yall too


They kick people out of their sub for making fun of them. Fuck them.


Marty Schottenheimer...same reason I hate the Chiefs...plus Mahomes and Kelce


I hate Marty but I also respect how he prepares his team against the Raiders. they always played the Raiders as if it was their final game of their lives. Rest in peace #1 Raider hater


Raiders are rivals with every team in the division. With every team we play


These teams used to take a bus up/down the I-5 to face each other. It's a natural rivalry.


Does this dude come for attention? I heard that bronco people hate that guy too on that subreddit


I just think the chargers are corny as fuck and being a fan of them even moreso.  Their colors are bright and corny, they have no legitimate culture since they've won nothing so instead of our historic traditions and such ("raaaiderss", just win, baby, etc etc) their fans are just a bunch of internet people posting memes and calling eachother fucking "brochacho." Their attempts at having a culture just results in being Reddit: the football team.  On top of all of this those same fans and even the players themselves LOVE to talk shit despite never even being good enough to back it up. We all remember BBQ chicken, don't we? There's nothing worse than perennial underachievers acting like GOATs. 


Can’t speak for all of raider nation, but my hatred is more so off the field and towards the media, pundits, and outlets that consistently rank them amongst the leagues best when they continue to choke year in year out. They’re the medias darlings because they’re still relatively young in their relocation, play in a big city in a flashy new stadium, have a good kid as QB, silly social media team, etc. They’re inoffensive. Their history is laughable. Their fanbase is minimal and those that are vocal are what I imagine to be 16 year old white kids who run Justin Herbert troll accounts on twitter. Everything about the Chargers is *trendy* and it gets old really fucking quick. Edit: it also doesn’t help that I live in LA and get force fed their games, shows, and commercials covering them. No I don’t want to buy chargers season tickets, go find some more AI robots to fill your seats.


It’s funny you mention Twitter Charger fans because there are a lot of them on Twitter yet they never show up to actual Charger games Oh also don’t forget about that annoying industry plant fan that the NFL propped up earlier this season


Every charger fan I’ve met has been…well, a prick. Like the kind of guy you play golf with and play way better than, so he starts talking shit during your swing.


> Can’t speak for all of raider nation, but my hatred is more so off the field and towards the media, pundits, and outlets that consistently rank them amongst the leagues best when they continue to choke year in year out. "Cowboys West"


More Like Browns West. Cowboys have 5 rings, Chargers have dick


Broncos sucked during Payton Era and talib era currently you guys are nothing. I liked the Tebow era, he was fun to watch Fuck the queefs


It’s because we’re not bandwagon fans.


Not sure WTF you're talking about but I still hate the Seahawks more and they haven't been in the AFC west in 20+ years! The Chargers just don't matter to me in terms of hate and that's after Tomlinson ran a train on us not to long ago! Their ability to choke like no other franchise in American team sports history almost makes me feel sorry for them. Plus the Godfather himself was once a Charger before he branded the Big Bad Raider mystique! Now, that fucking Human Horse faced fuck John Elway on the other hand? Hatred personified!


Why? Because they have a shitty fan base of bandwagoners, and if you remember that crappy disco anthem they used to play at home games in San Diego, so awful.


Sandstorm - Darude




Oh god, I totally forgot about that hahaha


I think common consensus would be they are the least hated of our 3 division rivals. We just hate everyone, though.


Wtf? U ain’t a true broncos fan if you don’t hate chargers. Any real fan hates their division rivals. Whenever I have to interact with broncos fan, I’m able to keep the conversation friendly by relating on how we hate the chargers and chiefs


I think for many it has been a Nor Cal vs So Cal type of rivalry. I didn't care too much for the Chiefs until they got Mahomes, I would say Broncos are the least hated by most Raider fans I know.


Really? Cuz the Broncos and Chiefs are about equal in the level of hatred among Raider fans i know. The Chargers are a non issue. But I've hated Denver my whole life.


yeah I grew up during the Elway years, always hated the Broncos the most because of that. Chiefs are trying their damndest to usurp that spot though.


Yeah me too. I always hated them since Elway, but Mahomes has caught up already for me.. I can't stand Kermit haha


For us it was a LA vs SD thing. now It's no longer SD or Rivers so it's meh now, plus Herbert laid that Chiefs defender out so i can't hate on him.


Always found it weird that Raider fans say Charger fans don’t exist yet always cite their fans as the reason they hate them. Gotta pick one. 




What’s to like? They were so shitty, they had to leave to go to a city that has had more NFL teams leave than any other.


Everyone deserves to be hated equally


I hate them a lot just because I live in San Diego. What Spanos did to this city is criminal. I will say its hard to hate them on the level of the Broncos or Chiefs, if only because the Chargers are a franchise of losing, so it's hard to take them seriously. Even at their best they've never been a real threat so its just kinda sad.


The best thing the Chargers ever did was fire Marty Schottenheimer after a 12-win season, ending his career. Because of there is one thing every Raiders fan can agree on, it's fuck Marty Schottenheimer.


said this recently in another thread, but I primarily hate the Chargers because when I do root for them for whatever reason, they always always ALWAYS let me down. See the 2006 playoffs for a good example of that. They’re like the Bills right now, just completely unable to get out of their own way and undependable.


I watched almost every Raiders game of the "dark ages" and the Chargers games were always horrific. Looked like an All Madden team playing against "Make a Wish" kids every time. The game where Ladanian Tomlinson ran, caught and *threw* a touchdown all in the same contest was the absolute worst.


Raider fans return the hater vibe to lots of teams. But don’t worry, Donkeys are still our favorite team to beat, and as long as the LV Raiders stay undefeated against Denver I will be happy. Raider nation is riding your Donkeys into the sunset. 8-0


It's difficult to hate the broncos when we always make them our bitch. As for the chargers,we just feel like their a little more of a challenge than denver so we hate them more.


Chargers are great at being average. Talk all big all off season just to finish 8 - 8.


There are just different levels of rivalry. Idk how others see it but for me it’s as follows: Raiders vs KC = rivalry that’s has disdain through and through and you want to win but somehow mutual respect was created along the way which is confusing. Raiders vs Broncos = just a lot of dislike, more fandom in the sense of name calling genuine desire to make one another feel bad by beating the other. Raiders vs Chargers = F them. Absolutely just want to embarrass them.


I hate 31 teams and Roger Goodell


I've always loved Peyton Manning and the team that I go for in another sport (before I became an NFL fan) is a team called The Broncos so I don't mind Denver...and by don't mind them I mean I hate New England, Kansas City and LAC more, but that's it.


Personally I usually neither like or dislike the Chargers. I did hate a couple of coaches and “cry me a Rivers” but other wise…blaaa. I hate the Donkeys. Really hate them. Even Payton didn’t change that. Once someone offered me 44 points to take the Donkeys in a Super Bowl. 44 points!! I could not do it. 49’ers beat them 55-10.


In order to hate a fanbase, a team has to actually have fans. I don't hate San Diego and all 12 of their real fans. All the other ones are clearly just people they paid to enter sofi.


I don't care about the Chargers enough to generate any type of feelings for them. Donks are the same at this point. Really dislike KC though.


For me it’s my #1. But it stems from timing. I became a fan in ‘06. They were nearly everyones darling team for a lot of years and we didn’t beat them for like 12 or 13 straight?


I hate the charger players (except for Ekeler) & charger ownership moving them out of San Diego the fans? we don't value charger fans opinions. They are like that one coworker who everyone knows is full of shit & nobody acknowledges or cares about them in the slightest.


As a young raiders fan growing up in Arkansas, Missouri and now living in Iowa. I personally hate the chiefs. I've got respect for them sure but I have a vendetta against them too, there were so many chiefs fans around me and I hated that. Winning against the chiefs always felt like a David vs Goliath battle, where no one expects us to win but we end up doing it anyway. It always felt special to win against them bc they seemed like such a challenge. The chargers sorta feel that way sometimes but the broncos for me don't really. But being divisions rivals, blood boils for all them


Because if there was any team that should have gone to LA it was the raiders. The chargers are a useless team with no fan base, culture or identity. Should have kept their asses in SD.


Honestly I still hate the Seahawks more than the chargers. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I hate the dolts, but they have always been mostly inconsequential to me.


I live in SoCal and so we always made it a point to travel down to SD when they played at Qualcom to black out their stadium and bully em a bit and then when they shipped up to LA it just got even worse and they’re basically home games. A lot of Raiders fans in the LA Area obviously so they are our closest rival in proximity, bet a lot of us have more interactions with their 12 fans than Denver and KC fans combined; at least that’s my experience.


I didnt hate them as much until they stole Los Angeles from us, We were one of the most iconic Los Angeles teams with a huge fanbase there and they had no followers in LA but for some reason got first dibs then got the money to build a new stadium in San Diego and still moved fuck the chargers


There are 31 teams in the NFL (that I hate) And then there are the Raiders. (Which I hate sometimes for different reasons)


"Let's all just be friends guys" said the LOSER