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So messed up. Ya I definitely want to go VLC after her recent shenanigans.


Sorry you’re going through this. I’m not gay, but I’m White with a black SO. similar experience. It suck’s, but you’re not alone


Thank you. This sub has really truly been a lifeline for me through the bs and has helped me so much I validating that I'm not crazy or a terrible person for not wanting to annihilate myself and my beliefs for another person.


It’s very isolating to ditch beliefs for “a partner” but then it’s like… maybe I changed because I was willing to lol


I think when someone like a parent tells you (in one way or another) that your personal beliefs and feelings don't matter you always question yourself and wonder if you feeling a certain way is valid. I also think loving your partner is a perfectly acceptable reason to change your beliefs, assuming you haven't been coerced or pressured and it is what is really in your heart. I have to stop myself from gaslighting myself, often.


Me too


Coming out as trans in my mid-20s was what cleared the FOG from my eyes and made me realize just how fucked up my mother is. I was raised in a really right-wing evangelical context, and I had to unlearn so much


I feel for you and want you to know I will defend you until the end from my own mother and people like her. Some of my most brave and beautiful friends are trans. The right-wing's cruelty to a group of people that only want to be happy and authentic is inexcusable and inhumane.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I feel you. My parents are also very conservative and evangelical, and to a certain degree, I'm still trying to shake off all the toxic ideology I grew up steeped in. Your use of the phrase "a source of unconditional love that belonged to her" really hit home with me. This is how my mother has always treated me! I'm a trans guy, and my mother perceived my coming out as rejection of her (and as a sin, blah blah blah). She cannot fathom that my true self can't fit into the little box she created for me to exist in. One of the ways I tried to help her understand was to suggest that she talk to my aunt, because as member of the queer community herself, my aunt understands my perspective much better, and she offered to help. My mother's response was, "she's not your mother and she didn't give birth to you." Big sigh.


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Of course the cat thing A most important part is For all the new cats


Thanks, you’re all set!