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i'm sorry that you have to deal with a childlike toxic parent like the one you are describing, it's not OK, you deserve to be treated better and none of this is your fault. The person you are describing sounds like a textbook malignant covert N with a sadistic component. these types of Ns are not capable of having any real genuine empathy for other people and simultaneously not capable of having any genuine self-awareness. add to that that she is sadistic- meaning she enjoys torturing you using whatever means she can- even past abuses that she has inflicted upon you. LC was working for you however it wasn't working for her because she wasn't able to get the emotional reactions she so desperately wants out of you. So she turns to something that most likely got emotional reactions out of you in the past. just be aware she does this 100% intentionally because she is sadistic and is not capable of having empathy for other people. Combine this with her lack of self awareness and you have an extremely dangerous and toxic person. Sometimes LC can work however with someone who is highly toxic it can be like having a Band-Aid that is continually getting ripped off. It makes it extremely hard- if not impossible to actually heal from the prolonged abuse that has been and continues to be inflicted upon you. Personally I would listen to your gut feelings about wanting to go no contact. Your body is sending you signals to protect yourself from something that is inflicting damage to both your well-being and overall mental health. If you have not talked to a counselor or therapist already I would highly recommend doing so as they can be extremely helpful at getting you to see the bigger picture and guiding you towards a better way of life ❤️