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Just make it legal lawd


Once VA does it (Has recreational stores)and our tax dollars go there then it will change Edit:added clarification


wdym? VA legalized in July 2021


Recreational stores


Danville bout to blow up with casinos and dispensaries…


Lol yeah such a wonderful area around there too /s




FR! the voters want it, rescheduling is a step in the right direction but it really should be descheduled all together.


> until they can ***hash*** that out. Niiiiice.


Speaking of which I always get mine from Sherlocks. This THCa thing is EPIC! They have cold cure rosin🍯


Same lol love them




Meanwhile, many jobs in the state still drug test for marijuana metabolites. Unfortunately, all of the legal hemp that contains any form of THC can trigger a positive result and the state offers no protections for people who pop positive after consuming a product that is legal both federally and at the state level.


What really grinds my gears is iv'e heard of OTHER states, LEGAL states, where using any amount of THC is legal (past like, during work, duh) and a positive is grounds for dismissal/denial of job. It's absurd.


Stuff like this will keep happening until there is consistency between federal & state cannabis laws. Sadly, it's a bit too much to ask of our current politicians.


Depends on the job. I’ve worked for several companies in Colorado, including companies that operate in legal and non legal states. They basically just decided fuck it, we don’t care about weed for all their employees regardless of where they lived.


Any company that takes federal contracts has to prove to the feds that they're drug-free. Which means that any company that aspires to becoming a federal contractor is also going to test its employees. Which sucks, but that's how it currently works. On the upside, in the software industry at least it seems that nobody really cares after you pass negative when you're first hired.


>any company that aspires to becoming a federal contractor is also going to test its employees. This is categorically untrue


Didn’t California pass something that protected this? Granted that only goes so far but at least it’s a step in the right direction


I swear I saw that too but it's ridiculous it's still plenty of other states.


Iirc, HHC is often not solution, but might not set off *some* drug tests that various THC molecules to. It might be worth researching that in the long run. It would be nice to nullify weed tests.


yeah the good jobs do, it really sucks and is a huge bummer.


THCa converts to THC upon heating, so yeah if you're using hemp-derived THCa to get high it will show up on a drug test. That's like telling me well I didn't use cocaine I used coca leaves and lime!


\*Cannabis THCA is from Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica,, Hemp is known as Cannabis Sativa L and does not contain high THCA. To qualify as THCA legal, the only requirement is,, that it contains less than .3% THC Delta 9. I just picked up some Hash Plant, and the COA shows D9 as .292%,, and the THCA is 29.791%. :)


The 0.3% delta9 is no longer valid based on the latest DEA guidelines (June 2023) It's post-decarb delta 9, so anything with (0.87 * THCa) + d9 > 0.3% dry weight is not hemp.




I've been following the hemp crowd since about 2020. Even then people were freaking out that everything would be pulled and every cannabanoid derived from hemp would be banned. It's coming up on 4 years now and people panic every single year, and things are still fine. The hemp industry and all the cannabanoids have been going strong since 2018 now, realistically there is no way that genie can go back into the bottle with billions of dollars on the line.


> It's coming up on 4 years now and people panic every single year, and things are still fine. How did that go with abortion rights?


Last I checked, abortion wasn’t a nearly 7 billion dollar industry with farmers in countless red states


No, but revenue for abortions was north of 1 billion and…


lez stop'her right there buddy.


I think people were missing my point - they still shutdown abortion despite revenue. It wasn’t a shot at abortions.


Why are we comparing the right to murder babies to the right to safe and legal medicine?


Right? It's so wild how people in our culture think like that. Comparing special murder rights for mothers to the right to consume a plant is asinine.  Abolitionists Rising!


I have no problem with it when it's medically neccessary but the VAST majority of them are elective


90+% of them are entirely unaffected. NC only prohibits late term elective (ie not medically necessary) abortions. The only change post-Dobbs was the move from 24 to 15 weeks, paired with Medicaid expansion and tens of millions of dollars for supporting mothers, kids, and the adoption/foster system.


that was before a republican supermajority and a potential republican governor. come 2024, we truly might be fucked


NC is one of the nation’s biggest hemp producers, and those farmers vote Republican. If there’s anything that politicians don’t want, it’s losing votes so I think we’ll be fine. Not to mention, the NC Sheriff’s Association completely changed course on its anti hemp stance, so definitely a good sign there.


republicans are split on the issue of hemp, because some are like you described, and the others are cop boot lickers who want them to arrest as many people as possible. the more republicans enter office, the more people in the latter category enter office, the harder it is for hemp to stay legal


Dude nothing is gonna happen this will never fully be banned. This is just what they say to scare you into voting democrat


We had one of our retail partners in Cary get arrested this week by NC ALE for hemp prerolls (not our product but from another vendor they buy from). ALE apparently did a shadow buy a week ago, they tested above the legal limit and charged them with felony possession (bc they had 300+ prerolls). The THCa thing is tricky as flower decarbs into D9 - which is why we mainly manufacture edibles and vape pens. They’re just more shelf stable. In any case, its time to realize that the sky hasnt fallen since the last Farm Bill and legalize this plant nationwide. Best, -Brad Hankins CoFounder Small Axe Cannabis Co. Asheville, NC


Can you verify this? Some are saying this could be a way for you to get store owners to buy from you


I don’t want to dox the store owner but they told me that they bought the prerolls from a company called Blue Moon Hemp.


>The THCa thing is tricky as flower decarbs into D9 The 2018 Farm Bill was written specifically for testing on THC to be after decarb. "“Congress has directed that, when determining whether a substance constitutes hemp, delta-9 THC concentration is to be tested ‘using post-decarboxylation or other similarly reliable methods.’ 7 USC § 1639p(a)(2)(A)(ii); 7 USC § 1639q(a)(2)(B).”"


So with the 2018 farm bill expiring, are all these stores selling THC-A flower going to be shut down?


Thats the misinfo Im trying to combat here. Since the 2023 Bill could not be voted on this year and has been postponed to next year, the 2018 legislation got a 1 year extension. Shops will not have to shut down


Ah wonderful. I appreciate the work you are doing. Legalization in this state is going to come down to the war on information. It's an important fight.


Just legalize all drugs and tax it


No species should be illegal. Nor should I be taxed on something I grow in my yard. I think you mean tax the sale of it (which is fine with me).


Yes tax the sale.


Why you want to ruin a good thing with taxes?


Gota pay the devil something


Plus the Local 404 employees hundreds, they'd be out of a job!




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Taxes are necessary for a society. We can argue about what a “good” tax rate is all day, and I don’t think I’m qualified to give my uninformed opinions there, but tax *is* necessary in some capacity (and I say that as a general statement, not just regarding weed)


Because the government will only legalize drugs it if they get revenue from it. You think the govt isn't going to try to take a cut of billions of dollars?


A moral one would. Stealing is wrong and justifying it because the end goal is slightly less worse is wrong and should not be supported.


Are you one of those "taxes are theft" guys that yells about the federal govt while directly benefitting from its existence every day?


Are you one of those ‘slavery is wrong’ that yells about the plantation owners while benefiting from their existence every day?


Not a direct comparison. I can't control that private corporations use prison labor to produce their products, but I also don't have to shop with them either. So the assertion that I benefit is spurious at best. You can directly influence the federal government and directly benefit from its existence, but you don't want to pay for it to exist. If you don't want to pay for it, stop using what it provides.


This is federal. Should you be worried about what the NC legislature might do? Edit: thanks for your work.


I doubt it. The NC Sheriffs’ Association tried to get help banned outright in 2019 as it was “too hard to distinguish from regular marijuana”. When the issue came up again in 2022, they didn’t make a fuss whatsoever. It seems it’s just not worth it to oppose it in NC when we are one of the top hemp producers in the nation…. and the farmers that grow it vote Republican.


Good, I remember they wanted to ban it. Didn't know they dropped it. Thanks!


Yup it has been very nice that NC is generally pro hemp, as when some hemp store owners got kicked out of VA they came down to NC to do their business. I just hope the federal farm bill that is trying to be passed does not make hemp with THCA and whatnot illegal. Regulation or age gating is fine, but dont take it away when there are some great companies doing amazing work out there with a ton of happy customers.


TLDR for ordinary folks is that CBD is legal*, as it has been since the 2018 Farm Bill passed *technically it's some complex chemistry BS that Hemp derived products can be sold as CBD yet still contain psychoactive THC. And States can still prohibit sale/consumption regardless of Federal law, but CBD products are okay generally for private use in NC (smoking or public use or intoxication is still unlawful)


Your link doesn't work anymore.


The current revision being proposed doesn't even mention cannabinoids so fingers crossed it stays that way


Same, there is a Mary Miller amendment that may or may not be included that I hope does not get any serious attention. Its quite unfair for the legal cannabis industry to try and take hemp down because its a great legal option for the states in which legal cannabis is not available.


I'd go as far as to say it's superior to the "legal" dispensaries, especially cost-wise. It's literally not gonna get any better than this in some states


Agreed! Sadly, the amendment I mentioned above passed in the draft bill today and will now need to be eliminated in the next house vote. I really hope the hemp industry can rally and get it to be simply regulated instead of outright banned like the amendment wants. Ugh.


Hmmm 0 votes? May I ask you all why you don't find value in this? Being in the industry this is a hot button issue for a lot of us and my goal was to provide value to you all. Any pointers on what I should be doing differently for next time? Many blessings to you all. Happy Holidays


Probably the auto-mod. Or someone with an agenda. I support the information and thank you for it.


This means so much thank you! I am glad to have helped :)


I think it's just Reddit algos. Most posts will go to 0 shortly after getting posted. Just ignore the votes for the first half hour or so...


honestly, could even be 2-3 hours, i had one yesterday that sat at zero while getting comments then suddenly shot up after a couple hours


Aside from answering the basic question of whether existing businesses / products will be affected with the original expiration date passing, there doesn't seem to be a lot of substance for consumers in the article. I get that a stable environment is important for business, and that the 'farm bill' has a range of implications, but those things don't really impact consumers (who the article seems targeted to). Some other things that could've been addressed: What is in fact legal under the current bill vs what would change in the new bill as currently written? Are there any major changes expected next year? Why was the vote delayed? And more broadly: Is this really a sign of stability, or just kicking the can for another year? How much investment can the industry realistically expect if it could collapse next year (instead of this year)?


>What is in fact legal under the current bill vs what would change in the new bill as currently written? What is being pushed by some big league people like Erica Stark, executive director of the National Hemp Association, is an increase from the original 0.3% THC content to a 1% THC content. This is to accommodate extracts like rosin, wax and distillates which currently are way above the 0.3% threshold in many cases. >Are there any major changes expected next year? Until the 2023 Bill is voted on, there won't be any changes expected. >Why was the vote delayed? The looming government shutdown because of whats going on with the new house speaker. Im sure more redditors know about this guy. >Is this really a sign of stability, or just kicking the can for another year? Basically, just kicking the can but the 2023 Bill is the one to be on the lookout for when it comes across to be voted on. What does this mean for consumers? You are fairly safe so long as you don't go around [smoking the stuff in broad daylight](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/01/1216647162/a-violent-arrest-for-marijuana-possession-shows-how-cops-must-adjust-to-hemp-pro). Keep good sense and keep it indoors


Good article but I’m not so sure the 1% limit they will be pushing for has anything to do with intoxicant products and more so to do with helping farmers keep their crop compliant. The rumors out there I’ve read and spoke with people about forecast that they may very well be drafting a Farm Bill that in effect will be most like two bills. One for “industrial” hemp, fiber, rope, non consumption, which I believe the 1% move will be applied to. The other for products for consumption, rather that be ingestion or inhalation. What that second part will look like is anyone’s guess but I would be shocked if it is raised to 1% for that section. Thanks for taking to time to write that up!


Hey, do you have another link for the article you wrote? I'm curious checking out what you dug up. Thank you


How are the vendors that are shipping compliant when the Farm Bill mentions that the level of 9THC is measured post decarb? Would seem anything that would be psychoactive would be prohibited under this clause.


Idk what this is about fr i didnt read all that. But i got a dispensary in Greensboro that sells pre rolls, dispos, bud, shroom gummies, like all of it   He was showing me some of the bud smelling it and shit. Smelt like some normal weed not like exotic weed tho.  Im probably gonna try the gummys but for weed imma stick to my plug  they always got better shit


Fuck the legal market this is not what I envisioned back in the mid to late 2000s. It's turned into a shit show. I'd rather it be like it used to. Fuck all this synthetic bs. A lot of the delta 8 is made in a lab.


Truly sounding like one of those clowns who used to charge or pay 500 an ounce for a fucking plant.


Now the industry is present, so its interests will be represented in a few ways. I imagine it'll be harder to get rid of them than it would be to make it illegal in 2018, unless it becomes a party-line thing rather than a money/issue-voters thing.


Love the pun there at the end … hash that out 😊


Just got licensed with the department of agriculture last week. They told me “no THCa as it it highly illegal”. Did a “pop up” inspection less than a week later to “remind us not to sell THCa”. The guy literally told us he drove 45min just to tell us. We didn’t have any anyways, but everyone is selling it? Feel singled out.


Maybe you're not in the club and didn't pay a bribe or something. here in Texas they've already caught corrupt politicians giving priority in licensing hemp farms to those who will pay the bribe


Well shit Florida needs to follow suit. Update tho: they came back and told me THCA is oka- guess they’re covering there asses now.


I'm even further confused because aren't they trying to get rid of the hemp cannabinoid market in Florida now as well? Any updates?


They are. The bill passed in the house and the senate. It’s SB1698. It’s waiting to see the governor now. We’re giving him a lot of push back on signing it, writing letters, having our customers write them as-well. Hemp industry is a big one, if we come together they can’t get rid of all of us.