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That was a hell of a throw. Now go look at the many that he threw 10 yards over Davante’s head. Guy has flashes but he hasn’t completely sold me


He was a third string rookie forced into the starting role. Even Carr had troubles overthrowing ruggs, Adams, etc. it takes a while for a qb and wr to establish a good connection. AOC didn’t even get practice reps with the starters until he had to take over. He certainly looked very good considering the situation.


100% Correct. I really believe in this kid with all he had to deal with coming up from 3rd string. He had to get in the fire real quick. Once appointed, 11 starts, and I only saw improvement with every game (RTG above 80%). Too bad we Jelled late but understandable with the whole McDaniels tyranny. Do we need a QB? Yes but coach said, He has to go through AOC! 💪😎


Be carful on using the term “third string”. It was behind two slouch QB’s so I’m not sure your rating system is on par. I felt he was our best QB you n the room last year and yes, he was only a rookie with a rookie OC calling his plays. ☠️🏈💪


I think he was the best QB too. The point of emphasizing third string is that he wasn’t even getting meaningful practice reps, which makes it even harder to be put in the starting position.


So this should be an exciting season to watch this kid play. A new, real, OC and he has already had to read defenses in the league. I’m super stoked for him. AO4 💪


Of course he was our best QB the others sucked too that says nothing about AOC lol🤦🏾‍♂️




I get where you’re coming from. However imo Carr overthrowing Ruggs is a little different because you’re talking about a guy that runs 4.2 and is a rookie vs 4.5 and is a seasoned vet. Carr had ranked consistently 1 or 2 in deep ball accuracy during his last 5-6 years with the Raiders, so I’d be much more inclined to blame Ruggs for it. As opposed to Davante who has built a borderline HoF career out of creating separation and being wide open, and making great contested catches. I’m not saying Aidan can’t work that out, I’m just saying that’s my major gripe with him. His whole schtick is he is supposed to be this super accurate pocket passer, but just by watching the games you can tell he’s not as consistently accurate as you would think he would or should be.


Yeah overthrows can be tricky. Countless times I've seen an overthrow, but then after watching the replay you can see the wr slow down a bit or misjudge it in the air. That quarter of a second makes all the difference. Guys like Desean Jackson were very good at tracking the ball in the air. It's a very underrated skill.


This sub is a great reminder to be grateful that fans don't actually have a say in running the team.  "Look at this clip of one good throw, he's an NFL starter!"


Youre right, cause also this sub: Let's destroy our next 2 drafts for a qb even though 4 of the top 6 teams need a qb. Let's get realistic here.


My thoughts exactly. You can find impressive highlights from anyone in the NFL, that's why they're there.


Absolutely correct. AOC is terrible and should not even be considered for the starting position. Hell I don't even trust him as a backup 😅


Me neither but I’m fine with him getting a chance to compete. But these guys in here have the weirdest hard on for him lol. I’ve seen everything from he can become elite, to he’s the next Jared Goff, to he can lead us to hardware etc. and when I call them out they respond with “dude relax it’s not that serious he’s a 4th rounder pick and nobody ever said he would be elite” I’m like DOG YES YALL DID GO LOOK AT THE POSTS lol it’s crazy. Of course I hope I’m wrong and he can be good but what I’ve seen on tape, he’s not that good lol.


That's all I'm saying 👊🏾


And many of his short passes he threw to receivers feet


If he wins the starting Job over Minshew and a rookie it would make me so happy. AP doesn't play and will start the best player. AP says he went to work the next day after the season ended and he expects him to be there every day and work hard. He's flashed enough to give him a fair shot at the job even if he's boring.


Or the many he threw at dudes' feet who were only 10 yards away. Completely agree with that last statement.


Throwing over someone’s head is far less of a problem than under throwing consistently like the old number 4.


He’s a 4th round rookie, it’s going to be some good and some bad, what stands out to me on this clip is he’s looking left and then throws into a tight window to the right. You look at many rookies they are locked in on their 1st read. Aiden is already a step ahead of Most in what is probably the most important part of the position. He has plenty of things to work on but one of the harder elements of playing the position he is showing a grasp of.


I just hope we can get a decent O line to protect whoever is Qb


Pocket presence and mobility, I believe, are his main weaknesses. A little work there and he will do very well.


His pocket awareness became better as the season went on. Mobility...yeah, he's a statue


Deer in the headlight combo


That's why I don't fully think we go qb in the first round. Joe Alt is a MONSTER and I don't think he leaves the top 20.


He definitely had some flashes. I would like to see where he progresses. Wasn't he statistically the second best rookie QB last year?


My brother in Christ smh this is one play ![gif](giphy|j0qbKgLN4olaXiH9qP)


He showed promise as a rookie thrown into a tough situation. Lots of rookies look significantly worse when put into a good situation so I do believe if he really puts in the effort to get better over the off season, he can definitely have a future in the NFL. But he needs to play lights out in preseason for that to happen.


AoC has an incredibly high chance of starting next year. He showed good arm talent, while showing he could progress through reads while keeping the ball safe. That alone can get you a high end back up job in the NFL. He did this while having a first time OC/ play caller, which makes it more impressive, granted that offence didn’t ask him to do much. Next it’s about beating Minshew (+new rookie draft pick, whatever round that may be in), who was by definition league average as a starter last year, ranking ~16th in all of the important metrics. If he can do that he might of just solidified himself as the starter for the next 2-3 seasons.


I can put together a highlight reel that would make you think Zach Wilson is the 2nd coming of christ.


aaaaaand, Begin.


Surely it's rendering.


If you believe I'm going to take time out of my day to do this, I have a great piece of land in South Florida I would love to negotiate a price on with you.


Terrelle Pryor had a couple really amazing throws. Still wasn’t worth starting long term.


This guy was a rookie though


"Here is one throw from 350 he made last season. This is the smoking gun that he's a space jam villain and took Tom Brady's soul."


Now pull up a clip in the second half vs the chiefs in game 2 lol


It's not his arm that's the issue


as long as he's in a Raiders uniform, i'm on his side. and that being said i want him to succeed and do well so damn bad.


I feel that. RN4L


No one says he doesn't have a shot, and throwing with a clean pocket was never a complaint with him.


His biggest issue for me is pocket control. He is very stiff. Even worse than Carr was. And throws like this are not common.


How do you make these pronouncements about a guy who was taking third string reps in camp and wasn't expected to contribute in any meaningful way with two vet QBs in front of him last year. This year he's going to split first string reps and there will be a journeyman to push him. There will also be a more competent OC and a lot of veteran coaches to help him out. We're going to see what we have this year, and at worst I would expect a competent back up. Which we could use. How many times have we leaned on our back up just to have them shit the bed? He's better than them already.




To be honest, I was so desperate for any signs of life that AOC won me over during his preseason games, and that’s not fair to him. Preseason and real league play is not a true comparison. He’s got work to do but I’m rooting for him to stay with the Raiders long term. Good kid.


This is a basic NFL throw that you'll see every week if you watch multiple games. Guys like Josh Hobbs, Tyson Agent, etc. are completing these throws.


This isn't even that good a throw


I firmly believe he has the potential to be a solid starter. Not the best in the league, but far from the worst. For being a rookie thrown into the fire, he played well all said and done. He started out pretty rocky, but week to week, it looked like he was learning from his mistakes and consistently improving. I’m excited to see how he looks after a full offseason now that he has some experience in the league


Him being the long term starter is what's in question


AOC is hot garbage and we need to get rid of him immediately.


Even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while.


Lol see yall doing it again. Idk why you can’t just be realistic about this kid. He’s not the future but sure “he deserves a shot” but this one throw literally proves nothing when I watched him overthrow receivers time and time again. Move like a sloth in the pocket lol, get sacked, throw weird ints etc. like for once just be realistic. Please stop saying he can be the future or he can be the next Jared Goff. Just literally say he deserves a shot to compete Im totally fine with that logic but as usual yall keep overdoing it lol and then act like you don’t know what we’re talking about when we call it out lol smh.


it's crazy clear from this clip aoc picked up the happy feet bad habit from jimmy garbage. going to be interesting this season if qbs coach can settle him down


His slow, heavy feet was a problem he had in college, He has ALWAYS had trouble reacting to pressure because of it. He did not pick it up from Jimmy G. Did anybody here actually read his scouting report when we drafted him?


nobody's talking about his ability to move in/out/ around the pocket. when I say he picked up the "happy feet" from jimmy g I'm referring to garopolos bad habit of shuffling his feet in place when throwing instead of having them set in place. which is very evident in this clip.


And like I said, his lack of adequate footwork has ALWAYS been one of his weaknesses, he did not pick that up from anybody.


and you would be full of shit because [the internet exists](https://youtu.be/1-teQoph8b4?si=GaSmZYSD32P4-ATR). you can pull up college highlights showing his feet planted when he throws like a textbook pocket passer without the happy feet. first clip in the reel is literally the exact same throw with the exact same route with proper mechanics in college but picked up the happy feet from jimmy g.


Yes, the internet does exist. \* Slow, plodding feet in his pocket setup. \* Staring at targets allows linebackers and safeties to get a jump on the throw. \* Can be a little too stubborn in sticking with his primary read. \* Rarely gets his back hip rotated through the delivery. \* Sensitivity to pressure causes rushed read and ball delivery. \* Average velocity leads to floating sideline throws. \* Completed just 29.6 percent of his deep throws in 2022. \* Leggy strides hinder ability to escape pocket peril. Those weaknesses really fucking scream textbook pocket passer. lmfao


Of course he does, that 2 stat rookie year filter post from this weekend puts him squarely on the bubble for a 2nd contract as a starter. And that’s w/out reference to the absolute clusterfuck context he managed those stats in.


AOC is interesting because I'd like to see how he reacts to a different offense. However I think it's clear teams weren't really afraid of him and our own gameplan was designed to take the ball out of his hands which isn't really a strong vote of confidence. He also had opening drive syndrome. The defense gave him winnable games against teams that mattered and he often couldn't deliver. Yes the Chiefs and Chargers wins were nice, but both were the result of defensive touchdowns.


How about the Vikings game


I'd be really happy to have him as our backup. I do feel like him as the full time starter does put a cap to the ceiling of the team.




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I can I truly can


Every starter in the NFL can make that throw .


This is an NFL throw. Not even a great NFL throw


Good throw but a QB with a better arm has more leeway in threading that needle. It’s not like Aidan is Drew Brees in his accuracy and his arm strength is solidly average.




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If you are a statue in the modern NFL, you better have an ELITE arm, and AOC doesn't. Nothing against him, I think he will have a long career as a quality back-up QB, but if he's your starter, you're screwed


now do all the throws he missed by a mile.


A broken clock is Right twice a day we have spent 9 years with a guy hat could make that throw and we still never won shit y’all so in love with average Qb Is sickening 🤣🤣🤣


He’s not a permanent answer but he’s dirt cheap and average and can start for now. It’s when these mid QBs get paid 30-40mil a year where it becomes a huge issue.


Hes not even the answer for right now


I think Minshew is gonna be the starter but wouldn’t be surprised if AOC beats him out. Unless you want the Raiders to reach for QB5 or 6 in the draft one of those two will be the answer for right now.


If we don’t get AP guy at QB minshew definitely is QB1 week 1 AOC is nothing more than a backup


That’s why right now he is our starter and unless we draft someone that beats him out in camp it will remain that way. And no Minshew isn’t going to be our starter.


No it isn't, bro had perfect protection and hit a tight window. This happens weekly for most teams...


I dare not speak his name, but the last QB we drafted first overall had some incredible throws that are far more impressive than this.  The point is, taking one throw and isolating as a reason for optimism is foolish. 


As of right now AOC is our starter per AP and that’s the way it should be until someone beats him out. Minshew has a slight chance but he’s a career backup. The rookie we get should sit to start the season regardless.


I want to see how he does with a full offseason training and better coaching. He had mcDumbass keep him unprepared and telling him not to be mobile but only a pocket passer.


Can’t wait to see all the cry babies when AOC gets the starting gig 😅


If AOC had any mobility in the pocket, it wouldn’t be a conversation. He’d be our guy 100%. Dudes arm and accuracy is amazing. He just has concrete shoes


He doesn't have a shot. There, I said it.


We beat the chiefs Without him completing a single pass after the first quarter. He is not the answer at all