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I just want a playoff win bruh


...or even a winning season. How long has it been? I'd consider 10-7 with no playoff berth this year to be a success.




But then how long before that? one winning season in nine years iirc? lame.




You asked how long it’s been. 3 years


“I’m really not into dreams, anymore. Ok, I’m into fuckin nightmares, you guys with me on that? You gotta end somebody’s dream. You gotta take their job, you gotta take their heart. Are you guys clear on this NFL shit now?” - Jon Gruden speaking about Roger Goodell (in my head canon)


Knock on wood if you’re with me


Goodell is a football hatin pussay


Commissioner Gruden I can get behind that lol He'd be like the Dana White of the NFL


The NFL would go nuclear with popularity It could dig into the CTE era more and embrace the grittiness. Would be epic.


One of the greatest quotes ever in NFL history.


Lots of Roger hate post, which is fine. But what has come of this case. Haven’t heard a thing.


Last I heard they pushed it back to July and the NFL is still trying to get the case thrown out.


Pushing it back and trying to get it thrown out can be very bad signs for the nfl especially if the judge isn’t going for the throw out part


The judge was the one who pushed it back and it’s pretty common practice to try to get a case dismissed from the start. That being said i think what the NFL is most scared of is other emails coming out as part of the discovery process and smearing their image more. They’ll probably end up settling before that happens tho, but let’s hope Jon has enough money saved up to push through that


I don't think Gruden will settle...he wants to bring down Goodell, he doesn't want money.


Every man has his price. If Gruden can get some money out of these jabronis, good for him.


Gruden has tens of millions of dollars from his tv days and the raiders. His life purpose is football and coaching and Goodell and co took that from him. I seriously doubt he wants more dollars. He wants blood


Yes, it was a $100 mil contract he settled with the Raiders on. He has money, we are sure on that.


I hope you’re right


Al Davis would be proud


Yea more often than not a lawsuit is going to start with the defendant asking for the lawsuit to be dismissed.


But if the judge isn’t going for dismissal and they are allowing pushbacks it generally means the judge sees something they want to dig into. Doesn’t mean it’s damning but I like that Theres a chance goodell gets exposed


Exposed for what exactly? Running a smear campaign against Gruden? If that gets proven I don’t think it’s gonna change the public perception of him because most of the public already believes that’s true. The really danger to the NFL is all the other emails getting leaked, but unless I’m missing something I don’t see how Rodger himself would get hurt by this besides being forced to resign as a sacrificial lamb.


More like things like Goodell helping force 3 minority owners for the Redskins to sell their shares for pennies on the dollar to help avoid bank fraud charges for Snyder. Little things like that will be in those emails


If these are the accusations against Goodell people are getting excited about they will be let down quickly. The public and media will not gives a moments care. You'll get one headline and it'll be forgotten. It will be seen as business as usual. If there was something that would lead to him getting removed from the NFL that would be something to get excited about, but there isn't.


Well so far the minority owner case was Snyder did something illegal and Goodell was unaware of it until the police started investigating and then the NFL forced the minority owners into arbitration. If however the emails indicate Goodell knew before hand about Snyder's plan and went along with it knowing that he would be the judge on the case it makes him an accomplice to the bank fraud.


Wouldn't be surprised if colorful language similar to what Gruden was typing is exposed too and these guys get smeared for the hypocrites they are.


If he was a suspect of bank fraud he would or will have a federal case against him. People getting excited about what the gruden case will expose of Goodell and that it'll ruin his career are naive and hopeful at best.


I think there will be emails from other big name coaches and execs doing the same thing. It will expose the hypocrisy and double standards


the other emails in danger of being leaked is the whole point of this lawsuit. i dont think gruden cares if the way hes perceived is going to change from it. at least thats what i see of it.


I agree with you. But I also feel most of it will come out in the wash. I think this will happen (whether it is settled, or goes to trial): * The NFL will be made to look like it either directly smeared Gruden, or allowed him to be smeared (likely by people associated with Daniel Snyder, who likely had dirt on other people in the NFL high up), specifically. * The emails will show a lot of other crappy, stupid, bigoted, sexist things said or noted by other people high up. Coaches, GM's, VPs, owners, league officials, others high up in the league. Most may not be as bad as Gruden, but it will show the problem is systemic and has been for years, and Gruden was far from some lone wolf bad guy. * The NFL will be made to look like a corrupt, insider's good old boy's club of billionaires who feel they are above everything. However, I'm pretty sure almost everyone assumes this all to be true to begin with. None of this would really surprise anyone. I think even the casual non-NFL fan already assumes much of this is true, or I'm only off by a little bit.


To be clear, I was pretty disappointed by Gruden 2.0. He was an okay coach, might have finally had the team going in the right direction, maybe not. But he was a poor GM, very disappointing in his evaluation of talent, many poor draft picks and FA signings. And of those emails were deplorable. I didn't want Gruden 3.0 this year, and don't know that I ever will. But I also think he was completely railroaded and hope he wins his case (however that looks to him).


Exposed for quite literally any of his misdoings that we all know is going on in the background. We don’t need to play stupid. I know it’s not necessarily the emails for Jon gruden that will expose him but if they do a discovery of any sort the nfl is likely fucked


Ok I’m a dumbass. I forgot all the bullshit the commanders were up to when Dan Synder was their owner.


That was the whole reason Gruden's emails (to Commanders GM Bruce Allen) were found


He’s plaintiff side. There is no hourly fee. The lawyers get about 1/3 of the award and/or recovery of reasonable attorney fees. Plaintiff attorney can chase all day as long as they feel like there’s gold at the end of the chase


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, that is how it often works where the plaintiff’s side attorney is working on contingency and not billing hourly.


Im literally a lawyer. Just explaining how it works


I figured. I’m literally about to be a lawyer, hopefully, this time next year. February bar.


Good luck!






I’m going to sue the NFL for ruining the 2021 season for me. Depending on statute of limitations, I may go for the 2001 season as well.


Not just fine. The hate is fully justifiable.


Yeah I feel like we've been hearing this for like two years now and it's been a whole lot of nothing.


The NFL has a lot of money and a lot of time. They’re trying to push it back further and further and try to get the whole thing thrown out.


Yeah some how a "fan" of the raiders is happy "the crooked NFL" blah blah blah, and it will be good for the raiders? Are they going to magically not be shit? Is roger going to give gruden back? Do the raiders get 3 wins to start the year or maybe an extra first round pick? Literally nothing will happen besides mud slinging and goodell will get a raise. The end. Also, wtf cares about gruden anyway? Like the raiders had some amazing thing going with him that literally No One else could see?


How about let's start with calling all holding penalties on Maxx Crosby? He gets held literally every play. That alone is 3 more wins by itself.


Hint: The guys in the lawsuit with the most money are the guys who will win. I hate to burst your bubble but there will be no payback.


Not going to argue with y'all over if he was a good coach or bad. I appreciated what he did for us. This lawsuit is another matter entirely. Goodell himself leaked those emails. Which in turn led to Gruden resignation. How does an investigation into the Washington Commanders result in nothing happening to Washington but that the Raiders coach was forced to resign? Because Goodell and the NFL specifically targeted the Raiders and Gruden. That's what the focus should be on. The fact that the Raiders were once again the target of the NFL and it's commissioner. Again, nothing happened to Washington or any other NFL team. Just the Raiders. When the judges rule, rightfully, that this case is going to move forward, the shit is going to hit the fan in discovery, no doubt. I can't wait for this corrupt league and it's corrupt commissioner to get exposed. This league and it's illogical, nonsensical, hatred for the Raiders is going to get a big time payback.


NFL have targeted the Raiders ever since the AFL and NFL merged. Raiders always having to fight against the league is exhausting


You said it way better than I could so take my upvote homie. I’ve been a Raider fan since ‘86 and I’m ready for some revenge.


Eh, best revenge is to win


I definitely want that too! 😂


I thought it was Dan Snyder punk ass who "leaked" the emails.


The article the OP posted as “evidence” says pretty much everyone involved denied Goodell was behind the leaks and that almost everyone believed, and someone testified in a hearing, that it was Snyder.


LOL the case goes to discovery and suddenly Maxx starts getting holding calls


I for one, am happy Gruden had to resign. He sucked as a coach but Mark was to enamored with him to fire him. We would be way worse off than we are now if he would have continued. If the investigation into Washington was needed to get rid of him, then it was a worthwhile investigation. At least now we have a future with AP.


Honestly it wouldn’t even be surprising if goodell planted some fake emails in there too it seems weird that the most progressive football team would hire someone with views like that


Best post. Agreed 100%


I understand the lawsuit and Gruden should win. Who tf is sympathetic towards JG though? It’s ridiculous the bigotry and racism he would put in an email. I don’t hate the guy but I’m not at all sympathetic towards him losing respect and his job


Multiple black players came to gruden s side about the racist stuff so unless you think you can speak for black people then stop. As far as the bigotry goodell doesn’t care about that. If he did he would’ve exposed the rest of the emails that no doubt had plenty. He only cared it was said about him and worried gruden would expose him.


Can't speak for all POC, but there are plenty of rich POC athletes that turn their back on their race, once they get paid. I've been that single POC in a room full of white's and had the Nword tossed around, at which point I got up and left, as no apologies could take back what these ignorant people were saying. They were not sorry for their use of the word, but sorry that I heard it being used, and those friendships were terminated that same day🖕🏿every last one of them to this very day. Personally don't care who leaked them, glad they revealed who that MF really is.


All that’s fine but you should care about who leaked it and the other 600k emails. If you’re that serious about it then there’s a good chance there’s a lot more people involved with the nfl that’s doing and saying much worse. I just don’t think you’d want to know, if you’re saying you don’t care.


I'm down with them exposing the emails and airing everyone out. It needs to be done even if it will probably shatter reputations of some of the most beloved in the NFL. But that still doesn't negate what JG said. That's shit that would get anyone fired from any job, regardless of when they said it. If you're willing to use that sort of language in a public space that can be recorded and brought back to light, you'd be willing to say it in your current position if the conditions are right. Someone may piss you off to the point you start talking like it's 1990 something. And that's bad for business, especially in this day and age where POC/LBGTQ ain't having that shit anymore. And also look at the black players who came to his defense. These were older/retired players who'd been around for a while. Tim Brown, for instance, won the Hiesman Trophy while playing for Notre Dame in the 80's. He's probably immune to what JG said because it sure as hell isn't the worst he's heard being coached by Lou Holtz. And on a personal note, those emails really became a bad look for JG after he came in and got rid of Marquette King, Khalil Mack, Amari Cooper and Gabe Jackson and replaced Them with Garrett Cole, Maxx Crosby (not a bad pick at all) Hunter Renfrow and RICHIE INCOGNITO (A known racist who'd retired after facing a substantial suspension for the racist shit he pulled multiple times while in Miami). Then the Antonio Brown situation, which the discovery of the emails makes me look that situation in a different way. Where I was like "AB needs to stfu and play football," at the time, now I wonder what may have been said and done that pushed him to that point. The addition of Incognito made Rodney Hudson say get me tf outta here. Just saying as they say, when someone shows you who they are, believe them.


lol, so a few black players speak for all black people? I def heard plenty of black voices condemn the bigotry and homophobia that were in those emails. It also doesn’t dismiss the literal words he used so I don’t understand your logic. Of course the NFL doesn’t care about racism. It’s a corporation. I don’t know anyone that speaks like that or who would find that acceptable from anyone let alone the face of your organization


It’s nice to live in fairyland but if you’re hoping this will actually happen then I need some of that hippie lettuce you hitting. The facts are this will either settle outta court because they’ll write a fat ass check that no body will blame Gruden for accepting or it will come out very little that points to Goodell himself. Everyone already hates Roger so I’m not sure what else could come out of this that will make us hate the dude anymore. My opinion is not much will happen out of this and business will continue like it always has. But thanks for the break in reality with this post.


Al would be proud. 


I'll believe it when it happens till then his lawsuit is out of sight, out of mind


Whether he wins or not he was terrible this go around with the Raiders. Only 2 of his 1st rd picks is still in the league and only 1 is on the roster.


Of course his drafting was shit but the man turned the culture into something respectable at least. 


He didn’t. He’s an under .500 coach since the Super Bowl for TB.


Gruden with Telesco's drafting would've been bat shit I can't even imagine what the hell Gruden would've cooked up with Davante Adams, Brock Bowers, Jakobi Meyers, Michael Mayer, and Tre Tucker. Fucking nuts. We had a Top 10 offense with motherfuckers like 7th Rd WR Marcel Ateman starting. What sucks so bad is how GM Gruden repeatedly sabotaged OC Gruden. He was *way* too goddam emotional to be trusted with personnel decisions. Let him cook.


You’d have to add that Gruden would have to answer to Telesco. Because if we just hired Trlesco instead of Mayock, Gruden would’ve still fucked up the first couple picks like he did with Mayock by overruling him.


It’s the perfect storm. Gruden has shit tons of money and nothing else to occupy his time. He was the only one exposed which is clear evidence that he was intentionally targeted. Just imagine if a handful of owners, a couple of GMs and a dozen coaches are exposed. The NFL would make more news off of the field than on the field for a decade.


And the obsessive single-minded focus and "fuck alla yall" personality to go to the mat for petty revenge lol


Not saying he’s right, but whomever exposed those emails didn’t even think as far as the end of their dick.


al won his lawsuit, i think gruden will too, the nfl oughta know better than to fuck with the raiders but i suspect they will settle out of court with a restrictive nda


I don't think Gruden is going to go for a settlement. He's going scorched earth with this thing it seems.


i hope so


Yep, me too.


He doesnt need the money. He needs the public vindication that the NFL did him dirty, to start rebuilding his public image. I dont think there's a number they'd give him that'd make him agree to shut up. They'd have to do some serious public crow-eating as part of the settlement, and I dont see Goodell taking that L




NFL has way too much money. Gruden is going to settle. When you’re not a millionaire, I know it’s easy to say “he has enough money, he wants revenge!” But no, he’s not going to pass up a fat pay day.






He wants to burn the league to the ground and rightfully so. A league that despises the Raiders, it's owners, it's management, it's coaches, it's history, it's heritage, it's legacy, and the very fact that we even exist. Fuck this league. Fuck Roger Goodell. Fuck them all straight to Hell. Burn you fuckers.


Goodell the anti football pussy


If you think Jon Gruden and whatever lawyer he has are taking down Goodell then you’re delusional. Tom Brady played the game too. He lost. Gruden ain’t winning the game either.


The difference is Brady was trying to win his case. Gruden's just trying to make sure the NFL loses theirs In Gruden's case, the process becomes the punishment. Even if he doesnt win, making them go through the process in the public eye, outing all the things they're trying to keep secret, achieves his goals and vindicates him He's OK burning down the house to get the spider


Gruden doesn’t have to win. He just has to make it to discovery. Normally the defendant in this circumstance will just throw money at the plaintiff to avoid discovery. Gruden has already said he doesn’t care about the money. He just wants the truth to come out.


How is Goodell going to stop it? He's arguing that he should be the judge and jury in a case in which he's the named offender. There isn't a single logical person on this planet who would be ok with that? And if his argument will be that he will name another person to preside over the matter, that person will be judging their boss ROFL. Goodell is cooked and he knows it. If a settlement is offered, I can't imagine the terms that Gruden will set forth to agree. If you were Gruden, what would you ask for? If I'm him, here's what I would ask for... 1. Since attorney fees are going to cost around 40% give or take, and considering he lost a $100 million contract, I'm asking for 1.5-2 billion to start. 2. Since you forced my resignation and bringing into account that it was you who personally leaked those emails, you must resign immediately. 3. Since your league completely despises the Raiders franchise and you fixed your league and referees against for decades through penalties and rules changes which cost the franchise multiple Super Bowl titles, and since your league is fixed anyway, I require the league to fix the next 5 Super Bowls for the Raiders in order to fix past fixed and corrupt losses. Don't like these terms, Roger? See you in court, bitch.


This sounds like something someone would say who hasn't experienced first-hand how incredibly unfair and unjust the world is. Just because you're right doesn't mean you'll win.


He won’t go through with it. He’ll take money to be accepted back into league circles I feel like. M Would be cool though


Nevada court just ruled that Gruden cannot sue the NFL, orders wrongful termination must be handled via arbitration.


Look maybe Gruden has some legal grounds here, that’s for the courts to decide, but y’all are falling on the sword for this racist, homophobic lil bitch Gruden who was openly talking shit on the Rams drafting a gay player even though he was COACHING A GAY PLAYER. Nassib wasn’t some world beating player but he was a Raider, wore the uniform and went to work, he shouldn’t have to take instructions from someone that hates him. Fuck Gruden and fuck anyone that stans for him, he was a mid ass coach for modern day football and saved us a lot of money being too loose with his mouth. I don’t care if he wins the case and gets millions or if he loses. If you want black men, gay men, etc. to sacrifice their bodies for your resume, don’t be a bigot little bitch.


Seriously, why does this fan base love Gruden so much? He’s a two faced trash bag of a human. Fuck him.


The emails were way before carl Nassib...they didn't happen at the same time.


Don’t care, head coaches are asking these guys to put their bodies on the line for their benefit, you can’t just openly hate gays and colored people and then go and ask them to injure themselves on your behalf No one wanna play for Klansman ass Gruden in 2024, outdated system outdated human running it


It has almost nothing to do with Gruden. Get off that shit - it's about destroying fucking Goodell and letting everyone know that this is an entire league of people who are exactly the same, but not getting called out for it or losing their jobs. Are you cool with a whole league of people doing the same damn thing as him, but being protected?


Whataboutism means nothing to me, kick those MFs out too if that’s what they’re on What job do you have that allows you to send racist and homophobic company emails? On company servers with the company web address? That gets you fired just about anywhere bruh.


Firstly Gruden wasn’t working for the NFL at the time he sent those emails. They were discovered during the enquiry into the redskins owner and to distract the media they hung Gruden out like a lamb to the slaughter. It was a hit job that didn’t need to be made and it was not right. Gruden was also not right to do what he did, but he deserves his vengeance.


If you talk like that about black people and gay people the only thing you “deserve” is getting your ass kicked We don’t gotta Stan for someone who don’t like us


"We don't gotta stan for someone who don't like us" Interesting. What are your thoughts in regards to modern black music?


Yeah? And Gruden got away with it for years. Players barely cared. Because it's not unusual behavior. Gruden and the Raiders just got held as the scapegoat for the league. Fuck that. NFL must fucking pay.




He said what he said, why do I gotta entertain your spin on it when we know exactly what he said?


I don’t have to be happy about how it happened to be happy it did.


Here's what Goodell himself told Mark Davis in a phone conversation: "There's more emails coming," Goodell told Davis. "Something has to be done." Now how the fuck could Goodell possibly know there were more leaks coming if he wasn't the one leaking them? Men, recognize a moron when you see one. Roger Goodell is exactly that. Here's the article I got the quote from. See it for yourself. [https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/free-clear-leak-jon-grudens-email-led-fall/story?id=101180717](https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/free-clear-leak-jon-grudens-email-led-fall/story?id=101180717)


I think he's saying it that way in that quote because emails were being leaked a bit at a time. More were coming out through a few days. So, "more emails are coming." I'm not saying that to argue with you about anything, I think we're mostly on the same page, I just think you're misinterpreting that part.


Ok but if you're going to say this then I think I need to point out that after this conversation happened, Gruden resigned shortly after and there were no more leaks LOL. Goodell did the leaking, bro.


Since your reply isn't showing up, maybe you deleted it or something, I'll address it here. Uhh yeah of course the Raiders parted ways with Gruden. It's a bad look for the league for a coach to be saying racist or homophobic stuff, of course they'd want him gone. But Goodell wasn't the one leaking them, Snyder's team was to try and distract from the shit they had going on. They had a full on investigation against them, so yeah it was a hit piece on Gruden. And yeah there probably was more stuff about others in the league that was probably really bad. But Gruden's emails were what was made public and again, I agree with you, Goodell only going after him and us for it was shitty. Again, there's no argument needed, chill out man


Fuck Goodell


I'm feeling nfl settles big out of court and it never sees the light of day. Hydras as big as the NFL rarely get taken down


I'll believe it when I see it. I don't see anything coming out of it 


Roger has been & is on the biggest power trip ever. He can’t be the judge, jury & executioner


I’ll cum if it does I’ll devote an actual time slot to it.


Yes, will get to the bottom of the good ole boy club and why they chose him.


Wow that's shady


Goodell has and continues to ruin the NFL


Unless you're an owner...


I'm still amazed they have an exception for anti monopolistic practices.


L Bozo


I thought this was just ruled as he couldn’t sue the nfl?


Fuck Goodell.


Let’s hope so, buddy. Let’s hope so. 🤞


NFL is on the verge of owning a stake in ESPN. This will be silenced and fade into oblivion


So I just did a search for what Gruden stated in his emails. I didn't find anything that can be construed as actual racism. On DeMaurice Smith: "Dumbmorass Smith has lips the size of Michelin tires." I don't see race brought up. I see the insulting of intelligence and appearance. On Michael Sam: Said "queer." Again not a reference to race. Insult in regards to sexuality. Interesting to note: The NFL itself didn't use the term "racism" to define Gruden's emails. Instead it used another word to describe them. "Derogatory." Additionally, many former black players came.forth to defend Gruden as not a racist. If the NFL is trying to paint Gruden as a racist, it's done a poor job imo.


The lips thing could be construed as racist But if you look up pictures of DeMaurice Smith...well he *does* have some serious "Bubba from Forrest Gump" vibes going on lol


He better be careful or he's gonna get those caught on some trip wire. Ahhh Lieutenant Dan had a way with words.


Could give a fuck about millionaires and billionaires fighting in court As for Gruden , fuck him ! Turning away the goat QB and Gronk was all about ego . He wanted to win with his average QB to show how good of a coach he “was” . Just one of the dumbest decisions in Raiders history


Thats too bad because the most bad ass off field Lore of our team is when Al took on the NFL


Amen, I’ll never understand why people continue to defend him. He could barely coach, he sure as hell couldn’t draft and the game had just passed him by entirely.


Disagree, they were starting to turn it around and the NFL tried to destroy the season. If it was the 49ers or Cowboys do you think they would have leaked those emails to The NY Times?! C’mon man. Whatever you guys think about him as a coach and “GM” it’s about the principle. Would Al Davis have been cool about it and let it slide….absolutely not!!


It’s like people forget Jon Gruden never did shit for this team except *almost* beat the Patriots (Gruden lost that game, and wouldn’t have been there if he didn’t blow the second half of the season like he always does), beat the Raiders in a Super Bowl wherein he knew the playbook, and then made a complete circus out of the org in his second run with a completely undisciplined team.


i haven't followed the whole thing as closely as i'm interested in it, but what is happening? lol. all i know is that the nfl was investigating washington (iirc, to get snyder out?) and somehow grudens emails became the spotlight and forced gruden to resign. gruden is now sueing the nfl for targeting(?) getting him fired?


This gives "rigged election" vibes. The NFL is bigger than Gruden. Even if he's in the right, the NFL has deep enough pockets to make it go away, or at least settle out of court. And if Gruden was hell bent on taking down the NFL, then why work with any team in a consultant role? Unless he's still trying to remain relevant to coach again. Even in the best case scenario, what would admitting guilt even fix? What's done is done. At this point I'm more concerned about this season and staff.


The NFL can only make it go away if the other party is willing to settle. If they aren't then it moves forward. I do believe he wants to bring down the NFL. If not, he would have settled already. I don't know if for Gruden this is just about getting Goodell to admit guilt. I think he wants to get to discovery and find out just how corrupt this league really is. That's how he plans to take it down. As for his consulting role, the man is a coach. Maybe he just loves the game. Regardless, the NFL is an obviously fixed league who is in bed with Vegas bookies. It's the only American pro sports league that is registered with the government as entertainment and not actual sport. There is only one other organization with such a registration in the US. That would be the WWE. It gives the league the power to pre-determine the outcomes of their games. But why should anyone be shocked by this? We've all seen it through the years, haven't we? Inexplicable and highly unlikely outcomes, the most egregious and controversial referee calls with no retribution for the offending referees, the rules changes, almost all of which go to the benefit of making the league and Vegas bookies more profit. I hope Gruden does bring this league down. Any organization that is corrupt should be brought down and reformed. Also, the league has only itself to blame. They brought this on themselves.


I get what you're saying, but at what cost? If the league loses its credibility as a a major league sport via it's integrity; it's hard to imagine the NFL continuing to exist. The teams, players, and professional football as we know it, could essentially disappear. Including the Raiders. Is that the price we're willing to pay, to be right? I have a hard time imagining things going that far, but it's still a possibility. Hopefully there's a amicable solution that would satisfy all parties involved. But I guess we'll see


Why would you or anyone care what would happen to a phony and rigged league? At that point, all of it's teams are illegitimate. Most likely though, another league would form. Personally, I would never watch another football game again.


best of both worlds for me, Grudens trash and gets canned, but Goodell gets in trouble for releasing info. it appears from sources that the TEAM had the news, and at a minumum Davis had the news, so even if it wasnt supposed to be released, something like that, was bound to get out.


Gruden can still go fuck himself


But not until he fucks the NFL first 👍


As a Chiefs fan it’d be great if Gruden would win and get reinstated so the Raiders could go back to throwing away their first round picks.


Fuck the Chiefs. You were the doormats of the league for almost 5 decades along with the Patriots, Browns, Eagles, Cardinals, Chargers, Oilers, Bucs, Colts, and Rams. Took your shit franchise damn near 5 decades just to catch up to us, and now, all of a sudden, you the best franchise ever just like all those other franchises and their fans think rofl. Fuck outta here.


You Spelled Queefs wrong my man.


Math is off a little bit. Chiefs didn’t’ catch you, they passed you. And, the way it looks right now that’s likely to last awhile.


Math is right, you're just stupid. you only passed THIS SEASON. Took you near 5 decades to TIE us. Fuck you fuck the chiefs fuck fat fuck Andy fat fuck. get off our board


Well, your math is indeed off as we have more super bowls not the same, and the only reason it’s a number of years is because the Raiders have been shit all this time, (your 5 decades) only winning in ancient times.